Due to the sudden attack, his footsteps were not yet stable. In desperation, Hitomi Qiandao had no choice but to pull out the Ghoutian Kuanggu with one hand behind his back, and stood it sideways until the black alloy spear fell from the sky and struck hard. It hit the blade, and then along the arc of the blade, it slammed into the grass fiercely with sparks all the way.

Chapter 30..

The black cold light with sparks brushed the blade of Ghoutian Kuanggu, smashed into the grass, and stirred up a large piece of soil amidst a muffled sound. Feeling the vibration lingering from the wrist, Qiandao Hitomi's body fell into the cracks. A burst of steam suddenly burst out, and before he could clearly see the appearance of the attacker, Hitomi Qiandao raised his leg suddenly, stepped on the black spear that had not yet been raised, and at the same time violently waved the Ghoul Maniac Bone, slashed over, accompanied by a tooth-piercing sound, sparks shot out again, the spear stepped on by Hitomi Chishima was suddenly drawn out, the attacker supported the ground with one hand, a rear It flipped away from Hitomi Qiandao, and when it regained its posture, it danced a gun flower, and then pointed the gun directly at Hitomi Qiandao.

At this moment, Hitomi Qiandao finally got a glimpse of the whole picture of the attacker.

Tall and thin, with a black metal exoskeleton all over his body, he can use long guns and martial arts...

Suddenly, Hitomi Qiandao remembered a strange BOW mentioned by Kanan and Li Yexing before. It is said that it is very difficult to deal with because of the implantation of a very advanced combat AI. The name seems to be...Apostle?

On the other side, after a few seconds of confrontation, the monster with a height of more than two meters moved violently, kicked the ground with its hind legs, and stabbed the spear in its hand fiercely, aiming straight at Hitomi Qiandao's face, Seeing this, Hitomi Qiandao suddenly dodged, and the moment she avoided the spear, she lowered her figure, held the knife in both hands, and walked straight to the apostle with small but quick steps. On the other side, after stabbing the air, she looked at Qiandao Hitomi leaned forward, but the apostle did not turn the gun, but used the gun as a stick, and swept towards Hitomi Qiandao fiercely. Facing the counterattack from the apostle, Hitomi Qiandao stood up suddenly, stepping on the The gun body soared into the air, spinning in the air like a dance, and then inertially chopped the two knives in his hand directly towards the apostle's neck.

Accompanied by the tooth-piercing sound of metal rubbing, sparks burst out from the apostle's neck in an instant. He gave up his defensive ability for the sake of frivolity, and the exoskeleton, which could not withstand the large-caliber ammunition, was torn open in two cracks, and the crimson blood The spray from the wound was not fatal, even so, the apostle staggered back two steps under the impact.

Both feet landed on the ground again, her arms still kept the wide-open and wide-closed posture. Hitomi Qiandao seemed to hide sword energy in her eyes. She twisted her waist and was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but met the apostle's big feet. At that moment, she quickly crossed her two knives in front of her face, and in the next second, with the sound of a metal impact, Hitomi Chishima flew upside down. She adjusted her posture in the air until her feet re-inserted into the grass and dragged on the dirt. There were two marks, and with the strength of the apostle's foot, she once again distanced herself from the apostle.

In the mist, the black figure stood up again. The apostle adjusted his posture, while moving slowly around Hitomi Qiandao while constantly changing the posture of the gun, making it difficult to judge the angle and way it fired the gun. On the other side, Qiandao Hitomi faced the apostle, and also moved lightly. Around a certain point in the forest, two figures, one black and one white, slowly drew arcs, as if they were outlining an unequal Yin-Yang diagram. .

Suddenly, the footsteps of the apostle stopped.

Feeling the change in the atmosphere, Hitomi Qiandao's nerves tensed again. Although she couldn't judge the enemy's state through the white mask, she could feel that the opponent was about to attack because of the intuition of a warrior!

Sure enough, just as Hitomi Chishima expected, the distanced one tried to charge up again, perhaps because of the dense forest trees, it was difficult to confuse the opponent by repeatedly changing hands and turning the spear during the charge. He could only straighten the tip of the spear towards Hitomi Qiandao, and Hitomi Qiandao immediately put on a posture when he saw this, ready to avoid the straightforward attack at any time. However, when the distance between the two was about to shorten into the attack range of the spear , The mutation protrudes!

I saw that the charging apostle suddenly changed its posture, it stepped forward to stop the body, and slid directly towards Hitomi Qiandao by the inertia of the charge, and the foot before the step was like a bulldozer, pushing the large piece of soil and Layers of weeds splashed up, heading straight for Hitomi Qiandao's face. Hitomi Qiandao was startled, and subconsciously swung his knife to spread out the oncoming mud, but unexpectedly, behind the mud, it was the gun that changed its momentum.The sharp spear tip with a cold glow!

