"What are you going to do with me?" After a while, Li Yexing suddenly asked in a deep voice.

"What? Are you starting to worry?" Victor asked with a smile.

"I'm worried, but more out of curiosity..." Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Since you've already got what you want from me, why didn't you shoot me? You want to come up to me and talk nonsense for a long time?"

"No, no, Mr. Li! How can you say that? I am reluctant to shoot you. You are a saint. You should have a death that is suitable for your status. Moreover, I really want to make friends with you After all, our research on you is still very hasty, and you still have many secrets waiting for me to discover..." Victor said with a smile: "As for chatting with you, it's just because of my interest. In private, I am not such a utilitarian person, and happiness is more meaningful to me than meaningfulness itself.”

After all, Victor turned his head, and while repairing the mimetic suit on his chest with the wriggling black, he walked towards the door of the room, and at the same time he did not forget to say to Li Yexing: "So this time, I really excuse you, But don't feel lonely, I guess it won't be long before my new subordinate will come back to visit you, and when that happens, I will ask her to bring you something to eat."

Accompanied by a soft sound of opening and closing the door, Victor left. For a while, only Li Yexing was left in the room, who was tied behind his back to the chair. With Victor's departure, Li Yexing's expression became ugly little by little. .

This guy... actually sewed my severed hand on his chest!

The most outrageous thing is that he actually obtained the power of my girls through this method. Although he looks like a man who is neither human nor ghost and may die suddenly at any time, this guy may become extremely difficult!

Moreover, since he got his power from me, why can't I do what he can do?It's illogical!

Hell, big trouble!

Chapter 5. The Macho Plan

When he was the only one left in the small interrogation room, Li Yexing began to look at the layout of the room.

There are four white walls, and there is only one chandelier on the ceiling above the head. There is an air vent on the wall near the door, but the other side of the door must be full of HCF people. They want to make a fuss through a door. It seems a bit unrealistic to run through the vent while there is movement...

Even if there is a way to get rid of the restraint belt, Li Yexing still can't do anything now, he can only wait.

And... I haven't eaten for two days and one night, I'm so hungry...

Li Yexing actually forgot about the feeling of hunger because he was dragged by Victor to talk about it. After Victor left, the feeling of hunger immediately climbed up, which made Li Yexing a little uneasy. Just when he was thinking about what Victor said When will the food delivery man arrive? Suddenly, the door of the room was opened again, and a group of black-clothed soldiers with their guns in their hands filed in, including Albeiro and Biederman. Then, a woman He walked in with high heels, holding a box of pizza in his hand.

"Hi, Mr. Li, first time meeting, I'm Bernice Angelica..." I sat directly on the chair where Victor had sat before, pushed the pizza in front of Li Yexing, and called herself Angelica The blond woman in Ka said in that weak voice: "If you like, you can also call me Director Angelika."

Glancing at the pizza exuding a faint aroma and warmth in front of him, Li Yexing raised his head and stared at the woman in front of him, only to see that the woman had blonde hair, but it looked a little messy and seemed to be neglected. She has a good face, but her complexion is a little pale, and there are dark circles under her eyes, which is different from Victor's extreme sickness. The woman in front of her should be sub-healthy and lack of sleep.

"Anjielica... Supervisor?" Looking at the woman in front of him, Li Yexing slightly raised his eyebrows, and he whispered, "I always feel like I've heard your name somewhere, but the suffix should be Dr. .”

"I got a promotion and a salary increase..." Angelica said in a deep voice, still looking weak, "Casimir was dismissed, and I took his place."

"Oh..." There was a trace of coldness in his eyes, Li Yexing nodded and said: "That means you have taken refuge in Victor, right?"

"What a strange statement..." Angelica tilted her head slightly and said, "Mr. Victor is the speaker of Black Umbrella, and I am an employee of Black Umbrella. Do you think I will offend my project manager? My chairman? What's more, the project manager has already dismissed get out of class, and I took over his position."

After staring at Angelica for a moment, Li Yexing lowered his head and looked at the pizza in front of him. He asked in a deep voice, "I don't intend to get entangled in the matter of Kasimir's poor employment. Now, can you tell me, How are you going to make me eat? Feed me?"

Turning her own dead fish eyes, Angelica turned to Biederman and said, "Untie Mr. Li."

Without saying a word, Biederman walked towards Li Yexing quickly. He blinked at Li Yexing, as if implying something. Then, he bent down and untied the restraint belt on Li Yexing's body. Arm regained freedom, Li Yexing moved his arm, and then stretched out his right hand habitually, until he found that there was only a bare wrist left on his right arm, he took his hand back angrily, and then changed to With his left hand, he picked up a piece of sliced ​​pizza and took a big bite. He wriggled his cheeks and said, "This battle is too exaggerated. I'm just eating a meal. You have more than a dozen guns pointed at me." , made me lose my appetite."

"After all, you are a living saint. It's always right to be vigilant..." As if she was really afraid that Li Yexing would be kidnapped violently, Angelica moved her chair back to distance herself from Li Yexing , while on the other side, after swallowing a whole piece of pizza, Li Yexing did not pick up the next piece in a hurry, but asked Angelica in a deep voice: "The hand on Victor's chest is the one you sewed." up, right?"

It is not surprising to make such an inference, because Li Yexing still remembers that when he just woke up, the HCF experts had just completed the preliminary analysis of his blood samples, so it is certain that the person who performed the transplant operation for Victor was definitely not ...At least not all from HCF, the European branch has become what it is now, and Kasimir will definitely not have the opportunity to perform this level of transformation surgery. Thinking about it this way, there is really nothing else besides Angelica selected.

