So, in this terrifying flame of revenge, the world began to burn, and the tragedy began to be staged. From this, the protagonists stepped onto the stage...

In the eyes of everyone, Li Yexing stated silently that there is no earth-shattering conspiracy or treacherous calculation in his story, but only irrationality and impulse again and again, twisted and intertwined in the spiral of love and hate This story is not complicated, even too simple. It is as simple as a third-rate screenwriter's scribbles. After Li Yexing finished telling the story, almost everyone present had a look of disbelief on their faces.

" ridiculous..." After a long silence, Leon shook his head and said, "I can't believe this is the so-called truth."

"Although it sounds too stupid, every step is in line with the development of the situation. When all the impossible is ruled out, no matter how absurd the remaining result is, it will only be the truth..." I don't know when I went back to Lyon Beside him, Ada tapped Leon's shoulder lightly, and said with a smile, "Admit it, it's all because of your number one love rival's fault, that's why Simmons went crazy."

"That really makes me feel honored..." Leon said blankly.

Compared to Leon and Ada, who are used to the big wind and waves, Helena's expression is much more exciting. She lowered her head, widened her eyes, and whispered in astonishment: "Just because of this ridiculous thing , killed so many people, I...I can't accept..."

"It sounds like a child's play..." Behind Chris, even Pierce couldn't help whispering.

"I can't believe it, Mr. Simmons..." Obviously, Shirley, who has been working for Simmons, couldn't accept Li Yexing's answer. Seeing Shirley's distraught look, Jack frowned slightly. Eyebrows, he secretly put his arms around Xue Li's waist, seeing that Xue Li did not resist, he tightened his arms a little bit, and carefully hugged Xue Li in his arms.

Compared with the protagonist group in the original game, the girls of the Li family seemed much calmer. Except for Alexisa who listened with gusto and little stars were about to appear in her eyes, most of the other girls did not respond. After all, this story, from Li Yexing has been talking about it since he picked up Hitomi Qiandao, and he has talked about it many times.

"Li, I believe in you, and I will not doubt the authenticity of your ridiculous story..." After a while, Chris raised his head and looked at Li Yexing. After a moment of hesitation, he asked in a deep voice: "But, I want to know, where did you learn about these things?"

"Oh, this..." Li Yexing smiled. He was about to open his mouth to answer, but almost everyone present, including his own girls, said at the same time: "I have a boss of UBCS."

Suddenly, Li Yexing's expression froze.

"I knew you would say that..." Looking at Li Yexing, Leon smiled smugly, and Ada immediately chimed in: "After all, Boss Li always answers this way to everyone, isn't it? Is it? To be honest, I'm getting tired of hearing it."

"You've been fooling me with this answer for eight years!" On the other side, Chris' eyes became sharper, and he frowned and said, "Li, it's time for you to give me a reasonable explanation."

Feeling the piercing gaze from all around him, Li Yexing turned his head subconsciously, but saw that the girls in his family also had a trace of searching in their eyes. It was obvious that they were also curious about this question, and they also wanted to know why Li Yexing So well-informed?Why are you so familiar with BOW and various organizations that produce and sell BOW?

The atmosphere gradually became awkward. Li Yexing was thinking of countermeasures while laughing. After all, he couldn't tell everyone present that he was a time traveler, and the others were all game characters. But right now, he really couldn't find any reason. Even the former Umbrella employees have no reason to know so many secrets, let alone he is just a mercenary with a proven record.

But his brain was spinning rapidly, but he couldn't think of a way. Just when Li Yexing was about to be looked at by everyone's eyes as if he was in a desperate situation, Alex Lisa suddenly stepped forward, stood beside Li Yexing, and then turned to the crowd. He said loudly: "Everything he knows, I told him."

Saying that, Alexisa turned her head, blinked at Li Yexing veiledly, and at the same time said helplessly: "I said it all, let you stay away from these guys, it's all right now, I can't hide it at all."

"Tsk..." Instantly comprehended, Li Yexing scratched his short bloody hair, turned his head in boredom, and smacked his lips vigorously.

