Seeing that Rita was so considerate, Li Yexing ate the small piece of steak in one gulp, while Rita picked up her napkin in a timely manner, with a mist in her eyes, she gently wiped the corners of Li Yexing's mouth He murmured softly: "Sir, you are awesome, you have accepted everyone's kindness seriously."

After finishing the last feeding, Li Yexing sat back on his seat after Rita gently wiped the corners of his mouth. Looking at the steak in front of him that had just been slashed and hadn't been touched in time, he drank Taking a sip of red wine, he said expressionlessly, "I'm full."

Chapter 5. The macho vacation ([-])

Li Yexing was already full for dinner without moving anything on his plate. Looking at the half-slit steak on the plate, Li Yexing fell into deep thought.

From entering the castle to the present, Li Yexing has not seen the servants. If he contacted Harman's butler before, it is basically certain that these delicious and mellow steaks were all carefully cooked by Harman's butler. It can be seen that, Butler Haman attached great importance to the visit of Li Yexing and the girls from the Li family.

Although they are not high-quality people, Li Yexing can't do such a thing as wasting other people's carefully prepared cooking.

After a while, as if thinking of something, Li Yexing couldn't help but sneered, he sighed softly, with a little helplessness on his face, picked up the knife and fork again with both hands, and began to re-decompose the steak on the plate.

Don't cut it too big, it's indecent for a girl to eat with her mouth open...

Cut a square piece of steak and put it on the fork. Under the surprised eyes of all the girls, Li Yexing turned around, holding the bottom of the small piece of steak with one hand, and whispered to Alexisa: " Come, let me feed you."

A flash of surprise flashed in the orange-red snake eyes, and was replaced by surprise. Alec Lisa held Li Yexing's wrist lightly with one hand, smiled and poked her head over, her cherry lips parted slightly, and put the piece of steak that was just right in size. She took it into her mouth, and chewing slowly, Alexisa squinted her eyes slightly, with a happy arc on the corner of her mouth. After swallowing the steak, she smiled lightly: "It's full of the taste of love, my dear, you are so kind to me."

"Haha..." Li Yexing smiled embarrassingly, turned his head, and raised the knife and fork again. This time, he cut it very big. After hanging it on the fork, Li Yexing turned to Tiliris beside him , and then softly said: "Come, Tilly Liss."

Tilly Lisi, who had been waiting for a long time with red eyes beside her, opened her mouth wide open, like a predator hiding in the grass, and ate the big piece of steak in one bite with a speed and movement that were hard to catch with the naked eye, and then acted like a hamster. Puffing out his cheeks, he chewed vigorously, watching the gravy leave the corners of Tilly Lisi's mouth, Li Yexing imitated Rita's appearance, and gently wiped the napkin gently. The large piece of steak was swallowed directly, and then said expressionlessly: "I like it."

"Perverted brother-in-law, I want my lord to want my lord..." Seeing that Li Yexing finished feeding her sister, Tilly Lian hurriedly stood up and said anxiously, but before she finished speaking, she brought a large piece of steak The fork was sent directly into her mouth, and she subconsciously closed her mouth tightly, holding the steak and the fork in her mouth.

"It's eating, why are you making so much noise, gag your mouth..." Pulling the fork out of Tillylian's mouth, watching Tillylian chewing with puffed cheeks like her sister, before Li Yexing could pick it up Napkin, Tilly Lisi turned her head, and wiped the corners of Tilly Lian's mouth expressionlessly. At this moment, Tilly Lian opened her eyes wide, as if she was about to fly away.

Focusing on the remaining steak again, Li Yexing roughly cut off a large piece, hung it on the fork, and handed it directly to Kanan.

"Ah..." Looking at a large piece of steak on the fork, Kanan fell into a daze, and after a long time, he frowned slightly and complained: "Think about it, boss, how can you eat such a big piece of steak?" Well! Do you think I am the eldest lady and the second lady?!"

"Why didn't you think about this question just now?" Li Yexing asked with raised eyebrows.

