Turning around, Li Yexing took two steps back, and then went directly into the central control room inside the Nibelungen. Because of the high degree of danger, the control and monitoring system in this area was directly connected to the emergency power supply. He was in working condition all the time except for maintenance. After entering the central control, just as Li Yexing expected, he saw that the main control room was densely packed with various instruments, and there were complicated buttons and joysticks all over. Ye Xing ignored them, and locked his eyes directly on the screen. On the screen, there was an image captured by a certain surveillance probe, and beside the image, there were various optional labels.

"Tsk..." Smacking his lips lightly, Li Yexing held the mouse and began to operate it. In his opinion, since the central control room of Nibelungen has monitoring for the entire Nibelungen laboratory, Nani Before the gate of the Nibelungen laboratory, there will definitely be surveillance. He needs to find the corresponding label, and then figure out what happened outside the Nibelungen.

Follow the selected label upwards, and turn on the corresponding monitors one by one. With Li Yexing's operation, the pictures gradually began to increase. The images in those small screens are either the corridors you passed before, or the empty space. As for the huge laboratory, as Li Yexing opened the last surveillance image, a white light suddenly flashed across the image, followed by a large area of ​​noise.

Although the image was disturbed by snowflake noise, it was not enough for Li Yexing to see nothing clearly, so Li Yexing frowned slightly, and moved his face to the screen, only to see light and flames constantly flashing between the noise, There seemed to be a trace of jumping electric arcs vaguely, and between the interference of light and noise, something seemed to be fighting, setting off layers of gravel and rubble.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Li Yexing was stunned.

Even if the picture is seriously disturbed, even if the characters in the picture have been distorted and mutated, Li Yexing can still recognize those people in the picture at a glance, Tiliris, Tillylian, Kanan, Qiandao Hitomi, Alex Lisa, and even There is Rita and Bai Muqing who are combined together!

That's right, those who appeared on the screen in the hall in front of the Nibelungen Gate were none other than Li Yexing's monster girls!But right now, they seem to be fighting with something, and they are at a disadvantage!Accompanied by another burst of white light, the sound of explosions from outside the Nibelungen entered Li Yexing's eardrums again.

"Damn it, it's Victor!" Even though he couldn't see the monster wrapped in dazzling white light clearly on the screen, Li Yexing was still sure that that guy was definitely Victor!Watching his girls on the screen being suppressed by Victor, Li Yexing's eyes showed a trace of anxiety, he couldn't help frowning and whispered: "It's so reckless to bump into this guy directly... "

As soon as the words fell, Li Yexing suddenly realized something.

Did it really happen by chance?

Don't you come prepared?

His eyes moved quickly among the monitoring screens. Li Yexing stared intently, as if he was searching for something. After a few seconds, his eyes suddenly stopped. In the inconspicuous monitoring screen, a big man in a black windbreaker is leading a group of HCF soldiers forward slowly, as if they are searching for something, and the location where they appear is the experimental material area The corridor across the way!With the simplicity of the internal structure of the Nibelungen laboratory, if they continue to move forward at this speed, they will appear on Li Yexing's face in less than five minutes!

"Executive officer again! You bastards!" Still brooding over the fact that a hand was cut off by that neurotic Japanese woman, coupled with the girls who were eager to support him, Li Yexing finally couldn't bear it. After cursing, he turned around, raised his gun, and left the central control room directly, speeding up his pace and rushing towards the experimental material area.

Li Yexing was very anxious, really anxious, eager to reunite with his girls, anxious to help his girls kill Victor with the weapon in his hand that was specially designed to kill him, but right now, Li Yexing knew very well , he has no room for detours at all, if he doesn't kill that executive and his team, then it's impossible for him to go out!

Instead of holding unrealistic fantasies, it is better to take the initiative to choose a battlefield for yourself to play!

Chapter 32.

In the corridor, it was quiet and eerie. Bright white light shot down from the top of the head, blocked by figures, forming rows of black shadows on the ground and walls.

Leaning against the side edge of the gate, commanding the team that followed him to divide into two rows, hiding on both sides of the gate, Karba held the HK-416 that he brought from the arsenal of the European branch, and stood behind him and opposite him. The HCF soldiers kept making tactical gestures. Accompanied by his movements, the soldiers in the back row rushed up first, and passed through the gate one by one. He did not enter until Karba was the only one left in the corridor. After looking past the guarded HCF soldiers around him, a dark and vast space finally came into view.

This space is huge, with a square shape as a whole. Except for the passage in the middle, there are glass culture tanks neatly placed on both sides of the space, which are filled with liquids of unknown composition, except for a very small number of culture tanks that are empty. Other than the state, most of the culture tanks are filled with strange things, some of them are humanoid, some are outright monsters, and some have no shape at all, just a group of inexplicable pieces of meat , In this silence, they were motionless, as if they were asleep, and under the reflection of the weak light sources on the wall, there was a faint green fluorescence.

