"Hey! Mr. Li, long time no see!"

"If you can find this letter, it means that the expected riot happened, and I bet right!"

"To be honest, if the situation permits, I would prefer to tell you all this in person, but unfortunately, I can't. When you are reading this letter, I may be locked up somewhere in the European branch. Being tortured and tortured, of course, we can also think optimistically, maybe I will be killed directly? Haha!"

"When you read this, you must be very anxious to save me, right? After all, our relationship is so good, but what I want to say is, don't waste your time looking for me! It's meaningless!"

"Now, you should have a relatively basic understanding of the general situation. For example, the old man is imprisoned like me. For example, the hidden pile of the first agency is still secretly operating in the dark to win you opportunities. For another example, a certain Mr. Speaker has turned into a monster."

"That's right, it turned into a monster, an unprecedented monster! That Mr. Speaker is a complete lunatic! Dr. Angelica thought that the transplant operation would kill Victor, but no one expected that your hand actually I grew up with him honestly. However, it is not all bad news here. I heard from Jia Liya that after the transplant operation, Mr. Speaker’s condition is not very good. I speculate that his physical condition may He can’t carry your strength. If he can’t find a good solution, his body will probably collapse along with his reason and become something else. Once the situation becomes like that, then everyone just wash their necks and wait. , the world is going to be destroyed."

"Perhaps the speaker can find some way to stabilize his body, but I am pessimistic about it, so, next, your task is very important, Mr. Li, I need you before the speaker collapses, Kill him!"

"Of course, this may be very difficult for you. After all, your condition is too bad, and that guy is a monster more terrifying than your wives. I have been preparing for this day since your cloning experiment was over, and now, this day has finally arrived!"

"Mr. Li, I need you to enter the Nibelungen laboratory in the fourth-level danger zone and get a weapon from it. It is a powerful weapon specially developed for compound BOW, and it follows the design concept inherited from the Umbrella era. , is a real killer, the key to the miracle of fighting against the gods with the power of mortals, I believe that even if it becomes an ultimate creature, that Mr. Speaker still can't handle the power of this thing!"

"Remember to look down, the internal map of the Nibelungen is not included in the structure diagrams of the facilities that can be seen everywhere in the corridor, so I asked Jia Liya to draw it, next, this is your own, Mr. Li There's war."

"Have a great time at the European branch!"

Glancing at the very clean and tidy structure diagram drawn under the note, as well as the target location mark and a long series of numbers with unknown meanings, Li Yexing stuffed the note into his waist, raised his head and whispered: "Okay Come on, Casimir, let me see what you have prepared for me..."

Chapter 16. The All-Out War of the Macho

On the island thirty-five nautical miles away from the coastline of Ireland, Black Umbrella's European branch has fallen into complete chaos. Even though the quality of the soldiers is good enough, in the face of the absolute superiority in numbers, the defense force on the island has begun to deteriorate. Stretched, after being disrupted by a large number of mercenaries including the Huanya Armed Forces, the green island that was gradually darkened by the night has been completely enveloped by roaring gunshots.

"This is the frantic team. We are guarding the power supply station of the European branch. We have repelled three waves of enemy attacks. I think we need support..."

"This is the security force of the Paris branch. We have received a request. There will be an armed helicopter and a ten-member team going to your direction for reinforcements. It is expected to arrive within ten minutes."

"This is Iron Curtain 8! We encountered an ambush near the target apron! It is difficult to continue the operation! The enemy is equipped with heavy firepower! We demand to retreat!"

"This is the Armed Forces of Huanya, don't run away, fight with him, Huanya 2 is leaning towards you, we will push you up immediately, after this wave can go around, we will collect them all, the apron He must be taken!"

"This is the security force of the Australian branch! The attack on the western coastline is not ideal. There are a large number of enemies. They are relying on the terrain to suppress us! I think we need air support!"

"This is Ashford Will. I have heard about your situation. The reinforcements are on the way to be transported by air. She is relatively big. Be careful not to accidentally injure her."

Listening to the continuous sound from the communicator, Alexisa, who was standing on the rock overlooking the surrounding situation, turned her head subconsciously, and swept her gaze to the coastline on the west side, only to see that in the distance in the dim night In the middle, a Chinook helicopter was roaring and flying slowly. Under the helicopter, hung a terrifying giant. The thing was tightly bound together by ropes, as if entangled in strands. All together, until Chinook let go of the rope, the huge ball slammed into the woodland with a sharp roar, and then, under the night, the huge ball stretched out its limbs, revealing The poisonous vines full of sharp barbs and the huge pink flower buds bloomed, revealing sharp teeth with uneven layers.

