After finishing speaking, Leon handed the phone to Tiriris who was at the side, and at the same time said loudly: "Miss Tiriris, here is your number, it's Li."

Hearing Leon's call, Tiriris no longer stared at the golden light brought by the nuclear explosion, she turned around and went straight to Leon, took Leon's cell phone with a blank expression, and then said to the cell phone: "Nightwalk, This is Tiriris..."

"Leon..." Helena walked up quickly while Tilly Liss and Li Yexing were talking on the phone. She stared in confusion and said, "Who were you talking on the phone just now? I seem to have heard you mention president."

"That's right." Leon nodded.

"What's going on here?" Helena frowned and asked, "Who are you talking on the phone?"

"My friend, a very reliable guy..." Looking at Helena, Leon frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "The president is not dead."


One more.

Chapter 80.

"The president is not dead."

Looking into Helena's eyes, Leon paused and said, "President, he's still alive."

As if she didn't understand what Leon said, Helena stood there blankly. After a long time, she finally realized what Leon was talking about. Her eyes widened a little bit, her mouth was open but unable to speak, she gently Shaking her head wildly and raising her eyebrows, she seemed to want to reorganize the language, but for some reason, at this moment, she felt as if her brain function had been offline. For a while, she didn't even know what she should do. ask something.

"Listen, Helena, listen, calm down, listen to me..." Putting his hands on Helena's shoulders, Leon looked into Helena's eyes and said, "When I was at High Oak University, I lied to you. You, the president is not dead at all, my friends took the president away at the first moment of the attack, and now they have left High Oak City safely."

"Then...then you..." Helena stared blankly at the serious-looking Leon. After confirming that he was not joking or insane, Helena finally couldn't help it anymore, and a trace of anger appeared between her brows. She said angrily, "You should have told me earlier! I thought I killed the president!"

"That's because I didn't trust you at the time..." Leon shook his head and said, "Thinking about your performance along the way, if you don't tell me anything, I don't even know if you are on our side or not! "

Helena was stunned when she heard Leon's words. Recalling her performance along the way, she suddenly realized that she was really outrageous. The worry about her sister took away all her rationality, making her timid, looking forward and backward, facing She was also evasive about Lyon's many inquiries, but even under such circumstances, Leon still gave her his back.

Thinking of this, a trace of shame appeared on Helena's face. She turned her head and said in a low voice, "Sorry, Leon, I shouldn't, and I'm not qualified..."

"It's not important, what's important is that even in this worst case, the president is still alive, your sister was saved, and even a large number of survivors were sent out of High Oak City..." Lyon He patted Helena's shoulder lightly and said, "Therefore, we can put some matters to a later stage. The top priority now is to bring Simmons to justice."

"That's right, we're going to make Simmons pay the price..." Helena gradually calmed down after hearing Leon's words. As if flashing, she responded softly with "Mmmm" while nodding her head non-stop. Even though her face was expressionless, Helena could still tell that Miss Tillyris seemed to be in a good mood.

Turning her eyes away from Tilly Liss, Helena turned her head and whispered to Leon: "This girl, was this girl sent by that friend of yours?"

"That's right..." After a moment of entanglement, Leon realized that he seemed to be unable to hide it, so he simply nodded and said.

"That girl... is BOW, right?" Helena continued.

"That's right..." This couldn't be hidden, Leon could only nod his head and admit it.

"What's the background of that friend of yours?" Finally, Helena asked the question she'd been wanting to ask all along. She frowned slightly and said, "That woman named Ada seems to be accompanied by a BOW girl like that. , The one who took my sister away is also such a BOW girl, and the child in front of me is also a BOW girl..."

Speaking of this, Helena's brows and eyes became more scrutinized. She looked at Leon and said, "This problem is very serious. Your friend can command such a highly intelligent BOW, and can even come up with something that can suppress Deborah's mutation." The drugs that we met on the road before are probably also his people, who claim to be NGOs?"

Leon didn't speak, but his complicated look had already told Helena the answer.

