Under the leadership of Butler Harman, a group of girls who had already woken up had breakfast together in the living room, and then Hitomi Qiandao invited Alexisa to practice in the morning together. I wonder if it was Li Yexing's illusion. Some wanted to get back to yesterday's scene, but this time, the spectators changed from Li Yexing and Kanan to Li Yexing, Rita, and Bai Muqing.

And obviously, when it comes to fighting, Hitomi Chishima is a very competitive girl. I am afraid that she spent a lot of time yesterday trying to find a way to break the offensive of Alexisa's long legs. Therefore, in the new round of competition, she got her wish He put the knife in his hand on Alexisa's neck.

"Hitomi, you are really...beyond my expectations..." Because she and Li Yexing are husband and wife, she subconsciously changed the name of her sisters, and looked at Hitomi Qiandao who had successfully restrained her. , A trace of surprise appeared in Alexisa's snake eyes. It was obvious that her martial arts talent was not as good as the warrior girl in front of her.

After defeating Alexisa, Hitomi Qiandao walked in front of Li Yexing with familiar small steps, and said with a soft smile on his face, "Yexing-kun, today's discussion, Hitomi won."

"Where are you an elementary school student who came here to be rewarded for getting full marks in the exam?" Despite what he said, Li Yexing reached out and hugged Hitomi Qiandao, and he gently stroked the black hair on top of Hitomi Qiandao while smiling lightly : "However, it's not a bad job."

Hitomi Qiandao didn't speak, but quietly enjoyed Li Yexing's hug. After she let go of Hitomi Qiandao, Alexisa, who had been waiting by the side, looked resentful. She kicked Li Yexing lightly, and then whispered: " It's all your fault."

"Huh?" After being kicked for no reason, Li Yexing opened his eyes wide and said in surprise, "Is it my fault?"

"Of course it's your fault, my dear..." With a slightly red face, but unable to hide the sly slyness in the corners of her lips and eyes, Alexisa whispered: "It's all my fault for tormenting me so much last night, my dear. Forcing me to put on those embarrassing poses..."

"Ah?" Hearing what Alex Lisa said, Li Yexing couldn't help but whispered: "Why don't I remember that I made such a request?"

"So do wild dogs still have this habit? It's disgusting, I didn't even notice it before..." Before Li Yexing could explain, Bai Muqing, who was standing by the side, said with disgust, wondering if it was Li Yexing's illusion Bai Muqing's eyes clearly questioned Li Yexing, "Why have you never asked me to pose?!"

"It turns out that Mister has a special preference for poses?" On the other side, even though Alexisa was joking, the maid Rita with a dark belly still smiled and said to Li Yexing: "Sir, actually Rita is right. I have done a lot of research on posture, but I don’t seem to be very interested in it, so I haven’t tried it. If you are really interested, you might as well come to Rita’s room tonight. Rita is willing to study and discuss it with your husband.. .”

"I'll go too..." Bai Muqing said with a cold face, "I want to see what tricks you, a wild dog, can play."

"Then I'll go too!" Hitomi Qiandao smiled at Li Yexing while raising her hands like a primary school student, "Because of my martial arts practice, I'm still very confident in my body's flexibility!"

"I didn't expect the sisters to be so enthusiastic..." Gently pulling the collar of the samurai uniform, Alexisa said with a light smile: "Otherwise, everyone, don't wait for the night, and start the second session directly in this dojo." Let's go round..."

Even a tough man like Li Yexing still has insurmountable mountains. Seeing that the girls around him were eager to try, Li Yexing immediately ran away on the grounds that he wanted to walk alone.

Just like that, before he knew it, Li Yexing had already walked on the mountainside.

Perhaps because of the moist and fresh air he breathed, Li Yexing's mental state improved little by little, and he couldn't help humming the theme song of "EVA". He was breaking through the thick fog and walking along the rugged mountain road. Slowly descending, suddenly, the mobile phone in the pocket rang.

Is it my girls?

Slightly twitching the corner of his mouth, Li Yexing took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID. To his surprise, the caller turned out to be Director Kasimir.

Just a few days ago, Li Yexing had just had a phone call with Director Casimir, mainly to inform the other party that he had changed his mobile phone number, but he did not expect to call back so soon.

It is estimated that some new toys have been tossed out...

After answering the call and moving the phone to his ear, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the matter?"

There was no response on the other side of the phone.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" Seeing that there was no sound from the other side, Li Yexing frowned subconsciously, but there was still no response from the other side. After a few seconds of silence, the phone was suddenly hung up.

"Tsk? What's wrong with this guy?" Li Yexing's brow showed a hint of displeasure when he saw "Call ended" on the screen of his phone. He was about to call back. Suddenly stopped.

Picking up the phone again and staring at Casimir's name in the address book, Li Yexing suddenly felt a sense of crisis. Not Casimir anymore!

"No way..." The frown became tighter and tighter, and the ominous premonition in Li Yexing's heart became stronger. He quickly stuffed the phone into his pocket, turned around, and prepared to return to the Ashford family's castle. But at this moment, Li Yexing seemed to hear something vaguely. The sound came from the top of his head, and it became louder and clearer. The sound seemed to be... the sound of breaking the air!

"Damn it!" subconsciously yelled, Li Yexing flew out and fell to the ground.

In the next second, the line of sight was instantly covered by flames, and there were explosions one after another, and there was a bang!


