The failure of the raid does not mean the end of the raid. At the moment when Kanan was knocked into the air just now, Tillylian had already jumped up, her petite body leaping forward with scorched black curly double ponytails. Standing up, she held up the arm made of tentacles like a war hammer, and roared with a ferocious expression: "To my lord! Die!!!"

Accompanied by the girl's coquettish shout, the twisted tentacles slammed into the monster's chest like battering rams. Immediately, the burned exoskeleton was torn apart, revealing pale and soft skin. As well as the weird and twisted right hand on the skin, under the impact of this huge force, the monster finally let go of Alexisa, and flew out like a cannonball, while Tirilith, who had been waiting by the side, kicked hard on the ground , while picking up the gravel and dust all over the ground, he stared at his red eyes and roared angrily: "It's not over yet!"

The sharp claws wrapped in the exoskeleton shone coldly, and slammed on the monster's body like a tennis racket. With a muffled sound, all the exoskeletons on half of the monster's body exploded, and the body turned towards the monster. The other side flew out, before it hit the wall, suddenly saw violent steam gushing out wantonly, Hitomi Chishima, who was covered with wounds and bruises, blocked the monster's flight path, and then slammed the knife, He stabbed it hard into the monster's back.

The scorching blade collided with blood and flesh, making a hissing sound, and a puff of blue smoke came out, penetrating from the hand on the monster's chest, while Hitomi Chishima put his feet on the ground firmly, roaring at the top of his lungs She let the soles of the shoes rub against the ground, leaving traces in the ear-piercing sound, until she stopped the impact from the monster, she gritted her teeth, reversed the knife, and then slammed the bone blade out of the monster's body It was torn out, bringing up a large piece of blood and minced meat.

The dark red liquid splashed from the torn shoulder, turned into flames in the air and gradually disappeared. Standing behind the monster, Hitomi Qiandao looked ferocious like a wild beast. She took out the knife again and dropped the blade in her hand viciously. , went straight to the monster's neck, only to see that the monster's head turned [-] degrees suddenly, staring straight at Hitomi Chishima, and then, the joints of his slender right arm were bent in the opposite direction, with an astonishing As soon as he grasped Hitomi Qiandao's blade at a very high speed, he lifted Hitomi Qiandao with the knife, and smashed it to the ground. As the ground shattered, the three eyes on Hitomi Qiandao's face suddenly widened , the mouth was overflowing with blood, before Hitomi Qiandao got up, I saw the monster kicked Hitomi Qiandao violently, accompanied by the sound of bones breaking, Hitomi Qiandao flew out with a wail, and hit the ground heavily .

Clutching her injured neck and laying on the ground, Alexisa could only watch as Hitomi Chishima landed beside her, then rolled and hit the wall. She stood up with force, just about to face Victor Raising his hands, he saw Rita and Bai Muqing rushing towards the monster, despite the high temperature scorching the soles of their feet to make a hissing sound, countless red and black tentacles broke out of their bodies like snakes, With sharp teeth and spikes, it bit fiercely towards the part of the monster that was not protected by the exoskeleton.

Facing Rita and Bai Muqing's surging attack, the monster raised his left arm, pressed his right shoulder split by Hitomi Qiandao, and reassembled it like building blocks. Immediately afterwards, his right arm The flesh and blood on the body squirmed for a while, and turned into a flaming red bone spear. Facing the oncoming Rita and Bai Muqing, it suddenly reached out and stabbed the spear fiercely into the bodies of Rita and Bai Muqing.

With flames and high temperature, the spear instantly pierced through the joint between Rita and Bai Muqing's core. When the monster swung the spear and threw Rita and Bai Muqingsha away, the bodies of Rita and Bai Muqing who were smashed to the ground trembled violently. split directly.

Even though a small half of his body was bitten off by Rita and Bai Muqing in just one encounter, the monster didn't seem to care at all. Countless black and red granulation sprouted from the wounds on the abdomen, shoulders and chest, and would be killed in just a few seconds. Rita and Bai Muqing's bitten parts were completed again, and then, it raised its left arm, smashing the exoskeleton of its own face, revealing the joyful and crazy face under the exoskeleton.

