Complicated lines and pipes are interconnected and staggered among the large metal structures, forming a twisted and weird vertical space. In this space, the sound of the siren echoes wantonly with the red lights illuminating the walls.

This is the interior of a submarine. Because the submarine is leaking, the whole submarine is in a strange vertical state under the deep sea. At this moment, it is still sinking. Once it sinks 2500 feet into the deep sea, it will be completely destroyed. An explosion occurred in the sea, turning all living beings in the submarine into dust.

Suddenly, a hook shot out from below and hit the metal structure on the upper wall. Then, a woman followed the hook and went up rapidly. Before the deliberation was about to hit the metal wall in front of her, she quickly reached out. Shot, grabbed the gully on the wall with a muffled groan,

The woman has soft black hair, and has obvious Asian features on her face. On her fair neck, there is also a golden cross pendant. It seems that because of a hard battle, her face is stained. Faint scorching marks, but in contrast, it is the irresistible calmness, elegance and calmness in the beautiful face. Her upper body is wearing a red top, and her white hands are wrapped in black gloves. Under her body, The two slender legs were wrapped in black leather pants, and then inserted straight into the black high-heeled boots.

The woman's name was Ada Wang, and she was a spy by profession. As for why she appeared in a submarine that was about to sink and explode?This is a bit of a long story.

Ada Wang came here to track down a man named Derek C. Simmons.

Derek C. Simmons, the national security adviser of country A, had a fairly pleasant cooperative relationship with Ada Wang, which lasted until the Raccoon City incident in 1998.

In the dual-track plan in October 1998, a tactical nuclear bomb directly reduced Raccoon City, the zombies, BOW, and the lingering survivors to ashes, and the person behind the implementation of the dual-track plan was precisely Simmons!

Ada Wang's face is always covered with elegance and calmness, but underneath it is a heart that has become hot because of a certain man in fate. The Raccoon City incident directly led to Ada Wang and Simon Sri Lanka's break.

Since then, although Ada has occasionally accepted commissions from Simmons, after all, Simmons' commissions have always been well-paid, but most of the time, Ada chooses to hide from this terrifying man.

Until one day, Ada received a message. From the message, Ada learned that Simmons had caught her.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Ada sneaked into Simmons' mansion, trying to destroy Simmons' information about himself, but obviously, Simmons had already expected Ada's visit. Instead of trying to catch Ada, he gave Ada A coordinate was sent, and this coordinate is exactly the coordinate of this submarine!

Although she said that she was not interested in Simmons' tricks, Ada still sneaked into the submarine. After all, whether she is a first-class spy or a first-class woman, she must maintain a sense of mystery, and she will not allow others to casually Take hold of your own lifeline.

After sneaking into the submarine, Ada was surprised to find that there were some kind of weird BOW everywhere in the submarine. They were wearing tight-fitting black combat uniforms with metallic texture and huge black helmets like the heads of flies. A weird metal cage is used to cover the weird muscle tissue growing from under the helmet. They are extremely intelligent, understand tactics, can use firearms, and also have a certain ability to rapidly grow and mutate the injured site.

Ada had heard a little about this kind of BOW. Half a year ago, a similar BOW seemed to have appeared on the battlefield of the civil war in Itonia.

Lurking all the way, avoiding those monsters, and eliminating those that cannot be avoided with the help of the weapon system in the submarine. After all the way without any danger, Ada finally found what Simmons wanted her to see, which was A piece of audio, the audio content seems to be a commission closely related to the Itonia Civil War. In the commission, Simmons ordered Ida to enter the Itonia battlefield to capture a young mercenary named Jack Muller and the Agent Shirley Birkin sent by the government of Country A to protect Jack Mueller.

Ada couldn't help raising her eyebrows. She didn't remember that she had accepted such a commission half a year ago.

Smelling a hint of conspiracy, Ada Wang was about to leave the submarine, but not long after, an explosion occurred inside the submarine. This violent explosion caused a serious water leak, and the way to come was completely blocked. In desperation, Ada had to choose some special escape routes.

All the way through, Ada finally reached her goal. After starting the special authority program that Simmons customized for her using her fingerprints, a strange female voice suddenly sounded.

Ada faintly felt that the voice sounded a bit familiar, no, of course she did, after all Ada could hear that voice every day...

It was her own voice!

But this is not what surprised Ada the most. What surprised Ada the most was that the familiar voice kept putting shit on her head as soon as she opened her mouth, slandering her for secretly planning what happened in Yidong half a year ago. bioterrorist attacks on the battlefields of the Nigerian Civil War, and said she was trying to destroy the world.

Ada feels that although her world is terrible, there are still many things worth nostalgic for. She really can't figure out why she wants to destroy the world?

After listening to the babble of the voice, the authority was finally unlocked, opening a path for Ada. At this time, Ada had no intention of listening to the eighth woman using her own voice to hold her own shit, and the submarine was about to fail. Every second counted for her, so she fired the cordgun directly into the overhead passageway.