"Forget it, anyway, I have already announced my return to the world, so I don't have to hide it anymore..." Turning her head and looking at Chris and Leon, Alexisa said with a light smile: "To tell you the truth, eight years ago, I hired Mr. Li to secretly handle some matters for the Ashford family. After a period of contact, about four years ago, our relationship changed. Become closer than before, so the employment relationship becomes a cooperative relationship, and the Ashford family will share some additional information with Mr. Li."

"Miss Ashford, I can handle all of this." Li Yexing pretended to be dissatisfied.

"No need, Mr. Li..." Alec Lisa smiled softly at Li Yexing, "The situation has changed, and after weighing things up, I think your cooperation with the Ashford family is on the table. It's more appropriate than hiding in the dark, and it's also good for your communications with agencies like the BSAA, isn't it?"

Seeing Li Yexing and Alexisa chattering each other, Leon and Chris' complexions are getting darker and darker. As long as their eyes are not blind, everyone present can see that the pair of dogs in front of them The men and women are acting, but the key point is that Li Yexing actually set up a new job to gag their mouths!

After a long time, this boring saliva show ended, Li Yexing turned his head, shrugged at Chris and Leon, and said helplessly: "As you can see, the situation is like this, now, are you satisfied? "

"Yeah, I'm satisfied..." Leon sneered with his expression as if he had eaten a fly, "From now on, you don't need to say that you have a UBCS boss, you can say that you have an Ashford family wife."


One more.

Chapter 165. The macho overlooks the scenery

In the early morning, the curtains in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows have not been opened, and the sunlight penetrates through the gaps between the curtains, pulling a thin golden line on the delicate and classical floor tiles, and the thin lines continue to extend along the gaps between the floor tiles until Between the feet on the side of the bed in slippers.

He was wearing clean light blue slacks on his lower body, and his upper body was naked showing hideous scars. Li Yexing, with slightly disheveled hair, was sitting by the bed, looking a little listless. Gently sliding the screen, browsing the latest news, with the other hand on his waist, gently stroking the black delicate skin on his back.

Behind Li Yexing, Bai Muqing was sitting on the tangled soft quilt. Like Li Yexing, her upper body was naked, revealing the tattoo-like black pattern on her back. Her arms were around Li Yexing's neck, and her gaze was beyond Li Yexing's. shoulders, watching the news with Li Yexing, and at the same time, the legs wrapped in black pantyhose wrapped around Li Yexing's waist, leaned forward, and swayed slightly.

After a while, the thumb that slid the screen of the phone froze slightly, Li Yexing frowned and whispered: "Take it easy, Mu Qing..."

Hearing Li Yexing's whisper, Bai Muqing, who was pressing behind Li Yexing, sneered. She ignored Li Yexing's appeal, and increased her strength and speed little by little. As a result, Li Yexing gasped lightly, and her chest Slight ups and downs, until the hand stroking Bai Muqing's calf suddenly exerted force, and the two stopped at the same time. For a moment, the spacious and luxurious room became more charming, mixed with the faint fragrance of heather.

"Don't move, I'll come..." Sensing Li Yexing's hand moving again, Bai Muqing's voice became colder, she bit Li Yexing's ear and whispered softly: "Rubbing on the instep will hurt you." It's troublesome to be seen..."

Hearing Bai Muqing's whisper, Li Yexing stopped his movements and refocused his eyes on the phone screen, waiting for Bai Muqing to wipe away the traces left by the morning exercise with his toes. He asked in a low voice, "Shall we take a bath together?" ?”

"Wait for Rita to come back..." Folding her arms, she pressed herself closer to Li Yexing's back. Although Bai Muqing's eyes were filled with sweetness and satisfaction, her tone was still cold. She whispered: "It's still early, don't worry, in the past at home, no one will get up at this time except me, Rita and Hitomi."

"I know..." Li Yexing nodded and said, "I just think that if I wait for Rita to come back, I'm afraid this bath will take a long time..."

"Then wash it longer..." The corner of his mouth curled up with a vicious arc, and Bai Muqing whispered softly: "Wash well, today is the last day of staying in Lanxiang, and we will officially start tomorrow. It's vacation, isn't it?"

