It was a huge black reef!

Turning his head, he glanced at the two apostles who jumped down with him. Li Yexing dodged and hid between the reefs. With his back against a large reef covered in water vapor, Li Yexing stuffed the grenade into the HK-416. The grenade launcher hanging on the side laughed in a low voice: "I remember, the vision here seems to be good..."

Chapter 39.

For Li Yexing, it was a helpless choice to choose the battlefield here. Since he was frantically chased by the two apostles, his half-hour-long mountain climbing was in vain, and even the substantial supplies on his body would be wiped out. Ye Xing is very clear that only by surviving can he be qualified to think about the future. No matter how long it will take to return to the mountain, he must first get rid of these two pestering apostles!

Accompanied by the soft sound of grass and trees, in the mist, two apostles rushed out one after the other. The running apostle with long spears descended from the sky with his long legs and landed on the beach, splashing a layer of wet white sand. The crawling apostles fell fiercely into the beach due to their unbalanced bodies. Following Li Yexing's footprints on the beach, the two apostles headed straight for the black reefs that lined the beach.

"Are you coming..." Hearing the chaotic footsteps getting closer, Li Yexing was not in a hurry to shoot, but walked quickly towards the interior of the reef forest, stepping on the black reef and turning sideways. , After squeezing through the gap between the reefs that only allowed one person to pass through, he leaned his back against the reef again and poked his head out. Behind him, he could faintly see the two distorted figures through the mist. The two apostles climbed up the reef one by one. , looking around with the back of his head, while the other turned sideways, walking slowly between the reefs with a spear in hand.

"Hoo..." With a heavy breath, Li Yexing frowned a little bit to calm down his mind. Right now, because there are not many supplies, he needs to use every bullet on his body carefully and carefully to ensure that every bullet Both are useful. Through the scope, Li Yexing raised the muzzle of the gun little by little, and pointed it at the black shadow lying on the reef. After locking the head, he directly pulled the trigger. Immediately, accompanied by two There was a rapid gunshot, and the crawling apostle's head trembled violently twice, while the spear apostle on the other side turned his head suddenly, facing Li Yexing's direction, and then followed Li Yexing's gunshot, squeezed a piece A rock rushed up with great strides.

Along the gap that only one person could pass through, Li Yexing didn't panic at all as he watched the apostle rushing out of the mist while holding the spear and twisting his body, he just dragged the gun towards the oncoming Apostle, pull the trigger again on its white mask. Normally, the apostle can swing the spear like a whirlwind, blocking some of the oncoming bullets, but in this reef forest, the apostle can't swing it at all. long gun.

After the white mask was hit with a few cracks by the gun in Li Yexing's hand, the apostle had to turn around and run towards Li Yexing in a detour around an arc. After a few steps, he pointed the muzzle of the gun at the top of his head. In the next second, accompanied by splashes of white sand, the apostle soared into the air like a frog, holding the spear in both hands, with the point of the gun pointing down, waiting for the slender body After crossing the reef that blocked the way, what was waiting under it was Li Yexing and the black muzzle that had been prepared.

"Go back." Accompanied by the indifferent whisper, Li Yexing directly pulled the trigger of the grenade launcher. Immediately, a grenade pierced through the chamber with the soft sound of the grenade firing, tore through the fog, and went straight to the sky high in the sky. The leaping apostle was in the air, and the apostle couldn't dodge at all. He could only watch the grenade getting closer and closer. The next moment, the flames of the explosion pushed away the mist, and the scorching air directly bit into it. Li Yexing's cheek was facing the shock wave of the grenade explosion and the bursts of tinnitus. Li Yexing held the gun in one hand and subconsciously protected the top of his head with the other, and ran to the side quickly. The apostle emitted black smoke and smashed hard on the place where Li Yexing was standing directly.

"Try this!" Before the apostle could stand up in time, Li Yexing pulled the last grenade from his waist, then pulled off the ring and threw it over. The apostle lying on the ground was trying to wave it Like a bat, he used the spear in his hand to shoot back the flying grenade, but saw the three-legged apostle crawling over the reef and coming straight to Li Yexing, and Li Yexing fired directly at the apostle's head. Accompanied by a loss of balance, the apostle fell directly from the rock, suppressing the flying grenade, and squeezed between it and the apostle with the spear.

In the next second, there was a loud explosion, and a burst of flames exploded from between the bodies of the two apostles, one above the other, and the exoskeleton of the apostles that was pressed below suddenly shattered, blasting pieces of black debris, and the one that was pressed on The crawling apostle on the top rolled over directly, staring at the cracked exoskeleton twitching on his chest, while on the other side, Li Yexing, who was lying on the ground, suddenly turned over and stood up, picked up the gun in his hand, and aimed at it. The crawling apostle's exposed parasite, Li Yexing directly pulled the trigger. Suddenly, there was a loud gunshot, and the red and yellow liquid was torn off by the bullets and splashed. The parasite waved its tentacles while sending out There was a shrill neigh until the bloody flesh from the beating quickly shriveled like a leaking balloon.