"Are you holding grudges? Oh my god, why are you acting like a brat, how stingy..." Rolling his eyes at Li Yexing, Kanan opened his mouth indistinctly, and swallowed the big steak in one gulp Li Yexing was about to pick up his napkin, but Kanan waved his hand at him, and then used his own napkin to chew the steak while wiping the corners of his mouth. Finally, she She also gave Li Yexing a hard look, as if complaining that Li Yexing made her make a fool of herself.

After feeding Kanan, looking at the few steaks left on the plate, Li Yexing cut off a small piece, stood up and handed it to Bai Muqing while chuckling, "Muqing, you are so caring today."

"It's as if I'm not caring usually..." She gave Li Yexing an angry look, but there was a smile that couldn't be hidden in her wine-red eyes. Bai Muqing propped herself up, stuck her head out, and opened her eyes She swallowed the small piece of steak with her cherry lips, and sat back on the chair. She raised her head slightly, looking very satisfied.

Holding a knife and fork, he cut the small piece of steak left on the plate from the middle. Li Yexing forked a small piece, turned around and handed it to Hitomi Qiandao who had been waiting for a long time, and said with a light smile: " Here, this one belongs to Hitomi."

"Yoxing-kun..." His face was shy, Hitomi Qiandao blushed slightly, stood up with lowered brows and eyes, gently raised his hair with one hand, his cherry lips parted and said softly: "Ah——"

Stuffing a small piece of steak into Hitomi Qiandao's mouth along his lips and teeth, and pulling out the silver fork, Hitomi Qiandao sat back on the seat, the blush on his face still lingering.

He directly used the fork to set up the last piece of steak. Li Yexing looked at Rita who was sitting opposite him, and said with a smile, "Wait a minute, Rita?"

"It's not in a hurry..." Standing up and leaning closer to Li Yexing, Rita smiled and said, "Rita is always full of patience when it comes to Mr.'s affairs."

"Come on..." Li Yexing said softly as he handed the small piece of steak on the fork to Rita.

"Hmm..." There was a trace of mist in the gray eyes, and there was a touch of shyness. Rita lifted the hair by her ear with one hand, leaned forward, and swallowed the small piece of steak together with the fork. Wait, seeing this, Li Yexing was about to pull out the fork, but saw Rita suddenly let go, and spit out the steak that had already been swallowed.

There was still a gleam of greasy gravy on the cherry lips, Rita squinted her eyes slightly, turned her head slightly while meeting Li Yexing's eyes, and then stretched out her pink and tender tongue, constantly touching the small piece of steak. She hooked, licked, and kept the dripping gravy in her mouth until the gravy stopped flowing. She lightly kissed the small piece of steak before she took it in her mouth.

Sitting back in her seat, her slightly squinted gray eyes faintly emitted a hint of lavender light, flowing with temptation. After a while of chewing slowly, Rita chuckled and said, "Sure enough, this kind of Mr. The taste of love is too sweet, Rita...totally irresistible."

Watching all this, Tilly Lisi had no expression on her face, as if she was no longer surprised by it, but Tilly Lian's eyes widened, with an unbelievable expression on her face, Qiandao Hitomi, who was sitting next to Tilly Lian, was even more rosy. , she turned her head and whispered in Japanese: "As expected of Miss Griffith, so bold..."

"Missing maid, are you...a bit...too..." On the other side, because he didn't know how to evaluate Rita, Kanan was at a loss for words, but Bai Muqing didn't say anything. With the usual expression, under the table, the index finger dotted with black nails like white jade was poking Rita's thigh through the stockings again and again, as if expressing dissatisfaction.

As if she had received some kind of cultural shock, Alexisa was stunned for a moment. After a while, she turned her head and asked Li Yexing in a low voice in doubt: "Does Miss Griffith usually do this?"

"How should I put it..." His expression became a little subtle, and Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and whispered: "Is this a reserved item for our family's dinner?"

