Chapter 50. The Macho Rescuer

Leon, who was thrown out by the mine cart and flew in mid-air, had a hideous face. He no longer remembered how many times he had fallen from high altitudes in these short hours.

Breaking through the loose planks, the minecart fell into the abyss, and Leon slammed hard on the wooden ground. He was in severe pain, and before he could get up, Ida also fell, her body It directly smashed the wooden board that had become very fragile due to the impact.

"Ada!" Seeing that he was about to fall into the abyss, Leon gritted his teeth, raised his arms and crawled over, grabbing Ada's hand.

Even though she walked before the gate of hell, Ada didn't seem to have the slightest fear. Seeing Leon grabbing her hand, she smiled at Leon as she was hanging above the abyss.

Compared to Ada's calmness, Leon couldn't laugh anymore. He held his breath, supported his body, and then pulled Ada up with a strong lift. Ada stretched out his other hand and grabbed her. On the edge of the wooden platform, he climbed up again without much effort. On the other side, seeing that Ada was safe, Leon turned his head hastily, and saw Helena fell on the wooden plank below, and her back was even cracked. A row of wooden boards, but Tiriris, who landed not far from him, and Tirilian, who fell below, and Hitomi Qiandao landed quite smoothly.

In contrast, Helena's younger sister Deborah looked a lot embarrassed.

First, she was severely injured by Tilly Lis, and then because she had no time to retract the jointed limbs, she crashed into the stone wall with the mine cart. At this moment, Deborah had already put away the jointed limbs, and she was lying naked under the weight of her own body. Between the cracked wooden boards, she frowned and let out low growls while spitting blood non-stop. Accompanied by the violent ups and downs of her chest, she opened her arms several times to try to support her body but failed.

There is no doubt that within a short period of time, Deborah has no fighting power.

"De... Deborah..." Despite the severe pain all over her body, Helena still struggled to get up. She clutched her arms and staggered towards Deborah who was lying on the ground. When she was about to reach Deborah, a black alloy long knife blocked her way.

"I'm sorry..." She swung the long knife into a blade and inserted it back into the scabbard. Hitomi Qiandao stood in front of Helena. She shook her head slightly and said, "Now, you can't go there."

"Why?! Deborah, she..." Helena was still trying to argue, but she met Hitomi Chishima's sharp eyes and the cloudy eyeball floating on her forehead. After a while, her attitude changed. Softened, she staggered back two steps, she shook her head slightly, and said with a hint of crying: " must have a way to save her, right? Can you save her? Even if she becomes peaceful Like you, I... I don't even care..."

"Shut up! Sister Dabo!" Before Helena could finish speaking, a delicate but stern voice came with an arrogant tone. Helena turned her head subconsciously, and saw the man carrying the huge silver equipment. Tilly Lian, a blond girl with heterochromatic pupils, was walking step by step, with a trace of impatience between her brows, she frowned slightly and said, "If you say you will save Dabomei, you will definitely save it! Why are you talking so much nonsense?! Are you from Country F?!"

As she spoke, Tillylian suddenly put the heavy silver weapon called "coffin" on the ground, and at the same time pressed her finger on it, only to hear a soft "beep", and white mist flowed from the coffin The side of the coffin was sprayed out, and then, a mezzanine suddenly popped out from the side of the coffin.

Stretching her hand into the mezzanine, she pulled out a metal needle from it. Tillylian took a closer look, then turned around and walked towards Deborah who was lying on the ground and panting non-stop.

Hearing the footsteps coming closer and closer, Deborah became emotional again. She kicked her legs and tried hard to support her arms, but the severe pain from all over her body made her Unable to move at all, seeing Tillylian approaching her, she could only stare, bared her teeth, and growled continuously, like a wounded beast.

"Let's have some fun, Big Boss..." There was a flash of light in the purple and blue one-eyed, and Tillylian raised her eyebrows and said: "Don't blame me, the more serious the malignant mutation, the more serious it is. Weaken the resistance of the infected, otherwise the suppression effect will be severely reduced, this is what Kasimir's father meant."

With that said, Tillylian squatted down, and directly tied the syringe in her hand to Deborah's chest.

Feeling a coolness accompanied by a faint pain spreading from the chest, Deborah instinctively wanted to resist, but the next second, the heart-piercing pain spread from the chest in an instant, and occupied the whole body within a few seconds.

She suddenly stretched out her hands to hug her head, and let out a piercing scream of pain. Deborah, who was unable to move because of the severe injury, suddenly bowed her body under the stimulation of the severe pain, as if she was having an epileptic seizure. Her whole body was stiff, her limbs were twisted, and steam was coming out of every crack in her skin. Then, she turned over suddenly, and then fell to her knees on the ground, her mouth was open, but she couldn't make a sound, just like It was stuck in the neck.

"Deborah!" Seeing her sister's painful face, as if she was about to die, Helena was about to cry, and she said anxiously, "You...what did you inject her with?!"

"I don't know." Hitomi Qiandao shook his head and replied.