Soon, the flames illuminated the night, and all kinds of heavy weapons attacked the huge strange flower with trailing smoke. After roaring and twisting, the huge strange flower suddenly jumped out of the middle of the flower. Blazing flames spewed out, sweeping the forest like a flamethrower.

"Baby! It's so big!" Looking at the strange flower in the distance that was like a giant dragon in western mythology breathing out flames, Tillylian, whose eyes were shining, couldn't help turning her head, while gently tugging on Tillyris. He asked from the corner of his clothes, "My lord! What is that?"

"She is my maid, Miss Alexis, you have seen her before..." Turning her head, looking at the girls standing or squatting beside her, Alexisa smiled and said: "Although the I'm not very good at housekeeping and cooking, but I still have confidence in Alexa when it comes to intelligence processing and small-scale combat."

"It seems that the balance of war is tilting to our side..." Still smiling, but blocked by the special mask, Rita said with the corners of her lips curled up: "They are seriously short of manpower, they can't For a long time against the armed forces Miss Ashford and Miss White mustered."

"Not exactly..." Bai Muqing shook his head lightly and said, "This is the European branch of Black Umbrella, and they haven't used BOW yet."

"So what if we use it? Anyway, it will definitely not be our opponent..." Kanan poked the cigarette butt into the darkness in front of him, put on his mask again, and said with a sneer, "From the crash site to here, Not a single guy to slow us down, they're nothing without a stun gun and those big guys!"

Regarding Kanan's small expansion, Tilly Lisi didn't want to express any opinions. After all, from the current point of view, except for the Australian branch, most of the teams that landed on the island did not encounter any serious obstacles. As expected, they fought and retreated. After all, they are only here to help this time. If they can put enough pressure on them to make their upper management think that this help will be a loss, then HCF will probably run away.

"Let's go..." After a while, Tiriris turned her head and looked at the black shadow hiding in the forest not far ahead. She said with a blank expression, "Go and kill Mr. gone back."

After saying that, Tiriris turned around, and just as she was about to take a step forward, she saw Hitomi Qiandao, who had been silent before, suddenly took a step forward, and pulled out the long black alloy knife on her waist, and saw There was a flash of cold light, and a crackling sound like iron hammering suddenly sounded, at the same time, a spark exploded from in front of Tiliris, and the sparks splashed across the tip of Tiliris' eyebrows.

"It's a sniper..." Hitomi Qiandao stared intently at the shadow in the distant woods with sharp eyes like a sword blade. She said in a deep voice, "Someone is targeting us."

As he said that, Hitomi Qiandao swung the blade again, pulling the cold light to split the bullets of the second sniper rifle that flew towards him.

Facing a sniper hiding in the shadows, except for Hitomi Chishima, who seemed to be concentrating on splitting every bullet fired by the opponent, the other girls seemed a little indifferent, squatting on the boulder, Kanan drooped one leg, raised his eyebrows slightly, and then shifted his gaze to Tilly Lian who was beside Tiliris.

"Ah, I got it, I got it! Don't look at me like that!" She waved her hand vigorously at Kanan, and Tillylian turned her head to look at the darkness in the distance. Under the mask, her blue-purple eyes gradually turned brighter Bright, faint bloodshots even began to float around the eyes, until a moment later, Tillylian lifted the coffin, and directly pressed her thumb with the help of the positioning correction of the auxiliary aiming system, and only heard a "click", and the coffin shot from both sides in an instant. Open it, revealing four rockets, and then, the four rockets flew out one after another accompanied by four rapid light sounds, they trailed the tail smoke, and attacked the darkness until the sound of explosion accompanied The rising mushroom cloud sounded, and under the burning fire, a building hidden in the darkness was faintly visible.

Accompanied by the sound of mechanical operation, four new rockets popped out, loaded automatically, and the openings on both sides were closed again. Tillylian lowered her arms, lifted the coffin in her hand, and looked at the ignited darkness in the distance Said: "It should be killed... But in order to kill a sniper bombing the experimental facility or something, I always feel that Kasimir's father will lose his temper..."

