Clenching his hands tightly on the delicate stone railing, Li Yexing frowned slightly, and let out a breath of hot air. He was thinking about whether to leave, when suddenly, the familiar yet unfamiliar chaotic voice sounded behind him.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Turning his head subconsciously, looking at the giant in a suit who quietly appeared behind him, Li Yexing subconsciously whispered: "Butler Harman..."

"Hehe..." There was a chuckle behind the bandage, butler Haman stepped forward step by step, and stood beside Li Yexing. It stretched out its hands like Li Yexing and gently grabbed the stone. Li Yexing and Li Yexing watched the magnificent scenery in front of them, and at the same time said with a light smile: "I guess, Mr. Li must be very disappointed at this moment, and he keeps complaining in his heart, complaining about why it's not Miss who came here, but me. This old thing."

"It's not that disappointing..." Li Yexing responded with a chuckle to Butler Harman's ridicule.

Indeed, Li Yexing was not disappointed with the arrival of the butler Harman. Rather, he was a little pleasantly surprised to have a companion by his side. However, after listening to the old butler's words, Li Yexing did feel a little bit Resentment.

"Haha, Mr. Li is a straightforward person. I really can't hate people like you..." Butler Haman didn't care about Li Yexing's answer that seemed to have something in his words. He turned his head and asked with a smile: "Do you want me to inform the young lady? It doesn't take much to say, just tell her that you are here, and she will come over soon."

"No need." Shaking his head, looking at the sinking sun, Li Yexing replied in a deep voice.

"Is it really unnecessary?" Butler Haman asked with a smile: "The opportunity is rare, the sun waits for no one, it will disappear soon."

"This is a long vacation, and everyone will stay here for a long time..." Li Yexing said in a low voice, "If you don't mind."

"Of course I don't mind. Rather, I am very happy. As an existence beyond human beings, Miss has always been lonely. Now, she is finally accompanied. As the housekeeper of the Ashford family, I feel very relieved ..." The corner of the mouth under the bandage grinned, revealing a ferocious but very sincere smile, butler Haman whispered: "I believe, miss, she thinks the same way, if it's her, I'm afraid I can't wait You stay here with her forever."

"Speaking of which, what are they doing now?" Li Yexing changed the subject as if he didn't want to get entangled in this topic.

"Miss is taking her sisters to visit the manor..." Butler Harman replied softly, "I haven't seen Miss so happy for a long time."

"The manor..." Li Yexing couldn't help laughing when he heard the words of the butler Harman. He joked with a smile: "With its own elevator landing pad and arsenal, alarm devices that can be seen everywhere, underground research rooms, And those complicated institutions... If it weren't for the fact that you usually live here, I would think this is the base of some evil organization."

"Influenced by the Spencer family, from the older generation, the Ashford family has been full of interest in those complicated and delicate mechanisms..." Butler Haman explained with a smile: "And, to be honest, I think your prejudice against the Ashford Secret Garden stems from your profession, your profession only allows you to see the apron and arsenal and what kind of alarms and laboratories, but does not let you see my carefully manicured shrubs, I didn’t see the lush botanical garden due to the careful care of the lady, let alone the exquisite artworks from all over the world in the corridors that were created by masters.”

"Maybe you're right..." After a while, Li Yexing whispered: "The corridor looks beautifully decorated, but when I saw the ceiling of a certain room full of small holes, I thought I don’t have the heart to admire the corridor anymore, I have to be extremely careful with every step I take, for fear of stepping on something that shouldn’t be stepped on.”

"You're overthinking, Mr. Li, this is Miss's home, and it's also yours. You don't have to be so cautious..." Butler Harman said with a smile: "I know the room you mentioned, don't worry, it's just like the corridor. The vases and oil paintings in it are all works of art."

"A display?" Hearing what Butler Haman said, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, and then asked.

"Of course not..." Butler Harman said with a smile: "The interior of the room adopts a retro design, but it is equipped with infrared monitoring technology. If you don't press the red button hidden under the enamel bottle on the cabinet next to the door before entering the room, It will be locked inside by the iron gate that falls from the sky, and then seven-inch steel nails will pop out of the small holes you see, and they will slowly fall along with the concrete roof until the intruder penetrates, and then presses into pies."

