"The general situation has been understood..." On the other side, after finishing the conversation with her rose maid, Alexisa turned her head and said to the girls in a deep voice: "After the bombing, a large number of ground troops landed, They have already occupied the botanical garden and the ruins of the private villa, and are searching the surrounding area. It seems that they are preparing to carry out a carpet search with the ground troops that landed around. It is estimated that they will enter here soon..."

"And what we have to do is to leave here quickly, go out to find Mr., and clean up all the cockroaches we encountered along the way that ran into other people's houses without authorization, right?" Rita asked with a smile.

"That's right." Alexis nodded.

"Where is the direction? Walk along the mountain road?" On the other side, Bai Muqing frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "According to my knowledge of wild dogs, that guy will definitely not be on the mountain road now, he must be hiding in some bushes , Waiting for the unlucky guy passing by to give him equipment."

"So my dear is the kind of man with strong action?" Surprised by Bai Muqing's speculation, Alexisa nodded and said: "In short, we left the castle from eight directions, and then spread out in a fan shape. Carry out a net-like search on the south side, and deal with the enemies along the way as much as possible, as long as we do it hard enough, we can let the enemy send reinforcements in our direction and reduce the pressure on my dear."

"Is it up to the eight of us?" Tillylian scratched her head and said, "My lord's perception ability is definitely fine, but the key is can you really do it? I always feel that if you don't do it well, you will accidentally get along with the perverted brother-in-law miss it..."

"Probably... no?" Hitomi Chishima who was standing on the side was a little uncertain: "I always feel that Yaxing-kun is the kind of cool man who explodes wherever he goes, so there is Yaxing-kun The place, it must be very lively...the kind of gunshots..."

"That's right, for Yexing, wherever you go, it's the focus..." Nodding proudly, Tiriris echoed in a low voice: "Besides, Yexing will definitely feel our presence, and Yexing will come to find us actively of."

"That is to say, let go of your hands and feet and fight a big fight, right?" He always took out his two silver modified Berettas from the black pocket in the hand of Harman's butler, and Kanan grinned and said: " Make a big noise, I'm good at this!"

"Very well, the basic plan has been clarified, and the next step is the route..." With a serious look on her face, Alexisa took out her glass-like mobile phone from the collar of her black dress, and put it Put it in the center of the table, and touch it lightly with your fingers. Not long after, a projection of the internal structure of a light blue castle was emitted from the screen of the mobile phone, suspended in mid-air.

"This is the internal structure of the Queen's Fortress. Next, let's clarify our battle route..." Put two fingers together, pull them apart, and zoom in on the projection of the castle. The left and right people inside arranged the outgoing routes, and the eight routes would lead to the eight secret entrances and exits. Then, she moved her jade hand lightly and pushed the projection of the castle away. Immediately, the light blue projection of the entire island appeared on the table On the next day, Alexa zoomed in on the projection on the southern part of the mountain as before, and then began to arrange the route in detail. Every girl present was listening carefully, remembering as much as possible what Alexa mentioned. The terrain and coordinate references that I had arrived at, until the eight routes all extended to the beach on the other side of the island, Alexisa raised her head and asked in a low voice: "Sisters, do you have any questions?"

"Very good..." Seeing that the girls did not reply, Alexisa nodded, turned off the projector, stuffed the phone back into her collar, and said in a deep voice: "Then get ready to act, although I believe Dear, but I still hope to find my dear as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Alexisa turned her head and said to Butler Harman, "Come on, get ready."

"Yes, Miss." Bowing slightly to Alexisa, Butler Harman put the knife in his hand, the coffin on his shoulder, and the black cloth bag all on the table. Tillilian carried the coffin, opened the black pocket, and took out eight small black flare launchers from it.

"Considering that our communication has been interfered, each of us carries a flare gun..." Alexisa explained in a deep voice: "If there is any sister who is the first to reconcile with Mr., please fire the flare gun directly, Rest assured, our flares are purple, which is different from the flares used by most of the armed forces, which is enough to help us distinguish friend from foe.”

