"Then it's not about Tong Tong..." Lying on Li Yexing's chest coquettishly, Qiandao Tong raised his head, looked into Li Yexing's eyes and said, "Tonight, I have to trouble Lord Yexing so much. ..”

"Tong..." Looking at the warrior Ji in your arms, Li Yexing's expression was a bit complicated, and he whispered: "You have changed, you have really changed, you are not my caring little padded jacket anymore .”


Three shifts, call it a day.

Chapter 170. The Hall of Macho Men

In a few words, Li Yexing was arranged by Kanan and Qiandaotong for tonight's itinerary. Looking at Kanan who was eager to try and Qiandaotong who was soft in his arms and his eyes were full of love, Li Yexing was happy for a while. In addition, I felt a little sad, as a tough man who had been in the enemy's camp seven times, he was so clearly arranged by his own girls.

"Forget it, as long as you are happy..." In the end, Li Yexing just touched Hitomi Qiandao's head. He lowered his head, gently pushed aside Hitomi Qiandao's bangs with his fingers, kissed Hitomi Qiandao's forehead, and then gently He patted her waist and said, "Go back, Tong."

"Hmm..." Hitomi Qiandao nodded with a slightly red face, but the flush on his face hadn't dissipated, so Li Yexing let go of the arm that was holding Hitomi Qiandao tightly, turned around and said to Kanan: "Go back gone."

"Go." Grabbed the collar with both hands and tugged gently, shaking off the soot that fell on the black leather jacket. Kanan didn't say anything, but put his hands in his trouser pockets, turned around and went downstairs. The posture looked a bit like male classmates who went to the bathroom together in high school. Looking at Kanan's back, Li Yexing couldn't help smiling, then pulled Hitomi Qiandao's wrist, and followed him down the stairs.

"By the way, boss..." Walking in front, as if he suddenly remembered something, Kanan said while going down the stairs: "Do you have any plans for today?"

"No..." Shaking his head at Kanan, Li Yexing said in a low voice: "This battle is not only going to be played in person, but also needs to be moved back and forth. Everyone is already very tired, so hurry up before going to Lisa's private island." , let everyone have a good rest."

After a slight pause, Li Yexing continued: "Besides, although Chris helped us get some permissions, the blockade of some areas in the city center has not been lifted. At this time, running out and running around here and there is not adding to the BSAA? "

"It's true..." Kanan thought for a while, then nodded and said, it seemed that he accepted Li Yexing's statement, but Qiandao Tong showed a trace of regret on his brows, and she whispered: "Originally I also want to go shopping with Yaxing-kun. There is a big shopping mall near here. Chiba does not have such a big shopping mall, and neither does Loples. I want to go shopping with Yaxing-kun, shopping like a couple. In that way..."

Seeing that Hitomi Qiandao was a little disappointed, Li Yexing couldn't help but feel a little distressed. He knew very well that, as a female high school student from Japan, Hitomi Qiandao didn't resist, and even liked this kind of life of fighting and killing, but emotionally What she desires more is the kind of love like shoujo manga, the kind of ordinary love like walking hand in hand with her lover through the street corner, going shopping, eating supper, catching dolls, and this kind of love, no matter for Li Night travel is still a bit unrealistic for Lopulus.

Come to think of it, since leaving Japan, Miss Qiandao's love has been in a state of rampage.

"Sorry, Hitomi..." Squeezing Qiandao Hitomi's soft and boneless little hand, Li Yexing sighed softly, and he said softly: "Next time, how about next time? If nothing happens this year, me and Communicate with BSAA like that, when the time comes, our family will go to Japan, go to Changye, and then go to Hokkaido to see the snow in Hokkaido."

"Hmm..." The disappointment between his brows and eyes was swept away, and Hitomi Qiandao smiled again.

It didn't take long for the three of them to return to the floor where everyone lived. Kanan beckoned and went back to his room. Hitomi Chishima also said that he needed to take a shower and returned to the room. For a while, there were only people in the corridor. Li Yexing was left alone. He turned his head and looked at the rooms in the corridor. After thinking for a while, Li Yexing turned his head and walked along the other side of the corridor.

As a landmark building in Lanxiang City, it is naturally impossible to allow idlers to scurry around inside the Kunlun Building, but Li Yexing feels that he should not affect others just by wandering in the corridor, let alone that Mr. Yang Li Yexing has been given permission to enter and exit any important place. As long as Li Yexing is willing, there is no place in this building that he cannot go to except the women's toilet.

Having said that, Li Yexing didn't know that Mr. Yang well. In his opinion, the other party was so enthusiastic at that time, he should just want to sell the face of the Ashford family, and Li Yexing, he is not so unreasonable. Interesting.

Walking through the corridor, I encountered patrolling security guards. I planned to walk over directly, but was greeted by a group of men in suits and sunglasses who bowed loudly. This made Li Yexing feel a little awkward. Li Yexing had no choice but to nod, so the security guards stood up, but did not leave, but stared at Li Yexing. For a while, Li Yexing felt even more awkward, so he quickened his pace and took the crowd together. The security guard was behind him, and he didn't stop until he entered the lobby. He turned around and found a mahogany seat. Just as Li Yexing sat down, the pretty OL at the front desk walked over quickly, respectfully He handed Li Yexing a bottle of unnamed wine with a delicate glass.