"Oh..." Li Yexing nodded, and said to Butler Harman expressionlessly, "I probably understand why you are so enthusiastic about inviting me as a guest..."

Chapter 2. The macho vacation ([-])

The Lanxiang incident was over, and the BSAA began to work intensively to clean up the mess. Thanks to Lyon's coordination, Li Yexing himself was protected from harassment by various intelligence agencies. Yexing and his girls finally ushered in peace, and Alexisa also sent an invitation in a timely manner, hoping that Li Yexing and his girls could visit her home.

To be honest, Li Yexing himself was not very interested in going to Alexisa's hometown as a guest, but considering his girls, Li Yexing agreed. He could see that the girls in his family seemed to be interested in Spending a long vacation on a private island seems to be very interested. Tillis seems to have a lot to talk to Alexisa. Rita is very interested in the traditional European-style aristocratic mansion of the Ashford family. Curious, Kanan doesn't care, she is where Li Yexing is, and Hitomi Qiandao said that she hasn't been to the beach for a long time, and she really wants to see it. Needless to say, Tillian, anything that has never been experienced will be It made her excited, and even Bai Muqing, a workaholic for thousands of years, secretly expressed that he wanted to take a vacation to relieve the pressure of work.

Thus, the plan to go on vacation to the Ashford family territory was finalized.

Considering that this trip is a direct flight and will not return to Lopulus, Yang Chucheng took the lead and purchased brand new daily necessities for everyone, from clothes to washing tools, everything was complete, and he even bought a set for Tiliris. Taiwan "Monster Hunter 3G" limited 3DS host!

"Oh! New limited host, start!"

Holding the new handheld that was removed from the packing box with both hands, Tiliris's eyes glowed red. At this moment, it seemed that her world was illuminated.

In short, after solving all the problems, Li Yexing and his girls boarded the helicopter driven by the butler Harman, and set off in a mighty way. The journey this time was not too long. After landing once in the middle, Before evening, the helicopter landed on a small island independent of the boundless sea.

Hovering in mid-air, Li Yexing couldn't see that there were people living on this small island at first glance through the window of the helicopter. After all, from the sky, except for the white sandy beach, the whole island was almost completely Surrounded by green trees, it was a lush area, with no castles or manors in sight at all. It wasn't until the helicopter slowly descended that Li Yexing saw a clue from the mound.

There is actually a hidden elevator landing pad there!

As the helicopter landed, the apron began to sink slowly. When the dome was blocked by camouflage, the light from above was swallowed up a little bit. It was not until the apron brought the helicopter to the cave at the bottom that all the people got off the helicopter.

Looking around the empty but bright cave, Li Yexing thought of Batman for no reason.

Stepping on high-heeled shoes studded with black gemstones, she followed behind everyone, until the butler Haman carried a big bag like a Christmas tree and closed the cabin. Looking at Yexing and her sisters, she raised her head slightly and said proudly: "Welcome to Queen Veronica Island, this is the secret base of the Ashford family, my hiding place, and also our home."

After a brief introduction, the butler Harman said that he was going to prepare the room for everyone and leave first, while Alex Lisa began to show everyone around, walking along the tarmac deep in the cave, entering the corridor, the mountain The wall was instantly replaced by a smooth and clean white wall, and further forward, there was a thick glass wall. Through the glass wall, you could see various unnamed instruments in the room.

"This is my private research room. You need to open the valve in front to enter. After changing the protective clothing, you need to disinfect it..." Seeing the people behind him looking at the room separated by the glass wall with great interest, they walked in front Alexisa chuckled and introduced: "If the situation permits, I would be willing to show you inside, but unfortunately, I didn't prepare enough protective clothing, and to be honest, there is no research here that is very important. Because I like to grow flowers, so in my spare time, I will try some special fertilizers here, that’s all.”

Following Alex Lisa through the corridor and on the elevator, he was squeezed in by a group of girls with a delicate mood. After a soft sound of the elevator running, Li Yexing finally officially entered the Ashford family castle.