Holding onto the wall with both hands, Ada tucked the rope hook gun back to her waist, and at the same time climbed up her escape route step by step. Above her head, a metal pipe in front of her blocked her way. Shocked, took a deep breath, then propped up his body with one hand, and ran up the vertical wall suddenly, the soles of the high-heeled boots hit the wall, making a rushing sound, and Ada flew in the air with the sound Turning around suddenly, with her head down, she used the insteps of her feet to hook the pipe, and then, her legs suddenly exerted force, causing her body to fly again, and at the same time, she grasped the metal pipe with both hands like a horizontal bar .

Hanging her body in the air, Ada stuck out her tongue. She swayed her body like a swing as hard as she could while quickly changing hands, grabbing the pipe and turning around. At the moment of turning around, she suddenly stretched out her hand, and her body relied on inertia Soaring into the air, with his arms protecting his chest, his black hair fluttering in the air, King Ida spun in the air like an acrobat, and then landed firmly on one knee on a metal platform.

After the strenuous exercise, Ada was panting slightly. While resting, she turned her eyes and focused on the keyboard next to the platform. She stretched out her hand. She was just about to operate the keyboard when the phone rang in her pocket. .

Reaching into his pocket, he took out a small transparent glass cube, and then shook it lightly. With a crisp sound, a handsome middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, but with dark eyes appeared in the in the small square.


National Security Adviser of Country A - Derek C. Simmons!

Seeing that the call was connected, the corners of Simmons' mouth curled up in a smug smile, and he said to Ada with a smile, "Any surprises?"

"A record from half a year ago." Ada said indifferently.

"Then this trip was not in vain..." Simmons said with a smile, crossing his fingers.

Looking at the disgusting face in the small cell phone, Ada was about to make some sarcasm, but suddenly, the platform shook for a while, and Ada's expression became serious. She raised her head quickly, only to see that the pipe above her head had started to leak.

"What's the matter?" Simmons asked with a smile, but Ada ignored him. I saw Ada put the small cube aside, and then began to concentrate on operating the keyboard in front of him. Seeing that he was placed, Simon Si's tone became a little displeased. He sneered and said, "You haven't figured it out yet? Let me explain. Tomorrow, country A will suffer a biochemical terrorist attack, and then it will be Lan Xiang's turn. All big cities will suffer the same fate, and the culprit is Ada Wang of Neo Umbrella."

Hearing what Simmons said, Ada turned her head to look at the smug man in the small square. She wanted to ridicule Simmons a few words, but after thinking about it, she forgot, so she turned her head and continued to operate the keyboard. After the final steps were completed, the curved wall beside her began to open little by little.

Picking up the small square phone on the ground, Ada didn't even bother to look at the man. She flicked the small square, hung up the phone, and said indifferently: "Simmons, if you think I will let you If you blame me, then you are totally wrong."

The submarine shook more violently, the water leak became more and more serious, and metal residues began to fall from above. Seeing that the curved metal wall was about to close, Ada immediately jumped in, and then, the chassis began to rise, lifting the All the walls are lifted up little by little like an elevator.

That thing is not a wall at all!It was a torpedo!

This is the escape route Ada Wang chose!She's going to launch herself in a torpedo!

The submarine began to collapse bit by bit, the launch chamber was filled with water, the propeller of the torpedo rotated rapidly, and then, the torpedo carrying Ida was ejected from the submarine violently under the huge power, and the next Seconds, accompanied by a burst of flames, the submarine that was left behind exploded with a bang, and metal debris was scattered and splashed with the surging tide.

Hiding in the dark and cramped torpedo, Ada Wang escaped without a trace of joy on her face, and her expression became complicated a little bit. After a while, she murmured in a low voice: "It's surprising that all of them were killed by that guy." Hit the spot...that's funny."


Second update, 3k+

Finally, the chapter on Death Madness has been sent out. To be honest, if the Queen’s pit was not filled in, I would have taken this volume as the final chapter.

Chapter 2. The night of the macho crossing the sea

Hidden in the small and cramped torpedo, Ada Wang tightened her arms and waited silently in the slight shaking. She did not breathe a sigh of relief until the whole torpedo shook violently with a loud noise.

Vaguely, there seemed to be some noise coming from outside the torpedo, and then, a spark suddenly illuminated the darkness in front of him, and accompanied by the piercing sound of metal being torn, a gap was torn out of the tightly sealed outer wall of the torpedo. , through the gap, Ada can vaguely see the starry sky dotted with faint light spots, and the indifferent red eyes.

"Good morning, Miss Tiriris." Looking at the silver-haired girl outside the gap, Ada smiled slightly.

The silver-haired girl hadn't replied yet, but her green fingers gripped the outer wall tighter. The next second, accompanied by another harsh sound, the metal shell of the torpedo was completely torn apart. Suddenly, a refreshing sea breeze Ada, whose clothes were drenched after being poured into the fish, couldn't help but frowned slightly.

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