"So that's the case, I really want to understand..." Not knowing exactly what she understood, Alexisa nodded thoughtfully, and then, she suddenly leaned into Li Yexing's ear and smiled. She murmured in a low voice: "Honey, actually, I can do it too."

Chapter 6. The macho vacation ([-])

Soon, the dinner ended in a harmonious atmosphere. When everyone left the table and Butler Harman began to pack the napkins and plates, Li Yexing expressed to Alec Lisa that he could walk alone. At the end, he also specially emphasized that She won't go to other floors, and Alexisa said that as long as she doesn't enter the laboratory and botanical garden casually, it doesn't matter where she goes.

"The environment in the laboratory is not very good. If there is no protective clothing, I am worried that there will be accidents..." With one hand held by Alex Lisa's delicate snow-white catkins, the queen in black dress was full of eyes. She is earnest, she said softly: "As for the botanical garden, I am worried that those lovely children I raise will not recognize my dear, so..."

"I understand..." After making a bold guess about the cute children in the botanical garden, Li Yexing nodded and said with a serious face: "Don't worry, I won't leave this floor."

In this way, the girls who left themselves began to explore the castle only belonging to Li Yexing. At first, Li Yexing just wandered casually out of interest, but after going back and forth through several corridors, Li Yexing was surprised to find that , I seem to have lost my way.

The castle of the Ashford family almost hollowed out the entire mountain of Queen Veronica Island. The interior area of ​​each floor is very huge. Coupled with the oil paintings that don't seem to be much different, Li Yexing is very fast. So lost in this huge castle, as far as the eye can see, it is magnificent and magnificent, and exquisite works of art are displayed at intervals. Li Yexing even found some elements of the Celestial Dynasty in it, which made Li Yexing feel quite The most subtle feeling is as if you are in the mansion in "Resident Evil 1", or the ancestral home of the Ashford family in "Resident Evil: Code Veronica".

Obviously, the magnificent castle in front of you is much larger and more luxurious than the ancestral home of the Ashford family in "Resident Evil: Code Veronica". Moreover, compared with the military base The integrated Rockfort Island, Queen Veronica Island is indeed more like the place where the traditional old European nobles live.

At least, that's what Li Yexing thought before he discovered the sensor hidden behind the blue and white porcelain vase.

From the moment he found the first sensor, Li Yexing's nerves tensed up subconsciously. Out of professional habits, he began to subconsciously pay attention to the environment around him. As a result, more and more sensors were discovered by him, and, Accompanied by the tense nerves, Li Yexing felt more and more disobedient. Vaguely, there seemed to be something watching him in the corridors, but he couldn't find the source of the weird feeling.

Then, Li Yexing discovered the room full of small holes in the ceiling.

Looking at the antique small wooden chair at the end of the room and the blue enamel treasure box on the chair, Li Yexing fell into deep thought.

I... really came on vacation?

At this moment, the door of the room in front of me is just so open, as if to welcome passers-by to come in and sit down, and take a look at what is in the blue treasure box by the way?Which key is it?Which door can it be used to open?But Li Yexing just watched outside silently, and had no desire to go in at all. In Li Yexing's view, according to normal people's thinking, no one would be so bored as to put a murder mechanism in the house, and it would be okay to put a few sensors I understand, after all, the house is too big and I am afraid of being burglarized, but it seems a bit outrageous to put this kind of killing mechanism.

However, there is one thing to say, Umbrella's three families are quite outrageous.

Strangling all the curiosity in his heart, Li Yexing forcibly suppressed his desire to solve the puzzle and get the treasure box. He looked away and continued walking along the corridor, but his steps were subconsciously much lighter. After all, now, he Not sure if those sensors randomly arranged in the corridor are connected to some strange mechanism.

Shrouded by a strong sense of crisis and peeping, Li Yexing has completely lost the mood to visit the castle. He frowned slightly, taking every step, always paying attention to even the slightest movement in the corridor. In this kind of caution, he finally , he arrived at the rooftop leading to the outside of the castle.

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