At first, when Alexisa mentioned her castle, Li Yexing thought that the so-called castle should be built on the mountainside, but obviously, Li Yexing guessed wrong, this one belonged to the Ashford family The castle was much bigger than he had imagined, and it was completely stuffed into the mountain like the secret base of some evil organization. All the windows bordered the cave, which not only ensured the lighting, but also did not appear It's very conspicuous, and it's hard to spot if you just look at it from the sky.

Entering the castle, walking in the magnificent corridors, while the artworks that can be seen everywhere bring a sense of freshness to Li Yexing, they also show an indescribable solemnity, especially those hanging on the walls. The oil painting of the portrait added a touch of mystery to the castle, as if feeling the sight from the oil painting, Alexisa at the front stopped talking, and her expression became serious, while Li Yexing Walking forward slowly, he and the other girls looked at each other carefully, until at the end of the corridor, Li Yexing stopped, silently staring at the figure sitting on the throne in the oil painting, who was [-]% similar to Alexisa At the bottom of the oil painting, thin black lines outline a row of letters in a unique British script...

"Veronica Ashford."

Looking at the legendary queen who has supported the Ashford family by herself and has a history of hundreds of years, unconsciously, Li Yexing's eyes became more solemn.

"Honey?" Suddenly, that familiar voice came from his ears, pulling Li Yexing out of his delicate thoughts. Li Yexing was slightly startled, then turned his head, and saw Alexisa She was walking towards him step by step, with a hint of questioning in her eyes. Behind her, a group of girls were also silently looking at her, seemingly curious.

Arriving at Li Yexing's side, Alexisa turned her head and glanced at the oil painting on the wall, with a look of surprise in her eyes, as if she didn't expect that Li Yexing would suddenly stop in front of this painting and look at the oil painting. A legendary ancestor of the Ashford family, Alexisa smiled at Li Yexing, and introduced softly: "This is Veronica Ashford, the great ancestor of the Ashford family, also She is the starting point of the Ashford family, she is smart, beautiful, like the chosen queen."

"Just like you?" Li Yexing joked with a chuckle.

"As a person who continues the Ashford bloodline, I respect my ancestors..." Alexa Lisa said to Li Yexing with a chuckle, "But I think I am better than my ancestors."

"So, is the woman in that painting your ancestor?" On the other side, Kanan also came up. She looked at the woman in the oil painting, rubbed her chin and raised her eyebrows and said, "Don't say it, it seems It's kind of like that."

"Miss Marfar..." Stepping forward quickly, Rita gently tugged at the corner of Kanan's clothes, frowned and reminded in a low voice: "That's the ancestor of the Ashford family, please Watch your words and deeds."

"It's okay, Miss Griffith..." Smiling at Rita and Kanan, Alexisa took Li Yexing's hand, then turned her head, looked at the oil painting on the wall and said softly: "After so many years, the Ashford family is lively again. If the ancestor is still alive, he must be very happy."

Chapter 3. The macho vacation ([-])

I have to say that from Li Yexing's point of view, Alexisa's castle is very big, very large, and each corridor is about the same size. With Alexa's little introduction, the team gradually polarized. Rita, who is very interested in every piece of art in the book, followed closely behind Alexisa, with a smile on her face, her gray eyes seemed to be shining, and she could even echo Alexisa's introduction from time to time A few words, followed by Bai Muqing, who grew up under the elite education of the Bai family, and Bai Muqing still has some art appreciation ability, so she silently followed behind, quietly admiring the artworks displayed in the corridor, wine red There was a hint of admiration in his eyes from time to time.

Compared with Rita and Bai Muqing, who have strong art appreciation ability, Hitomi Qiandao is slightly inferior. Even though she was also born in a wealthy family, her personality is not comparable to the first three after all. She looked around, as if she was visiting a museum. If she encounters a work of art with a strong Japanese style, she will look at it a few more times, and nod from time to time under Alexisa's explanation. As for Tilly Lian, although she can't understand those things that seem strange to her She couldn't figure out what the bottle could be used for besides holding things, but this did not prevent her from looking at everything around her with curiosity and interest.

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