"We failed to activate the monitoring system on the Orianna. The monitoring system on that ship seems to have been injected with a virus. Now the technicians are busy adjusting the computer."

"Who would do it?!" Casimir grabbed his hair violently and gritted his teeth and said to himself, "Could it be that fat man Palka? He wants to negotiate with us with our things? It doesn't make sense..."

He gritted his teeth, and then suddenly laughed, at first it was just a weird smile, and then it gradually turned into a maniacal laugh.

The subordinate standing aside looked at the crazy Casimir with an uneasy expression, and asked cautiously: "Do you need me to bring a team back to the ship to retrieve the big deep-sea pineapple?"

Casimir, who was laughing wildly, suddenly stopped talking, with a gentlemanly smile on his face, and turned his head to look at his subordinates, who felt scared in his heart.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, it's just a one-time experimental product anyway..." He shrugged and asked, "How is the data collection going?"

"Reporting supervisor, all the data has basically been collected except for the deep sea pineapple."

"That's fine. Although there is a bit of a fly in the ointment, the task is not bad."

"Is it really okay not to collect data on deep-sea pineapples?" the subordinate asked.

"Of course there is a problem!" Casimir's expression instantly became a little ferocious, but then changed back: "But the problem is not big, it was the scraps left over from the BOW that Umbrella disposed of as waste back then. This kind of uncontrollable thing, in my opinion, has no development value other than fun, it's ridiculous that Freeman, when he was alive, regarded that thing as a treasure."

"So what do we do next?" the subordinate asked.

"Do whatever you want, shoot the torpedo as soon as the time is up, and then we will go home." Kasimir sat back on the chair again, waved his hands at his subordinates and said: "Now, get out, don't Don't bother me again."

After all, he put on the earphones again, and then shook his head with brown messy hair rhythmically.


At this time, Li Yexing and others were quickly leading a group of people through the lower cabin.

The journey went smoothly. Although there were more infected people in the corridor compared to the previous period, it was still acceptable compared to the mid-level cabin. Everyone present had guns in their hands, and ordinary infected people couldn't stop them at all. The only thing that affected their progress was the dog-shaped BOW that they had seen in the cargo hold before. This kind of BOW moved extremely fast and seemed to be more flexible than traditional zombie dogs. Killed three of these monsters.

"It's almost there." Li Yexing said to the people behind him when he saw the huge letter A sign on the wall.

Several people quickly moved towards the gate. During this period, Li Yexing kept looking down at his mobile phone and guiding the people behind him. Soon, a group of people arrived at the gate.

"The next part of the road is the most critical. There will be many infected people in the middle cabin. We have to rush to the position of the lifeboat as quickly as possible, otherwise we will be entangled by those monsters. Do you understand?"

Seeing the nods of the people behind him, Li Yexing took a deep breath, and then rushed up along the gate, followed by several people.

Sure enough, the ratio of the density of infected people in the middle cabin to that of the lower cabin is simply heaven and earth. Just after turning around the two corridors, you can see a large number of infected people gathering in the corridors. Li Yexing raised his gun and fired while moving forward. Tillis and Ada were behind him to help him deal with the licker-like monster on the ceiling. Li Yexing Ta held the Uzi in her hand and firmly guarded behind the group of people. The little yellow flower was caught in the middle and seemed a little at a loss. After thinking about it, she followed Rita's example and pointed the gun at the back.

He casually knocked away an infected person who rushed to the face with the butt of his gun, and then killed him with three shots. Li Yexing threw away the empty magazine to quickly reload, and at the same time dodged to avoid the corpse of the monster falling from the ceiling. The pressure is very high, and the infected people are still pouring in, but Li Yexing cannot retreat. Once he retreats, everyone here will be entangled by the infected people, and those guys will come here from all directions.

Shooting and charging along the map route in his memory, finally, Li Yexing saw the huge white hatch with the red valve at the end of the corridor.

