"Oh..." Subconsciously moving away from those spikes, Li Yexing straightened up and focused his eyes on the roses, although from the vine, these flowers seemed more like roses or something else flowers, but the shape of these flowers told Li Yexing that although their size was not normal, they were indeed roses.

Just like the impression Alexisa left on Li Yexing, the roses cultivated by Alexisa are rich red, mellow and fiery. They bloom with layers of tender petals, deep in the rich red There is a faint powder leaking, and it is also stained with wet water droplets. If you look carefully, you can still see dark green veins on the petals, just like the veins on those leaves, shining with an imperceptible green fluorescence. And at the edges of those petals, there are barbs densely distributed, decorating the edges of the petals in a jagged shape. The color of those barbs is exactly the same as those on the flower vine, but they are small and pitiful. If you don't observe carefully It's probably hard to notice.

Li Yexing knew that these petals were probably poisonous even without Alex Lisa telling her.

"Lisa, these flowers...don't they bite?" Li Yexing asked in a low voice subconsciously, staring at the petals covered with jagged teeth and barbs.

"It's interesting, my dear..." Alexisa replied with a chuckle, "How can a rose bite?"

"Roses shouldn't grow to such an exaggerated size..." Standing up straight, Li Yexing turned to Alexisa and said, "I'm a little curious, what did you do to these roses?"

"I just take good care of them like every hard-working gardener, that's all..." Alexisa replied with a chuckle: "If I have to say something, it is probably a little bit of fertilizer. Put some thought into it."

"Fertilizer?" His eyebrows were raised slightly, and with some guesses in his mind, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and asked, "What kind of fertilizer did you fertilize your flowers?"

"It's just some T-Veronica virus mixed into ordinary fertilizers, that's all..." Alexisa chuckled, "At first, the smell of those dead bugs was really bad, but After Housekeeper Haman buried them all in the soil, these roses immediately grew gratifyingly. Under my careful cultivation, they became more and more vigorous, and finally became what my dear is seeing now .”

"I don't think they need your careful care at all..." Li Yexing whispered.

After watching the highly poisonous red roses raised by Alexisa, Li Yexing continued to follow Alexisa, step by step into the center of the botanical garden. Along the way, Li Yexing saw several kinds of flowers one after another. It was just roses of other colors, and the painting styles became more and more hideous, until the two of them came to the center of the garden, where the surrounding vines intertwined wantonly, but all consciously bypassed the ground, entangled within three meters of the stone road. On the top, a unique path is formed, and at the end of the path, there are large green leaves and vines piled up. Those green leaves look even bigger, and the vines look even thicker. When facing this large piece of green At the time of clustering, for some reason, a slight pressure rose in Li Yexing's heart.

"It's finally here..." Gently hugging Li Yexing's arm, leaning on Li Yexing's shoulder, under the sparse moonlight shining through the leaves, Alexisa said with a smile: "Next , dear, I will show you the highest masterpiece I have cultivated in ten years of flower cultivation!"

"Can I not watch it?" Li Yexing muttered to himself as the uneasiness in his heart grew stronger, but Alex Lisa shouted excitedly towards the big green cluster in front of him as if she didn't hear his whisper. Said: "Come out! Alex Rose! Come and meet my dear! Your future male master!"

Chapter 39.

"Come out, Alexa! Come and meet my darling! Your future master!"

Accompanied by Alexisa's excited call, amidst a rustling sound, the huge green cluster in Li Yexing's sight moved violently, and the vines covered with spikes and huge green leaves squirmed like snakes Stretching, crossing, and stretching towards the surroundings, and then, among the unfolded green clusters, vines immediately stood up one after another. They swayed and swayed wantonly under the moonlight, and each vine ended with a growth. There was a huge pink rose, compared to the roses I saw on the road before, they were a whole circle bigger, they looked extremely hideous and terrifying, but this was far from over, among the swaying vines In between, the light and shadow swayed slightly, as if foreshadowing something. In the next second, a pink flower bud that was so huge that it could almost fill the entire office of Li Yexing's office was connected to a flower bud that was as thick as an ancient tree and was full of flowers. The scales and thorny vines rose up little by little. Under the moonlight, the bud rose higher and higher until it lowered its head to Li Yexing and Alexisa. Under Li Yexing's gaze, the huge bud accompanied It opened little by little with a sound, revealing layers of petals. The edge of each pink petal was covered with sharp white spikes, like teeth, until the softness in the center was completely exposed.

Just like that, a terrifying pink rose the size of a house, full of jagged bone teeth, fully bloomed in front of Li Yexing.

"How is it? My dear? This is my carefully cultivated Alexis!" Alexisa shook Li Yexing's arm excitedly like a little girl, and said with a smile: "She is so beautiful, isn't she?" , darling... darling? Why aren't you talking?"

How did Li Yexing speak?Li Yexing was stunned. He didn't think that Alexisa would raise a strange flower like the final boss of the South American chapter of "Resident Evil. Dark Chronicles", but he didn't expect that the big and scary rose in front of him was bigger than the rose. The thing in the game is too exaggerated!

"Lisa..." After a while, Li Yexing turned his head stiffly and said, "This is what you said... Ordinary flowers and plants?"

"Of course not! Alexis is not ordinary! She is my maid!" Alexisa said excitedly.

"Your maid? Alex Rose? You even named it?" Li Yexing said in shock.

"Of course! How can my maid not have a name?" Alexisa nodded with a natural expression on her face, and said with a smile: "I usually study in the botanical garden or do other things. Most of the time Alexis is taking care of me, I thought about it, and let Alexis be my maid, is there any problem?"

