Not long ago, Chris was still staring at the woman who got off the plane with Li Yexing without saying a word. He remembered that woman. As early as a few years ago, she had appeared in the raid of the Black Umbrella Eastern Europe Division. On the battlefield, he defeated the Ouroboros aggregate that almost wiped out the BSAA troops with a god-like terrifying force. At the beginning, Chris firmly believed that this woman was the last insurance sent by Li Yexing to assist the BSAA in combat, so in After the operation was over, he classified the details of the operation and strictly prohibited the BSAA members who participated in the operation from mentioning it.

Now it seems that the woman with the name of Ashford is indeed one of Li Yexing's monster harem!

No wonder there has always been an inexplicable sense of disobedience after the memory was restored. It turned out that he had forgotten about it. The BOWs raised by Li Yexing's family were not six, but seven!

While Chris was silently waiting for Li Yexing to deal with the monster girls' affairs and give an explanation to everyone present, suddenly, the giant in the suit who had been following Li Yexing and Ashford turned around. He turned his head and overlapped his eyes with Chris. After a few seconds of staring at each other, the big man walked towards Chris and Pierce step by step without making a sound.

It was obvious at a glance that the other party was not human, and Pierce subconsciously wanted to raise his gun, but was suppressed by Chris again.

Pierce couldn't remember how many times Chris lowered his gun tonight.

On the other side, seemingly not paying attention to Pierce's reckless behavior, the giant in a suit walked up step by step, and stopped in front of Chris and Pierce. It silently looked at Chris, with eyes that said no With an unclear color, Chris felt a faint pressure from the giant. He frowned and did not back down, but his index finger pressed the trigger lightly, just as he endured it. Just as he was about to break the silence, the giant in suit and leather shoes suddenly said in a hoarse and chaotic voice: "Hi, sir, it's the first time we meet, I am the steward of the Ashford family, you can call me Haman, or Butler Harman."

"Chris Redfield, BSAA." Out of habitual courtesy, Chris reported his identity.

"I know, I know you, sir..." Looking at Chris with a bad expression on his face, Butler Harman said slowly: "You are one of the 11 founding members of the BSAA, the captain of the BSAA Silver Blade, and an anti-biochemical terrorist He is an expert in the field of doctrine, the soldier who buried Wesker, a hero... At the same time, he is also the murderer who killed the young master and the second lady of the Ashford family."

"Alfred and Alexia, right?" Although more than ten years have passed, Chris still accurately reported the names of the Ashford brothers and sisters, and he said in a deep voice: "All, you Are you here to avenge your family?"

"The Eldest Young Master and the Second Miss have lost the honor of being a member of the Ashford family. They committed chaos, killed their father, and ruined the precious wealth of the Ashford family. They deserve to die..." Said expressionlessly Butler Harman said in a deep voice, "It stands to reason that the Ashford family should be grateful for Mr. Redfield's thunderous attack, but from my personal point of view, I am a little dissatisfied. After all, this is a family matter of the Ashford family. It is better for the Ashford family to clean up the house. The young master and the second lady should be the touchstones of the third lady, but you, Mr. Redfield, you It smashed Miss San's touchstone."

"So you're still looking for trouble?" Although he couldn't understand what the captain and the monster in the suit were discussing, Pierce still smelled a faint smell of gunpowder. However, this time, before he raised his gun, Chris suppressed it in advance. his wrist.

"Hehe, the young man is so kind, full of anger..." Squeezing a smile that was not kind from under the bandage, Butler Harman sighed softly, and said in a deep voice: "It's a pity, as you can see, I'm old, and when I get old, I tend to be long-winded, after all, I may not see the sunrise of the next day at any time, so I can't help but say everything I want to say."

Looking at the tyrant-like body of Butler Harman, Chris thought for a while, and felt that it would not be a big problem for the monster old man in front of him to slap his head with a slap, so he asked in a deep voice, "And then?"

"Don't worry, I'm not here to make trouble. I'm so old that I can't get angry. It's better to keep healthy..." Butler Haman said with a smile: "I'm not here to represent Ashford The family's position is in communication with the BSAA, and on behalf of an old man who is dying, I want to have a good talk with Mr. Redfield."

"About your third lady?" Chris asked with a frown.

"That's right..." Nodding to Chris, Butler Harman said in a heavy tone: "As you can see, I watched the young lady grow up step by step. She is a poor child. As a genetic technology Creature, born without a mother, her brother and sister killed her father when she was still a baby, and now she has only two blood relatives left, but after a few years, Mr. Redfield, you You and your sister killed Miss' brother and sister again, and now Miss is completely alone..."

Seeing the resentment in Butler Haman's eyes watching him, Chris instantly understood what the hell this old man was planning. Hell, he was playing moral kidnapping!

"It's their own fault!" Seeing through Butler Haman's scheme, Chris said in a deep voice, "If you mess with Umbrella, it will definitely not end well!"

"I understand, Mr. Redfield, I think you're right..." Nodding to Chris, Butler Harman smiled and said, "I'm just whining, nothing else, look, I At this age, it's no surprise to whine, is it?"

Seeing the green-skinned old monster in front of him with ease, Chris' face became more and more ugly. Even though he knew that this was just a small trick of Butler Haman, there was no doubt that Butler Haman's plan succeeded. Now, all Thinking of the close relationship between Li Yexing and the third lady of the Ashford family, Chris felt a chill...