"Let's go..." Tilly Lisi patted Tilly Lian's back lightly, and jumped directly from the abrupt boulder, when there were no enemies or friendly troops around. , Tilly Lisi was finally able to take off the mask on her face, feeling the sea breeze sliding across her cheeks, her eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a faint red light, until a moment later, she turned her head and saw Behind her, all the girls followed her and jumped down, all taking off the masks on their faces.

In the darkness, the eyes shone with a strange light, like meteors igniting a brilliant fire.

Chapter 17. The macho harem group was ambushed

In a sense, Kanan’s words are not unreasonable. Since the power supply is cut off, it is difficult for the BOW stored in the European branch to be used even if it has the authorized key. In addition, the area around the apron has become a battlefield. The meager air power of the Ministry could not provide support for the HCF soldiers at all. Under such circumstances, the small group of HCF soldiers wandering in the forest could not stop Li Yexing's wife gang at all. , in the eyes of all the girls, it is so weak that it makes people laugh. As the sky gets darker and darker, they don't even have the chance to see the girls. The coffin beat them to pieces all over the floor.

Taking steady but not slow steps, accompanied by the continuous sound of gunfire and explosions on the island, seven monster girls in various black clothes with shining eyes walked forward step by step. No singing, no bird singing, just because the strong killing intent on them was too deep and terrifying. In just a few minutes, the distance between them and the target facility was only [-] meters. Just when they were about to move on, suddenly, Tillylian raised her head, with a faint light shining in her blue-purple eyes, she whispered, "There are people coming, and there are a lot of them, approaching from all directions."

Raising her hand to press the communicator next to her ear, Alexisa asked in a deep voice, "Steward Harman, confirm the positions of the teams and see where the team closest to the research facility is."

"Okay, miss..." After a few seconds of pause, the butler Harman replied in a deep voice: "The team closest to the research facility is gathered around the apron. In addition, the team hired by Mr. Yang and led by Mr. Powell The soldiers are in the middle of an exchange of fire about [-] meters southeast of the research facility."

"Understood, let all the teams prepare to follow closely. Within five minutes, HCF will shrink their defenses. When that happens, they will directly enter the facility and rescue the suppressed personnel of various departments and security forces." Alexisa Shen sound arrangement,

"Notify all teams immediately..." After receiving the reply from Butler Harman, the communication was hung up. Alexisa put down her hand on the communicator, pretended to be over her head, and said to Tilly Lian with a smile: "Tililly Miss An, those guys who came over are not ours."

Without saying a word, Tillylian directly lifted the coffin and fired at the forest beside her. Accompanied by the roaring gunfire, the flickering gunfire instantly illuminated the darkness. After the strafing, the wings of the girls were instantly covered by firepower. Although the bullets were not accurate at all, there were still many stray bullets hitting the girls.

Looking at Tiliris who didn't care about being hit by bullets, Hitomi Chishima who kept waving knives to block bullets, and Rita who was occasionally hit by stray bullets but still kept smiling, and her face became more and more ugly Bai Muqing, Alexisa turned her head, gently shook her hands, and ignited a curtain of fire in the darkness that could melt bullets.

It's not that Alexisa didn't want to throw out a sea of ​​flames to burn all the rats hiding in the dark to death, but in the forest, she had to think about other teams still fighting in the forest. If it is set on fire, the battle will become difficult to end.

Blocking the bullets from one side with her own power, Alexisa turned her head and looked at Tillylian, who was still shooting at her side. Tillylian frowned slightly, as if she was a little dissatisfied. Afterwards, she suddenly ceased fire, and said with her mouth pursed, "Those guys are out of my lord's range of perception. It seems that there is a complex terrain as a cover."

"Tsk, it seems that these guys came prepared..." He smacked his lips in dissatisfaction, and Kanan was about to say something, when suddenly, a terrifying roar sounded right in front of them , Immediately afterwards, the tracer bullets fired by the heavy machine gun tore towards the girls like raindrops.

"Damn!" With Kanan's exclamation, a group of girls subconsciously got down on the ground. After the tracer bullets swept by, bullets of various calibers immediately swept over from the front. Under the intense firepower, even the monster girls who are physically bulletproof don't dare to pick them up easily. Rita and Bai Muqing's lives will not be in danger, but once they are broken up, it may take a lot of time to reunite.

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