"A faction, who was able to know Simmons' plan in advance, rescued the president as soon as Simmons' plan started, and completely ruined Simmons' plan. Intelligent high-latency BOW can allow them to perform sophisticated and complex tasks like soldiers, and a force can even bypass the national defense system of country A and send large-scale armed forces into the mainland of country A..." Counting them one by one Helena said in a deep voice, "Leon, your friend, what is he doing? What does he want to gain from this incident? Do you really understand?"

Listening to Helena's question after question, Leon was stunned. It wasn't until then that he realized that he didn't seem to understand Li Yexing. In his impression, Li Yexing was just a mercenary living in Itonia. I don't know why there are always a group of girls who are highly adaptable to the virus. The last time I talked with Li Yexing on the phone, Li Yexing once said that he would not only work alone in the future, but that he joined a security contractor with good pay. There was also a secretary with strong working ability. Before speaking, Leon could hear that Li Yexing seemed to like that secretary very much.

Wait, the secretary assigned by the security contractor must be an ordinary human, right?

Leon was taken aback by his own thoughts.

All in all, it wasn't until Helena asked one question after another that Leon suddenly realized that he seemed to know nothing about his friend who was a mercenary. At this moment, what he did, the resources in his hands , it is difficult for Leon not to think about an Umbrella who has been swept into the dustbin of history.

Facing Helena's scrutiny, Leon tilted his head slightly, his face was cloudy and uncertain. After a while, he turned his head again, and when his eyes met Helena's gaze, Leon said with a serious expression: "I believe him."

"Then what exactly does he want?" Helena asked with a slight frown.

"Revenge..." Leon replied: "He said this is his war, he wants revenge on Simmons, and he also said that he will stare at Simmons so hard that Simmons can't move."

"Really..." Seeing that Leon was so determined, Helena sighed, and she whispered, "I hope your judgment is correct."

At the same time when Leon and Helena finished their conversation, Tiriris' phone call was coming to an end, she kept nodding her head and kept saying, "Yeah, don't worry, Tiriris will protect Mr. Kennedy, Mmm... Mmmm... I love you too, Yoko."

After finishing speaking, Tilly Lisi cut off the communication, she turned around, and returned the mobile phone in her hand to Leon with a blank expression.

Putting his mobile phone back into his pocket, Leon said to Tiriris: "Miss Tiriris, the battle in High Oak City is over, what's your plan next?"

"Continue to follow Mr. Kennedy." Tiriris replied blankly.

"As expected..." There was a trace of relief between his brows, and Leon asked in a low voice: "You know where we are going? Right?"

"Lan Xiang..." Tilly Liss said in a deep voice: "Ye Xing has already made arrangements in Lan Xiang. Everyone will go to Lan Xiang. Ye Xing said that Ye Xing will give Mr. Simmons a super surprise in Lan Xiang."

"It seems that that guy really counted every step, he even counted that I would choose to go to Lanxiang..." His eyebrows raised slightly, Leon couldn't help laughing, he turned his head, and finally looked Glancing at the dissipating golden light behind the woods, he murmured softly, "You owe me an explanation, Li."


Two more.

Chapter 81. The Hunk and Wife Gang

It was still late at night, but the sky was rendered like day by the golden light. Through the mountains and forests, it faintly diffused, and the clouds were pushed away little by little, creating a golden ring-shaped hollow, as if the gate of heaven was wide open, and the Son of God came.

How dazzling is the golden color in front of her eyes?But Ada Wang, who watched all this, couldn't squeeze a smile.

Leaning on a black Harley motorcycle with red patterns, Ada folded her arms and watched as another city was razed to the ground by a nuclear bomb at the behest of Simmons. After a while, she sighed softly and turned her eyes to Turning to the side, in the shadow under the tree next to the road, the samurai girl wrapped in white was facing Ada with her back, holding her mobile phone and talking in awkward English.

"I didn't encounter any danger, and the journey went smoothly..."

"I'm fine, Yaxing-kun, don't worry..."

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