Accompanied by the gunshots, the zombies fell to the ground one by one. Their bodies began to ignite with little flames, and then ignited spontaneously in the air, completely burned. Benford, who was following the man in black, stared silently in front of him. He frowned and exclaimed in surprise: "They can set themselves on fire after death?! These guys have the same characteristics as the BOW that appeared during the Civil War in Itonia half a year ago!"

"This is beyond my expectation. It seems to be a little different from what I know..." The man in black frowned and said, "But there is nothing surprising, after all, it is caused by the same virus. The monster that came out..."

In the impression of the man in black, the corpse of a zombie shouldn't just spontaneously combust.

"The same virus? Are you sure?" Benford asked anxiously after hearing what the man in black said.

"Of course, I'm [-]% sure that this is the same virus..." The man in black, who had emptied the bullet, tore a magazine from the body armor, and at the same time directly shouldered a magazine under Benford's nervous eyes. The head-on zombie knocked over to the ground, and then stepped on the head of the zombie fiercely. While changing the magazine, he said: "The virus that appeared in this biochemical terrorist attack is called the C virus. This virus cannot be transmitted through bites, and cannot be exposed to the air for a long time, but once it enters the body through the respiratory tract, it will turn a living person into a zombie. On the contrary, if this virus is injected into the body through blood vessels, the infected person will die It will become a more intelligent and powerful BOW ghost zombie, which is the kind that appeared on the Yidonia battlefield."

Hearing what the man in black said, Benford was startled. At this point in time, he attacked High Oak University. Benford could basically guess that those who wanted to kill him must be those who were afraid that he would be speaking at High Oak University. The congressional opposition who told the truth about the Raccoon City incident, and the BOW they used appeared on the battlefield of the Itonia Civil War half a year ago...

Thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning and flint, and outlined a terrifying truth for Benford. In an instant, Benford's cold sweat flowed down, and his face became extremely ugly under the gas mask.


Inside the congress of country a, there are actually people who secretly support biochemical terrorism outside the country!

The enemy is Congress!

Under the leadership of the man in black, Benford finally passed through the zombie-infested field without any risk. On the contrary, he frowned and looked preoccupied.

"Finally here..." On the other side, the man in black seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Normally, it would be effortless for him to pass through these zombies, but Benford followed behind. In the case of dragging oil bottles, the difficulty factor of crossing the field was instantly raised by a large amount. Because the speed was reduced, the man in black had to consider the choice of route, the distribution of ammunition, and always pay attention to Benford's safety.

"The next step is going to be much easier for us. After all, most of them are gathered here waiting for Mr. President to give a speech..." The brow under the gas mask finally relaxed slightly, and the man in black turned his head to confirm Benford's However, he saw Benford standing behind him, silently watching the hundreds of zombies who were gathering towards him little by little.

"We have to go, Mr. President." The man in black reminded in a low voice.

"I know..." Nodding, Benford followed the man in black again, and he frowned and said, "Let's go."

Because of the preparations for the President's speech, most of the teachers and students gathered on the venue, while a small number stayed in the surrounding teaching buildings and dormitory buildings. Therefore, after passing through the zombie-infested venue, the way to leave High Oak University suddenly became difficult. It widened. Although those C-virus zombies moved much faster than T-virus zombies, they were still slower than normal people. After ignoring the scattered zombies on the side of the road, the man in black finally left with Benford The campus of High Oaks University.

Borrowing the flames of the car involved in the accident, passing through the already messy street, the man in black led Benford into a relatively safe alley, and glanced at the man with his back facing him in the distance. , the zombie standing by the street, the man in black sat down against the wall as if he didn't care at all, and walked quickly for a long time. He could see that Benford's physical strength was a little behind.

"Take a break and solve some problems by the way." The man in black said to Benford.

"Don't worry about me, young man, I can still run..." Benford replied angrily, but his sweat dripping down his neck and his slightly heaving chest told the man in black that he was very tired.

"Take a break, Mr. President, I can't take you forward in your state." The man in black whispered.

Benford thought for a while, and then glanced worriedly at the zombie standing by the street in the distance. Seeing that the zombie was motionless, Benford was slightly relieved, and then sat next to the man in black. Turning his head, he saw the man in black taking out a cigarette from his pocket at a glance. As soon as he took out one, he turned his head and looked at Benford as if remembering something.

"It's okay, I don't mind, sir, or...Mr. Li." Sensing the embarrassment of the man in black, Benford smiled softly.

After a moment of hesitation, the man in black sneered. He tore off his gas mask directly, revealing the Asian face. Feeling the cool air brushing off the thin sweat on his face, Li Yexing smiled at Benford He joked: "So sure, it seems that guy Leon has mentioned me to you a lot."


Three shifts, call it a day.

