Pushing a zombie blocking the way off the suspension bridge, watching the zombie fall into endless darkness, Leon turned his head and continued walking. Around the high platform, these wooden suspension bridges were not built out of thin air, they were crisscrossed layer by layer, relying on the underground The buildings built by the large hollow walls are connected together. The style of these buildings is extremely similar to the style on the previous cathedral, but they look older, and may even have a history of a hundred years. The broken light bulbs that were connected to the wires and hung on the wall are particularly eye-catching, which is a bit out of tune with the ancient architectural style.

Seeing a zombie struggling to crawl out of the tunnel behind the bars, Leon didn't shoot. He tore off the machete stuck on the neck of the zombie, and slammed it on the head of the zombie. After clearing the threat , he stepped on the suspension bridge again, and at this moment, the entire big hole suddenly shook, and then, the wooden suspension bridge that had just passed by and had been thrown over his head suddenly collapsed, and with the breaking of the rope, large pieces of broken wooden boards It fell directly and fell into the endless abyss.

"It's going to collapse here!" Seeing the suspension bridge collapse, Leon couldn't help but exclaimed. At this moment, in front of the suspension bridge, several zombies that had already festered staggered and ran out, heading straight to Leon and Helena with the girl on her back,

"Damn it..." Leon cursed in a low voice and raised the gun in his hand. Against the shaking of the space and the huge psychological pressure, he pulled the trigger continuously, and sent all the bullets into the gun with precision in a burst of gunshots. In the heads of several zombies.

After killing the zombies blocking the way, Leon continued to move forward. It seemed that the large void began to become unstable, so Leon subconsciously accelerated his speed. Although Helena who was following behind Leon couldn't keep up, she didn't dare to speak. She knew, Lyon is also under a lot of pressure, and the only thing she can do right now is to keep up with Lyon's pace as much as possible.

Crossing the suspension bridge again, he entered the building complex on the outer wall of the pothole. Leon had just killed a zombie blocking the way and was changing the magazine when a familiar voice suddenly came through the communicator.

"Leon! Helena! Where are you? I can't determine your location at all!" Hangnigan, who was in the FOS command center, asked anxiously: "What the hell..."

Before the words were finished, a burst of noise forcibly interrupted the communication.

"Honnigan! Call back! Damn it..." The communication was cut off, and Leon cursed for a while, but the time was running out for him to complain, and he pushed away the glove box blocking the way, and led Helena along the wooden bridge Moving on, finally, Leon arrived at the huge platform made of bricks and stones at the bottom of the cavity.

Clutching the pistol tightly in his hand, Leon was about to move on when suddenly, a painful sound came from behind. Hearing this sound, Leon hurriedly turned his head, only to see the girl behind Helena screaming from Helena Her back fell down, she knelt on the ground and panted violently, her arms hugged her body tightly, her beautiful facial features were extremely distorted by the pain.

"Deborah! Hold on! We're going out soon..." Seeing the pain on the girl's face, Helena seemed to be heartbroken. She knelt down and said for the girl, "Deborah! Take heart!" Dot! We can still..."

Before the words fell, there was a muffled sound, and the flames instantly hit Helena's cheeks with scorching heat, and the girl suddenly ignited spontaneously!Accompanied by heart-piercing screams, the girl whose body was on fire was struggling in pain. Seeing the girl burning, Helena opened her mouth wide and subconsciously wanted to pounce. Seeing that the situation was not good, Leon rushed to Going forward to pull Helena away, on the other side, being blocked by Leon, Helena stretched out her hand towards the burning girl while struggling violently, crying heartbreakingly: "No! Debo Pull! No!"

Gradually, the burning flames were extinguished, and the girl who seemed to be covered in scalds knelt on the ground and stretched out her hand towards Helena. Kong's skin seeped out, they spread continuously on the girl's body, and then solidified little by little, and after a while, the girl turned into a strange clay statue wrapped in khaki wax!


One more.