Chapter 1. The Macho Assault

Black Umbrella, born out of an underground organization of a secret research department of the Umbrella Company, whose leader is the last descendant of the Ashford family, one of the three founding families of Umbrella——Alex Lisa Ashford Germany, she has extraordinary wisdom. She had foreseen the decline of Umbrella in the early days of the Raccoon City incident. After the establishment of Black Umbrella, she flaunted herself as a seeker, hoping to inherit Umbrella's organization Can carry the glory of the Ashford family and shoulder the heavy responsibility of leading mankind to the future.

However, it is counterproductive.

As Umbrella's legacy was gradually taken over secretly by Black Umbrella, the organization composed of researchers began to expand a little bit. With the increase of members of the organization, the atmosphere inside the organization changed little by little. Not every researcher They all have a pure heart like a seeker. When the power becomes stronger, greed will expand. They begin to desire more things from Alexa. They hope that Alexa will lead them to seize wealth, seize power, and desire Alexisa led them to a higher level, but unfortunately, Alexisa did not understand people's hearts. She, who proclaimed herself a pioneer, injected herself with the T-Veronica virus and prepared to ascend to the extraordinary realm. , she needs to freeze herself for 15 years like her older sister Alexia.

In 2003, two years after Alexisa was frozen, Black Umbrella rebelled. A man named Feotian Victor stood up, raised his arms and shouted, asking for help for the members of Black Umbrella. More secular interests. In this way, the conflict between the Queen's faction and the Reformation faction broke out. This time, the Reformation faction had been prepared. They colluded with a number of external organizations and suppressed the Queen's faction with extremely cruel and bloody means. After the war, the reformist faction reached the top. So far, the Queen has come to an end, and Black Umbrella finally ushered in a bright future.

It's a pity that war is always ruthless, and innovation means that someone has to shed blood and sacrifice, and Sendoin Yanagi's father fell into the last darkness before dawn.

On the rather weird-shaped black ship, the sea breeze blew gently, blowing black hair, Sendoin Yanagi stood on the edge of the deck with a telescope, watching silently through the thick fog, when she Seeing the small island covered by lush green plants instantly engulfed by continuous flames and mushroom clouds, a trace of sternness finally appeared in the eyes filled with indifference all day long.

It's unbelievable that the damned monster in the Ashfords is still alive!

But it doesn't matter, because Sendoin Yanagi believes that she will be able to rebury that monster in the tomb before today!

Silently put down the binoculars in his hand, Sendoin Yenagi, who was wearing a long black windbreaker and a black alloy saber on his waist, exhaled foul breath, then turned his head and looked at the man beside him, and saw that it was A tall, muscular black man, like Sendaoyuan, was wearing the same long black trench coat, with a black alloy saber hanging from his waist. He was bald and wearing sunglasses. His face was as sharp as a stone carving, and his body Covered by a cold temperament, it is like a cold machine.

"Kalba, do you think that woman can survive this bombing?" Qian Daoyuan asked in a deep voice seeing the flames faintly piercing through the thick fog.

"No..." Pebio Kalba, the first executive officer of the executive department under the Black Umbrella Joint Committee, replied with a cold face: "The only building on this island is the villa on the top of the mountain, unless there is something in the mountain." Air-raid shelter, otherwise she would not be able to withstand the bombing of this density, and it is impossible for any creature to withstand the bombing of this density."

"Really?" The corner of his mouth curled into a sharp arc, Qian Daoyuan sneered and said, "I think that the monster is still alive, so she must be alive."

After a while, Karba did not ask the question "Why do you think so", but asked in a deep voice: "Miss Qiandaoyuan's judgment is based on reason? Or is it out of obsession?"

"Twelve years ago, everyone thought that monster would compromise like the world, but she didn't. She insisted on making herself more like a monster. Ten years ago, everyone thought she would be T-Veronica The virus tortured her to death, but now, she is back, and she is still so high-profile..." The smile on her face became colder, Qiandaoyuan did not answer Karba's question, but at this moment, Karba already had the answer in his heart.

"So it was out of fear..." Karba whispered in a voice that Qiandaoyuan couldn't hear.

The bombing ended, the bomber flew over the island, and disappeared on the other side of the skyline in the sky that could not be observed in the dense fog. On the deck of the warship, Qiandaoyuan and Karba silently looked at the place beyond the dense fog. The flames were silent, as if they were waiting for something. After a while, a sound of footsteps broke the silence. In the thick fog, a middle-aged Caucasian man in a black combat uniform came out and stopped his footsteps. Beside Qiandaoyuan, there was a man as strong as a bear, with very short brown hair, but a beard, and on that face with a strange smile, there was a frightening line. The terrifying scar, starting from the corner of the man's right mouth, tore his cheek like a rift, and extending until the right ear that was missing more than half.

"I said, do I really need to go up in person?" Looking at the flames in the distance through the thick fog, the man grinned ferociously and said with a grin: "Just find anyone to go up, and take back the little girl's The corpse, and then bring it back, wouldn’t it be fine?”

As he said that, the man stretched his hand between his legs in front of Qian Daoyuan, grabbed it vigorously, and said with a smile: "I heard that, that little girl looks pretty good. , if the bastards under my hand are quick, the corpse may be transported back while it's hot, and when that happens, I'll fix it first, so I can feel comfortable!"

"Mr. Christo!" Seemingly unable to bear the other party's swear words, Qiandaoyuan finally couldn't help but interrupted with a slight frown: "Let me remind you, whether it is for you or for us, Ash Ford is very important research material!"

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