"Is there new garbage going to be thrown here? Really, don't increase the maid's workload casually..." Although Rita complained, there was a faint gleam in Rita's gray eyes. Light, obviously, she looked a little eager to try, but before she jumped off the wreckage of the helicopter, Tillylian suddenly lifted the coffin, accompanied by the soft sound of fingerprint unlocking, a second later, the terrifying metal storm accompanied With the roaring sound, it was fired suddenly, dragging the light and sweeping into the woods in front of it. After a while, the coffin stopped firing, and the gun muzzle was still emitting faint blue smoke. The girls who were startled by the coffin subconsciously turned their heads to look at Tilly Lian, but Tilly Lian said coldly: "Okay, kill them all."

Chapter 12. The hunk comes out

When there were only emergency lights left in the corridor, and the white walls were illuminated by the red light as if soaked in blood, under the dim light that kept flashing back and forth, Li Yexing walked silently along the corridor, behind him, stood Four soldiers in black combat uniforms, one is the traitorous pre-war commander Albeiro from the HCF, and the other is the pre-war commander Biederman from the first agency. Behind them are two black-clothed HCF soldiers. Soldiers, obviously, the lower-level HCF soldiers are unaware that Albeiro has been conspiring with Victor.

Not long ago, the entire research facility was suddenly cut off, leaving only the emergency power supply still running. Immediately afterwards, Li Yexing, who was sitting in the dark interrogation room, heard the commotion from outside the room. From the few words of the soldiers, Li Yexing learned that the European branch seemed to have been attacked on a large scale.

So, in less than three days, did Lisa call the door directly?That's pretty surprising...

According to Li Yexing's speculation, it will take about a week to receive new news, because he thinks that Alexisa should try to negotiate with Victor, but he never expected that his Lisa's temper is as A little irritable, he didn't intend to have a good talk with Victor at all.

Due to the raid and the power outage, the inside of the facility fell into chaos immediately. The HCF brought by Victor was not much at all. It still seemed a little stretched.

According to the opinion of the first executive officer, Karba, the team escorting Li Yexing needs at least six people and must be fully armed, but right now, HCF not only needs to deal with external enemies, but also assigns manpower to control the staff and security of the European branch. Under the circumstances that there is a serious shortage of combat personnel and the support troops do not know when they will be able to enter the field, only four people can be responsible for the transfer of Li Yexing's position.

With a gun on his back, Li Yexing walked forward slowly while looking around at the facility structure diagram on the wall, the house numbers and the road signs in the corridor. Because of the dim light, in order to see those things clearly, he He had to squint his eyes and slow down his pace, and this behavior caused Albeiro's serious dissatisfaction.

"Hurry up! Mercenaries!" Albeiro said viciously after hitting Li Yexing on the back with the muzzle of a gun.

"Oh..." After barely seeing the structural diagram on the wall, and analyzing his approximate location based on the house numbers of the surrounding rooms, Li Yexing nodded perfunctorily, and then speeded up his pace symbolically. At the same time, he Gently shaking the cuff, let the blade that Biederman had previously hidden in the sleeve fall to the fingertips, and then relying on the cover of darkness, he silently cut the restraint belt that bound the waist together with the arms.

After a while, Li Yexing's pace slowed down again.

"Tsk..." Seeing Li Yexing holding back, Albeiro could only feel a surge of anger in his heart, he gritted his teeth, and hit the muzzle of the gun hard again It seemed that Li Yexing had lost his temper after the collision. He suddenly turned his head and stared at Albeiro, as if he was protesting against Albeiro.

The moment Li Yexing turned his head, Albeiro almost pulled the trigger. Facing Li Yexing's gaze like a hungry beast, Albeiro only felt flustered, and subconsciously looked down at the restraints on Li Yexing's body After confirming that the restraint belt was still bound, he breathed a sigh of relief, then stared back at Li Yexing and said coldly: "Don't stop! Go!"

As he said that, Albeiro took the gun and hit Li Yexing's chest hard with the muzzle of the gun. However, the moment the gun hit Li Yexing's chest, he saw the bundles of people tied to Li Yexing's body. The gray restraint belt fell off suddenly. In the darkness, Alberos' pupils shrank to the size of a needle's eye. He was about to pull the trigger when Li Yexing stretched out his hand and grabbed his hand faster than him. The tactical rail of the HK-416 was pushed aside fiercely, and the next second, the gunfire exploded, lighting up a flickering fire in the dim corridor.