Unexpectedly, the monster in front of him can not only use martial arts, but even play tricks!Caught off guard, Hitomi Qiandao had to hastily brandish the double blades in his hands, forcibly resisting in front of his abdomen. The next second, with a huge impact, sparks burst, and Hitomi Qiandao's arms were directly shaken away!In desperation, she had no choice but to retreat hastily, while the apostle took advantage of the victory to pursue him. While getting close to Hitomi Qiandao, he repeatedly poked the spear in Hitomi Qiandao's body. For a while, sparks rang out with the sound of iron striking.

Being plotted against by a mass-produced monster using the algorithm results of intelligent combat AI, he was unable to maintain his posture and was beaten. For a moment, violent anger rose up, filling Hitomi Chishima's heart, and Hitomi Chishima vaguely The red cracks on her body seemed to emit a faint red light, accompanied by a large amount of steam gushing out, Hitomi Qiandao, who kept parrying, suddenly widened her eyes, she gritted her teeth, and roared like a ghost : "Don't underestimate the samurai! You despicable scum with no martial arts at all!"

Accompanied by Hitomi Qiandao's roar, Hitomi Qiandao suddenly stopped her figure. At this moment, she could feel that a power that she had never had before was continuously gushing out of her body. Under this mania, she Instead of parrying and dodging, she forcibly rushed towards the long spear. Because she hadn't regained her posture, Hitomi Qiandao's steps were chaotic and hasty, but in her eyes, the world seemed to slow down. , she even felt that she could clearly see the faint water droplets on the black spear and the thick fog pushed away by it.

The pure white skin was torn apart suddenly, and blood sprayed to outline Qiandao Hitomi's side face. Look at Qiandao Hitomi, who avoided the spear, and stepped forward with chaotic but nimble steps. While shaking, she clamped the bone blade in the Between the other arm and the crook of the arm, there was a violent twitch, causing it to ignite a raging fire, and before the apostle raised his knee to try to counterattack, he used the arm that held the bone blade as a scabbard, and hit Iai directly. the neck of the apostle.

In an instant, fresh blood fell like cherry blossoms and splashed on the emerald green vegetation stained with soil. The terrifying wounds carried heat and penetrated through the exoskeleton and flesh and blood, mixed with a faint stench. The apostle's movements stopped, but his fingertips were still there It trembled slightly until it could no longer hold the weapon in its hand. With the soft sound of the spear smashing into the grass, it clutched the wound that almost tore the entire neck, staggered back two steps, and then fell headfirst on the ground. Among the grass.

"Hoo..." Breathing out a turbid breath, Hitomi Qiandao moved again. She turned around on the spot, squatted down halfway, inserted the Kuanggu bone in her hand into the scabbard from behind, and then stood up, squinting her eyes slightly Breathing the humid air in the forest, she seemed to want to exhaust the anger in her lungs. Under her snow-white skin half covered by bandages, the light on the cracks dissipated little by little, and then, a large cloud of steam suddenly It rushed out, like the wind, blowing the flowers and plants to sway.

Swinging a life-threatening blow at a disadvantage, Hitomi Qiandao vaguely felt that she had a glimmer of understanding.

Chapter 31. The hunk's secret exposed

In the very dark cabin due to the thick fog that has not dissipated, Sendoin Yanagi sat at the table, silently watching the laptop in front of him. On the computer screen, a large number of small Each small square has a corresponding label. Some small squares are still green, and some small squares have turned yellow or red. Among them, there are many small squares that have completely turned into green. It turned gray, and next to the densely arranged small squares, there was a black chart. On the chart, there was a long straight gray line, indicating that someone's heartbeat had stopped.

"Christo is dead." After a moment of silence, the burly black man standing behind Sendoin Yanagi, the first executive Pebio Karba said coldly.

"That's right, he was killed by his own prey..." With a sneer on the corner of his mouth, Qian Daoyuan said in a deep voice, "I warned him not to make troubles, he was the one who insisted on getting into trouble with that mad dog .”

"However, his death is not worthless." Karba said in a deep voice.

"That's right, his death is very valuable..." Qian Daoyuan sneered, "From the conversation between him and that mad dog, we got a lot of interesting information, didn't we?"

In order to avoid the queen's party hidden in the black Umbrella, the battle against the Ashford family was not rushed. Although Victor seemed to be in high spirits, he didn't care about the loopholes in this rough plan at all, but as a Victor's secretary also serves as the supreme controller of the executive department. Qiandaoyuan still asked the equipment department to install monitoring equipment on the batch of equipment that will be provided to HCF fighters on the grounds that "new equipment needs to be able to actually monitor the combat status of the combatants." The device, in addition to monitoring the vital signs of HCF combatants, can also be used to listen to their communication channels, so as to understand the situation on the island.