Chapter 36. The return of the fierce man

In order to withstand Alexisa's flame attack, Victor's exoskeleton had to sacrifice its strength, but even so, in the face of a high temperature close to [-] degrees, the biological armor was still not enough, and the body was repeatedly melted and destroyed. After rebirth, Victor's facial features were finally distorted to the extreme. When reshaping his upper body before, his facial features were just uncoordinated, but after going through a lot of fighting, his facial features finally began to distort. The cheerful smile also looked particularly ferocious.

Pus and blood flowed out of the nostrils continuously, and the regenerative ability crazily made up for the body that was constantly hurting itself. Victor stretched out his left hand, and randomly tore off the few remaining gray hairs and small pieces of scalp on his head, Then he made a nervous low sound, dragged the spear that his right arm had turned into on the ground, and covered his extremely ugly face with his left hand with dry gray hair, only two eyes, one big and one small, were exposed. Opening the corner of the mouth that almost tore the entire head, revealing the jagged sharp teeth, twitching and laughing wildly: "Hehehe...I...I seem to be gradually beginning to understand everything...I see Arrived...I can see everything, stars, universe, time, space...I...I...hehehehehehe..."

"My lord, this guy's brain seems to be broken..." The condensed tentacles swayed slightly, covered with burns, Tillylian's blue-purple eyes shone with a frightening light, as if It was because of the pain, she frowned, gritted her teeth, and hissed lightly. There is no doubt that just now, directly bombarding Victor's exoskeleton that was baked to bright red with the tentacle battering ram had caused great harm to Tillylian herself. Did a lot of damage.

On the other side, there was no answer to Tilly Lian's question. Tilly Liss just frowned and stared at Victor. At this moment, Victor looked extremely weird. He was twitching and laughing wildly, and talking from time to time Some inexplicable words, even mixed with some unintelligible language, living with Li Yexing for so many years, Tilly Lisi's intuition told her that Victor's mouth was mixed with English from time to time, unintelligible language , most likely in Chinese!

While Victor was talking to himself, Tilly Liss began to carefully shift her gaze. At this moment, Rita and Bai Muqing were still lying on the ground, their skin was blood red, and their bodies kept wriggling violently, as if they were about to explode at any moment. Kanan The exoskeleton on the chest was completely shattered, coughing up blood every few breaths, Hitomi Chishima was completely lying on the ground, and even the steam coming out of her body began intermittently. Looking at the sharp and stubborn eyes, she knew that she was The consciousness is still there, but the blow just now was a bit too heavy for Hitomi Chishima, whose self-healing ability is far lower than that of other girls. As for Alexisa, she is the strongest monster girl. She was at the end of her battle, her face was pale, and she clutched her neck, panting heavily, and could barely support her body by spreading her legs apart.

Now, the only two who can still fight with all their strength are the tyrant sisters Tiriris and Tirilian.

But how to defeat that monster?

The strength and body that are not inferior to Tilly Liss, the self-healing ability and devouring ability that are not inferior to Rita, the strength of the exoskeleton that is not inferior to Kanan, the speed that is not inferior to Hitomi Chishima, and the insight that is not inferior to Tillylian Ability, not inferior to Bai Muqing's ability to shape and resist pressure, not inferior to Alex Lisa's ability to control fire, and even able to use the high-voltage electric shock from the combination of T-Veronica virus and G virus in the C virus.. .

Although it seems that his body is getting weaker and his mind is getting more crazy, there is no doubt that Feotian Victor has become an ultimate monster that is far beyond common sense, immortal and immortal!

Yexing is still on the other side of the door, if you want to save Yexing, you must defeat it!

Seeing that Victor was still talking to himself frantically, Tiriris didn't intend to wait any longer. She gritted her teeth, kicked the ground hard, and rushed directly towards Victor. Beside her, seeing Tiliris make a sudden move, Tillylian immediately gritted her teeth and followed up. The tyrant sisters stepped on the gravel and flames everywhere, and drew two arcs on the whole field. Seeing this, Sha gritted her teeth and raised her hand to Victor again. The next second, violent flames descended suddenly, covering only Victor's unprotected face. The moment he blocked Victor's sight with flames, he was seriously injured. Alexisa, who had lost too much blood, finally fell down. In her blurred vision, Tilly Liss and Tilly Lian rushed into the flames accompanied by the screams of Victor's burned face. Immediately afterwards, there were two muffled sounds, and the terrifying azure blue arc instantly tore through the flames, exposing Victor who was covering his face, while Tillyris and Tillylian flew out backwards covered in black smoke. He fell hard to the ground.