"That's right, we did that operation, and it didn't take much effort..." On the other side, facing Li Yexing's question, Angelica admitted it openly, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, she He smiled and said: "After the first round of analysis on you, Mr. Speaker came to me directly and asked me to transplant Mr. Li's severed hand to his chest. I have to say, as the speaker of Black Umbrella, His imagination is really unconstrained. At first, I refused, after all, it is too outrageous and not scientific at all, but Mr. Speaker's attitude is very firm..."

As she said that, Angelica shrugged her shoulders and said, "When the muzzle of a gun is on your head, you have to bite the bullet and go ahead with any outrageous surgery, and you should have seen it in the end, even this kind of thing It can be realized, I have to say, Mr. Li, your existence has surpassed my understanding of science, and I can only rely on the direction of theology, you are undoubtedly a living saint..."

After a slight pause, Angelica continued: "It's just that you can't maximize the power of God, that's all."

"Aren't you a scientist? Why are you talking about God?" Li Yexing took a bite of the pizza and tore out the cheese. Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said, "No wonder you came to seek refuge with Victor. It seems that the two of you really have similar tastes."

"No, don't say that, I can't reach the height of Mr. Speaker. From the very beginning, I didn't think the transplant would be successful, but Mr. Speaker is full of confidence..." Angelica shrugged and said: " And to be honest, I'm really looking forward to it. After all, Mr. Li, you are only bearing the name of a saint, but you can't exert the power of a saint. Therefore, when I think that a new saint will be born from my hands, I feel a little nervous. Inexplicably excited."

Speaking of this, Angelica suddenly said: "Of course, there are also other reasons. For example, I think the supervisor is a good position. I don't want to continue working under Kasimir. That person is crazy, I Enough of him..."

Next, a meeting between a irascible mercenary and a doctor of evil completely turned into a complaint meeting. Li Yexing ate pizza silently while listening to Angelica, who was getting more and more emotional, complaining about Cassie endlessly. Mir, from complaining about Kasimir's erratic and crazy people at work, to complaining that Kasimir's relocation of the office caused physical waste, she had to climb the stairs several times a day, and then to borrowing Kasimir's clothes hanging in the office Hua complained about Casimir's poor artistic taste, and even complained about Casimir's ugly handwriting through Casimir's diary, and he was about to talk about their love experience at Cambridge University , Albeiro on the side finally couldn't bear it anymore, he stepped forward quickly, took away the unfinished pizza in front of Li Yexing, then frowned and said to Angelica: "Director, don't forget Well, you have other work to do."

"So I really don't understand what Galia is thinking...Oh? Oh..." Interrupted by Albeiro to complain, Angelica raised her wrist and glanced at her watch. The excitement on her face disappeared, and she returned to the state of dead fish eyes. She stood up and said weakly to Li Yexing: "I'm sorry, I let you listen to so many boring things, just take this as the resentment of an older leftover girl... .”

Li Yexing didn't reply, but there was a trace of indifference in his eyes, as if he was aggrieved by Casimir's betrayal.

Soon, Li Yexing was tied up again, and everyone left the interrogation room. Suddenly, the room became quiet again.

Until there were no more footsteps from outside the house, Li Yexing slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

There are clues in the red leather diary, and there are things hidden in the paintings on the wall. Casimir's office is in the west corridor on the fourth floor of the first-level dangerous area...

Casimir's subordinates seem quite interesting...

Touching the blade inserted by Biederman in the cuff of his right arm, Li Yexing couldn't help laughing.

It seems that the next course of action has been determined, and the rest is to find a good opportunity to escape.

Chapter 6. The hunk

The European division of Black Umbrella is located on a large island in the Atlantic Ocean, close to Ireland, but has a distance of more than 35 nautical miles from the coastline of Ireland. Because the island is basically covered by trees, it is difficult to see the obvious from the sky. The facilities, in this regard, are somewhat similar to the castle of the Ashford family.

The sea breeze blows, blowing the leaves and swaying, and at the same time blowing a few ropes hanging on the cliffs at the side of the island. Facing the glow of the setting sun, on the ropes, several black shadows are moving slowly and evenly. Climbing up at a high speed, until a moment later, the first person boarded the cliff. After confirming that the top was safe, he turned around, stretched out his hand, and pulled the following teammates up one by one, until all six people After climbing up, he straightened up and picked up the HK-416 on his waist.

"Okay, now, let's confirm the status of all the staff. It was just an appetizer before, and the next step is the highlight of this operation. We need to prepare for the surprise attack of the friendly forces..." Under the gas mask with red lenses, the hoarse The sound of the voice came out, and Hank said in a deep voice: "Do you still remember our mission goal?"

"Pull the switch, right?" Paglis, the red-haired assaulter who was also carrying the HK-416, said with a smile.

"After entering the power supply facilities of the research institute, use the secret key to cut off all power supplies except the emergency power system, and on the basis of ensuring that the BOW out of control or the spread of the virus will not occur in the European branch, try to keep the European branch in darkness as much as possible "Compared to his girlfriend's rough and straightforward answer, Jiang Xueyang, a short Chinese sniper holding an HK-416 and carrying a TAC-50, looked much more professional.

"Besides, we need to hold on to the power supply system for at least half an hour until our main force enters the research facility of the European branch." Standing aside with a shotgun, Li Zhiyu Shen, a rookie assaulter of the Frenzy Squad and an expert in battlefield biology voice added.

"Very good..." Nodding with relief like an old father, Hank turned his head to look at the other team members around him. After a glance, he whispered, "Are you ready?"

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