"Of course I'm not afraid. Let's all act now. Remember, we will run away if we kidnap someone!" The leader smiled slightly as he spoke.

"After this ticket is done, it's delicious and spicy!


Second watch, a big chapter with close to 3K words.

The essence of human beings is a repeater, look at me...what can I ask for, what can I ask for, what can I ask for, what can I ask for, what can I ask for, what can I ask for, what can I ask for, what can I ask for, what can I ask for~

Volume 2.5 Extra7-[-]. Macho Holiday ([-])

Under the cover of the night, eight men dressed in black and fully armed sneaked up to the front of the manor.

When they came to the gate of the manor, the leader took out the walkie-talkie and whispered, "We're here."

After a while, the gate of the manor opened, and it was a servant who opened the door, looking a little nervous.

"How's the situation?" the leader asked him.

"It's very safe. Mr. Avery is resting on the first floor. Many servants left after the death of the owner, so there is only one on duty at night. The lady's room is the last one on the west side..." The servant said nervously: "Can...can it be done? ?"

"Don't worry, it will definitely work." The leader replied.

"Then...then my share?" The servant asked frightenedly.

The leader looked at the servant until the servant's legs started to swing, then he showed an unattractive smile, patted the servant on the shoulder, and the leader smiled and said, "Don't worry, your share is indispensable, our The boat is parked by the beach, you go and wait for us first, so as not to accidentally injure you in a fight later."

"Thank you... thank you..." The servant breathed a sigh of relief as if he had been pardoned. He followed the leader's instructions and ran towards the beach. However, the moment he ran past the leader, the leader pulled out his waist The silenced pistol in the room, and pulled the trigger at the back of the servant's head.

The servant fell down without a sound.

"Young people nowadays really don't understand the rules, they always want to ask something..." Putting away the gun in his hand, the leader waved his hand and said, "Follow me."

A few people hid their figures and walked quietly through the garden to the bungalow.

"Four on one side, quickly suppress after entering, clear the second floor, Klein went to tie up the chick, and then we quickly withdrew from the main entrance." The leader assigned tasks to everyone.

"Why don't you kill them all..." the person named Klein muttered in a low voice.

"The employer said, don't make troubles..." He patted Klein on the head, and the leader said, "It's really not reassuring for you guys to kill embryos. Remember, if you meet someone, if you don't resist, you won't open it." Gun, do as the employer says."

Seeing everyone nodded, he waved his hand and said, "Now, act."

With an order, the eight people quickly pulled away and evenly dispersed, four on the east side and four on the west side. They took out their hooks and shot them on the roof of the bungalow in unison. Tactical gestures, and then several people climbed up the outer wall of the bungalow at the same time.

Carefully climbing out of the window on the second floor, the leader whispered in the communicator: "Come in!"

In an instant, accompanied by the sound of broken windows, the leader rushed to open the curtains in front of him, but before his feet touched the floor, he felt a hand grabbing his face fiercely. , the next second, he felt dizzy, and he was thrown heavily to the floor.

The air in his lungs was squeezed out in an instant, and he struggled to get up with his eyes blackened, but then he received a heavy punch on the cheek, which made him fall to the ground on the ground.

The blurred vision gradually focused with his breathing, and he struggled to open his eyes with his body barely in control. What caught his eyes was the huge floor-to-ceiling windows and the naked man squatting in front of him under the moonlight.

At this time, the naked x-man was wearing a smile like a mad dog that found prey. Behind him stood two beauties, one tall and one short, one wrapped in a bed sheet and the other wrapped in a Quilt, the short one is staring at him expressionlessly with red eyes, while the tall one is scary. Although there is a bright smile on her face, he always feels that the woman is emitting With a terrifying aura, it was as if he was about to cut himself alive.

What's the situation?

"Hey, look who's here? The offal of the black umbrella?" The naked man sneered.

Wait...wait a minute...what is a black umbrella?Are you mistaken?

Seeing the naked man pull out the dagger from his waist, he wanted to resist, but the punch just now was too heavy, and it is very difficult for him to just maintain consciousness now.

"To be honest, brother, thank you for saving your life..." Turning his own dagger, the naked man said to himself: "Unfortunately, there is a problem between us, so you have to die."

"No...wait..." He finally opened his mouth under the strong desire to survive, and said weakly, "You...don't you ask me why I'm here?"

"Do you still need to ask? Didn't you just run after the kid behind me?"

The kid behind you?which child?

"Don't, don't do this, you ask, you ask me..." He struggled.

"Ask a fart, give me a paw!"

With a knife stabbed into the man's eye socket, the naked Li Yexing stood up, and said with a look of disdain, "What are you doing here, I don't know?" After that, he turned around and said to the two women behind him: " Get dressed, we're going to fight."

Tiriris casually threw the quilt wrapped around her body onto the head of the corpse, but Rita, wrapped in a sheet, blushed, looked at Li Yexing with a somewhat resentful expression.

"Don't look at me like that, we have plenty of opportunities in the future..." Li Yexing hugged Rita, and kissed her lightly on the lips. At this moment, Xiao Huanghua's ear-piercing screams came from the corridor.

"Hurry up, time is running out." Reached out and patted Rita's butt, Rita and Tilly Liss quickly left the room, Li Yexing grabbed the towel and put it on his body, suddenly heard the sound of fierce fighting and gunshots.

"Damn!" He yelled, grabbed the gun on the corpse and rushed out in a hurry, only to see two women in sexy underwear standing in the corridor, their bodies were stained with blood, lying down beside them. Of the two black-clothed corpses, one's head was stuck to the wall like jam, and the other was lying on his back on the ground, with two bloody holes in his eye sockets.

"Inferior maggots, you actually tried to look directly at the flesh of my lady and me." Licking the blood on her fingers, a cruel smile appeared on the face of the elegant maid. Turning his head, he saw Li Yexing standing at the door holding a gun and looking at them in bewilderment.

Compared to the calm Tiriris, Rita's reaction was a little bigger.

"Yes... I'm sorry, I let my husband see me in a disgraceful way..." Rita's expression suddenly became a little flustered, and she bowed to Li Yexing, which made Li Yexing inexplicably amused, but at this moment , From the room behind Rita close to the hall on the second floor, a man in black suddenly rushed out.

"Monster!" He howled in panic and raised his gun towards Rita, but Li Yexing was faster than him. The moment he raised the gun, a flower of blood exploded on his forehead, and then fell straight down.

"I'll go and see what's going on. It doesn't seem to be a big problem. Don't worry, go back and get dressed first." Li Yexing put down his gun and said to the two girls.

"Okay, sir." With that said, Rita, who had stabilized her emotions, returned to the room with Tilly Liss.

"Tsk..." Seeing the two of them returning to the room, Li Yexing frowned and said to himself, "I seem to have made a mistake, maybe I should really ask that brother what he is here for.

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