"You still know him?" Li Yexing couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw Alexisa mentioning the name of his partner.

"Of course I know, Casimir...not bad..." Alexisa gave a high affirmation to a gentleman in charge of a branch far away in Europe, and said with a light smile: "That guy is very talented, He is also very intelligent, but in our world, talented people abound, and the reason why I still admire him is because he can read people's faces and know how to advance and retreat."

"Knowing people's faces? Knowing how to advance and retreat?" Recalling the annoying appearance of that guy who would bombard him with phone calls every few days, Li Yexing couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said, "Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. From the moment he chose to let go of his past suspicions and assist you, he has been crossed off my liquidation list..." Alec Lisa narrowed her orange snake eyes slightly, and looked at Li Yexing He raised his head and smiled lightly: "Until today, except for the two troubles I caused my dear in Loples, I am quite satisfied with him..."

"We are a cooperative relationship, and there is no superior or inferior..." Hearing what Alex Lisa said, Li Yexing couldn't help whispering: "Besides, if you bring a group of tyrants and hunters and a large number of armed forces If running to my small town can be regarded as assisting me, then he is too good at assisting..."

"Use this group of cannon fodder to exchange for a cute and capable secretary for you, my dear, would you change?" Alexisa asked back with a chuckle.

"Change!" Nodding without hesitation, Li Yexing said in his heart that it is not easy for Kasimir to be a father-in-law and a matchmaker. Then, as if he suddenly remembered something, Li Yexing said in surprise: "Wait, Kazimir That fellow Simil... is your subordinate?"

"Of course not, he is my subordinate..." Alexisa chuckled and said, "If I have a subordinate who always troubles you dear, I will wring his neck myself."

"Oh..." Nodding again, Li Yexing was about to ask more about the situation on the side of the black Umbrella, when suddenly, a strange soft sound came from the chrysalis in front of him, Li Yexing and Alecle Sha was silent for a moment, and the two raised their heads at the same time, staring at the chrysalis. Under the sight of the two, strange sounds began to be heard from the chrysalis, and then, suddenly, the chrysalis trembled violently. , as if something wants to break through the shackles.

"It's coming out..." Assuming an attacking posture, Alexisa frowned slightly and said, "Honey, your saint's fist doesn't seem to be working."

"Tsk..." There was a hint of sternness in his expression, Li Yexing frowned tightly and said, "It shouldn't be, that guy Kazimir is quite reliable most of the time..."

"He's finished..." Alexisa sneered, "When I kill this thing, I'll rewrite his name on the liquidation list!"

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly, a series of cracks exploded from the pupa shell, and a large piece of turbid liquid with a rancid smell mixed with blood gushed out of the crack, and then, the side of the pupa shell shattered on the spot, and a large piece of Internal organs mixed with floating carrion flowed out of the chrysalis, and with the stench mixed into the stagnant water, Chaos screamed and slid out of the crack of the chrysalis, its body shrunk several times compared to before, and its skin From translucent to cloudy blue-gray covered with blood vessels and rotten sores, there was a large hole on the monster's side ribs, and internal organs and body fluids were continuously flowing out of the hole. At the hole, countless tiny tissues Crazy regeneration, trying to make up for the wound, but as soon as the granulation was born, it died and festered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Right now, this monster that is enough to destroy the world is lying in the stagnant water like a stranded fish, not to mention fighting, even supporting it. I can't even stand up!

Undoubtedly, the Saint's Fist extracted from the macho's blood is a real powerful medicine, it directly shatters the chaos hiding in the chrysalis shell and trying to reconstruct the body!

"The effect of this medicine...is a bit strong..." Li Yexing couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw the chaos on the ground who couldn't do anything but scream.

"Not bad! Very good! Very good, as expected of the assistant officer I personally chose for my dear! I have decided that when I regain the black Umbrella, I will let Kazimir take over Arzerich's position!" With one hand Caressing her chest, Alexisa proudly raised her head, totally not seeing the look of trying to kill the whole family just now.

Seeing Chaos lying on the ground screaming, Li Yexing's expression became a little subtle. Just when he was talking to Alexisa, Chaos' body seemed to shrink again, and it wailed and rushed It tried to secrete the khaki mud, trying to re-wrap itself, but the mud it secreted not only couldn't solidify, but was mixed with blood and water, which looked extremely disgusting.

"I feel like it's useless." Li Yexing said in a low voice after a while.

"That's right, my dear, it's finished..." Looking at the smaller and smaller Chaos, which was about to shrink to the size of a normal human, Alexisa sneered and said, "It's constantly consuming its own nutrients. Trying to mend a growing wound that just dies, even if left alone, will wear it down within minutes of its repairing powers."

"Really..." Looking at the chaos lying in the stagnant water, screaming non-stop, Li Yexing lifted his leg expressionlessly, and stepped on the ugly head. Suddenly, it was as brittle as paper. The same skull shattered and shattered, and the brain tissue that had begun to die was scattered and scattered.

"Honey, you're disgusting..." Alexisa couldn't help but complained in a low voice, almost being splashed on her legs by the brain that had started to turn black.

Not paying attention to Alex Lisa's words, Li Yexing silently stared at the headless corpse of Chaos until the pile of internal organs and the corpse spontaneously ignited, then he turned his head and said to Alex Lisa: "Just kill it, Otherwise, I will always miss it."

