The geographical location of Lanxiang City is very special. It is too close to the Tianchao Continent. If you act rashly here, you may not only not be able to find what you want, but also attract some very troublesome guys.

Not worth the candle.

Giving up on her whim, Bai Muqing lightly tapped Rita's head with her fingers, and whispered to Rita, "Stop pressing me, Rita."

"Okay, Miss Bai..." Rita smiled sweetly, and sat up on the soft bed, and Bai Muqing also got up. She stretched her shoulders, and then asked Kanan: "Today's day outside , did you see anything else to watch out for?"

"Need to pay attention..." Taking two steps forward, turning around and sitting on the bed, Kanan crossed his legs and thought for a while, then said to Bai Muqing: "Helicopters fly frequently above the Kunlun Building, so we need to pay attention thing?"

"Of course..." Eyebrows lowered, Bai Muqing began to think. After experiencing a sweet and tragic failure, Bai Muqing would never let go of a single detail. Even so, she didn't have enough information to support her right now. All Bai Muqing's information about Neo Umbrella and his action plan comes from the report provided by Li Yexing for reference only.

I have to say that Li Yexing's report is really appalling. Compared with the report, it looks more like a novel. It is full of things about love and hatred. Instead, all the information that is really helpful to the next action is written off. , This gave Ms. Bai a headache.

"Forget it..." Unable to figure out why, Bai Muqing's expression became a little ugly. As Lan Xiang's action commander this time, Bai Muqing urgently needs to make a good answer to prove himself to Li Yexing value, but this assessment seems a bit harsh,

Pre-emptive?Or wait and see?How to find a foolproof optimal solution in the case of insufficient information?

Unknowingly, a trace of anxiety appeared on Bai Muqing's face.

"Miss Bai, what's the matter with you?" Called by a familiar voice, Bai Muqing was liberated from her restless thoughts. She turned her head and saw Rita watching her with concern, and Kanan beside her also He raised his eyebrows and said, "Xiaobai, your complexion is a bit ugly."

"It's nothing..." Frowning slightly, Bai Muqing shook her head and said.

Seeing Bai Muqing's appearance, Rita knew that Bai Muqing had started again.

Really, can't she carry on behind her husband the arrogance she had when facing her husband?

Rita still remembers the mission given to her by Miss Tirilith when she was leaving...

"Tell Xiaobai not to be so tense, as if he is being bullied and excluded by everyone."

Sighing slightly, an elegant smile appeared on Rita's face again, she gently lay on Bai Muqing's back, wrapped her arms around Bai Muqing's waist, while gently kissing the black lace collar on Bai Muqing's neck Said: "Since you have no idea, then don't think about it, let's go, let's go down for a stroll, it's rare to come to Lanxiang, I want to try the local supper."

"But we..." Bai Muqing wanted to say something more, but Kanan immediately understood, she pretended to be excited and said: "Supper?! That's great! I want to eat two more strings of fish balls, and this time I want With beer!"

So, under Bai Muqing's tangled eyes, the itinerary for tonight's trio of Li Yexing biochemical monster harem group girlfriends was finalized.


One more.

Chapter 7. Beyond the Macho, the Darkest Chess Player

In the elevator shrouded in white light, a blond white man in a black suit silently watched the blurred light and shadow reflected by the elevator door while waiting. He looked serious, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, the elevator arrived at the fifteenth floor underground. With a soft "ding", the elevator door slowly opened. Outside the elevator, a young man with a document in his hand smiled slightly when he saw the middle-aged man in the elevator. Startled, he immediately greeted him respectfully, "Hello, Senator Stewart."

Nodding kindly to the young man in front of him, the man called Councilor Stewart stepped into the dimly lit corridor in front of him. Along the way, passers-by greeted him respectfully. Nodding in response, there was no trace of the arrogance of a superior on his face, and he walked along the familiar path until he reached the door of a certain office. He was slightly startled, and saw a young woman with an Asian face standing at the door of that office. She looks pretty, but that face always looks a bit mean.

"Miss Qiandaoyuan..." Meeting the eyes of the woman, Councilor Stewart had a formulaic smile on his face, and he said softly, "Is Mr. Victor there?"

"Mr. Stewart, Mr. Victor is waiting for you in the private lounge..." The woman called Qiandaoyuan said with a blank expression as she bowed slightly to Mr. Stewart, "Please let me take you to find him."

Councilor Stewart nodded, so Qiandaoyuan turned around and walked deeper into the corridor. Not long after, they stopped in front of a carefully carved wooden door. Qiandaoyuan bowed slightly again, and she lightly He knocked lightly on the wooden door in front of him, and then said in a low voice, "Mr. Victor, Mr. Stewart is here."

