Looking at the excited Tilly Lian, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and looked behind Tilly Lian. It wasn't until then that he suddenly discovered the reason why Tilly Lian's posture seemed extremely uncoordinated. Lilith and Tilly Lian were still enclosed in the same swimming circle, but their backs were facing each other. Because Tilly Lian was slightly bent over, Tilly Lisi's feet were off the ground, and with the excited Tilly Lian Ann is different, at this moment Tilly Lisi is like a dead fish being sunbathed behind Tilly Lian's back, she looks at the sky expressionlessly, her limbs droop naturally, and gently sway with Tilly Lian's movements until she notices Li Li With Ye Xing's gaze, she turned her head slightly.

I don't know if it was Li Yexing's illusion, but Tiriris seemed to have a look of lovelessness.

"Really, don't quarrel with your sister..." Pulling out the wrist that was tightly held by Tilly Lian, he tapped Tilly Lian's head lightly. With Tilly Lian's smirk, Li Yexing stood up Come on, let your hands support Tilly Lisi's armpits, and then use a little force. Immediately, the wet Tilly Lisi was released from the little yellow duck swimming ring, and the swimming ring that lost its support also fell to the ground, while the other On one side, Tilly Lisi, who was being held high by Li Yexing, looked at Li Yexing blankly, until Li Yexing couldn't help laughing, she stretched out her hands, motioning for a hug.

Lying back on the beach chair again, he took advantage of the opportunity to put Tiriris beside him. Taking advantage of Tiriris slipping into his arms, Li Yexing smiled lightly and waved to Tililian, "Come here."

"Hey hey..." With a sweet smile on her face, Tilly Lian took advantage of the opportunity to get on the beach chair, and fell into Li Yexing's arms like Tilly Lisi. She leaned on her chin and smiled at Li Yexing. Ye Xing said: "Will the perverted brother-in-law do it?"

Li Yexing's eyes widened suddenly.

"Hahaha, teasing you! The perverted brother-in-law's reaction is so funny..." Couldn't help but let out a coquettish smile, Tillylian buried her small face in Li Yexing's chest, rubbed her face vigorously, and watched all this Tiliris frowned in a rare way, she thought for a while, then raised her head and whispered to Li Yexing: "Compared to girls who don't like to talk, does Yexing prefer girls who can act like a baby?"

"Of course not..." He raised his hand and rubbed Tilly Lisi's silver hair vigorously, until Tilly Lisi couldn't help showing a faint smile, then he stretched out his hand and took the lemonade that was put aside , handed the straw to Tilly Liss and said, "Drink?"

Without the slightest hesitation, Tilly Lisi directly bit the straw and took a big mouthful, and Tilly Lian who was on the side also came over. The moment Tilly Lisi let go of her mouth, she directly held the straw in her mouth, and also took a big mouthful. Then, in front of Tiliris, she leaned in front of Li Yexing at once, pinched Li Yexing's chin, and then kissed Li Yexing with surprised eyes, and poured the lemonade into Li Yexing while kissing. In the mouth of Yako,

Watching this shocking scene, Tilly Lisi's eyes slowly opened wide, and she forgot to swallow the big mouthful of lemonade that propped up her cheeks. After a long time, a jet of water flew from between Tilly Lisi's cherry lips. It came out and splashed on Li Yexing's chest.

Chapter 20.

As if aroused to be competitive, after Li Yexing swallowed the lemonade in his mouth, Tilly Lisi also came up, and the two of them fought side by side just like they did last night. The big glass of lemonade was drunk.

Putting the big glass with lemon slices and ice cubes on the round table beside him, even though the ice cubes in the glass made a soft noise due to shaking, Li Yexing resisted the desire to hiccup, frowned and said: "You guys Isn't it bloated?"

Facing Li Yexing's question, Tilly Lisi didn't answer, but just opened her mouth and hiccupped, while Tillylian rubbed against Li Yexing's body, and said with a bitter face, "It's so swollen... "

"Don't, don't rub it up..." He raised his hand to stop Tilly Lian's small movements, Li Yexing frowned and said, "It hit my stomach."

"Oh..." With a hint of reluctance on her face, Tillylian moved her thigh away.

Perhaps it was because of drinking a large glass of lemonade that caused both Li Yexing and Tilly'an to feel a little bloated. The three of them on the recliner finally regained their calm. After confirming that Tilly'an had no desire to speak, Li Yexing closed his mouth again. He closed his eyes, and when he closed them, his mind became a little dazed. Amidst the sound of the tide, Li Yexing, who was a little sleep-deprived after being tossed all night, finally fell asleep.

This time, Li Yexing didn't know how long he had slept. When his consciousness returned to his body again, he only felt that something was pressing on his body.

"Tiliris..." Li Yexing subconsciously called softly.

"Sorry, my dear, Miss Tiriris is not here..." Li Yexing responded with a unique low and slightly hoarse voice.

Hearing this familiar voice, Li Yexing opened his eyes a little bit, and then he met the pair of orange snake eyes.

"It's you, Lisa..." After a while, Li Yexing whispered as his consciousness gradually cleared up.

"That's right, it's me..." With that faint smile still on the corner of her mouth, Alexisa said softly, "What? Disappointed?"

"No, it's a surprise..." Li Yexing asked in a low voice, feeling the softness that was squeezed against his chest, "Where are Tiliris and Tililian?"

