From the very beginning, Li Yexing didn't think that his team would fall within High Oak City.

I still remember that when playing "Resident Evil 6", Leon once said with emotion that what happened in High Oak City was simply a repeat of the Raccoon City incident back then, but Li Yexing knew very well that High Oak City was far worse than Raccoon City. Far.

First of all, the Raccoon City incident lasted for several days, and High Oak City was leveled that day. Secondly, and most importantly, there are too many miscellaneous BOWs in the underground Umbrella Research Institute of Raccoon City. When something goes wrong in Raccoon City, these monsters will rush out. At the same time, the urban ecosystem in Raccoon City is too developed, and all kinds of strange small animals emerge in endlessly. The virus spread from bottom to top, winning for these animals. With enough time for mutation, by the time zombies begin to appear on the surface, these strange wild BOWs produced through natural mutation of the virus have completely occupied the entire sewer system of Raccoon City, not to mention that there is also a large-scale sewage system in Raccoon City. What about the zoo?

If it is said that the BOW caused by various wild mutations tortured the survivors in Raccoon City so much that they would not want to live, then later, various branches airdropped the BOW into Raccoon City in order to collect data, which simply pushed the survivors to hell. Not to mention that the researchers affiliated with Umbrella in Raccoon City are generally not very good-minded. They either secretly raise Hunter Gamma in the sewer, or secretly create Uncle Black Tyrant in the university laboratory...

Compared with Raccoon City, the situation in High Oak City is really much better. Although the BOW code-named "Beauty Beast" that can release a large amount of C virus mist was used in the early stage of the attack, the virus infection spread extremely fast, but In fact, there are almost only zombies in High Oak City, and several difficult BOWs are nothing more than "howlers" who can summon zombies around them by roaring, and "blood-congested zombies" formed by rapid repair after the body is severely injured. As well as the "fat zombies" who can eat bullets very well. With all members wearing gas masks and grenade focus fire, even the most difficult beauty beasts cannot pose a threat to the team.

As for the research institute under the High Oak Cathedral that belongs to the "family"?Come on, the only one that can fight is a shark-shaped BOW "Flying Shark".

Based on the above, the situation in the entire High Oak City is completely under Li Yexing's control.

In theory, it should be like this...

But in fact, based on his understanding of the "Resident Evil" series, Li Yexing is very clear that any piece of information cannot be let go. One of them includes "intermittent communication with teammates due to interference." The original game is simply a preview of the appearance of new enemies!

"Invisibility...?" While trotting with Benford on the street illuminated by the fire, while muttering in a low voice, Li Yexing couldn't help frowning. In the communication just now, he heard clearly "Stealth" was mentioned to the Timberwolves.

In Li Yexing's impression, the only invisible enemy in "Resident Evil 6" is a BOW called "Phantom Snake". It is a huge snake-shaped monster whose skin is somewhat similar to the legendary optical camouflage. To achieve a not-so-perfect stealth effect, but in the original work, this kind of BOW should be put into Lanxiang City by Kara to block the BSAA who is chasing him...

Could it be that Kara threw the Phantom Snake into High Oak City?Doesn't make sense?Why would she drop this precious BOW into a city that would be nuked in a few hours?

Li Yexing was thinking quietly, and subconsciously quickened his pace for a moment. Benford, who was already a little tired, couldn't keep up immediately. He stubbornly followed behind without making a sound until he really couldn't keep up. He couldn't help but said to Li Yexing who was running ahead: "Sorry, please wait a moment."

Hearing Benford's words, Li Yexing was startled for a moment, then stopped. He turned around and saw Benford trotting all the way to Li Yexing. He bent down, put his arms on his knees, Panting violently through the gas mask, he barely straightened up until the ups and downs of his chest calmed down a little, and said in a low voice, "Sorry, young man, I... I can't keep up."

Li Yexing immediately realized that he was running too fast.

Looking around, there are no crowds of zombies on the street in front of him. A few zombies are standing silently by the street, looking at the sky, or lowering their heads. Most of them are motionless, and occasionally there are a few slow shaking With his head down, he still has a sense of rhythm.

"Do you need to take a break?" Seeing that the zombies around him couldn't pose a threat, Li Yexing turned his head and asked Benford. Although the situation in High Oak City might be different from what he thought, right now, he can't force Benford forcibly followed him. Once Benford was exhausted in a dangerous place, he would be in big trouble. Instead of taking the risk of rushing for time, it would be better to recover as much as possible in a place where he deliberately rested.

As if aware of Li Yexing's hesitation, Benford forcibly supported his body. He wiped the sweat from his neck, and then opened his collar to let slightly cooler air flow into the sweaty lining. A few seconds later, he Through the gas mask, he said softly to Li Yexing: "No, young man, I can still run...but please don't run so fast."

"No problem, Mr. President..." Although he didn't think Benford could see his smiling face through the gas mask, Li Yexing still smiled at Benford, turned around and said, "Hold on, Most of the infected people have been left behind by us, the most difficult time has passed, and then we just need to bypass those slow guys like a morning jog."