Chapter 42. The Sister of the Hunk's Partner Gets Up!

Seeing the girl who had turned into a weird wax figure, Helena finally broke down and broke free from Leon's arm. She knelt down in front of the girl in a daze, her eyes were lost and she sobbed: "No... no... this is not true. of!"

Saying that, Helena directly touched the strange khaki-yellow substance with her hand, and the hard and slippery feeling instantly spread from her palm, with a faint warmth on it. Helena shook her head lightly, while stroking the solid warm substance The weird chrysalis stared at the head of the human-shaped chrysalis, as if she could see through the chrysalis and see her sister, how she hoped that a miracle would happen!How I hope that in the next second, my sister can break through the shackles of this chrysalis and return to my side!

As if sensing the call in Helena's heart, with a soft sound, a gap suddenly opened on the back of the chrysalis, and then, something seemed to be squeezed out of the gap, Helena was slightly startled, and then Raising his head, he saw a large group of propped up meat membranes dripping disgusting mucus and coming out of the gap behind the chrysalis. Standing behind Helena, Leon subconsciously clenched his pistol tightly, but in his heart It's already a stormy sea.

This scene is actually exactly the same as the scene of Ada breaking out of the cocoon seen in the previous video!

Under the watchful eyes of Leon and Helena, the mass of fleshy membranes was constantly struggling and twisting, forming a body little by little amidst the sound of squeezed flesh and mucus. Under the fleshy membrane, the girl made a strange and meaningless voice. It kept coming, as if something had blocked the throat.

Watching the fleshy membrane stand up little by little in the hole in the chrysalis shell, outlining a human shape, then, she struggled and stretched out her hand towards Helena.

Seeing the hand wrapped in flesh and constantly dripping with mucus, a glimmer of hope appeared in Helena's eyes. She slowly raised her arm as if in a daze, wanting to be with the mucus-covered hand. Hands touched, seeing the distance between the two getting shorter and shorter, at the moment when each other's fingertips were about to touch, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air.

Leon trembled subconsciously, but before he could turn his head, a faint air flow directly swept over his body, and then, a crossbow arrow flew past Helena's head, instantly piercing through the flesh membrane that wrapped the girl, It pierced the girl's forehead, and with the girl's scream, the fleshy membrane burst instantly, turning into mucus and splashing in all directions. The girl wrapped in the fleshy membrane flew upside down, and then fell to the ground, lying on her body. Among the mucus, there was no movement, as if dead.

"Ah!" With a cry of grief, Helena rushed forward, looking at the girl lying motionless on the ground with a crossbow bolt stuck in her forehead, Helena collapsed again, she kept shaking her head, and at the same time Standing up, he glanced at the culprit, and Leon immediately turned around and raised the gun in his hand, only to see two people walking out of the shadow step by step with the light behind them. Holding a mechanical crossbow, the other is empty-handed, but there are two long knives hanging from his waist.

With the sound of high heels stepping on the ground, the distance became closer, and finally, the two of them showed their true faces in the eyes of Leon and Helena.

"Ada!" Seeing the familiar face reflected in the eyes of the woman holding a mechanical crossbow, wearing a black top and black leather pants, Leon subconsciously put down the gun in his hand and exclaimed. Moving towards the girl next to Ada, looking at the girl in white with long black hair, two long knives, and extremely sharp eyes, Leon always felt a little familiar.

"Look at your expression, it's as if you've seen a ghost..." Ada stared at Leon, who was stunned, and said expressionlessly. Ada continued to introduce with a blank face: "This is Miss Qiandao, Mr. Li lent it to me...We are good sisters...now."

"Long time no see, Mr. Kennedy, it's been so many years..." On the other side, Hitomi Chishima bowed to Leon with sharp eyes, and then squeezed out a subtle smile: "Yoxing-kun I have always missed you, if you have time, you might as well come to Lopulus for a sit down, I am sure Ye Xingjun will be very happy."

No wonder holding a cold weapon!Is it the Li family? !