"So you were looking forward to it?" This time, it was Li Yexing's turn to be surprised, he tilted his head slightly and said, "I thought that according to your personality, you would definitely say something like going on vacation is meaningless and go back to work quickly. "

"One has to be relaxed, not tense all the time, do you think I'm some kind of workaholic?" Seemingly a little dissatisfied, Bai Muqing frowned and said, even her feet, which had been cleaned of traces, began to use a little force.

"Don't wipe it..." He took a deep breath.Li Yexing squinted his eyes slightly. He patted Bai Muqing's thigh, got rid of the restraint of Bai Muqing's limbs, forced himself to stand up, then turned his head and said to Bai Muqing, "If you wipe again, it will start."

"Get up..." Following Li Yexing to stand up, Bai Muqing put her arms around Li Yexing's neck again, pressed Li Yexing's chest, and said with an evil smile: "Anyway, I have to take a bath later .”

Ignoring Bai Muqing's words, Li Yexing bent down slightly, and took advantage of the opportunity to hug Princess Bai Muqing, and Bai Muqing was not surprised, she leaned on Li Yexing's shoulder as a pillow, and naturally leaned into Li Yexing's arms.

Holding Bai Muqing in his arms, stepping on the exquisite floor tiles, Li Yexing walked through the room, and came to the huge French window, letting the golden light that penetrated the gap between the curtains divide him into two, and Bai Muqing was held in Li Yexing's arms. With a comprehension, she smiled and stretched out her hand, and suddenly opened the curtains amidst a "crash", and suddenly, the golden sun came rushing towards her face. Warmth shone on the two of them. Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, there were forests of buildings, towering tall buildings, heavy traffic on the street, and crowds of pedestrians. At this moment, Li Yexing and Bai Muqing standing in front of the window had a panoramic view of all this .

Catching the smile on the corner of Bai Muqing's mouth, Li Yexing couldn't help but chuckled and said, "You actually have a special liking for this kind of scenery. Do you like looking down on all living beings so much?"

"That's right, I like this feeling, it makes me feel that everything is under my control..." Looking down at the crowd of people outside the window, Bai Muqing looked away and stared at Li Yexing, but there was a little more expression in her expression Indifferent and cold, her lips pursed, she said with a reddish face, "However, I am the only one to appreciate such a beautiful scenery, it seems a bit... lonely, if... If there is a man, he is willing to accompany me to enjoy it With all this, I think I will be much happier.”

To be honest, as a migrant worker imbued with the memory of a violent mercenary, Li Yexing doesn't quite understand Bai Muqing's obsession. In his opinion, most of the people who like to stand on tall buildings while drinking red wine and overlooking all living things should be men. It's still the kind of man with "I'm a villain" written all over his face, and now, even standing here, Li Yexing still can't understand the pleasure of this pretentious behavior.

But obviously, Bai Muqing liked this tune very much. The memory of Bai Muqing dancing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with the lights turned off and red wine on, accompanied by melodious music, was still etched in his mind. When the song ended, Bai Muqing let go of everything. With a cold disguise, he kissed Li Yexing unrestrainedly, and the wine red eyes were filled with joy and happiness, completely no longer the irritable and overworked appearance before.

At this moment, facing the morning sun of birth, Li Yexing caught the same color in Bai Muqing's eyes, although not as fierce as last night, but more gentle and peaceful, so he smiled and kissed her gently, and Bai Muqing Then the cherry lips parted slightly, and while catering to him, he put his hand on Li Yexing's cheek. The two stood on the commanding heights of Lanxiang, as if they were the king and concubine overlooking everything.

"Sir, I'm back..." Suddenly, the door opened, and Rita, who was wearing a black lace backless maid outfit and an OL uniform covering her back, walked into the room holding a tray. After closing the door, he smiled and said, "Because I was worried that the breakfast here would not taste like Mr. Yang, I specifically asked Mr. Yang to requisition the kitchen, but obviously, I was too worried. The chef here is definitely the best. Chefs, their skills really opened my eyes, I have to say, I have gained a lot of knowledge, it seems that Rita still has a long way to go on her way to become a perfect maid..."

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