"There are so many questions that I don't know where to ask them..." Turning his head, looking at the huge rose blooming towards the two of them, as if looking down on them, Li Yexing turned his head and asked in a low voice: "Lisa, Are you... sure this thing won't eat people?"

"Honey, you are so rude, Alex Rose is a lady! How can she eat people?!" Frowning slightly, Li Yexing gave Li Yexing a white look, as if she was a passionate girl who was fighting for her best friend in front of her boyfriend, Ah Laclesa said a little displeased: "She won't just eat people casually!"

"In other words, you still can eat people, right?" Li Yexing couldn't help but whispered as his facial muscles twitched slightly.

"Forget it, I always feel that my dear seems to have some prejudices against Alex Rose..." Sighed lightly, as if feeling helpless because Li Yexing couldn't understand herself, Alex Lisa put her arms around Li Yexing's arm , Stretching out her hand to the huge rose, she called softly: "Come up, Alexa, my dear and I will spend the night with you."

"Huh?!" As if he had suffered some cultural shock, Li Yexing said with a look of astonishment, and on the other side, hearing Alex Lisa's call, the huge rose lowered its head, and then, a A green vine suddenly protruded from the bottom of the huge rose, and went straight to Li Yexing and Alexisa. Li Yexing retreated subconsciously when he saw this, and even touched his waist habitually with the other hand, but Alexisa was completely unmoved, as if she was used to it.

In the next second, the vines gently entangled Li Yexing and Alexisa, lifted them up from the stone road, and placed them firmly in the middle of the huge rose.

It's a bit embarrassing to say, but during this process, Li Yexing didn't even dare to breathe.

It wasn't until those vines loosened their bodies and disappeared from sight that Li Yexing let down his guard little by little, and sat among the huge roses, surrounded by huge pink petals with sharp teeth. The scene, in Li Yexing's eyes, is simply... quite emotional.

The white jade-like catkins gently covered the back of Li Yexing's hands, and Alexisa crossed her legs and moved closer to Li Yexing's side, noticing that the guard in Li Yexing's eyes was disappearing little by little, she asked with a chuckle. Said: "How is it? My dear? Do you like the date I chose?"

"Actually... unexpectedly... very good..." Feeling the softness and warmth from the huge rose under his palm, Li Yexing couldn't help but nodded and said in a low voice. He lowered his head and observed Looking at where I am, in the middle of this huge rose is not a stamen, but a flat and soft pink space, the area is almost close to a three-person bed, and the texture of the central space of this huge rose is very Strange, if Li Yexing was forced to move, it would feel like a leather sofa with a silk texture.

On the other side, seeing that Li Yexing had calmed down, Alexisa leaned on Li Yexing's shoulder and patted her hands lightly. She smiled and called, "Alex Rose, please fetch me a bottle of Bordeaux and two more glasses." .”

Accompanied by Alex Lisa's call, under Li Yexing's surprised eyes, two emerald green vines as thin as a pen came up with a bottle of red wine and two goblets, and placed them firmly on Li Yexing's table. They retreated after Ye Xing and Alexisa, and before leaving, they didn't even forget to use the thorns on the vine to help Alexisa open the lid of the red wine.

"This is really...unbelievable..." After the initial fear receded, Li Yexing was only surprised at the huge rose below him, and he couldn't help but whispered: "This is How did you do it?"

"The queen ant gene in the T-Veronica virus will imprint master-slave marks on all infected creatures. The more perfect the infection is, the stronger the control over other infected creatures will be. In this case, as long as it takes time, I can train her to learn many things..." Holding red wine in her hand and pouring it into a goblet, Alexisa chuckled and said, "Recently, I have been training her to make tea or coffee for me , Alexa is very smart, but a little clumsy, she will tip the glass when stirring with a spoon, and she can't hold the tray..."

As she said that, Alexisa patted the huge rose under her body lightly, and said with tenderness in her eyes: "You really are an unqualified maid, Alexis..."

Seeing Alexa like this, Li Yexing suddenly felt sad for no reason.

Poured so much affection into a giant mutated rose that she took it for her maid...

As Butler Harman said, Alexa, it's really lonely...

Chapter 40.

The red wine was like blood, and flowed into the goblet with gurgling sounds. Alexisa lightly raised the glass and handed it into Li Yexing's hand. Then, she picked up another glass and hooked it The corner of her lips smiled lightly and said, "Honey, let's have a drink?"

"Hmm..." Putting the cup in his hand up, Li Yexing said softly, "Cheers."

"Cheers." Alexisa responded, gently handing over the wine glass in her hand, and suddenly, there was a crisp sound of glass lightly colliding in the air.

Passing the cup to his mouth, tasting the unremarkable red wine, Li Yexing turned his head and looked down at the surroundings. Although his sight was blocked by layers of petals, Li Yexing could still vaguely see the piece of green onion in the gap between the petals , and the brilliance dotted among the green onions, there is no doubt that, abandoning the common sense of plants, this place is indeed a beautiful flower field, and it is no wonder that Alexisa is so proud.

For some reason, Li Yexing suddenly thought of Talian, who ran a flower shop on the corner of the street in Loples. With the help of the Italian, her shop that was blown up by the helicopter was erected again. If she knew There are still such roses in this world, maybe she will be overjoyed?

"What? Honey?" Seeing that Li Yexing didn't speak, but silently looked at the flower field below, Alexisa, who was leaning on Li Yexing's shoulder, asked softly, "What are you thinking?"

"I remembered a person who likes flowers as much as you..." Li Yexing said in a low voice, "Maybe you will have something in common."

"Really..." Alexisa chuckled and said, "Then I look forward to..."

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