The BOW girl from the Li family unexpectedly appeared with Ada!This sudden situation confuses Leon even more, but right now, for Leon, there are more important things to deal with. I don't know if it is an illusion, but Leon always feels that there is something wrong with Ada's mood, after all In Leon's impression, Ada was always the woman with a slight smile on her mouth, as if she was sure of winning at any time, but this time, she was expressionless, as if she was angry.

On the other side, Hitomi Chishima's expression was also very subtle. She followed Ada all the way here, and she knew very well how long Ada's mechanical crossbow had repeatedly jumped on the monster that broke out of the chrysalis and on Leon's head.

Although she has a disgusting face, she has to admit that Ms. Wang is much cuter than she looks.

On the other side, looking at Ada holding the mechanical crossbow in her hand, Helena felt furious for a moment. She pulled out her gun and pointed it at Ada's head. Human hatred, at this moment, she wished she could eat Ada raw, her sister-killing enemy raw!

Seeing Ada being pointed at with a gun, Hitomi Chishima immediately stepped forward to block Ada, and at the same time put his hand on the big black sword tied with a chain around his waist, nodded slightly, Hitomi Chishima's eyes It was extremely fierce, as if about to release sword energy, warning Helena not to mess around.

Leon subconsciously turned his head to look at the angry Helena, and then turned his head to look at Ada. I saw that Ada's eyes were a little dodged, and his expression was unusually complicated. After a moment of entanglement, Leon made a choice, he Stretching out her hand, she lightly pressed the gun in Helena's hand. Helena turned her head and looked at Leon, eyes full of astonishment.

Leon didn't speak, but shook his head slightly at Helena.

The next second, Helena put down the gun in her hand with sobs as if she had collapsed, and squatted powerlessly on the ground, sobbing incessantly.

Seeing that Helena put away her murderous intentions, Leon turned his head, looked at Hitomi Chishima, and then at Ada who was protected by Hitomi Chishima. After a while, Leon couldn't bear it anymore, and he asked in a deep voice: "Ai Da, what's going on?!"

Gently patted Hitomi Chishima's shoulder, Ada came to Hitomi Chishima's side, and said to Leon at the same time: "It's a bit complicated to say, even I was kept in the dark..."

As she said that, Ada glanced lightly at Hitomi Qiandao beside her, and expressed her dissatisfaction to Hitomi Qiandao in this playful way, but Hitomi Qiandao just sighed faintly and said nothing.

Looking at the pair of women who seemed to have a good relationship in front of him, Leon shook his head lightly. He was just about to say something when suddenly, a rumbling sound sounded from above his head. Leon raised his head subconsciously, and saw the whole space It was shaking slightly, and Helena, who was squatting on the ground beside her, also raised her head, scanning the surrounding fine gravel that kept falling down with the vibration.

Stretching out his hand, Leon pulled Helena up, and then silently looked up at the shaking head together with everyone present. After a while, Ada, who was holding the mechanical crossbow, took two steps back and whispered at the same time: " It seems that this is not the place to talk, these passages won't last long, we have to go to the lower area!"

Seeing that this place was about to landslide, Helena's eyes showed a trace of pain. Even though she was about to leave soon, she still wanted to say goodbye to her sister for the last time.

Helping the girl who fell to the ground, her skin turned gray and full of cracks, Helena said in grief: "I'm sorry, Deborah, it's all my fault..."

Saying that, Helena held Deborah tightly in her arms.

Standing aside, silently watching Helena bid farewell to his sister, Leon frowned slightly, with a somewhat complicated expression, and then, he suddenly froze.

Wait...Where did the arrow Ada put in that girl's head go?

In an instant, Leon felt his scalp go numb, and he stretched out his hand and shouted at the unsuspecting Helena: "Helena! Get away from her!"

Accompanied by Leon's eager roar, leaning his head on Helena's shoulder, the temperature began to rise little by little. Helena's younger sister, a girl named Deborah, suddenly opened her blue-gray eyes!

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