Seeing this scene, Karba frowned instinctively due to a sense of physical discomfort. As the first executive officer of the executive department, it was not that he had never been to the technical department of the headquarters. The laboratory will definitely not be like this, at least it will not accumulate waste materials to such a huge scale. Right now, it doesn't look like a laboratory at all, but more like a personal exhibition hall created by a psychopath.

Karba still remembers that when he took the permission card he got from Victor and successfully passed through the gate, there seemed to be a row of letters written on the wall of the corridor: Nibelungen.

The Nibelungen, the kingdom of the dead in Norse mythology, is used to describe the distorted scene in front of him. In Karba's eyes, it is quite appropriate, but he doesn't understand why Li Yexing, who has escaped Albeiro's control, doesn't As he expected, the apostle left the experimental facility of the European branch, but ran deeper, and even ran all the way to this secret laboratory with few records even at the headquarters.

Perhaps, I got a hint from some people and came to look for something...

Thinking of this, Karba felt restless. From the very beginning, he didn't trust those defectors from the first agency, and he was even more determined to let Dr. Angelica perform surgery on Victor. No, the success of the operation originally dispelled Karba's doubts a little bit, but now it seems that those guys definitely did a lot of shady tricks in the dark!

It has to be said that Karba is getting more and more confused about what Victor is thinking.

The dark and green light passed through the cultivation tanks one by one, reflected on the ground, and also reflected on the faces of the people. It diffused the strangeness in the silence. Karba, who was guarding the door, suppressed the disgust and anxiety in his heart, ignoring Hearing the faint roar coming from behind, he waved his hand to both sides of the entire space, signaling the team to disperse, and proceeded in a net-like manner while maintaining a relatively close distance. When the team was in position, he waved again , to signal the team to move forward, and at the same time raised the gun, and moved a little bit.

Sunglasses were hung on his chest, and his footsteps were slow and he didn't dare to make a sound. Karba's eyes showed caution and calmness, and he didn't dare to relax at all. After all, he witnessed the death of HCF frontline commander Christo. After Li Yexing killed Qiandaoyuan, not long ago, Li Yexing also broke the neck of Albeiro, another frontline commander of HCF, and Miyamura, who was buried in High Oak City by Li Yexing earlier. right way...

Karba knew exactly what kind of monster he was facing!

As far as a complete corridor is concerned, the passage between the cultivation tanks is not long or short. Normally, it would not even take a minute for Karba to pass through here, but now it has been a long time. It took almost two minutes, but he only completed half of the distance. Perhaps because of psychological effects, Karba was a little bit like a soldier. He always felt that in the darkness, something was watching him, maybe those things that were packed in jars. The deformed monster may also be Li Yexing's eyes.

"Tsk..." Couldn't help but smacked his lips. Karba realized that he seemed a little nervous, so he quickened his pace a little. However, the moment he stepped forward, a piercing gunshot suddenly sounded. Like a thunderstorm in the middle of the night, at the moment when the gunfire sounded, Karba and the surrounding HCF soldiers suddenly lowered their center of gravity, and quickly leaned up to the culture tanks, using their bottoms as cover.

On the other side, after the first shot, continuous gunshots began to ring out. Amidst the gunshots, a man shouted: "We found him! On the east side! On the east side... "

Before he could finish speaking, there was another burst of gunfire, and the HCF soldier who shouted completely shut up.

Hiding behind a huge culture tank, ignoring the hideous piece of meat in the culture tank, Karba held the gun with one hand, and at the same time quickly waved tactical gestures at the HCF soldiers approaching from all around, making them turn around and move towards the whole place. The east side of the space moved closer, and when a group of HCF soldiers pressed up from two directions with the cover of the culture tanks, Karba suddenly flashed out, pressed his body into the narrow aisle between the culture tanks, and he It is very clear that facing the encirclement of HCF soldiers, that mercenary will never sit still, he will definitely notice the encirclement route of those soldiers at the first time and try to make a detour, so what Karba has to do is to cut off Li Yexing's By the way, let the HCF soldiers waste as much ammunition as possible on Li Yexing's body.

Gunshots shot out from the inside of the encirclement, biting Karba who quickly passed through the culture tank, knocking out tiny cracks on the glass of the culture tank, while Karba walked quickly while taking off his black coat, revealing The black blouse that outlines tight muscles, after rushing to a culture tank, he stopped suddenly, sat on the ground with his back against the culture tank, holding the gun in his hand, listening to the bullets hitting the culture tank He lowered his head and glanced at his trousers, only to see a hole in the trousers on his lower leg was torn by bullets, and in the hole was a wound that was still bleeding , although not serious, but it looked a little scary because a large piece of skin was scraped off by the bullet.

