Instinctively thinking that Alexisa should not be allowed to continue to sleep, Li Yexing stretched out his hand, and gently shook Alexisa's shoulder while calling in a low voice: "Lisa, get up for dinner... "

"Hmm~" Shaked by Li Yexing, Alexisa made a nasal sound, as if she was making a fuss, or acting like a baby. After a long time, her tightly closed eyes opened slightly, revealing her eyes inlaid in orange. The vertical pupils in the eyes still had a hint of dazedness that had just woken up from a big dream. When she saw Li Yexing's face, she subconsciously stretched out her hands and wrapped them around Li Yexing's neck, then got up and kissed Li Yexing's lips. On the floor, Li Yexing didn't speak, but took the initiative to cater, and at the same time stretched out his hands to hug Alexisa.

After a while, her lips parted, and there was finally a gleam of clarity in Alexisa's snake pupils. After looking at Li Yexing for a while, she raised her hand, and while gently covering her forehead, she asked in a low voice: "My dear, How long have I been asleep?"

"Not long." Li Yexing replied softly.

"Not long ago..." Looking away, looking at the sun disc sinking into the sea in the distance, Alexisa whispered: "It's getting dark, it seems I've slept for a long time..."

As she said that, Alexisa turned her head and met Li Yexing's eyes. After her brain gradually got rid of sleepiness, she seemed to suddenly think of something, and said dissatisfiedly with a slight frown: "Speaking of it, my dear, if I If I remember correctly, I should have fallen asleep in your arms, right?"

"You fell asleep in my arms, woke up in my arms..." Li Yexing said with a light smile, holding Alexisa's arm tightly, "Is there any problem?"

"I was clearly woken up by that shake!" Alexisa said a little displeased, "After I fell asleep, you left by yourself, right?"

"Go and chat with Tong Tong for a while." Li Yexing said with a smile.

"Then you shouldn't shake me awake, you should kiss me awake..." Alexisa still felt a little dissatisfied, "Just like Sleeping Beauty."

"I kissed you, you won't wake up..." Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "Sleeping Beauty is a prince and princess, and we are war dogs and biological queens. The difference is a bit far."

"It's still your fault..." The corners of her mouth finally curved slightly, and Alexisa pretended to be unreasonable and said: "If my dear kisses enough, I will definitely wake up."

Without further ado, Li Yexing kissed him directly. This time he kissed him in an extremely rough manner, but Alexisa didn't seem to care at all. When her lips were separated, she narrowed her eyes and smiled slightly: "Honey, you are so cute."

"Okay..." Seeing Alexisa's flushed face and happy expression, Li Yexing, who wanted to see the other party's embarrassment, found it boring. He turned around while holding Alexisa, and turned towards Walking towards the campfire, he said with a blank expression: "Let's go, let's eat."

"Speaking of which, dear..." Leaning on Li Yexing's shoulder and enjoying Li Yexing's princess hug, Alexisa asked coldly, "Do you like boys or girls?"

"I don't like children..." Li Yexing replied in a deep voice, "At least not now."

"That's good..." As if relieved, Alexisa whispered: "I know, people in the Celestial Dynasty seem to be very particular about 'family happiness', and I was worried that my dear would be in a hurry to have a child ..."

"I remember you were the one who said you wanted a child?" Li Yexing couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong? Did you change your mind?"

"Of course not, I'm still eager to give birth to our love for my dear, and then raise them into excellent people little by little..." Alexisa lowered her eyebrows and whispered: "But, I'm afraid ...bring a lot of daughters...there are enough sisters, it would be bad if there were more daughters..."

Hearing Alex Lisa's worry, Li Yexing couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Lisa, what did you dream about just now?"

"Nightmare, it's terrible..." Mentioning the dream just now, Alexisa's face immediately became ugly, and she said with lingering fear: "I dreamed that I gave birth to a large group of daughters for my dear, and they kept going every day. Hanging around other mothers, insisting on getting close to my dear, and talking about marrying my father one by one...It's terrible..."

As she said that, Alexisa raised her head, and said a little uncertainly: "Honey, if I really give birth to a group of daughters, will you spoil my daughters or me?"

"You're thinking too far." Li Yexing said expressionlessly.