Those who knew it was the lobby manager, those who didn't know thought it was the waiter.

After serving the wine, the young lobby manager did not leave, but stood silently in front of Li Yexing, as if waiting for Li Yexing's instructions. The awkwardness in Yexing's heart was almost reaching its peak, and when this awkwardness appeared on his expression, it directly turned into displeasure.

Seeing Li Yexing's ugly face, the young lobby manager immediately became nervous. She leaned slightly, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Li doesn't like this bottle of wine? It's okay, we can change it for you..."

Glancing at the lobby manager's legs wrapped in black silk, Li Yexing, who was used to seeing Bai Muqing, felt a little lack of interest. Instead of answering the lobby manager's question, he asked in a deep voice: "Mr. made?"

"Yes..." Nodding to Li Yexing, the lobby manager said a little uneasy, "Mr. Yang told me to make Mr. Li feel at home."

"Okay..." After waving his hand to the lobby manager, Li Yexing said expressionlessly, "Stop standing there, let me wait."

"Okay, Mr. Li..." She bowed slightly like a waiter, and the lobby manager was relieved. She turned around and was about to leave, but she heard Li Yexing say: "By the way, take the wine back too, this thing is not good at first glance. It’s cheap, it’s a bit wasteful to drink it for me.”

"Okay, Mr. Li..." After a moment of hesitation, the lobby manager bent down and was about to take away the wine bottle and cup placed next to Li Yexing. At this moment, a voice suddenly called suddenly sounded...

"Hey hey! Don't take it away!"

Accompanied by this loud voice, there was a sound of dragging footsteps. Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head, and saw a tall Caucasian male with disheveled hair walking out from the corridor on the other side. , with stubble all over his face, wearing a Hawaiian shirt and big pants, and wearing big beach slippers on his feet, with his legs full of hair showing, facing the sight of Li Yexing and the lobby manager, the man sat down on Li Yexing's. Beside him, he held the wine bottle in the lobby manager's hand with one hand, then winked at the lobby manager and said, "Leave the wine, go and do your work, sweetheart."

After looking at the rather frivolous man, and then at Li Yexing, the lobby manager put down the bottle and left as if fleeing.

"Hey, if you don't drink, I'll drink..." Smiling at Li Yexing, the man skillfully opened the wine bottle with his bare hands, poured himself a full glass, and drank it all in front of Li Yexing. Putting down the cup, he exhaled exaggeratedly, and said with joy on his face: "Mama girl! The surname Yang is actually hiding such a good product! It's a pity, it still falls into my hands!"

After that, the man turned his head, stretched out his hand to Li Yexing who looked weird, and smiled while blinking: "Come on, buddy, let's get to know Powell."


One more.

Chapter 171.

Looking at the inexplicably familiar man in front of him, and at the big hands he stretched out in front of him, as well as the exposed muscles on his arms and calves, Li Yexing narrowed his eyes slightly and stretched out his hands, shaking hands with him. Together, they introduced themselves in a low voice: "Abdullahan."

Immediately, the man named Powell raised his eyebrows, his expression became extremely subtle, and he even forgot to let go of Li Yexing's hand for a while, until Li Yexing showed displeasure, he took his hand back in a hurry, At the same time, he scratched his head and smiled, "Ha, I'm sorry, I'm a little surprised that you are so vigilant that you didn't even give your real name."

"It seems that you know me..." Li Yexing said in a low voice, ignoring Powell's teasing.

"Yes, I know you..." Powell smiled and said, "The famous Li Yexing, the strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere, has been in the business for more than ten years and has no bad reviews."

He didn't speak, which was regarded as a default, Li Yexing crossed his legs, turned his head, and shifted his gaze to the indoor ornamental plant that was as tall as a person beside the seat, and on the other side, seeing that Li Yexing ignored him, Powell just Smiling, he filled a glass of wine for himself again, drank it down, then turned his head to look at the elevator in the lobby, and while looking at Li Yexing from the corner of his eye, he crossed his legs like Li Yexing, Gently shaking the flip-flops on her feet.

As time passed, Powell drank one cup after another, until most of the wine in the bottle was drunk, Powell turned his head to look at Li Yexing, and saw Li Yexing leaning on the back of the chair, silently Silently swiping his phone, he couldn't help but sneered with a slightly drunk face: "You can hold your breath."

"Huh?" Interrupted from his thoughts, Li Yexing subconsciously turned his head to look at Powell.

Seeing that the other party was not calm, but that he hadn't paid attention to himself at all, the slightly drunk Powell couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked, "Aren't you curious about who I am?"

"Po... Erwei?" Seemingly a little uncertain, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and asked in a low voice.

"It's Powell!" Seeing that the other party didn't even remember his name, Powell couldn't help frowning.

"Oh, sorry..." Li Yexing nodded, and then asked in a low voice, "Do you have anything to do?"

Hearing Li Yexing's question, Powell was at a loss for words for a moment. After all, he really had nothing to do. He just wanted to meet this mysterious mercenary in his eyes before leaving Lanxiang, but facing Li Yexing He didn't know how to answer that look with some searching eyes. After a long while, he smiled in a low voice and said, "Guess, who am I working for?"

"Lisa." Li Yexing replied without thinking.

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