On the other side, the battle was still going on, and with Rita's restraint, Tiriris began to try to enter the battlefield. Although she couldn't be as flexible as Rita, Tiriris' body was extremely strong, powerful, and solid Shi punched the mutated Palka's spider leg, and the barbed exoskeleton on that leg immediately shattered, and the leg bent in a strange direction. Although Palka could manipulate the muscles to remove the body However, the bullets in it could not quickly repair this level of body damage. It screamed and lost its balance, and fell to the ground, spitting acid. Swinging around in a place that couldn't even be reached, he waited for an opportunity to stab the tentacles into the mutated Palka's body. With the cooperation of the two, the mutated Palka soon became exhausted, and it cursed , but her body was like a shower with no water, and the acid had gradually turned into a trickle from the initial gushing out. Seeing the opportunity, Tilly Lisi immediately rushed forward, hitting her fist like a battering ram. One after another, they hit Mutant Palka's body.

"Their attack seems to be very effective, and it will end soon if this continues." Ada said to Li Yexing.

"It's not that simple. This guy just shot dry. It's alive and well." Li Yexing said, "And we're running out of time. The torpedo is coming soon."

"But we can't help at all... It's a terrible situation." Thinking that the ship would soon be bombed and sunk, Ada's face flashed with worry again.

"No...maybe...I can help..." Li Yexing whispered to himself, and he took out the last grenade from the body of the security force member from his waist. Erka's body is wrapped in it, and it keeps spewing strong acid towards the surroundings, so Li Yexing has never used this grenade. He feels that the damage caused by fragments and explosions can't hurt this hard grenade that can be ignored. A bullet-eating monster, but now that he's got some better ideas, it's well worth the gamble.

"You still have this kind of thing..." Seeing Li Yexing staring at the grenade in his hand without speaking, Ada said with a smile, but suddenly, some bad thoughts flashed in her mind... Those rumors about Lopulus' mad dog, "Wait, you don't mean to..."

"Hey..." Li Yexing sneered, now it's time to break the deadlock.

Taking advantage of the mutated Palka's dancing tentacles to attack Rita, Li Yexing took a deep breath, then gritted his teeth, with a crazy smile on his face, and ran towards the mutated Palka like a wild dog running off the leash.

"Ye Xing!" Seeing Li Ye Xing rushing over, a trace of nervousness flashed across Tilly Lisi's face that had been calm for thousands of years, and even a trace of surprise and astonishment flashed across Rita's face. Of course Palka paid attention. Seeing that overreaching, despicable guy rushing towards it, it hastily turned back the tentacles chasing Rita to stop the oncoming Li Yexing, but saw Li Yexing suddenly fell to the ground as if out of balance , dodging Palka's dancing tentacles, a sliding shovel slid under the mutant Palka's body, pulled the ring of the grenade in his hand, and then roughly stuffed the grenade into the chrysanthemum-like fleshy hole, Immediately afterwards, Li Yexing made a tactical roll and dodged out. He knelt on one knee and didn't even look at the cheap Palka behind him who was already stunned.

Shaking off the mucus on his hands, Li Yexing frowned and said, "It's so fucking disgusting."

In the next second, there was only a muffled sound, accompanied by Palka's miserable scream, the grenade detonated directly inside the meat ball, and red and yellow liquid mixed with gushing from the hole under the mutated Palka's body Then, the spider legs could no longer support the weight of the meat ball, and the whole meat ball fell directly to the ground, and the tentacles that were flamboyant before were lying on the ground like a fish that had been basking on the beach for a long time, twitching feebly. x twitched.

"Okay... well, well, well, handsome..." Xiao Huanghua covered her mouth with her hands, her face full of disbelief.

"Heh... as expected of the mad dog of Lopulus..." Ada pinched her waist and sighed.

"Ye Xing. Is Ye Xing okay?" Tiliris hurried over from the side, Li Yexing smiled and touched Tiliris' head with his clean hand and said, "I'm fine."

"Really...Ye Xing does this kind of thing again..." Tili Lisi blamed him a little, stretched out her small powder fist and lightly hit Li Yexing's shoulder, Li Yexing grinned instantly in pain, he felt that his shoulder was about to dislocate .

"This is punishment for messing around..." Tiriris whispered.

"As expected of Mr. Li Yexing." On the other side, Rita, who had just landed, walked over with graceful steps, her eyes were full of admiration for Li Yexing.

Li Yexing looked at Rita, and felt a large ball of white meat dangling in front of his eyes. In the next second, his vision went dark.

"Don't look." Tilly Lisi covered Li Yexing's eyes with both hands, and Li Yexing grinned awkwardly at Rita.

At this moment, there was a sound of the big meat ball that had already collapsed next to it, and everyone immediately turned their attention to it. After a while, a fat man covered in blood slipped out of the bleeding chrysanthemum hole, and he struggled in the pool of blood. Crawling, but the body tissue connected to the meat ball firmly grasped him, making him unable to move.

"I can't die yet, I can't die yet, I'm a god, and gods can't die..." He slipped and crawled on the spot in the pool of blood nervously, looking more and more embarrassed.