"Ah... ah... ah ha ha ha ha ha ha..." Victor, who was almost limp into a pool of mud after being smashed by Tiriris and Tiriris from both sides, broke all the bones in his upper body He cried out in pain, but in a blink of an eye, that cry of pain turned into a strange laugh of joy. Despite the electric arcs all over his body, Victor's upper body began to inflate again like a blown balloon until it returned to its original shape. Then, it wobbled and turned Turning around, she walked towards Alexisa staggeringly step by step. The sight of the landscape was blurred, but Alexisa could still see Victor's face that was burned almost to the bone, and on the scorched face. Above, new granulation is recombining until the skin is formed.

"Hehe...hehehe...hehehehehe..." Because of the unstable center of gravity and uncoordinated length of limbs, Victor's steps seem to be shaky and limping, but even so, it still uses a steady Speeding towards Alexisa step by step, looking at Alexisa who has no ability to resist, it smiled strangely: "Ah...Miss Ashford...frozen...frozen... Put yourself...for years...God's power...get...think...ridiculous! Hehehe! at me...God! This It's...God!"

"Has even the language center started to become confused..." Alexisa couldn't help listening to Victor's weird murmur in which Chinese, English, Russian, Vietnamese and Thai were mixed together. She whispered, as Victor slowly approached, she could feel a terrifying aura covering her, there is no doubt that Victor will kill her, even though she is very valuable as an experimental material, Victor will definitely kill her She, because, Victor has lost his mind and turned into a confused, power-obsessed monster!

As for why kill her first?Probably because of the little obsession left in my mind...

Thinking of this, Alexisa gently closed her eyes.

Is death scary?If it was a few years ago, Alexisa would have answered indifferently: Not terrible, for her at that time, life and death were just a state of living things, nothing more, even the Ashford family The glory of life is still unable to withstand the torrent of time, so she can face death calmly, but now, she can't do it, because she has fetters, thoughts, lovely sisters, and A lover who is waiting for her...

Now Alexisa doesn't want to die!Now Alexisa is afraid of death!But when death comes, nothing can stop it but God...

Suddenly, a puff sound came from the side, breaking Victor's lonely footsteps.

"Huh? Hey hey...hey..." Hearing the sudden sound, Victor stopped in his tracks, turned his head in the direction of the sound, and the girls who fell on the ground and could not move subconsciously Focusing their sights, they saw that in the center of their sights, the thick round metal door that had been closed all the time suddenly moved. Then, the door opened, emitting a dazzling white light. In the white light, Standing a embarrassed but determined figure.

"God..." Alexisa, who was in a trance, murmured softly, pursing her lips.

Chapter 37. The Masculine Godslayer

After pulling the red valve and opening the gate of the Nibelungen from the inside of the Nibelungen, Li Yexing, whose back was facing the dazzling white light, was stunned. It was a mess, the ground and walls were full of hideous cracks and unextinguished flames, and on the ground, his girls fell one by one and were seriously injured. Among the girls, there was a tall girl with four limbs The extremely uncoordinated monster with an ugly face was standing there silently. It seemed that it was attracted by the opened door of Nibelungen. It turned its head and met Li Yexing's eyes.

It seemed that it was because he couldn't see Li Yexing with his back to the white light. The monster's eyes, one big and one small, were dislocated, and the black pupils wrapped in red blood shrank slightly. It stared straight at Li Yexing, After watching it for a long time, he opened his big mouth full of ferocious teeth and said, "Oh... saint... you... are back? It seems... you... Mr. Karba... Blocking...failed..."

Although the voice has become chaotic and weird, not what it used to be at all, and even though the figure is completely different from what he saw on the monitor before, Li Yexing can confirm the identity of the monster in front of him. There is no doubt that it It's Victor!

"Escape..." Suddenly, a familiar voice came from beside his ears, and the tone seemed to be blown away by the wind at any moment. Following the voice, Li Yexing turned his head slowly, only to see that there was still a hair on his body. Tiriris, who was smoking black smoke, lay on the ground, stretching out her hand towards Li Yexing and whispering, " away..."

Vaguely, Li Yexing felt as if something had been cut off in his heart.

With a stiff neck, Li Yexing's face was expressionless, but his brows twitched slightly. He turned his head and fixed his gaze on Victor again. Opposite him, Victor opened his arms, grinning and said with joy: "Look!" !Saint! This is... a miracle!"