As he spoke, Li Yexing tilted his head slightly and said to Benford, "Mr. President, do you have the habit of jogging in the morning?"

"After I came out of the army, I have been running in the morning until this morning..." Benford had a rare smile on his face, and he joked: "But I'm afraid it won't work tomorrow, I just want to wash now Take a shower, drink a cup of hot milk, then lie in bed and forget about all this crap."

"Let's go, Mr. President..." Li Yexing said with a light smile, "There is no bed, and there is no place to take a bath, but when I get out of High Oak City, I might try to find you a cup of hot milk."

"That's really grateful." Benford nodded. The short conversation not only relieved his physical fatigue, but also relaxed his tense nerves a little bit.

After the rest, Li Yexing took Benford on the journey to the evacuation site again.

The sky became a little darker, and the top of the head seemed to be covered by a large dark cloud. After a while, a white light suddenly illuminated the street. With the sound of thunder, the cold and wet touch lightly hit the top of Li Yexing's head, becoming more and more dense.

Immediately afterwards, heavy rain slanted down.

Accompanied by the sound of rushing, the bean-sized raindrops kept hitting the ground, and the burning flames on the roadside were extinguished little by little in the rain, emitting faint smoke. In the darkness, Li Yexing finally took off the gas mask completely , because the rain hit the lenses of the gas mask, seriously affecting visibility.

Following behind Li Yexing, who also took off his gas mask because his vision was affected, Benford stretched his body in the heavy rain, letting the cold rain mix with the sweat on his body.

"It's raining..." Benford whispered.


One more.

Thunder!This sky-reaching cultivation base has fallen into the purple gold hammer!

It's rather embarrassing to say, I can sing this thing, no, I should say I can shout...

Chapter 19. The hunk's daily rollover

In the torrential downpour, a bloodstained taxi rolled over the water on the dirt road and headed straight for the High Oaks Cathedral under the dense trees that lined the street.

In the taxi, Leon held the steering wheel with both hands, watching the road ahead illuminated by the headlights through the windshield that was constantly being cleaned by the wipers, while his partner Helena sat on the passenger seat with arms crossed , beside the dashboard, Lyon's cell phone was standing there quietly. On the screen of the phone, a woman wearing glasses, Hangnigan, said seriously: "Ninety percent of the people in High Oak City have been infected by the virus. In this case, we have to face [-] zombies..."

After a slight pause, Hangnigan continued: "At the same time, we have also received relevant information. An organization named Neo. Umbrella has just claimed responsibility for this terrorist attack."

"Neo. Umbrella..." Hearing this name, Leon subconsciously clenched his hands holding the steering wheel, and a trace of hatred flashed across his brows.

"I know what you're thinking..." On the phone, Hannigan said softly.

"Yeah..." Leon frowned and said in a deep voice, "The incident in Raccoon City has happened again."

"In addition, we have also received a message that there seems to be a group of well-equipped armed forces in High Oak City. They have joined forces with the local police organization and are trying to evacuate refugees..." Hangnigan whispered Said: "Leon, do you have any idea?"

"Armed forces?" Leon was startled for a moment, and then said delicately: "I know them, it is an NGO organization in High Oak City, its members hoard weapons, ammunition and gas masks, claiming that it is biochemical terrorism that may erupt at any time The preparations for the attack did not seem to be recorded by the local government in High Oak because they were never involved in protests and the large-scale activities were only kept to the extent of offline gatherings."

"Really..." Hannigan was a little skeptical about what Leon said, but according to her understanding of Leon, Leon should have no reason to deceive her, so she nodded and said: "In short, the news I heard is only That's it, now it's your turn to help me, I need to know what's in that cathedral, the officials have been pressuring me to get a report from me."

"Official staff?" Hearing what Hangnigan said, Leon frowned subconsciously and asked.

In front of the computer screen, Hang Nigen turned his head slightly, let his eyes pass through the civil servants walking around indiscriminately, and looked vaguely at the middle-aged man in a white suit standing on the second-floor platform, and saw the middle-aged man's eyes Contemptuous, with a neat beard on his lips and chin, and meticulously groomed brown hair, he crossed his arms and kept playing with the uniquely shaped golden ring on his thumb while talking with Hangnigan The four eyes are facing each other.

Realizing that he had collided with the man, Hangnigan quickly turned his head, and at the same time whispered to Leon: "To be's National Security Advisor, Derek C. Simmons..."

With the headlights on and through the heavy rain, the taxi hurried forward on the potholed dirt road. At this moment, a zombie suddenly appeared staggeringly from the side of the road and blocked the taxi.

Looking at the zombie illuminated by the headlights, Leon stuffed the phone back into his pocket, and at the same time frowned and said to Helena, "Hurry up."

After finishing speaking, Leon slammed on the accelerator and went straight to the zombie. In the next second, he heard a loud noise, and the zombie was directly knocked out.

There was a shake in the taxi, and Helena couldn't help but snorted. Looking at the sign ahead showing a turn, Leon turned the steering wheel hurriedly. The moment the car turned the corner, Leon was slightly taken aback. Under the light, the road ahead is actually full of rickety zombies!

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