Although the gun was held in Albeiro's hand, it was completely out of Albeiro's control, because Li Yexing's left hand was so powerful that he pushed the muzzle of the gun to the other side, swept across the wall, and knocked down the gun. After a black-clothed soldier followed behind, Li Yexing strangled Albeiro's neck with his right arm without his right hand, letting him stand in front of him. Albeiro, who was controlled, subconsciously Wanting to fight back, another black-clothed soldier following behind opened fire directly. The 5.56 caliber bullet hit the body armor at close range. Albeiro let out a high-pitched scream, while Li Yexing continued to push the bullet with his left hand. He held Albeiro's gun until he knocked another black-clothed soldier to the ground.

After depleting Albeiro's magazine, Li Yexing dodges and slams Albeiro, who has taken a hard shot, against the wall. Between the legs, Albeiro let out an even more miserable scream, and his body instantly bowed into a shrimp. Li Yexing took advantage of the opportunity to clamp Albeiro's neck under his armpit with his right arm, strangled him tightly, and then gave him a hard blow. Hearing it, there was a crunching sound, and there was a bulge on Albeiro's neck, and Albeiro instantly softened.

"If there is a next life, remember to show me some respect..." Throwing Albeiro's body on the ground, Li Yexing snorted coldly. He turned his head and looked at Biederman, who had already Lying on the ground, he looked like a corpse under the light of the red emergency light.

"I was knocked out by the hateful mercenary..." Facing Li Yexing's subtle gaze, Biederman seemed to be talking to himself: "All the equipment on my body was looted by that damn mercenary gone."

"So this is your script?" Crouching down, Li Yexing took off the body armor and tactical belt from Biederman's body, and put one hand on his body with difficulty, and said in a deep voice: "You guys It also surprised me that I dared to play this set under the nose of Victor and HCF."

"It is precisely because they think that we dare not dare, so we dare. Director Kasimir's arrangements are always radical but effective..." Biederman, who was lying motionless on the ground, said in a deep voice: "Also, I I need to remind you of one thing, Dr. Angelica did not betray, what she said to you before..."

"I know, after all, I've known that guy Kasimir for so long. As soon as that female doctor complained, I understood everything..." Standing up, I checked the bullet with the help of the dim light in the corridor. box, Li Yexing once again focused his gaze on the courier who delivered the equipment for him, and asked in a deep voice, "I'm leaving, what do you do?"

"I'm just fainted, and I'll wake up soon..." Biederman replied in a low voice.

"Is there a monitor in this corridor? Then how do you plan to prevaricate the people at HCF?" Li Yexing frowned and said with a black dagger tightly tied to his right arm with the restraint belt he cut off earlier: " Just now you should have let me hit your neck, and then lie down, you are acting too fake."

"It doesn't matter. It takes time to switch the power supply lines in the central control room. Director Casimir learned about the impending chaos from some sources. He has already arranged everything. I have a way to get out..." Biederman said in a deep voice Said: "Now, don't waste time and deal with the things you should deal with. The lives of all the members of the first agency will fall on you!"

Chapter 13. The Shadow Stealth of the Macho

Dense footsteps resounded from the corridor, and a large number of HCF soldiers in black combat uniforms ran towards the corridor on the other side in full armor. Not long ago, they heard a burst of noise coming from the corridor on the other side. The shot rang out, and now, they urgently needed to check the situation.

As the sound of dense footsteps drifted away, in the darkness beyond the reach of the emergency lights, a man in a hospital gown and a black body armor stood up, turned his head silently, and watched him off. A group of black-clothed soldiers ran over.

It has to be said that seeing a group of people passing in front of him while ignoring him was quite a delicate experience for Li Yexing.

After confirming that the patrolling troops staying in the facility had gone far away, Li Yexing poked his head slightly and looked to the other side of the corridor. Seeing that there was nothing wrong there, he held the gun in his left hand, and wrapped his right arm around the grip on the guide rail with his missing right arm , and then walked forward quickly. Because of his bare feet, Li Yexing's actions did not make the slightest sound. He didn't stop until he reached the corner of the corridor, and pressed his back against the wall.

Recalling the structural diagram of the facility and the house numbers of the rooms he passed by, Li Yexing roughly confirmed his position. After a while, he squatted down and probed again. Sure enough, it was exactly as he thought. Further forward is the corridor, and there will be no patrolling enemies.

