Under the gaze of Hitomi Chishima, Ada took out the ring, inserted the side with the pattern on the small groove in the center of the infinite snake pattern on the metal door, and then turned it gently as if using a key to open the door. In the next second, The gemstones inlaid on the metal door immediately glowed with purple light. Under this light, the locked metal door rose up little by little, and opened, revealing the passage behind.

"Why is such a complicated tunnel and such a cumbersome mechanism built under a church?" Hitomi Qiandao finally couldn't help but frowned and asked after experiencing an experience like an adventure movie about an ancient tomb.

"Who knows..." Ada shrugged and said, "Maybe it's to cause us trouble and waste our time?"


Two more.

Chapter 32.

Walking along the new road, Ada and Hitomi Chishima came to the end of the tunnel within a few steps. Following the metal ladder extending upward, the two finally returned to the ground.

After getting rid of the dark and cramped underground, and returning to the ground, feeling the dense raindrops and the cool wind blowing across her cheeks, Hitomi Qiandao couldn't help but take a deep breath. She looked around and found that this place seemed to be a sight In the cemetery, there were tombstones neatly placed inside, and I and Ida seemed to have gotten out of one of the tombstones.

Immediately, Hitomi Qiandao's expression became subtle.

This time... it really became a tomb explorer...

Unlike Hitomi Qiandao who was standing there and thinking wildly, at this moment, Ada was seriously thinking about the next course of action. She looked around the surrounding area surrounded by darkness and observed the surrounding terrain. After a long while, she put herself His sight crossed the broken tombstones one by one, and locked on the broken building wrapped in wooden frames not far away.

That is part of the church, but it looks like a chimney, and it also looks like an unfinished building.

"Miss Qiandao..." Turning her head, awakening Hitomi Qiandao from her wild thoughts, Ada pointed to the dilapidated building surrounded by wooden frames not far away and said, "Let's go over there and have a look."

Following the direction Ada pointed at, Hitomi Qiandao frowned slightly and looked at the weird looking dilapidated building, then whispered: "Why do you want to go there?"

"Because there is no other way to go." Ada shrugged and said to Hitomi Qiandao with a light smile.

Hearing Ada's words, Qiandao Hitomi looked around subconsciously. The environment did seem a bit closed, but for herself and Ada that woman, it was far from being powerless.

In the end, Hitomi Chishima didn't say anything, just nodded to Ada.

Seeing that Hitomi Chishima didn't make any comments, Ada smiled, then turned around, took out the rope hook gun from her waist, aimed at the pole with the old-fashioned chandelier above her head and fired directly, and the rope hook hung on the metal pole. With a soft sound, Ada stood up suddenly, flipped in the air, and then landed firmly on the roof of the row of low buildings. Then, she raised the fire again by the firelight on the wooden frame in the distance. Pick up the rope hook gun, and then pull the trigger, only to hear a "whoosh", Ada soared into the air again, her body quickly passed through the rain curtain under the traction of the rope, skipped the wooden frame that seemed to be crumbling, and after a somersault directly Jumped down the hole at the top of the building.

His eyes quickly passed over the stone bricks of the wall, and then, the soles of the black high-heeled boots hit the ground with a soft sound, and he stood up straight. Ada raised her head and began to look around. In the ring-shaped space made of old bricks and stones, torches are hung on the walls to illuminate the space, but the most intense light source in the entire space comes from the large hole in the center of the site.

The eyebrows were slightly raised, and Ada walked up with curiosity, and saw a cluster of faint blue flames burning in the altar at the bottom of the hollow, illuminating the surroundings, and other things, perhaps because of the light. Because of Xiahei, Ada didn't see it so clearly.

There was a soft sound behind her, but Ada didn't turn her head. She knew that it was Hitomi Qiandao's voice. Sure enough, Hitomi Qiandao appeared beside her like a ghost without a trace of footsteps, and watched with her. The faint blue flame at the bottom of the pit.

"How is it, is it pretty?" Ada asked with a smile.

"Disgusting." Hitomi Qiandao commented expressionlessly.

"That's a pity..." Ada shook her head lightly, then smiled at Hitomi Qiandao and said, "Miss Qiandao, I'm afraid we have to jump down."

Hitomi Qiandao jumped down without saying a word, and then landed steadily beside the blue bonfire. Ada, who was left on it, was slightly startled, then shook her head helplessly and said: "What a resolute child! ..."

Immediately after Hitomi Qiandao jumped down the pothole at the bottom. Under the light of the faint blue fire, Ada and Hitomi Qiandao looked around together. The bottom of the pit was also made of bricks and stones full of traces of time. There are load-bearing columns with European and American architectural styles, and the old secret room is matched with the faint blue firelight, rendering everything around it even more weird.

After their eyes circled around the bottom of the pothole for half a circle, Ada and Hitomi Chishima fixed their eyes on a metal door with a rough skull pattern hiding in the shadows at the same time.

Taking a step forward, Ada and Hitomi Chishima walked towards the metal door at the same time. When they got to the door, Hitomi Chishima gently pushed, and sure enough, just as she thought, they remained motionless.

"It seems that it's time for the deciphering that Miss Qiandao hates the most..." Seeing that Hitomi Qiandao failed to open the door, Ada joked with a smile. At the same time, she turned her head and fixed her gaze on the small altar by the door. The altar was inlaid on the wall, and it was enshrined with a candle burning with a faint fire, and the candle enshrined turned out to be a strange skull. The skull had only one eye, which was emitting a strange purple light, and it also had a mouthful of mouth. Gold tooth, but there is one missing tooth.