"Oh, I'm going...you're not dead yet?" Li Yexing squatted down, lit a cigarette with great interest and looked at the struggling Palka, "Why do I feel like I'm back to the beginning? "

"Shut up! How dare you talk to me like that! I am a god! You should admire me!" Palka yelled at Li Yexing. Li Yexing looked at Palka with a frown and found that there was There is a clearly visible bullet hole, which is the one I punched before.

Could it be that he broke his brain?

Rita on the side looked at Palka crawling on the ground with a disgusted face. This unfaithful person finally paid the price for his evil deeds.

Picking up a handful of emptied HK-416s on the ground, a naked Rita walked to Li Yexing's side and said softly, "Sir, please let me do it."

Li Yexing took a deep puff on the cigarette, and then pressed the cigarette end on Palka's face. Hearing Palka's screams, he stood up and took half a step back, sneering, "My enemy is here~"

Palka was still screaming. Suddenly, a pair of pure white feet appeared in his sight. He wanted to raise his head to look up, but the next second he felt severe pain in his head. Rita's expression Cold and silent, she thought she would have a lot to say, but after this moment, she found that all the words were powerless. She swung the HK-416 in her hand and beat the handkerchief crazily. Erka's head turned a deaf ear to Palka's screams, allowing his dirty blood to splash on his white body.

Palka's screams became weaker and weaker until they disappeared. Li Yexing turned his head and saw that Palka's head had turned into a paste, like smashed garlic. Holding a gun in her hand, looking at Palka's appalling corpse, her eyes were slightly flushed, and finally, tears still slid down her face.

Taking a step forward to take away the gun in Rita's hand, Li Yexing squatted down and took out a magnetic card covered in mucus from Palka's tattered jacket pocket.

"We should go..." Li Yexing patted Rita's shoulder and said softly...

Second watch, to celebrate FPX winning the championship, here is the 4K chapter!The chapters will be completed in one go, and Fatty Palka will be beaten to death in one go. I hope everyone will have a good time watching it. Please ask for monthly tickets and recommended ticket blades.

Volume 2 Mission.35-[-]. The will of the macho

Li Yexing inserted the magnetic card he found from Palka's body into the card slot. With a soft "beep", the red indicator light on the controller finally turned green, and Li Yexing suddenly Pull the switch, the next second.Accompanied by warning sounds and rumbling mechanical sounds, the gate opened little by little, and outside was the slightly dim sky and the endless sea.

Ada has already started the speedboat, and Tilly Liss and Xiao Huanghua have already boarded the boat. After Li Yexing boarded the boat, he found that there seemed to be someone missing. Looking back, he found Rita standing in the middle of the field, motionless looking at them with a smile on his face.

"Get on the boat, Rita, what are you waiting for?" Li Yexing said impatiently, "We're running out of time."

"No way..." Rita shook her head, with a wry smile on her face, she said to Li Yexing, "I can't leave this ship."

"Why?" Li Yexing looked puzzled, but it was Ada who reacted, and she said softly, "Because that body has already turned into a bow, no one knows what changes will happen to her body next..."

"Stop making trouble..." Li Yexing ran straight off the speedboat, came to Rita's side, grabbed her wrist and said, "Hurry up and get on the boat, don't waste everyone's time, or we won't be able to get away when the torpedo comes."

"Mr. Li Yexing!" Slamming Li Yexing's hand away, Rita had a sad smile on her face, and her chest slowly split open, revealing the core wrapped inside.

"Mr. Li Yexing, I respect you very much. You are the most special person I have ever seen in my life of less than twenty years. If possible, I also hope that I can leave here with you and go to a place with more possibilities. The future..." She said softly: "But, look, this body, this is no longer a human body..."

Looking at Rita at this time, Li Yexing suddenly thought of Chris in "Resident Evil 6", who was stuffed into the rescue cabin by his mutated partner Pierce alone, and could only watch his partner walk away from him in pain.

Now, he kind of understood how Chris felt.

"So what if you're not human?" Li Yexing rudely interrupted Rita's words, and Li Yexing showed a trace of irritability on his face: "Anyway, in my opinion, there is no difference between shooting people and shooting monsters. The same is true when interacting with people. This person can be trusted, so what if there are more parts?"

"It's so easy to say, where is there a place for me in the outside world?" As she spoke, a tentacle stretched out from Rita's back. She wanted to scare Li Yexing away, but as the tentacle stretched out to Li Yexing, In front of him, Rita was surprised to find that Li Yexing seemed to be unable to see the tentacles, and looked directly at Rita with determined eyes.

You just won't back down are you?

A cruel and contemptuous smile appeared on Rita's face. The tentacles slowly caressed Li Yexing's cheeks, scraped over Li Yexing's bare skin, wrapped around Li Yexing's neck, and tightened slowly. Unexpectedly, from the beginning to the end, Li Yexing did not flinch, and there was no fear in his eyes, he just watched Rita quietly.

"Aren't you afraid?" Rita finally panicked, she asked a little helplessly.

"Why are you afraid? Will you harm me?" Li Yexing asked back.

"Of course not, but..."

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