Li is my friend. In order to keep me, he played a game of chess that was as dangerous as walking a tightrope.

Li's woman, the third young lady of the Ashford family, fell from the sky three years ago and rescued the BSAA, which was almost wiped out, and saved the lives of dozens of BSAA members...

More than ten years ago, my younger sister killed the elder brother of the third Miss Ashford, and I even smashed the elder sister of the third Miss Ashford...

Although the reasons are very good, once the logic is established, it will linger in Chris's mind. For a moment, Chris even really felt that he owed Li Yexing and the third lady of the Ashford family!

"Mama girl, you cunning old thing..." Seeing the curved mouth under the bandage, Chris couldn't help cursing in a low voice, while the butler Harman on the opposite side smiled honestly, as if he didn't understand What Chris was talking about, just as Chris was thinking about how to get rid of the old butler in front of him, he saw Li Yexing walking over step by step, waving his hands and smiling: "How is it? Chris, let's get things done Is everything going well?"


One more.

Chapter 162. The macho exchange of feelings

To be honest, Li Yexing was still a little worried when he saw Chris talking to Butler Harman. After all, Chris and the Ashford family had a lot of grievances... the kind of extermination, but after hearing Harman After the butler's laughter, Li Yexing let go of his hanging heart. If he didn't look at Chris' stinky face, the conversation between the two should be quite harmonious.

Saying hello to Chris, Li Yexing walked towards Chris step by step with his back covered in scars. On the opposite side, seeing Li Yexing leaning over, Chris turned around and left Pierce, surprised at Pierce. Walking quickly in the eyes, his face was unusually dignified.

"What's wrong? Chris?" Sensing that something was wrong with Chris's expression, Li Yexing frowned subconsciously and said, "Is there something wrong with BSAA?"

Facing Li Yexing's gaze, Chris quickly walked up to Li Yexing, and then he punched Li Yexing fiercely in the face.

"Fuck!" Accompanied by Li Yexing's painful cry, the bustling pier fell silent instantly. Whether it was the protagonists of the original game or the girls of the Li family, they all focused their attention on the past. The eyes may be astonished, subtle, or dangerous, but without exception, they hide inexplicable emotions. In an instant, there is no sound around.

Caught off guard by this heavy punch, Li Yexing staggered back two steps. He wiped his nosebleed, looked at his nosebleed fingers, then raised his head abruptly, staring at him with wide eyes. Chris said anxiously: "Are you sick with his female horse?!"

"You fooled me for half a year, and during this half year, I was played by you and the scum around you as a fool..." Chris said coldly: "They said I owed them money, and I owed them money Lied half a month's salary."

"I did it to save your life! Look at your appearance at the time, what can you do when you return to the BSAA?" Li Yexing couldn't help feeling angry when he didn't see each other for several days. While covering his nose, he said bitterly: "Also, didn't I ask that bastard Duergen to notify me? Whoever borrowed your money just ask me for it, these bastards, I will take them when I go back Bloodletting one by one..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chris rushed up and hugged Li Yexing tightly, as if he was going to strangle Li Yexing's ribs.

"Thank you, brother..." Chris, who was a full head taller than Li Yexing, hugged Li Yexing tightly and said with his head down: "Thank you for doing so much for me, thank you for taking such a big risk for me, I really don't know how to thank you..."

"Don't forget, we are fateful brothers..." After a while, the anger on Li Yexing's face disappeared, and he whispered: "Also, don't hug, two big men, they are disgusting. ..”

With that said, Li Yexing let go of the fingers that blocked his nostrils, and immediately, the nosebleed that was squeezed in his nasal cavity gushed out, splashing Chris's face.

"Female horse! Li!" After being sprayed with nosebleeds, Chris quickly let go and pushed away. He wiped the blood on his face, and then said to Li Yexing: "It's disgusting, you bastard, what a joke!" What is it?!"

"Biochemical infection." Li Yexing said with a cheap smile.

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Chris was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression changed. He wiped the blood on his face vigorously and cursed: "I'll fuck you! Li! I'll fuck you!"

After wiping his nose, Li Yexing turned his head and saw Leon, Helena and Ada leaning over together. Although Leon looked at Li Yexing with a serious face, his figure was moving towards him intentionally or unintentionally. Leaning on Ada's body, while Ada still had a calm smile on her face, she kept a distance from Leon in an understatement. As the three of them got closer to Li Yexing, the distance between the three of them was actually getting closer. The bigger it is, the weirder it looks.

On the other side, like Leon, Ada, and Helena, Jack and Shirley are also walking over step by step. Compared with the old couple of Leon and Ada, Jack and Shirley seem much more real. Deliberately, the two of them stuck extremely close together, like conjoined twins.

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and he showed a mean smile at Leon. Li Yexing tilted his head and said, "Do we need to hug it too?"

"And while I'm not careful, spray me with nosebleeds?" Subconsciously stopped, keeping a distance of three steps from Li Yexing, Leon glanced at Li Yexing's nose, and then said in a deep voice: "I still count gone."

Smiling at Leon, Li Yexing turned his head to look at Ada, and asked with a chuckle, "Is it a good time to get along with Tong?"

"Of course..." Nodding to Li Yexing, Ada smiled and praised without hesitation: "Miss Qiandao is really great, Boss Li, I hope more and more that we can cooperate more in the future." It’s close, but I don’t know if the hiring of Ms. Qiandao can be clearly marked in your office?”

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