"This is..." Seeing Ada staring at the weird skeleton, Hitomi Qiandao couldn't help but whispered.

"This is probably the key to open the door in front of me..." Ada chuckled as she brushed her finger over the skull's head through the black leather glove: "According to my experience, we need to find a light that can emit light." Eyeballs, and a golden tooth, only by completing the skeleton can we pass through the door in front of us."

"But, are we going to find these things?" Hitomi Qiandao asked with a slight frown.

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly, there were bursts of low growls from the top of their heads. As soon as Ada and Qiandao Hitomi heard the sound, they immediately turned their heads and looked in the direction from which the sound came. , In the corridors on the left and right sides, a zombie dressed like a priest dressed in tattered red cloth came out. The two zombies were on the left and the right, one eye socket was inlaid with eyeballs emitting bright purple light, and the other mouth was inlaid. Holding a golden incisor that shone with golden light, two zombies wrapped in red cloth stood on the edge of the high platform and lowered their heads, looking at Ada and Hitomi Qiandao illuminated by the blue flames, and then turned around at the same time, with their heads twitched. Without turning back, they ran towards the dark corridor behind each other.

"Escape...escape!" At the bottom of the pit, Hitomi Qiandao was dumbfounded, her eyes widened in surprise, until the two zombies turned their heads, she subconsciously shouted in Japanese.

"Want to play? Well, whether you're ready or not, we're about to start..." Seeing the two zombies wearing red cloths turned around and ran away, Ada had a disdainful smile on her face. She turned her head to Hitomi Qiandao and said, "Let's split up, one for the teeth and one for the eyeballs."

Hitomi Qiandao nodded, then turned around, and went straight to the metal stairs leading to the upper circular platform. When he reached the stairs, Hitomi Qiandao held the alloy long knife at his waist with one hand, then kicked hard with one leg, flying into the air And got up, jumped up directly, and immediately after, her white figure was hidden in the darkness.

"Okay, you go to pull out your teeth, I'll go dig out your eyes..." The corners of her mouth curved slightly, Ada turned around and looked at another corridor on the upper circular platform, which was the same as the one chosen by Hitomi Qiandao. There was also a metal ladder down the corridor, but it was broken.

However, this did not bother Ada.

Pulling out the rope hook gun at her waist, Ada aimed at the high platform in front of the top corridor, and shot the hook line directly. When the hook line got stuck on the edge, she suddenly retracted the hook lock, flew up, and danced in the air. After a gorgeous somersault, it landed steadily in front of the corridor.

Pulling out the miniature submachine gun, looking at the darkness in front of him, Ada said with a slight arc on the corner of his mouth: "Don't worry, I'll come."


Three shifts, call it a day.

Chapter 33. The savage warrior Ji is violent on the spot

It has to be said that the gold-toothed zombie escaped a little faster than Hitomi Qiandao expected. When she stepped into the dim corridor illuminated by the torch, the golden-toothed zombie wrapped in red cloth had long since disappeared.

"It's so strange..." Touching the handle of the black alloy long knife with one hand, Hitomi Chishima whispered in Japanese. In her impression, zombies should be the kind of monsters that rush up when they see a living thing. , Zombies that can escape, it is really unimaginable.

Walking along the corridor, it didn't take long before Hitomi Qiandao stepped through the open iron door and entered a dark room made of bricks and stones. As soon as he entered the room, a depressive growl suddenly sounded from all directions, and he saw a head and a head Severely rotting zombies kept coming out of the surroundings, approaching Hitomi Qiandao unsteadily, but Hitomi Qiandao didn't care, her eyes directly passed the pile of sundries piled up in broken wooden boxes, and locked on the Standing on the other side of the pile of debris, the zombie with its back facing him.

With a red cloth wrapped around its head, there is no doubt that that zombie is the Gold Tooth Zombie from before!At this moment, the zombie was staggering out of the room and into the corridor ahead, as if fleeing.

"Wait!" Hitomi Chishima subconsciously shouted in Japanese.But the zombie ran forward without looking back. Seeing this, Hitomi Qiandao gritted his teeth, jumped, flew directly over the pile of debris, and went straight to the back of the zombie. However, Hitomi Qiandao passed At the moment when the debris was piled up, I saw a zombie lying on the ground with a festering body all of a sudden, let out a low growl, then stood up and hugged Hitomi Qiandao's thigh, caught off guard, Hitomi Qiandao was hugged by it. What surprised Hitomi Qiandao the most was that the zombie held a lit detonator in his hand!

Seeing that the detonator seemed to be about to explode, but Hitomi Qiandao had no time to take care of it, because the iron gate through which the gold-toothed zombie in front of him was closing little by little. Seeing the gold-toothed zombie running farther and farther, in desperation, Hitomi Qiandao With a sudden shot, he broke the zombie's crunchy arm holding the detonator, and then threw it directly towards the gold-toothed zombie along the gap in the iron door. Only a loud "bang" was heard, and the detonator exploded. It exploded, and immediately blasted the golden-toothed zombie who couldn't run far away.

Accompanied by continuous low growls, a zombie walked up holding a dirty broken vase, a trace of disgust flashed between Hitomi Qiandao's brows, and the moment the zombie was about to raise the vase and smash it at Hitomi Qiandao's head Hitomi Qiandao snatched the broken vase, and then slammed it towards the zombie's head. Hearing the crisp sound of the vase shattering, the zombie's head spun directly on the neck, and then softly fell to the ground.

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