"Mom..." Frowning slightly, Karba cursed in a rare voice.

Suddenly, another series of intensive gunshots sounded, and Karba made an instant judgment that it was the soldiers of HCF who fired at Li Yexing, so he turned around and raised his HK-416 in the direction of the gunshots. However, before he could find Li Yexing's location, he saw a flower of blood burst out of the scope, and then, an HCF soldier with a smashed helmet came out of the culture tank and fell straight on the ground.

Without saying a word, taking advantage of the intense gunfire, Kalba dodges and ran out of the cultivation tank, and with the help of the HCF soldiers' cover, continued to detour towards the other side.

Chapter 33. Macho Assault

Pulling the trigger at the very center of the gunshots, let the flickering gunfire disperse the greenery scattered in the entire space, and after using a few bursts to force several HCF soldiers approaching from the front into the cultivation tank, Li Yexing Dodging back to the culture tank next to him, he let the bullets crackle and hit the culture tank behind him and the ground next to him. Even though the sparks were flying, Li Yexing didn't panic at all. He replaced the empty magazine , and at the same time looked sideways slightly to the other side, only to see that there was still no movement there, but the big black windbreaker that was randomly thrown on the ground was particularly conspicuous.

"Tsk..." Li Yexing couldn't help but frowned while watching the movement of the enemy on the other side through the inconspicuous reflection on the culture tank, "I knew it wouldn't be so easy."

Previously, when Li Yexing discovered the executive officers and HCF soldiers who had invaded the Nibelungen Laboratory in the central control room, he decisively chose to take the initiative and chose the battlefield for himself before he was discovered. The place lined with pots, with dim light and numerous bunkers, is very suitable for Li Yexing to fight alone, but Li Yexing's considerations are more than that. He hopes that the executive officer will not search here carefully, if they pass directly through the aisle in the middle , then Li Yexing could bypass them silently and avoid wasting time.

However, it was obvious that the executive officer was not stupid. He chose to search with a dragnet. After realizing that there was no way to retreat, Li Yexing had to fire first.

Thinking of the executive officer, Li Yexing turned his head again and looked at his flank. He was almost sure that the executive officer only knew his position roughly, and Li Yexing could feel that the executive officer was the same as the previous officer. The Bai Muqing, Qiandaoyuan and even Miyamura Zhengdao he met were different. Li Yexing could smell a familiar smell from that executive officer.

That is the taste of peers, or the kind of peers who are difficult to deal with.

It seems that the executive officers are not all of noble origin, for example, the guy in front of him is a mercenary just like Li Yexing.

In the past, Li Yexing definitely didn't care much about his colleagues, but now, Li Yexing had to care, because his girl was still waiting for him outside, and he had one hand missing, so he couldn't solve the battle quickly.

A moment later, a black shadow came out from a distance and flew quickly between the culture tanks. Li Yexing seized the opportunity and pulled the trigger without hesitation, intending to kill the executive officer, but After seeing the executive officer slide a shovel and hide in the cultivation tank on the other side, Li Yexing knew what he wanted to do. He used this almost desperate method to confirm Li Yexing's location.

"It seems that you don't have much confidence in the miscellaneous fish on the HCF side..." After guessing the other party's intentions, Li Yexing couldn't help but sneer in a low voice, but right now, he can only sneer, after all, he always The shot missed, perhaps because of the gun held in the left hand, Li Yexing's marksmanship was somewhat affected. If he hadn't lost his right hand, that guy would definitely have died even if he hadn't been shot.

The gunfire gradually weakened, but footsteps sounded again in his ears. Without hesitation, Li Yexing dodged his head and fired at the front again. Sure enough, those HCF soldiers came over again, accompanied by Li Yexing Ye Xing fired, bullets shot out of the chest, the first shot hit a soldier's chest, and then the second shot pierced his helmet. Seeing Li Yexing showing his head again, the HCF soldiers Moving closer to the cultivation tank beside him, he pulled the trigger again, and immediately, the bullet hit his head and face.

Turning around quickly, avoiding the incoming bullets, the culture tank behind it was shattered due to excessive firepower, and the liquid with unknown composition spewed out along the gap between the cracks and the bullet holes, watching the water pool spread to the feet little by little , Li Yexing lowered his figure and probed again, and pulled the trigger before the black-clothed soldiers hid behind the culture tanks. He heard a muffled groan, and a black-clothed soldier who walked a little slower was directly pierced through the neck, standing straight fell to the ground.

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