"What did you say?" Hearing Li Yexing's words, Benford was slightly taken aback.

"Turn your head and look behind you. The entire High Oak City has lost any light of civilization. It is obvious that someone has maliciously opened the gate." Li Yexing frowned as he wiped away the rainwater that was about to flow into his eyes with his sleeve. road.

"You mean someone turned off the power supply in High Oak City?" Benford looked unbelievable, he wondered: "Who would do that? Why would they do that?"

"How do I know?" Li Yexing whispered.

Now, even Li Yexing himself is very puzzled. In his impression, the original "Resident Evil 6" does not seem to have a large-scale power outage in High Oak City. Of course, it may also be because most of High Oak City The game process is all under the High Oak Cathedral, so Li Yexing didn't know about the power outage.

However, the situation in front of him made Li Yexing have some bad associations.

Li Yexing is very clear that in the original game, there was also a large-scale power outage, but this bridge did not appear in the main work, but in the outsourced, rumored game "Resident Evil. Raccoon City Action" In ", in this work, the "Wolf Pack Tactical Team", a special organization affiliated to the USS, executed the order from Umbrella's high-level executives, shutting down the power supply system of the power station in Raccoon City, causing the lingering life in Raccoon City The survivors were all plunged into darkness, and now, Li Yexing encountered a very similar situation.

Who turned off the power supply system?Simmons?But why did he do this?Has the news that the president is still alive leaked out?No, it won't, there shouldn't be anything wrong with Leon, if that's the case, then there is only one explanation...

Simmons noticed that the Ring Asia Armed Forces was trying to evacuate the survivors!And he didn't want a large number of survivors from the High Oak incident!

"Tsk..." Smacking his lips, a trace of displeasure flashed across Li Yexing's brows, and he murmured in a low voice, "I was targeted by this bastard..."

Raising his hand and pressing the communicator next to his ear, Li Yexing said in a deep voice, "King, can you hear me?"

After a while, accompanied by a lot of noise, a familiar voice came faintly from the communicator: "Lao Li... There are... quite a lot of people here... The lights are off... You... "

"艸..." Li Yexing cursed in a low voice, and then turned off the communicator. Just as he was about to try to contact other teams around him, Benford, who was closely behind Li Yexing, suddenly reached out and patted him. Li Yexing's shoulder, and at the same time said to Li Yexing: "Mr. Li, there seems to be something at the intersection ahead."

Hearing Benford's words, Li Yexing raised his head subconsciously and looked ahead, because it was too dark, Li Yexing couldn't see clearly, but at this moment, a white light suddenly flashed across the sky, illuminating the High Oak City under the rain, and then thunder exploded.

At the moment when the white light flashed just now, Li Yexing did see something at the intersection in front of him.

"Go up and have a look..." Li Yexing whispered.

After all, he raised his gun and took Benford to quickly approach the thing placed in the middle of the intersection. It wasn't until he got close that Li Yexing realized that this thing seemed to be much bigger than he imagined. As tall as a person, the whole body is milky white, like a huge can. On the white can, there seems to be something written in black print. Li Yexing thought for a while, took out his mobile phone, and turned on the flashlight Suddenly, a white light penetrated the rain curtain and shone on the white jar.

Benford, who was standing behind Li Yexing, squinted his eyes and leaned closer, only to see that the jar was written in black letters: NH-EU03.

"What is this?" With doubts between his brows, Benford turned his head, only to see Li Yexing's face was extremely ugly.

On the other side, under the light of the mobile phone, Li Yexing stared at the jar in front of him. After a while, he called up the camera, took a photo of the jar in front of him, and sent it out.

"Let's go..." After all this was done, Li Yexing turned around and walked forward, while speeding up his pace, he said to Benford with a gloomy face: "This thing, if I'm not wrong, should be used To store the special BOW."

"Store... special BOW?" Hearing Li Yexing's words, Benford frowned. As the president of country A who has been committed to combating biochemical terrorism, he knows what special BOW means. , Just when he was about to ask Li Yexing something more, Li Yexing, who was walking in front, suddenly raised one hand to signal Benford to stop.

After receiving Li Yexing's instructions, Benford immediately stood still, keeping a distance of two steps from Li Yexing. He raised his head to look at Li Yexing, but saw Li Yexing slowly raised his gun, and at the same time turned a little bit away. Overhead, as if looking for something.

In a trance, there seemed to be a sudden rush of footsteps in my ears. The sound stepped through the stagnant water, from far to near, and then disappeared in an instant, hidden in the sound of rain again.

With the gun in hand, Li Yexing's eyes turned rapidly. Beside him, the sound of footsteps stepping on the stagnant water echoed from time to time. He held his breath, stared at his eyes, and searched and listened in the rain. , Suddenly, he caught a trace of abnormality.

Right ahead, ten meters away, there seems to be something there.