"But at the same time, this also means that as long as one person fires the flare gun, all the surrounding enemies may gather towards the spot where the flare gun was fired, right?" Bai Muqing asked in a deep voice.

"Wouldn't that be better?" Rita smiled and said with a jade hand in black lace gloves stroking her cheeks, "If the garbage can learn to gather themselves, the cleaning work will definitely become very easy."

"What a unique angle..." Smiling at Rita and expressing her approval, Alexisa turned her head and whispered to the emerald green tentacles behind her: "Alexrose, you are I was injured, so remember not to fight too hard when you fight for a while, just try to hold back the enemies as much as possible, and let this island move, dispatch my guards, but be careful not to let them Hurt darling, now, do it..."

After receiving the order from Alexisa, the emerald green tentacles immediately retracted into the dark wall cavity and disappeared, while Alexisa turned her head and looked at the crowd on the round table. The girls said with a serious face: "Okay, sisters, now, let's go and find my dear safe and sound."

Chapter 6. The Hunk's Soul of Queen's Island

With the end of the bombing, the fog slowly descended again, covering the small island surrounded by green plants, and the dirt from the bombed dirt road was blown up and splashed on the surrounding trees that were blown down by the bombing. Between the bushes, the grass and trees were stained with mud, and in the mud, two spots of bloodshot black and white suddenly lit up.

Covered in mud, Li Yexing hid in the grass, staring at the three black-clothed militants passing by beside the dirt road.

The black combat uniform is wrapped in a thick black body armor, with a black helmet that looks harder and bigger on the head, an HK-416 with a grenade launcher hanging in his hand, and a strangely shaped stun gun hanging on his waist. The clothes are exactly the same as those black Umbrella troops that Li Yexing saw in the subsea oil field before. The branches that fell from the tree, the length of the dagger, was hard enough, and the tip could not be said to be sharp, but it was definitely not a problem to pierce human skin.

Li Yexing vaguely remembered that Alexisa had mentioned that there seemed to be a special team developed inside the Black Umbrella to deal with BOW. There is a difference, but Li Yexing can be sure of one thing, that is, the heavy equipment on the guys in front of him will definitely seriously affect their flexibility. In other words, if he handles it well, he can kill all three guys!

Suddenly shot!Stab one, grab the gun, and kill the other two before they can react!

After making a plan, Li Yexing hibernated with peace of mind, silently waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the three people to fall into his attack range, while on the other side, unaware of the murderous intent from the side of the road, the three men in black The soldiers were still advancing silently. They raised their guns without saying a word, and were always on guard. As they entered Li Yexing's ambush range, Li Yexing's muscles tensed up little by little. He posed In an attacking posture, he aimed at the soldier closest to him, ready to strike at any time, but at this moment, suddenly, the person walking in the front stopped.

Seeing that the situation had changed, Li Yexing immediately delayed the offensive.

Raising his hand, pressing down on the side of his helmet, the soldier walking in front said in a deep voice, "This is H6, please tell me."

"The top of the mountain? Got it, do we need to speed up?"

"Okay, we will speed up, and we expect to meet up with other teams within half an hour, and then enter the bunker together to provide backup for you..."

"Understood, I wish you all the best..."

Hiding in the grass, after listening to the soldier's communication silently, Li Yexing's brows eased a little. From this communication, Li Yexing can judge that the black Umbrella has discovered the castle of the Ashford family. And some vanguard troops have already entered, which also indirectly shows that the castle should be safe and sound, so the girls in the castle should also be safe and sound. Considering that the castle is Alexisa's territory, and it is full of organs, the girls will fight. Great home field advantage, in other words, the girls are safe.

On the other side, after the communication ended, a soldier following behind asked, "So, shall we stop searching the mountains?"

"No more searches..." The soldier walking in the front replied in a deep voice: "We are only put here for insurance, to prevent fish from slipping through the net, the commander doesn't expect us to find anything, the focus of this operation From the beginning it fell on the few teams that landed on the mountain."