"One!" After completely killing the parasite exposed on the head of the apostle, Li Yexing quickly replaced the last magazine while stepping back. The corpse of his companion on his lap stood up staggeringly holding the spear, exposing the purple heart that was constantly beating on his chest.

After hiding on the reef again, using the fog and overlapping reefs to hide his figure, Li Yexing stuffed a grenade into the grenade launcher, then poked his head out to look at the other half of the reef, and saw that he was not far behind. At the place, the apostle who stood up again was walking towards Li Yexing staggeringly through the thick fog.

Li Yexing remembered very clearly that Alexisa once said that the apostle was developed based on the tyrant, and when the apostle stood up just now, Li Yexing seemed to have indeed seen a structure similar to an exposed heart on the exposed chest of the apostle. He thought for a while, then stuck his head out under the cover of the mist, and pulled the trigger directly towards the black figure's chest. As the gunshot rang out again, the monster swung the spear violently, trying to create a whirlwind, However, just as the spear in his hand started to move, it was severely jammed by the rocks beside him, making a loud "clang".

The bullet hit his unprotected chest, and the apostle staggered back two steps. Then, it rushed towards Li Yexing, with the spear in his hand held high, it dodged around behind the rock, and then It slammed down violently, and with the white sand splashing in all directions, it suddenly realized that its long spear was smashed into the air.

"Look? Miscellaneous?!" There was a trace of indifference in the voice. Li Yexing, who had climbed onto the reef at some point, looked down at the apostle. Following Li Yexing's voice, the apostle just raised his head when he saw Li Yexing directly. He pulled the trigger of the grenade launcher on its chest, and immediately, there was another explosion. Li Yexing lowered his figure to ensure that he would not be pushed off the rock by the heat wave. , the heart of the apostle who ate the grenade explosion was completely burst, and the crimson blood was splashed like a fountain, holding the spear in one hand and covering his chest with the other hand, the apostle staggered back two steps, and then fell directly on the beach mountain, Accompanied by a sharp cry, its cracked mask suddenly burst, and the parasite occupying half of the brain was waving its tentacles while struggling apart, as if trying to escape from the dead host.

Picking up the gun in his hand, Li Yexing pulled the trigger expressionlessly until he emptied the last magazine. Seeing that the parasite became shriveled little by little and stopped moving, he exhaled foul breath and then squatted down. on the reef.

When he was relieved of his exhaustion, Li Yexing just wanted to light a cigarette.

Chapter 40. Encounter between the macho man and the tool man

Right now, there are still many things waiting for Li Yexing to do, but as an experienced old mercenary, Li Yexing knows very well that according to his current situation, once he encounters the enemy again, he is likely to die due to a serious decline in his state. After losing his life, the most important thing now is to rest and restore his physical strength.

But after making a rough assessment of the enemy's combat power, Li Yexing believed that those monsters and soldiers would never threaten his girls, at most they could only cause a little trouble, even though Li Yexing was very anxious to see his girls , but he understands better that the prerequisite for meeting again is to be alive!

The rifle bullets have all been emptied, the grenades have just been used up, and there is not even a single C4 explosive left. Right now, Li Yexing has only one weapon left for fighting besides the pistol with a full magazine. The black dagger, because the meeting with his own girls was delayed by two monsters that appeared suddenly, Li Yexing couldn't help feeling agitated, he reached into his trousers pocket, and took out half a pack of crumpled He took out a relatively good cigarette and put it in his mouth, then took out a lighter and lit it. With Li Yexing's inhalation, a bitter fragrance filled Li Yexing's mouth, with a hint of fire towards him. The lungs spread.

Not in a hurry to smoke the smoke, Li Yexing narrowed his eyes slightly, until the nicotine conquered the brain and relieved the exhaustion and pain all over his body, then he spit out the white mist in one breath, the cigarette was held between his fingertips, Li Yexing looked around, and next to him was the only large open space between the rocky forests, filled with snow-white sand.

This is the place where Li Yexing and Qiandao Tong talked to each other and met honestly a few days ago...

"Mom, I should go..." Feeling the pain and exhaustion in his body eased, Li Yexing put the cigarette between his lips again, and then jumped down along the reef. When his feet fell back on the beach, he Take a step forward and go straight to the other side of the beach.

Although Li Yexing also wanted to go back to the mountain directly, there was a fault in the mountain on this side. It would not be a big problem to jump down as before, but it was a bit unrealistic to climb back. Proceed along the beach until the fault became lower little by little with the change of terrain. Walking on the beach, Li Yexing, covered in sweat, mud and blood, stepped on two rows of footprints on the sand, next to his ear , although the fog hides the surface of the sea, it does not hide the tide, and the tide is as gentle and continuous as it was a few days ago, but Li Yexing has no time to listen, because his eyes are filled with the faint killing intent.