His heart seemed to be bursting, and bursts of phantom pain came out. Looking at the seriously injured girls, Li Yexing's face gradually turned red, veins rose from his temples, and the whites of his eyes began to congeal with bloodshot streaks as he gritted his teeth. Anger became extremely distorted, and as his reason was evaporated by the anger, he raised the weapon called Godslayer in his hand, roaring like a ghost crawling out of hell: "V———— To----!!!"

"I'm here! Saint!" With his arms wide open, revealing the abrupt purple palm on his chest, Victor responded happily like a primary school student whose name had been called.

On the projected light curtain sight, blue and green rings appeared out of thin air, and then suddenly shrunk towards Victor in the center of the sight. When Victor was locked on, a cold female voice came from the godslayer. Said: "Target, lock on."

With severe pain in his heart and burning with anger, Li Yexing, who didn't know anything about the weapon in his hand, didn't hesitate at all, and directly pulled the trigger on Victor. Suddenly, a dazzling blue light suddenly illuminated the dim hall, accompanied by a terrifying With the recoil, a blue light gushed out and slammed into Victor's body. The air at the gunpoint began to distort due to the high temperature. Victor, who was hit head-on, let out a painful howl.

The skin was instantly scorched and cracked, and the blood vessels all over his body burst one by one, accompanied by black and red blood spurting in all directions. Victor, who had taken the blow from the godslayer, collapsed directly on the ground. Rolling his eyes, he twitched continuously while howling, the melted muscles turned into pus and blood began to pour out from the gap between the skin, and then, accompanied by the sound of blood and flesh tearing, Victor's scorched skin and sticky The muscles in his body flowed down directly, revealing the deformed and weird bones!

"Wow..." Leaning against the corner of the wall, Kanan, whose exoskeleton was full of cracks, had an unconcealable surprise in her eyes. She pursed her lips and whispered feebly, "What is that in the boss's hand..."

The muzzle of the gun opened, and bursts of high-temperature white mist came out. The silver metal can automatically popped out with scorched marks, and fell to the ground. Accompanied by Victor's screams, the female voice from the godslayer said indifferently: "Launch!" Finished, cooling down...Longinus is ejected, cooling down."

Li Yexing didn't even listen to what the gun in his hand was babbling about. Li Yexing was stupefied and moved his fingers crazily, but because of the godslayer's system, the trigger seemed to be locked. , the trigger was not unlocked until the sound effect of cooling down appeared, and the trigger was pressed down with his finger instantly. Victor, who was frantically repairing his wound and supporting his body, was hit by the attack of the godslayer again before he could stand up. , This time, Victor was directly blasted out by the blue light, and fell heavily on the ground. While twitching non-stop, he scratched his chest where the bones were exposed with his hands that were about to lose all muscle. Struggling violently, the piercing and high-pitched wailing gradually turned into wild laughter.

The scorched silver metal can popped out again, indicating that the godslayer could only fire three more rounds. Looking at Victor who fell on the ground and twitched wildly, Li Yexing's anger had not dissipated, but he regained a little sanity, with a frown Full of cold killing intent, he locked Victor firmly with the projection sight, and at the same time waited for the Godslayer to cool down. When the voice prompt appeared, Li Yexing immediately raised his finger, but at this moment, Victor saw Turned over abruptly, using his hands and feet together like a beast, laughing wildly while crawling rapidly on the ground. Due to the severe damage to his body tissues, his self-healing ability was inhibited. At this moment, Victor was like a crawling skeleton. , looks very strange.

Undoubtedly, Victor wanted to make Li Yexing miss with his high-speed movement, but in fact, Li Yexing almost missed. When Victor moved suddenly, Li Yexing even trembled in his heart, saying that he would It was a waste of bullets, but I didn't expect that the subconscious finger could not pull the trigger, because the trigger was locked again.

In an instant, Li Yexing realized that this godslayer seemed to have a special program, and it could only shoot when it locked on the target!

Seeing Victor who climbed up the wall like a lizard and headed straight for the ceiling, Li Yexing directly raised his gun and aimed the sight at it. As the green and blue rings shrank again, they condensed into red. Li Yexing Ye Xing pulled the trigger again, and suddenly, a dazzling blue light passed through the entire hall, hitting Victor's body fiercely, Victor, whose body had only slightly recovered, uttered a short scream, then laughed wildly from It fell from the ceiling and fell to the ground.

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