Looking at Deborah who was convulsing constantly, Helena even had difficulty breathing. She was about to ask something more, when suddenly, a large piece of gray-yellow mud was spat out from Deborah's mouth. She convulsed and vomited as if she had drunk too much wine. Accompanied by the violent vomiting, the cracks on Deborah's skin began to close little by little until they turned into thin red lines, as if using red The lines drawn by the pen on the body were ordinary, and the skin color changed from blue-gray to bloodless pale.

Although the amount of vomit has far exceeded the volume of a normal person, Deborah is still vomiting continuously. It was not until the mud began to solidify that Deborah's body softened, her eyes closed tightly, and she fell directly to the side.

"Deborah! Deborah! Can you hear me?!" Although Hitomi Chishima stopped her, Helena couldn't help calling out.

As if hearing Helena's desperate cry, a moment later, Deborah's eyebrows twitched slightly, and then, she opened her eyes little by little, revealing those blue-gray pupils.

In an instant, Leon and Ada on the high platform tensed their nerves at the same time. Their fingers were stuck on the trigger, and the muzzle of the gun was slightly raised. As long as the situation was not right, they could fire immediately.

With blue-gray eyes open, Deborah seemed to be waking up from a nightmare. She looked around in confusion, and finally locked her sight on Helena following the sound. After a while, she tilted her head and said with some doubts: " Helena..."

"Deborah!" Helena finally couldn't bear it when she heard her sister calling her name again, and burst into tears. Covered in mucus, Helena hugged the naked Deborah, crying bitterly, "Oh my god, thank God... thank God..."

Standing on the high platform above, Leon let go of his grip on the pistol, silently watching the miraculous scene in front of him, and after a while, he whispered: "This is not a good omen."

"I think it's not bad..." Ada, who was holding the mechanical crossbow, shrugged her shoulders, and said to Leon with a smile: "If those guys really have a way to save this girl, why do they want to die? ?”


Three shifts, call it a day.

Let me tell you, I am a typical full-time writer, and I only guarantee two updates a day, and now the third is because I try my best to add updates every day, not that I guarantee three updates, so don't be too demanding on me, I am squeezing myself every day now It’s hard, my family keeps urging me to go to the gym and see a doctor, I don’t have time, I don’t even play games very much, the ice field I bought in January is just now, I’m so stupid up.

Chapter 51. The Evil of the Macho

"Look at me! Everything will be fine!" Although the lights were dazzling, the room was inexplicably dim, and Helena, who was tied to the chair with wheels, was covered with scars on her face. The girl opposite, the girl in the dirty dress, covered in bruises, terrified and sobbing.

That was her own sister, Deborah Harper.

Although she said "it'll be fine", Helena's expression revealed everything, and the fear flowing from her eyes couldn't be concealed at all, so Deborah, who was tied to the opposite chair, became even more terrified. Helena's tone also became anxious, and she anxiously comforted: "Look at me, Deborah, look at me! You will be fine! Just look at me!"

"Help me..." Deborah sobbed to Helena with a helpless face.

"I'll get you out! Deborah!" Leaning forward uncontrollably, Helena continued to comfort her, "Deborah, look at me, we'll make it through!"

At the intersection of lights and shadows, a middle-aged man in a white suit stood aside, constantly stroking the ring on his thumb that symbolized family status. Half of his body was hidden in the shadow, and the other half was exposed. Under the light, the eye sockets are full of chilling shadows.


Derek C. Simmons, National Security Advisor of Country A, silently watched the scene of sisterly love in front of him, with a hint of contempt in his eyes. After a while, he turned his head and looked at the other man in a black suit who was hiding in the shadows. , The strong men wearing sunglasses pouted their mouths, so two strong men came out of the darkness, grabbed the chair that bound Deborah, and dragged them towards the metal door behind.

"No! Let her go!" Seeing that her sister was about to be dragged away, Helena was about to tear herself apart. While shaking the chair that bound her, she shouted hoarsely: "Let her go! Don't do this to my sister." !"

Despite Helena's helpless screams, the two strong men ignored Deborah's struggling and crying, and directly dragged Deborah into the darkness where the dazzling lights could not shine.

"Take me away! Please! I'm willing to do anything!" Seeing Deborah getting farther and farther away from herself in the glare of the light, accompanied by helpless cries, Helena collapsed instantly. Turning her head, she looked at the indifferent Simon beside her and cried, "Please! Please! Don't hurt her! Please!"

Suddenly, the metal collided and made a cold sound. The closed door completely separated Deborah and Helena. She watched her sister being dragged away but couldn't do anything. Helena stretched out neck, and yelled at the cold metal door, "Dy-bo-la!!!"


"I didn't know what to do, so we helped him..." Holding her drowsy Deborah in her arms, stroking her sticky hair, Helena wiped away the tears from her eyes , telling her difficulties in a deep voice, she shook her head slightly, looked at Leon and said, "It was me, I helped Simmons get past the president's security system..."

"Helena! What are you talking about?!" Deborah, who had just regained her senses and was a little confused by what Helena said, was taken aback by Helena's words. She subconsciously wanted to get up, but then, her legs Once soft, fell back into Helena's embrace.

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