"Speaking of which, the commander seems to have said that he is going to hunt..." It seems that because of the change of mission, the atmosphere relaxed a little, and the soldier closest to Li Yexing put down his gun and said, "It seems to be Said to hunt a mercenary?"

"Li Yexing..." The soldier walking in the front replied in a deep voice: "A legendary mercenary is said to be working for a small security company in Eastern Europe. He has many scary rumors. If you pay attention to this If you are in the circle, you must have heard of his name."

"So, is that guy really powerful?" Hearing what the leader said, the soldier closest to Li Yexing couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Who knows? Anyway, the rumors are quite scary, but I have reservations..." The soldier walking in the front said in a deep voice: "The business of mercenary is not as glamorous as it is shown in the movie. A group of retired veterans You can do nothing but shoot and kill people, you can only put your head on your trouser belt to earn a living, and the indulgence and lack of self-discipline caused by retiring from the army will quickly wear you down. Therefore, the people of this group Combat power is generally nothing to watch..."

Patting the shoulder of the soldier closest to Li Yexing, the leading soldier said in a deep voice, "Forget it, don't talk about it, the people above are still waiting for us, don't be late..."

There was no reply, the soldier closest to Li Yexing just raised the gun in his hand, and when his leader turned his head, he was just about to follow, when suddenly, he heard something, very soft. , like a hallucination, but it was getting closer and closer, the vigilance in his heart made him turn his head subconsciously, and then he saw the last scene in his life...

A man covered in mud, with a few leaves stuck to his body, came towards him like a ghost!

Without speaking, or even making a lot of noise, Li Yexing held a small half of a tree branch and inserted it precisely into the gap between the enemy's helmet and body armor, even though the man raised his neck and let out a helpless "cluck" He directly picked up the HK-416 in the man's hand, and pulled the trigger on another soldier who followed him. The bullet hit the heavy body armor, and Li Yexing pressed the butt of the gun to control it all the way up. Until the soldier's mask was shattered, clusters of blood sprayed out.

Killed two enemies in an instant, Li Yexing dragged the muzzle of his gun, and was about to kill the leader as well, but saw that the leader who had turned his head flew up and kicked Li Yexing's muzzle directly. Just across a corpse, and with only one gun in hand, the gun in Li Yexing's hand was kicked out. Seeing that the leader was about to raise his gun and shoot, Li Yexing pulled out the gun from the corpse in his arms. The black dagger at his waist slashed at the opponent's wrist.

Taking advantage of the softening of the opponent's hand, Li Yexing groaned, and Li Yexing stepped forward suddenly. The dagger in his hand went straight to the opponent's neck. Seeing that the situation was not good, the soldier quickly backed away and wanted to distance himself, but Li Yexing moved He was faster than him, and seeing that his throat was about to be pierced by Li Yexing, the man suddenly lowered his figure, turned his head at the same time, and faced Li Yexing with his helmet. There was a sharp sound of human teeth, and the black dagger grazed the helmet, leaving a faint imprint along with the sparks. Although the soldier avoided the fatal blow, he was also head-scratched due to the imbalance of his body and the heavy equipment. Falling to the ground, Li Yexing changed his shape, rode on the opponent's body, and stabbed the soldier's neck fiercely with the dagger in both hands.

"Ah!" Subconsciously exclaimed, the man stretched out his hands and firmly pressed against Li Yexing's wrist. Although he was fairly confident in his own strength, he still couldn't resist Li Yexing. The tip of the knife was getting closer and closer to his neck, and the face under the mask finally showed fear, and on the other side, feeling the futile struggle of the soldier under him, Li Yexing grinned grinningly: "So, my combat power is nothing It's something to see, isn't it?"

Under the mask, the pupils of the black-clothed soldier lying on the ground suddenly shrank, and the next second, a pitch-black dagger pierced his throat bit by bit.

Chapter 7. The hunk climbs the tree

"Which team shot just now?!"

"Damn, each team reports the situation!"

"H1 everything is normal."

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