"Let him in." Immediately, a magnetic voice came from the other side of the door.

After receiving the reply from the person in the room, Qiandaoyuan stood by the door, then bowed to Councilor Stewart: "Mr. Victor, please come in."

"Thank you, Miss Qiandaoyuan..." Nodding to the woman in front of him, Councilor Stewart took a deep breath, then slowly pushed open the wooden door in front of him, and walked in with gentle steps. , the eyes are filled with light, and I can see the fragrance of birds and flowers around me, the sun and the sky are sprinkled, shining on the green grass, I can see a few cute little white flowers swaying with the breeze, among the grass , stood a rather European-style pavilion, and in the pavilion, a handsome gray-haired middle-aged man in a white suit was silently watching the chessboard on the stone table in front of him.

Seeing the man in front of him, Senator Stewart showed a trace of restraint on his brows. After all, this handsome man has supreme rights in the organization...

Feotian Victor, the real power controller of the organization, overriding the absolute will of the joint committee, the uncrowned king of Black Umbrella.

"You're here, Stuart..." Turning his head, looking at the somewhat reserved middle-aged man standing at the door, Victor's eyes showed a hint of joy, he stretched out his finger and pointed to the opposite side of him, and then smiled at Councilor Stuart Said: "You came just in time, come and play chess with me."

"Mr. Victor, your chess skills are really superb. Playing chess with someone like me is meaningless to you." Councilor Stewart frowned slightly and whispered to the man in front of him.

"Don't say that, what a disappointment..." Faced with the sunlight above his head, Victor smiled, and then said to Councilor Stewart: "Come on, let's play the next round first."

"With all due respect, Mr. Victor, now is not the time to play chess. Mr. Simmons just passed the joint committee's proposal. He..." Senator Stewart wanted to say something more, but the man sitting at the stone table With a stubborn smile, he said, "No rush, Stuart, play chess first."

Looking at Victor's rippling smiling face, Stuart only felt chills all over his body.

"Okay, Mr. Victor, if you insist..." In the end, Councilor Stewart compromised, and he sat opposite Victor helplessly, his eyes resting on the black chess pieces in front of him, and then turned to Victor. He said respectfully: "Please."

Victor smiled complacently, and then began to move the chess pieces, while Mr. Stewart bit the bullet and followed Victor's pace. In this way, a long chessboard fight began. , Councilor Stewart finally lost to Victor with a slight disadvantage.

"Ah, I won! Stuart, are you really underwhelmed..." Stretching his waist, Victor had a happy smile on his face, while Councilor Stuart, who was sitting opposite him, rolled his eyes slightly. Twitching, he knew very well that if it wasn't for his own release and the opponent's repentance, he could end this meaningless waste of time in just a few minutes.

Just when Congressman Stuart was complaining in his heart, Victor's mouth suddenly curled into a strange arc, and he tilted his head slightly and said to Congressman Stuart: "I know what you are thinking, Stuart, do you think the reason why I can win The next move is because you let the water go, because I regretted the move, right?"

Even though he couldn't figure out what the man in front of him was thinking, Mr. Stewart knew very well that it would only appear hypocritical to say polite words at this time, so he nodded and said, "That's right, Mr. Victor, I think so."

"Don't worry, Stuart, I won't blame you for telling the truth. Your chess skills are indeed higher than mine. This is an indisputable fact..." Nodding to Councilor Stuart, Victor smiled and said in a low voice: "However, it is inevitable that you will lose to me."

"Why?" Senator Stuart asked subconsciously.

"Because you dare not beat me..." The smile on his face became brighter, Victor straightened his gray hair, and then smiled at Stuart: "Because you dare not beat me, so you will definitely Let the water go, if I show weakness again, you will allow me to repent, as a chess player in this game, I have the ability to repent, but you don't, so it is impossible for you to beat me."

"You're right, Mr. Victor, I really don't dare to beat you..." Councilor Stewart admitted generously, and then he continued: "I just don't understand, this kind of game that doesn't depend on chess skills , What is the meaning of a chess game that has been doomed since the beginning?"

"Of course it makes sense... No, maybe it really doesn't make sense..." Crossing his legs under the stone table, Victor said with a low smile: "The game is all about fairness, and the art of chess is based on this kind of fair competition." Skills honed, but victory is always based on results. How can there be fairness in the process of winning? As a chess player, chess skills may not be the most important thing. What is important is that you have How many chips? Can you influence the opponent's chess player through means outside the chessboard? Even, do you have the ability to overturn the chessboard?"

Tapping the stone table lightly with his finger, Victor smiled and said, "Many people think they can figure out my rules, but in fact, we are not playing the same game."

Is he... hinting at something?

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