"Here! Cover me!" Li Yexing shouted and rushed forward, turning the valve vigorously, but the valve did not move at all. Li Yexing saw that there was a card slot next to the cabin door. The authority magnetic card was inserted into the card slot, and with the clear sound of unlocking, Li Yexing saw two small buckles that locked the valve open automatically.

"The design of this boat is outrageous on you!" Li Yexing cursed, grabbing the valve with both hands and turning it vigorously.

Under the rotation of Li Yexing, the valve made a piercing metal friction sound. At this moment, the infected people behind them swarmed like flies that smelled of meat. They crowded forward in the corridor, and the white slurry came out with blood. They squeezed out from their bodies. At this moment, it seemed that all the infected people on the whole ship were gathering towards this side.

"Hurry up!" Ada yelled from behind, and the crowd fired wildly at the tide of corpses coming from behind. Seeing that these monsters were about to charge over, Li Yexing violently pushed open the heavy hatch that blocked everyone.

"Come here! Quick!" Li Yexing pulled out the captain's authority card inserted in the card slot, and shouted at everyone.

Seeing that the infected people were about to rush up, a group of people rushed in immediately. Li Yexing guarded the cabin door. When all the people had entered the door, he immediately closed the cabin door fiercely. In an instant, a huge force hit the cabin door. On the ground, those infected people wanted to squeeze in like crazy, Li Yexing pushed against the door, his veins bulged, and then saw Tiriris and Ada turned around and pushed against the door suddenly, with the pressure on their bodies suddenly Li Yexing immediately stood up and quickly turned the red valve on the hatch.

Accompanied by the light clicking sound of the mechanical buckle, Tiliris and Ada took half a step back, looking at the hatch door vigilantly, those infected people and monsters were crazily crashing into the hatch door, which could be heard through the hatch door. They roared unwillingly.

"Finally..." Li Yexing sat down on the ground limply. He wiped the sweat from his brow and said, "I can't do it anymore, you guys let me rest for a while."

"How can a man say no?" Ada smiled and said, pulling Li Yexing up and saying, "Let's go, aren't you also in a hurry to go back for vacation?"

"Damn!" Li Yexing cursed with a smile, he stood up, patted Tilly Lisi on the shoulder and said, "We are going home."

A group of people went down the wide stairs and came to a very large field, which was as big as several basketball courts. In the water outside the field, there were two speedboats that could seat seven or eight people. As long as you open the gate, the outside is the sea.

"Ada, you and them go check the lifeboat, and I'll open the gate."

Seeing Ada leading a group of people to the lifeboat, Li Yexing showed a slight smile. He came to the controller of the gate, looked at the red indicator light and valve on the controller, and inserted the captain's authority magnetic card into the controller. in the card slot.

"Buzz—" With the insertion of the magnetic card, the controller made a piercing sound.

Li Yexing's smile froze.

"Li Yexing, the speedboat can start, how is your side?" Ada beside the lifeboat shouted at Li Yexing.

Li Yexing's expression was extremely ugly. He pulled out the magnetic card and inserted it back in again, but the sound of "嗡—" was still the answer.

Seeing that Li Yexing's expression was not right, Ada walked over and asked Li Yexing, "What's wrong?"

"This card... doesn't work well..." Li Yexing was a little panicked as he repeatedly pulled out and inserted the slightly deformed magnetic card.

At this moment, a man's deep voice sounded in the empty space.

"Are you... looking for this?


Second watch, asking for a monthly pass and recommending blades, in short, what can I ask for!

I went to raise my waist.

Volume 2 Mission.31-[-]. Hunks don't like to push you too much

"Are you... looking for this again?"

The deep voice suddenly sounded in the open space, and the crowd followed the sound and turned their heads. On the stairs on the second floor of the site, a fat man with a mustache was looking at them with a sneer. Holding a black and gold-rimmed card, it gently shook towards them, as if showing off.

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