Chapter 12. The hunk reveals the secret

Seeing Li Yexing tearing off the gas mask, Benford was taken aback for a moment, and then said in a panic, "Mr. Li, your gas mask..."

"It's okay, the fog has dissipated. These things are hard to keep in the air for a long time..." Li Yexing threw out a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth. After lighting the fire, he shrugged and put The cigarette case was handed to Benford and said, "One?"

"Thank you, I don't smoke." Seeing Li Yexing's normal expression, Benford took off the gas mask hesitantly, then shook his head at Li Yexing.

"That's a pity. I thought I could brag about it when I go back..." Li Yexing said with a smile: "I told them: 'See that on the computer screen? President of country A, suck over my cigarettes, and I chatted and laughed with him.'”

"By the way, Mr. Li, you said before that you know a lot about this bio-terrorist attack, right?" Benford whispered while Li Yexing was smoking and the two had a short rest: "Now, can you tell me?"

Breathing out a mouthful of white mist, Li Yexing turned his head sideways, looked at Benford with earnest eyes, and revealed a name with a smile:

"Derek C. Simmons."

Hearing this name, Benford was stunned. After a long while, he frowned, his eyes on Li Yexing became sharper, and he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Li, do you know what Derek's job is?" ?"

"Of course I know..." Li Yexing replied with a smile, "He is the national security adviser of country A."

"Oh, I thought you didn't know..." Benford sneered and said, "Now, tell me that the national security adviser of country A carried out a large-scale biochemical terrorist attack on the mainland of country A?"

"That's right..." Li Yexing nodded and said, "It's not just country A. Starting tomorrow, important cities around the world will be attacked by biochemical terrorism. The current turmoil caused by the death of the president of country A and the outbreak of a serious biochemical crisis in country A will alleviate the impact of country A in this turmoil to the greatest extent."

Looking at Li Yexing's smiling face that didn't seem to be joking at all, Benford's expression froze, and after a while, he shook his head and said, "No, it's impossible, Derek and I are We have been friends for thirty years. Although our political views occasionally disagree slightly, my relationship with Derek has always been very good in private. He has made it clear that as long as it is a decision I make, he will definitely support me. .”

"He objects to your announcement of the truth about the Raccoon City incident, doesn't he?" Li Yexing asked.

"That's right..." Benford nodded, and then said anxiously to Li Yexing, "But later, I succeeded in persuading him!"

"Be quiet, Mr. President, there are quite a lot of zombies nearby, don't provoke them..." Li Yexing said to Benford with a smile. The zombie who had been looking at the scenery before slowly turned his head, and then staggered towards Li Yexing and Benford.

"It's coming!" Seeing the zombie walking step by step from across the street, Benford immediately lowered his voice and said nervously, but seeing that Li Yexing didn't care at all, he blew out a puff of white mist with the cigarette between his fingertips, and then said with a smile: "It's okay, let it go for a while, let's talk about our topic."

"But..." Benford was about to say something more, but when he saw Li Yexing's indifferent look, he gave up, moved his butt a little, and put a distance of two steps away from Li Yexing. Ready to escape, Benford whispered: "What the hell is going on? What is the basis for what you said?"

"No basis..." Li Yexing smiled and said: "And I don't think there is any need for any basis. The matter has developed to this point, you should already have the answer in your heart, don't you?"

"I don't believe it..." Benford shook his head, and said firmly: "Whether it's for business or for personal reasons, Derek would not treat me like this."

"I really don't know where your blind self-confidence comes from..." Seeing Benford's determined look, Li Yexing sneered and said, "With all due respect, Mr. President, you really understand your old man." buddy?"

"Of course I know him!" Benford said excitedly.

"Calm down, Mr. President, your voice is too loud..." Turning his head and taking a look, the zombie had almost crossed the street and was about to enter the alley. Li Yexing stood up and jumped twice in place. Next, waited silently for the zombie. When the zombie reached the entrance of the alley, it howled, then suddenly accelerated, and rushed towards Li Yexing. Li Yexing turned slightly sideways, and at the same time kicked the zombie's calf On the ground, the zombie suddenly lost its balance, and it was about to fall on Benford's body, but Li Yexing shot again. He grabbed the collar of the zombie and pulled it hard, and the zombie fell to the ground , Li Yexing stepped forward, raised his foot and stepped on it hard, only to hear the sound of bones breaking, and the zombie's brains splashed directly on the wall.

After disposing of the zombies in Benford's shocked eyes, Li Yexing sat back beside Benford with the flames of his body spontaneously igniting. He took a puff of cigarette, and said quietly, "Derrick C. Simmons, The national security adviser of country A, whose family and several powerful families have formed an organization with a history of more than a century, this organization is called the 'family', and its power can be said to be as good as the sky, and it can secretly influence the order of many western countries."

"I've never heard of such an organization." Benford frowned.

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