In this way, talking about topics that were too far away in Li Yexing's opinion, the two came to the vicinity of the bonfire and started dinner for several nights. The butler got a lot of drinks, it can be seen that Rita spent a lot of effort for tonight's beach dinner.

Eating delicious grilled fish and drinking wine, Li Yexing had a happy smile on his face that was difficult to melt away. He chatted with the girls around him, and was occasionally teased by the girls. Amidst the petite and noisy sounds of the girls, the dinner was over.

After dinner, they helped Rita clean up the fish bones, fire and sundries left on the beach. The girls packed up their things and returned to the Ashford family's castle with Li Yexing. After putting away the miscellaneous things , All the people went straight to the bathing pool. On the way, Li Yexing never met Butler Harman, but after entering the changing room of the bathing area, he was surprised to find that the bathrobe he wore after bathing had been prepared.

In this way, Li Yexing and his girls soaked comfortably in the bathtub, washing away the faint salty smell from the sea. Perhaps it was because after playing all afternoon, everyone didn't talk much, just soaked silently. So, Li Yexing was also happy to be at leisure, and was able to find a corner to rest quietly for a while. I don't know how long it took, but when Li Yexing felt that he was about to be overwhelmed by sleepiness, the familiar sweet voice suddenly sounded in his ears. .

"Sir, don't sleep in the bathtub, it's bad for your health."

Subconsciously opened his eyes, Li Yexing raised his head and saw Lita and Bai Muqing who were wearing white towels, one on the left and one on the right, surrounding Li Yexing in a corner, one smiling, eyes full of lust , and the other looked cold, but the expectation in his eyes could not be concealed.

Chapter 26.

Slamming his body wrapped in a bathrobe against the soft bed, letting the moonlight shine on his back through the floor-to-ceiling windows, Li Yexing stretched out his hand, grabbed the phone on the bedside table, and opened the lock screen, only to see that it was just past nine in the evening Suddenly, a strong sense of déjà vu rose from Li Yexing's chest.

Lying on the bed, physically and mentally exhausted, motionless, waiting for the night attack... Speaking of which, was the story of last night also the same?

His fingers habitually clicked into the news, flipping through the news pages aimlessly. Li Yexing's eyes were a little out of focus. It was obvious that his attention was not focused on the phone screen at all. After all, he knew very well that tonight he was about to meet There was a fierce battle, different from last night's Tilly Liss and Tilly Lian, Rita and Bai Muqing, who played Li Yexing's happy role, were not so easy to dismiss.

With his head facing the floor-to-ceiling windows and half of his chest sticking out of the bed, Li Yexing lay on the bed, flipping through the news aimlessly while muttering in a low voice: "Really, why does this feel like waiting to go to the execution ground?"

I don't know how long it took, but finally, there was a light sound of high heels hitting the ground from the corridor outside the door. Li Yexing, who was lying on the bed, frowned subconsciously, and then he eased up. After a while, the door of the room was blocked. Pushing it away gently, the sound of crisp footsteps finally entered the room. Until then, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback.

Only one person's footsteps?

Although he wanted to turn his head to see who entered the room, Li Yexing was held back by the faint sense of fatigue from his body. He was so indulging in the softness of the bed that he was too lazy to get up. She was quarreling before dinner, and as for Rita, she was likely to join the fight like Tilly Lis did last night.

With confidence in his mind, Li Yexing breathed a sigh of relief, and behind him, with the soft sound of the door being closed, the sound of the high-heeled shoes moved again, and it got closer and closer to Li Yexing until it disappeared , followed by the slight shaking of the bed, and then, the soft touch was squeezed on the back with weight, followed by a pair of delicate and white catkins, they wrapped around Li Yexing's neck , lightly covered Li Yexing's hand holding the phone, looking at the bright black nails dotted on the green onion finger, Li Yexing couldn't help but smile knowingly, he said softly: "You're here..."

The girl behind her didn't answer, she just buried her face between Li Yexing's neck, sniffing vigorously while rubbing gently, the catkins covering Li Yexing's hands also retracted little by little, they Stroking upwards along Li Yexing's wrist, across the forearm, back to the shoulder, and then climbed onto Li Yexing's cheek from both sides. Immediately afterwards, Li Yexing felt his ear pinna being touched by a soft and moist touch. Covering, the hardness from the white teeth is squeezed gently from time to time.