Suddenly, Li Yexing stopped in his tracks.

Stopping, standing still, and looking forward, Li Yexing's eyes narrowed slightly. Even though he couldn't see clearly because of the fog, Li Yexing could be sure that there was a figure standing on the beach in front of him.

After a while, Li Yexing moved again, walking towards the figure on the beach step by step. As the distance got closer, the black figure hidden behind the thick fog became clearer and clearer. Gradually, Li Yexing saw The outline of the figure was clear. She was wearing a black windbreaker and seemed to have two knives on her waist. Although she couldn't see her face clearly, it was almost certain that she was a woman.

As if sensing Li Yexing's approach, the figure stretched its hand towards its waist, pulled out something from it, and pointed it at Li Yexing. Li Yexing didn't seem to care about it. He just walked straight forward until the woman pulled the trigger. Li Yexing suddenly bent down and avoided the first shot.

On the other side, seeing that she failed to hit Li Yexing, the woman just shook the muzzle of the gun slightly, and then pulled the trigger again. Immediately, Li Yexing turned sideways and dodged again. To be honest, the operation of dodging bullets, It's not shocking, but the woman didn't care at all, as if it should be like this. After Li Yexing dodged the third and fourth shots in a row, the woman finally put the pistol back into her waist again. .

Finally, after facing the bullet and walking a distance of tens of meters, Li Yexing stood in front of the woman.

I have to say that it was a very temperamental Asian woman. She had a good face and short black hair tied behind her head. It was just that her face was very cold and difficult to approach, and she The long black trench coat on his body further set off this sternness to the extreme.

If Mu Qing hadn't been domesticated, she probably would have looked like this...

They stared at each other wordlessly, as if they were waiting for the other to speak first, until the waves beat against the beach with waves, causing waves of noise, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Why? No more shooting?"

Without answering Li Yexing's question, the woman tilted her head slightly. After looking at Li Yexing for a while, she asked in a cold voice, "Li Yexing?"

"It seems that you know me too..." Watching the red light flashing from the eyes of the woman in front of him, Li Yexing sneered and said with a sneer: "No, you must know me, otherwise, you wouldn't know me either." You need to manipulate two monsters to drive me here, right?"

As he said that, Li Yexing frowned a little bit, and he said coldly: "I really kept you waiting, Miss Executive Officer of Black Umbrella."

"No, it's not too long. It's better to say that you are faster than I expected..." I don't know if she is evaluating the speed at which Li Yexing arrived here, or the speed at which Li Yexing dodged bullets, the woman was indifferent He said with a straight face: "Besides, I didn't expect that you could kill the two apostles so easily. I underestimated you."

"It's not easy, miss..." Li Yexing shook his head and said, "I have to say, you have caused me a lot of trouble, but it's just trouble."

"It seems that Mr. Li still has enough energy, he is indeed the one who defeated Miyamura from the front..." Looking at Li Yexing, the woman in front of him said in a deep voice: "Mayamura Miyamura, he is the executioner of the black Umbrella The official is also my retainer, and I know his strength very well, so I am very curious, how strong is Mr. Li, who is known as the strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere?"

"So, you came here to block me to avenge that Miyamura?" Li Yexing couldn't help asking in a low voice when he heard what the woman in front of him said.

"Of course not..." The corners of her mouth curled up, and the woman sneered, "Our operation on the island is not going well, so I choose you as the breakthrough point. After all, I am curious, if that Ashford Knowing that her man has been kidnapped, how will she react?"

"You guys even hid a monitor on that guy who can't remember the name?" In just a moment, Li Yexing guessed the news channel of the woman in front of him, and he couldn't help but sneered and said, "So, you are Come... to kidnap me?"

"Is there a problem?" the woman asked back.

"I think the problem is quite serious..." Li Yexing nodded and said, "If you want to catch me without a fight, you must at least bring a whole team."

"Then you will be like a fox, running away vigilantly before you get close, won't you?" The woman sneered: "And, for my own reasons, I don't want to alarm my allies."

"Okay..." He touched the dagger at his waist vaguely, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said: "For the sake of your courage, tell me your name, beautiful executive lady, Maybe I can remember."

"My name doesn't need to be remembered by people like you, but I don't mind telling you..." She raised her head slightly, with a trace of contempt in her eyes, the woman in a black windbreaker said coldly: "I am a black man. Umbrella Joint Committee Chairman's Secretary, and also the Minister of the Executive Department under the Joint Committee and part-time executive officer Sendoin Yanagi, executive serial number: 0."

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