Although he felt that there was something there, Li Yexing couldn't see anything. He just felt that there was some inexplicable violation there. It wasn't until after staring closely for a few seconds that Li Yexing suddenly realized what the problem was...

Such a dense rain curtain seems to be blocked when it gets there!no doubt!There are foreign objects that cannot be caught by the naked eye, and that cannot be penetrated by raindrops!

Without hesitation, Li Yexing directly pulled the trigger. In the next second, accompanied by the sound of gunfire, the scorching bullets instantly pierced through the rain curtain, blasting out bloody flowers in the air. Immediately, a miserable howl filled the eardrums. , I saw a strange monster appearing out of thin air, howled and staggered two steps, the gunshot wound was bleeding continuously, the aroused fierce monster stared at Li Yexing through the rain curtain, it stretched its sharp The claws let out a shrill roar.

Looking at the monster that appeared out of nowhere on the other side of the rain curtain, Li Yexing's eyebrows flashed with astonishment. After all, he was too familiar with that monster...

There is no doubt that it is a hunter!


Three shifts, call it a day.

Chapter 24. The hunk's new relative

Under the darkness, in the rain that filled the sky, the hunter who was bleeding from his wound let out a sharp scream, and then, its body began to become transparent little by little, as if trying to hide itself again, But this time, it had no chance. The rain fell head-on, washing away the blood dripping from the monster's body. Staring at the blood that appeared out of nowhere, Li Yexing pulled the trigger without hesitation. The monster that thought it was hiding its body showed its original shape.

The invisibility didn't work, the monster became annoyed, it roared, and then rushed towards Li Yexing with its sharp claws, Li Yexing didn't dodge or dodge, just frowned and locked the muzzle on the monster's head and kept shooting , The bullet hit the monster's cheek one after another, tearing the hard flesh continuously, and the blood splashed continuously from the torn cheek, seeing the monster getting closer, it was about to rush to his face , Li Yexing's finger pressing the trigger froze slightly, and then pulled the trigger again. This shot directly hit the hunter's eye socket and penetrated into the hunter's brain. The scorching rifle bullets carried kinetic energy. Turning rapidly between the heads, it instantly smashed the hunter's brain into a paste. The hunter fell directly at Li Yexing's feet without saying a word.

The gunfire dissipated, and the dark street was once again filled with the sound of rain. Although there was sound, it revealed a strange silence.

Lowering his head, looking at the corpse of the hunter who was shot through the head by himself, bleeding from the seven orifices, Li Yexing's face became ugly. Unlike his green relatives, the hunter in front of him was completely black. The body shape seems to be a bit larger than the ordinary hunter α, and there is a row of short and sharp thorns growing on the back, but these are not the most attractive to Li Yexing. What Li Yexing cares most is the hunter's On the neck, which is so short that there is almost no neck, there is actually a black collar full of technology!

Crouching down, Li Yexing lightly brushed the black collar with his fingers to wipe off the rainwater on it. In a vague way, Li Yexing seemed to see a tiny red light flickering continuously...

That thing... seems to be... some kind of data acquisition system?

Li Yexing stood up abruptly, stepped on the collar on the hunter's neck hard, only heard a click, and the collar was scrapped in an instant, with broken parts and broken wires, and the hunter The flesh and blood of the victims were mixed together.

"What the hell is this?" Behind Li Yexing, Benford frowned and stared at the corpse of the monster lying on the ground, asking in doubt.

"Big trouble..." Li Yexing replied in a low voice.

From the moment the monster showed its figure, Li Yexing saw through the identity of the monster. It is based on the manufacturing process of the hunter, and after certain improvements, it is a special model of the hunter manufactured with the T-Abyss virus. , code-named "Slanderer", was developed by the terrorist organization "Greyhound" that once created the "Floating Island Incident" in 2004. After mixing the genes of deep-sea fish, this kind of hunter not only became more powerful than ordinary hunters. Killer α is stronger and has the ability to be invisible.

However, Li Yexing didn't remember that the slanderer would wear a collar, and this habit of wearing a collar for BOW made Li Yexing think of some acquaintances.

Suddenly, the phone in his pocket vibrated. Li Yexing took two steps back, kept scanning his surroundings, took out his phone at the same time, connected the phone and said, "Who?"

"Mr. Li! Where are you now?!" As soon as the call was connected, the familiar voice of Director Casimir came out, and he said anxiously: "Don't tell me you are in High Oak City!"

"Of course I'm in High Oak City..." Li Yexing frowned and said, "Did you see the photo I sent you? What's that?"

"NH-EU03! That's the code name of the experimental product, and its full name is 'New Hunter-European Branch Experimental Project No. 03'..." Director Casimir hurriedly explained: "That thing is my toy, which plagiarized a certain Inspired by a small organization, mass-produced a batch of funds to cheat funds!"

"That's really fucking bad..." Li Yexing leaned closer to the street with Benford, and said in a deep voice, "That bastard Simmons bought your goods?"

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