"It seems to be looking for Miss Marfar..." Alec Lisa blinked at Li Yexing, and said with a light smile: "I heard from Miss Griffith that Miss Marfar plans to solve our dinner problem ..."

"Let her play around, it's very rare to be able to come to the beach once..." Li Yexing patted Alec Lisa's slender waist lightly, and said in a low voice: "Let me get up, I'll go swim in the sea twice. ..”

"Got it, dear..." As if she understood something, Alexisa sat up, crossed her legs, and supported the edge of the beach lounge chair with her hands. When Li Yexing got up, she smiled lightly Asked: "Honey, will you come back to accompany me in a while?"

"Of course I will..." Li Yexing nodded.

"That's good, I'll wait for you..." Smiling at Li Yexing, Alex Lisa said softly: "Although I can have some common topics with other sisters if I force myself, I still hope that I can talk with you." Everyone's chats can be more sincere, so I was the only one here just now, and I was somewhat lonely..."

"I've said it all, I'll come back when I go..." Stretching out his hand towards Alexisa's cheek, he gently put the long golden hair sticking to the side of Alexisa's face behind his ears, Li Yexing turned to Alexa Alexisa smiled, then turned around and walked towards the sea, while Alexisa sat quietly on the beach chair, watching Li Yexing drift away.

Stepping into the sea step by step, until the sea surface was below his thighs, Li Yexing plunged into the water and disappeared from Alexisa's sight. It was not until about two minutes later that he stood up from the water again.

Shaking the sea water on his face and head vigorously, Li Yexing turned his head and smiled at Alexisa who was guarding the beach, then walked towards Alexisa, while on the other side, he watched There was an undisguised sense of comfort on Li Yexing's face, and Alexisa couldn't help laughing.

"What's wrong?" Li Yexing asked in a low voice, stepping on the beach and sitting back beside Alexisa, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing, my dear, don't worry about it..." She covered her mouth lightly, smiling like a flower, and the orange-red snake pupils on the mole looked like a crescent moon, Alexisa said softly: "I just remembered something funny. ..”

Seeing the cunning hidden in Alexisa's eyes, Li Yexing understood that his small actions could not hide from the other party's eyes, so he changed the subject with a smirk and said, "Speaking of which, have you been surfing just now? "

"No, shortly after you fell asleep, I had some brief conversations with Miss Griffith and Miss Bai..." Alexisa chuckled lightly, "Mostly it was about work... "

Speaking of this, Alexisa's eyes shifted, and she glanced vaguely at Bai Muqing who was still working in the distance. She was a little troubled and said: "Miss Griffith is fine, after all, some of her views are different from those of me and Ti Lili. Ms. Si is an amazing match, but Ms. Bai, she seems to be a little wary of me. She has not revealed much about our family business, and her attitude towards the all-round cooperation I proposed is also a bit ambiguous..."

"Our family business?" Hearing what Alexa said, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback.

"Huanya Armed Forces..." Alexisa reminded with a light smile, "Honey, you can't even remember the name of your own company, can you?"

"Of course I remember..." Li Yexing shook his head and said, "It's the first time I heard such an interesting statement, and I didn't react immediately."

"Then dear, what do you think about this matter?" Alexisa asked softly, "I always feel that Miss Bai doesn't trust me..."

"It's not surprising..." Li Yexing shook his head lightly and said, "Mu Qing is smarter than me and always thinks a lot, so I almost never ask about these matters. You should discuss these matters with her. That's good, after a long time, you are familiar enough, and she will be honest with you."

"So she's that kind of woman with an awkward personality..." Snake pupils narrowed slightly, eyebrows lowered, Alexisa was thoughtful, but then, her face was covered with that indelible smile again. Feeling filled, she raised her head again, met Li Yexing's eyes, and said with a light smile: "Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered that apart from work, I also chatted with Miss Griffith and Miss Bai. Other topics are much more interesting than work."

"What topic?" Li Yexing asked subconsciously.

"Sunscreen..." Leaning closer to Li Yexing, almost kissing her, Alexisa whispered softly, "Honey, you put on sunscreen for Miss Griffith and Miss Bai, but not for me." Tu, I can't help being a little sad..."

"Sunscreen?" Looking up at the sky outside the parasol, the sun was no longer as harsh as it was just after noon, Li Yexing couldn't help but whispered: "Is this necessary?"

"The sun can't burn my skin, and what I need is no sunscreen. What I really need is the feeling of being gently touched by my dear's hands covered with sunscreen..." The orange snake There was a hint of temptation in her pupils, Alexisa raised her hand, and while stroking Li Yexing's cheek, said in a low voice: "I want to have what other sisters have, you won't favor one over another, right? Honey?"

Chapter 21.

In order to apply sunscreen to Alexisa, Li Yexing spent a lot of time, perhaps because of the first detailed contact with Alexisa's body. It was repeated smearing, even so, after Li Yexing stood up to show that he was done, Alex Lisa still didn't put on her swimsuit immediately, lay on the golden sand, raised her jade legs so that her toes Sliding gently on Li Yexing's calf, she asked with a flushed smile, "Don't you want to touch it any more? My dear? I'm quite confident in my body."

"To be honest, I really want to touch it again..." Letting his eyes sweep over Alexisa's perfect body stretched in front of him, Li Yexing did not hide his desire at all, he lightly She smiled and said, "However, to be honest, if I touch it again, I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself."

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