Seeing Chaos' corpses turned into dust and mixed in the stagnant water, Alexisa slightly raised her eyebrows, she turned her head, a gleam of brilliance shone in her orange-red snake pupils, and she whispered: "So, my dear, Are we...successful in saving the world?"

"Of course." Li Yexing nodded, jokingly said, "Tonight, we are the saviors."

"This is really great..." Alexisa stepped forward quickly, hugged Li Yexing's waist, and smiled while pressing Li Yexing's chest. He said: "When we have a child, I must tell him the story of his parents saving the world..."

As she said that, Alexisa turned her head with some resentment and muttered in a low voice: "I didn't have a mother in the first place, and my father was killed by my sister and brother. I can't let our children grow up in this environment... "

"Child?" Li Yexing raised his eyebrows instinctively and asked a little differently from Alexisa's focus.

"Yes, child! Because I will often make out with you dear, so we will definitely have many children!" Alexisa said with excitement in the eyes of the snake, just as she was about to gradually change her expression. When the horrified Li Yexing described the beautiful vision of the island full of children, suddenly, a blue light exploded from the huge black sphere on the dome, and the fire was completely turned off. Immediately, the sirens and lights disappeared, and the entire space was dark.

Vaguely, there seemed to be the sound of mechanical operation.

"What's going on?" The surroundings suddenly became dark, and Alexisa couldn't help but frowned and asked in a low voice.

"This sound..." Hearing the sound of the machine rumbling, Li Yexing was slightly startled, and then his eyes widened and he said urgently: "It's a female horse! The drain is opened! The sea water is about to pour back!"

In the next second, the water level soared, instantly engulfing the two of them.


One more.

Chapter 152. Like a macho man

The wound corroded by the acid in Chaos' body has not yet healed, and the moment of being soaked in the cold sea water brought a strange pain. Fortunately, Li Yexing was used to it. He waved his hands to break through the sea water and rushed out. Then he shook his head vigorously. The sea water was still dripping down the top of his head and past the corners of his eyes, but Li Yexing had no time to take care of it. He widened his eyes, frowned while searching around and shouted: "Lisa?! Lisa?!"

Damn, why didn't you swim up?Didn't she say she lives on an island?It's impossible not to swim, right? !

"The female horse's..." Cursed secretly, Li Yexing took a deep breath, and was about to dive into the water, when suddenly, a beautiful figure broke through the water sheet.

The blond long hair was covered with cold sea water, swaying and swaying water droplets in the dim fluorescent light, and then scattered on the water surface again, the snow-white hibiscus still had water droplets on its cheeks and a strand of broken hair stuck to it, but Alek But Lisa was not in a hurry to take care of it. She turned her head and looked at Li Yexing, who took a deep breath but couldn't let it out because of her shocking appearance, and her face was flushed. She smiled and said: "Honey, I It sounded like you were calling me."

"Damn..." cursed in a low voice, Li Yexing exhaled the turbid air in his lungs, and while slowly swimming towards Alexisa, he said, "You bastard, you didn't mean to sneak into the water on purpose to scare me Bar?"

"As expected of my dear..." Alexisa didn't care when she was punctured. She smiled and asked, "So, dear, did I scare you?"

"I'm sorry, no..." Expressing dissatisfaction between frowning brows, Li Yexing swam up to Alexisa, grabbed Alexisa's hand, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go. "

There was no reply, a gleam of mist flashed in the orange-red snake pupils, and in Li Yexing's surprised eyes, Alex Lisa broke free from Li Yexing's hand with her backhand, held Li Yexing's wrist, and grabbed Li Yexing's wrist. Pulling Li Yexing into her arms, she put one arm around Li Yexing's waist and kissed Li Yexing's lips fiercely.

After the initial surprise, Li Yexing narrowed his eyes a little bit, he gently broke free from Alexisa's wrist, put his arms around Alexisa's waist, and Alexisa raised his hands, Wrapping around Li Yexing's neck, under the dim blue fluorescence emanating from the water waves, the two of them pressed together tenderly and warmly, asking for and rubbing against each other until their breathing became a little disordered, and then they slowly separated.

Eyebrows lowered, staring at each other, for a moment, the two of them didn't know what to say.

"Speaking of which, it was so dark just now, why is there light now?" After a while, Li Yexing broke the silence and asked softly.

"That's the light from the lower drain..." Under the faint blue light on the water surface, Alexisa's face was dyed with a trace of temptation and mystery. She pressed Li Yexing's chest, chuckled and murmured in a low voice Said: "Also, dear, at this time, if you can't find any interesting topics, then don't talk..."

"Ah..." With a rare embarrassment on his face, Li Yexing asked in a low voice, "Then what should I do?"

"My dear, do you even need to ask?" Alexisa lightly smiled and said, "Kiss me."

Rubbing his hands against Alexisa's waist and back, Li Yexing kissed him directly. This time, perhaps because he took the initiative to attack, he kissed a little rough, which made Alexa, who had always held the initiative, She was a little uncomfortable, and it didn't take long for her breathing to become chaotic, and at the same time, she chuckled and made a cute nasal sound like a girl acting like a baby.

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