His nose twitched slightly, smelling the faint fragrance of lilies or roses in the air, enjoying the gentle touch, Li Yexing squinted his eyes slightly and said softly: "Muqing, I always feel that you seem to be different today... "

Accompanied by Li Yexing's whispers, suddenly, the girl who was pressing behind Li Yexing leaned forward and took half of Li Yexing's ear in her mouth. While sucking hard, she let the tip of her tongue lightly touch the earhole, and walked away. It wasn't until she opened her mouth again, her cherry lips lightly touching her earlobe, that strange voice composed of sweetness, moistness and indifference, chuckled and said, "I guessed wrong, master~"

His eyes widened in an instant, and his pupils shrank suddenly. Hearing the familiar but strange compound voice whispering in his ears, Li Yexing felt his scalp go numb and his hair stand on end. He threw away the phone and turned over abruptly. Come.He wanted to see what kind of monster was pressing behind him, but unexpectedly, the moment he turned over, the plain white jade hand dotted with black nails grabbed his collar suddenly, before he could see the real body of the assailant clearly, Li Yexing's mouth was tightly blocked by the soft touch.

Being pressed directly on the bed and kissed violently, Li Yexing's eyes widened, but he couldn't see the whole picture of the attacker, he could only look at the pair of closed eyes. He tried to reach out to fight back, but unexpectedly, the other party reacted faster and directly Interlocking his fingers, he pressed his hands firmly on the bed. He thought of kicking his legs, but the moment he got up, the assailant pinched Li Yexing's legs tightly with his own legs. Stop, making Li Ye unable to move.

After a long while, the assailant moved her lips until Li Yexing began to sneeze confusedly due to poor breathing. Before Li Yexing could see her face clearly, she smiled coquettishly and dragged the tongue and silver between her lips before she could retract it. Si, buried her face fiercely between Li Yexing's neck, sniffing, kissing, and biting frantically, from the neck to the collarbone, to the chest, when the teeth marks and hickey marks were all over, she suddenly Raising his head, he panted and smiled charmingly at Li Yexing.

At this moment, Li Yexing finally got a glimpse of the attacker.

A head of black and smooth long hair hangs down, only the bangs in front of the forehead carry a strand of gray, embellishing the delicate face that is difficult to distinguish the race of others, on the snow-white skin, gray eyes dotted it, in the meantime It still hides the faintly glowing wine-red ring, exuding a strange aura as if staring at prey. Under the nose, the moist cherry lips are slightly opened and hooked, still showing a sinister arc. On the neck, The cyan blood vessels reveal a touch of snow white, and then wrapped by a pure black lace collar, down the collarbone, is the extremely seductive curve, and then wrapped by a pure black lace underwear, eye-catching waistcoat Under the line, black rose patterns and lily patterns are twisted together, floating on the smooth lower abdomen. Two well-proportioned but sensual long legs protrude from both sides of the black lace butterfly, and one leg is covered with fishnet marks. Wrapped in fleshy black silk, the other leg is smooth and white, the only modification is the pure black lace leg ring on the thigh.

Shocked by the assailant's appearance, Li Yexing forgot to struggle for a moment. He stared blankly at the face with an evil smile in front of him, and after a long time he said incoherently: "You are Mu Qing... feels like Rita...but it's not right either...wait, what the hell is going on?!"

"How is it? Our lovely master? Do you like our new look?" Looking at the shocked Li Yexing, the curve of the corner of her mouth became more and more strange and evil. Qing hopes to monopolize the master tonight, and Rita is eager to get a share from the master, in order to solve this problem reasonably, we have no choice but to spend the night with the master in this form..."

"You..." Facial muscles twitched violently, and Li Yexing said in disbelief, "You are...the fusion of Rita and Mu Qing?"

"It's not accurate to say that, our lovely master..." Rita and Bai Muqing tilted their heads, opened their eyes wide, and said with joy in that strange compound voice: "We are not Rita and Muqing's Together, we are Rita and Mu Qing, we are still the ones who come to enjoy the joy with the master tonight, but we chose to change the way!"

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