However, the situation would be different if it went up to another level. After all, it was an office area, and many staff and researchers of the European branch were detained in the office area. Presumably there would not be too many enemies.

Right now, Li Yexing's condition is not good, one of his legs is aching, and the large wound on his body has not yet fully healed. Although he is not afraid of those low-level miscellaneous fish in HCF, his physical condition is definitely not comparable to that of a normal state. He is comparable to himself, and, most crucially, he has one less hand.

Li Yexing wasn't sure if he could shoot with his left hand as accurately as he could with his right.

"Huh..." Li Yexing let out a breath of foul air, and Li Yexing moved again. He dodged away from the corner of the corridor, and quickly walked up the stairs with his gun in his hand. At the same time, he raised the gun to check the safety of his head. It was Li Yexing's best cover. He needed to avoid being caught by the red light of the emergency lights as much as possible.

Fortunately, there are still no enemies on the stairs.

"It seems that they really don't have enough manpower..." Li Yexing muttered in a low voice, and left the stairs following his memory. When he saw the sign of the office area reflected by the red light on the sign in the corridor, he slightly He breathed a sigh of relief, and then moved on.

Keeping his body close to the shadow of the wall, Li Yexing lowered his center of gravity and walked forward slowly with his gun held up. When he reached the corner of the corridor again, he clearly saw a large room separated by glass on the other side of the corridor. In front of the office door stood a black-clothed soldier bathed in red light.

Although it was impossible to see what was on the other side of the glass due to the dim light, Li Yexing knew very well that the HCF combat team seemed to be a group of three, that is to say, there should be two enemies in that dense office.

Li Yexing didn't think that he would be stopped by a team of three, but he was also not stupid enough to think that there was only one team on this floor. If possible, he needed to choose detours as much as possible, climbing ventilation ducts and so on. Or, quietly kill the enemy in front of you.

His body moved violently, Li Yexing got out of the corner, lowered his figure, and under the cover of darkness, approached the black-clothed soldier standing guard silently at an extremely fast speed. Facing the threat coming from the side, the black soldier The soldier in clothes didn't notice it until he noticed the movement of the black shadow around him out of the corner of his eye, and then he turned his head subconsciously. At the moment when his eyes collided with Li Yexing, Li Yexing became violent and stretched out his left hand. Covering the mouth of the black-clothed soldier, he raised his right arm before the black-clothed soldier wanted to make a noise, and stabbed the dagger tied on his right arm into the black-clothed soldier's neck. , bleeding profusely, the soldier opened his eyes wide, but could not make a sound, he could only die a little bit in the dark.

Gently placing the corpse on the ground without making a sound, Li Yexing raised his gun again and started walking along the corridor. As long as he crossed the next corner, he could find the research director's office.

It only took less than ten seconds for Li Yexing to go through the entire corridor. After reaching the corner again, Li Yexing poked his head out and observed the situation in the corridor ahead, only to see that there was no one in the corridor. It was empty, and in the middle of the corridor was the target of Li Yexing's trip - the office of Director Casimir.

Feeling a little excited, Li Yexing stepped out and was about to walk towards the office. Suddenly, only a soft sound was heard, and the office was suddenly opened from the inside. Then, under the red emergency light, a tall man , a black man in a long trench coat came out.

It was the executive officer who followed Victor!

The body retreated suddenly, and retracted back to the corner. Li Yexing poked his head out under the cover of darkness and observed the black man. He saw that the black man was holding a stack of paper documents in one hand, and pressing the ear button with the other hand. Communicator, after a while, he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Speaker, I found what you wanted. Kasimir did not lie. The things were indeed placed in the drawer. It seems to be a research and development plan for a new latent BOW and Cost accounting information..."

"Got it, I'll take care of it..."

After cutting off the communication, the tall black man turned around and walked towards Li Yexing step by step.

With his back pressed against the wall, Li Yexing slightly lowered his center of gravity, and at the same time raised his right arm slightly, making the black dagger with blood stains on it turn bright red by the light of the emergency light. He planned to hide behind the black man's body In the blind spot of vision, let the corpse of the black-clothed soldier in the corridor help him attract attention, and then took the opportunity to sneak attack and kill him with one blow.

In the ears, the footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Li Yexing's heartbeat began to speed up a little bit. Just when he was ready to make a move, the footsteps stopped suddenly, and then, he heard the black man say: "Sure!" Is it Albeiro?"

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