Now, thanks to the previous foresight, Qiandaoyuan has a lot of interesting information. For example, the European branch of Black Umbrella is very likely to be in collusion with the Queen's Party, and another example is the Ashford family bunker on the island. There are multiple highly intelligent humanoid BOWs, or... a certain mercenary wandering outside the bunker, who seems to have an inexplicable relationship with that Miss Ashford, and is fully aware of all this.

"Shift the strategic focus..." After a while, the fingers tapping on the table suddenly stopped, and Qian Daoyuan said in a deep voice, "I think we have found the key to breaking the situation."

"The mercenary?" Karba asked in a deep voice.

"That's right..." Qian Daoyuan said in a deep voice: "HCF's attack in the bunker has been severely frustrated, and without the support of heavy weapons, it is difficult for them to deal with the monsters wandering in the bunker, so we have to find another way, since That Her Majesty the Queen is secretive, so why not attack that mercenary, after all, catching a mercenary is much easier than facing a large group of monsters, isn't it?"

"Christo is dead..." Karba shook his head and said, "The HCF people won't listen to our orders."

"But the apostles obey our orders, don't they?" Qian Daoyuan asked back.

"The apostles need to support the HCF over there in the bunker..." Karba continued: "If the apostles are allowed to withdraw from the battlefield and capture that troublesome mercenary, the HCF people will be completely trapped."

"Then let them sink in, just hold those monsters in the bunker, and buy us time..." Qian Daoyuan sneered: "The command of this battle is theirs, and there is a problem with their command. Can't blame us."

"Ten years ago, the speaker made the relationship between us and HCF very stiff..." Kalba said in a deep voice, "This cooperation operation is our ice-breaking operation, and the speaker probably won't allow you to act like this .”

"I have a measure. I have reached the apostles near the top of the mountain, let them enter the bunker to support HCF as originally planned, and leave a part to fight around the bunker to block the monsters that have rushed out of the bunker. Arrive at the apostles near the top of the mountain, let them detour, find the mercenary, and bring him back. As long as the mercenary can be brought back, the purpose of this operation will be achieved, and HCF can stop the loss in time, and then Go directly to the European branch and meet Mr. Victor."

"It seems that you are determined to catch that mercenary, Miss Qiandaoyuan." After a while, Karba said in a deep voice.

"It is necessary for us to catch him. In the current unclear situation, arresting him is the best solution." Qian Daoyuan replied.

"Is it the best solution?" After another moment of deliberation, Karba said in a deep voice: "Miss Qiandaoyuan, are you sure that the reason you want to arrest him is because of his relationship with that Ashford, not because Miyamura-san?"

Qiandaoyuan was silent.

On the other side, seeing that Sendaoin was silent, Karba continued: "From the conversation, the mercenary defeated Mr. Miyamura from the front, and maybe even used a cold weapon. Are you... sure your judgment is Out of reason?"

As if recalling something, Karba turned his head, looked at the white mist outside the porthole, and said in a deep voice: "I respect Mr. Miyamura very much, because Mr. Miyamura is a rare person. He is strong, quiet, Restraint, honor and loyalty are more important than anything else. If I have free time, I also like to ask Mr. Miyamura for a cup of tea, but right now, we are standing at the turning point of the fate of black Umbrella. For a whole ten years, black Umbrella has never faced such a scale of turmoil and challenges, so I sincerely hope that Miss Qiandaoyuan understands what she is doing."

"Don't worry, I know exactly what I'm doing." After a while, Qian Daoyuan replied in a deep voice.

"This is a big gamble..." Karba whispered: "If your judgment is wrong, we will fall short. At that time, in order to appease the emotions of HCF, you may be pushed out by the joint committee as a scapegoat."

"I can afford to bet, for black Umbrella, there is nothing that cannot be sacrificed, including myself..." Turning his head, looking at Karba's eyes covered by sunglasses, Sendaoin said seriously : "And this time, I trust my instincts."

"If that's the case, then do it according to your idea..." Although the relatively stable Karba did not agree with Qiandaoyuan's proposal, in the end, he compromised, pushed his sunglasses, and lowered his Said: "After all, I was only sent by the speaker to assist you."

With Karba's consent, Qiandaoyuan breathed a sigh of relief. She turned her head and refocused her gaze on the computer screen. With the rapid tapping of her fingers, after a while, a rough map interface with a lot of The data jumped out from the computer screen. According to the location where Christo was killed in battle, Qiandaoyuan began to quickly reset the route of the apostles. After the route was set, she started the final step-setting Li Yexing as The goal is to upload the information of Li Yexing.

"Okay..." After a while, Qiandaoyuan, who had arranged everything properly, closed the laptop, unplugged the wire, put it into the shoulder bag beside him, and then carried the shoulder bag on his body He said to Karba: "Let's go, avoid the beach where HCF is stationed, let's set up the battlefield, since we want to meet the wild dogs of Lopulus, the ostentation should not be too small."

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