Wait, the winters of previous years don't seem to be so cold, strange things...

Without being obsessed with the unusually cold temperature, Li Yexing tightened his clothes, and when the red light turned green, he moved along with the Mercedes-Benz beside him.

It's far, but it's not that far. It took less than ten minutes for Li Yexing's battery car to stop at the downstairs of that conspicuous building. Looking at the scattered cars downstairs, they were worth hundreds of thousands, or even more than a hundred. Wan's car, he consciously parked his battery car under a tree far away, and then glanced at the time on his phone.

It was exactly half past seven.

Tightening his clothes, Li Yexing walked towards the building of Huanya International Trade Center.

Different from the national enterprises that promote blessings, as a real foreign company, Huanya International Trade has always followed the strict eight-hour working system, and the overtime pay is extremely high. Therefore, in principle, Li Yexing does not need to come so early.

Li Yexing deliberately staggered the peak hours of work. He always felt that it was a bit strange to be squeezed into a group of social elites in suits and leather shoes to go to work together.

Walking into the slightly deserted hall, the receptionist at the front desk was still preparing. When she saw Li Yexing who walked into the hall, she was slightly startled, and then said with a reddish face, "Good morning, Mr. Ye Xing."

"Good morning, Ms. Qiandao..." Li Yexing smiled politely at the receptionist who was wearing a uniform and had long black hair at the counter, and then turned his head to the other side. I walked to the corridor, but before I took a few steps, I heard the receptionist lady urgently said in Japanese: "Wait!"

It seemed that the receptionist lady didn't want to end the topic early.

Thinking of this, Li Yexing stopped in his tracks, then turned around, and silently stared at the receptionist lady. I have to say that she is indeed a very rare beauty, with a tall figure and black hair. She looked soft, but for some reason, Li Yexing always felt that there was a hint of sharpness hidden in her eyes, like a sword light.

Probably because this woman named Hitomi Chishima is a Japanese woman...

To be honest, no one can refuse the invitation of a beautiful girl. What's more, Li Yexing received a lot of care from her when he first joined the company. For this Miss Qiandao, Li Yexing has a very good sense and always feels inexplicably kind. After classifying it as a receptionist's professional skill, he asked with a chuckle, "Is there anything else?"

"That..." With pursed lips and hidden shyness in his eyes, Hitomi Chishima muttered in a small Japanese voice: "Tonight, Yaxing-kun...do you have time?"

"Huh?" Li Yexing asked subconsciously as his Japanese was stuck at the level of anime and Japanese feature films.

"No, no, nothing..." Shaking his head vigorously, Hitomi Qiandao squeezed out a shy smile and said, "Yoxing-kun still has something to do, right? Let's talk next time..."

Seeing that Hitomi Qiandao obviously had something to say, Li Yexing thought for a while and decided not to struggle anymore, so he turned his head and went straight to his work place.

In fact, the place where Li Yexing works is not far from the hall. After walking along the corridor for a long time, Li Yexing arrived at the security lounge of Huanya International Trade Center. In the tidy lounge, a fresh, beautiful, but unkempt girl with a single ponytail was wearing a security uniform, leaning on the sofa without any image. When she saw Li Ye marching into the room, she was slightly taken aback, and then a smile appeared on her face. A hint of joy.

"Good morning, Kanan..." Li Yexing smiled politely, waving at the girl.

"Oh! It's the boss!" Quickly retracting her legs on the coffee table, the girl called Kanan turned over and got off the sofa, then ran to Li Yexing quickly, and grabbed Li Yexing's neck Afterwards, she squeezed her arm vigorously, then grinned and said with a smile in that slightly out-of-key Chinese: "You are so dedicated, you always come so early."

"After all, this is a job that I risked my life for..." Taking advantage of the warm air brought by the heater, Li Yexing took off his coat in front of Kanan without hesitation. Li Yexing opened his staff wardrobe and took out a black suit. The security uniform was put on his body one by one. After changing his clothes, Li Yexing straightened his collar and casually said to Kanan: "You can get off work. I think it's very tiring to be on the night shift, and You're still a girl..."

"Don't underestimate me, I am from the army, although it is not a serious army..." With a smile, he pulled up the hem of the security uniform in front of Li Yexing, proving his strength with his abdominal muscles, Kanan smiled He said: "Besides, my shift change application has been approved. From today on, I will go to work with you."

"Huh?" Hearing Kanan's words, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, then turned his head and said, "Is Secretary Bai so easy to talk to?"

"Of course it's hard to talk, but for some reason, she agreed very happily this time..." Kanan shrugged and said, "Why? Don't you want to work with me?"

"During working hours, I don't smoke or drink." Li Yexing said expressionlessly.

"Tch, boring..." Kanan turned his head and muttered in a low voice.

Chapter 41.

Looking at himself in the mirror again, Li Yexing fell silent. For some reason, he always felt that this security uniform seemed to have a slight sense of disobedience, just like this unprecedented cold winter in Haicheng.

Moreover, what the hell is this silver wolf head?Compared with the badge on the security uniform, it looks more like the logo of an Eastern European security contractor.

"Handsome!" Standing behind Li Yexing, looking at Li Yexing's back in security uniform, Kanan said with a smile: "Boss, you really match this outfit, it makes me feel like a girl. .”

"Girl's heart? Do you have something like this?" Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "Also, don't call me boss, it's not good to be overheard by Secretary Bai."

"Oh! That's right! Secretary Bai!" Hearing Li Yexing's words, Kanan subconsciously clenched her right hand into a fist and lightly slammed it on the palm of her left hand. She said delicately, "If you don't tell me, I will forget about it, Secretary Bai." Let you find her, before [-]:[-]."

He took out his mobile phone and glanced at the time. Seeing that it was not past eight o'clock, Li Yexing took out the communicator, put it on his head, and said casually, "Secretary Bai didn't come home last night?"

"No, I just spent the night in the office..." Kanan shrugged and said, "Ah, that overtime monster, I definitely can't bear to make me work like her, really, isn't she afraid of dying from overwork? "

Without answering Kanan's question, Li Yexing pushed open the office door and said casually, "I'm going to find Secretary Bai."

"Go, go!" Kanan waved his hand, the gloating smile on his face accompanied by the sound of closing the door, and Li Yexing locked him in the security room.

That's right, Li Yexing is a security guard, responsible for the security work of the Huanya International Trade Building.

It stands to reason that even if the security position does not have extremely high requirements for academic qualifications in the International Trade Center, it is still not suitable for Li Yexing, a street stall barbecue wage earner who has not graduated from high school. The process was quite bumpy, and there was even a taste of accidental mistakes.

One day, when he got off work from the barbecue stand, Li Yexing took a shortcut to get back to his rental house early, and took a dark alley that he rarely walked in. As a result, in the alley, he encountered a The pervert who tried to conspire against the lost girl, as a small citizen with a heart of justice, he rushed forward and bravely fought against the pervert. After being stabbed, relying on the experience he had accumulated during his student days, he successfully captured the pervert. The pervert knocked to the ground.

When Li Yexing was slumped in the alley clutching his injured abdomen, there was only one thing in Li Yexing's mind...

Mom, I'm afraid I won't be able to go to work tomorrow, and I'm going to lose my job...

Of course, the brave Li Yexing was hospitalized. His parents were very distressed about his injury, but Li Yexing would never forget the relief in his father's eyes. He rubbed Li Yexing's head vigorously, and then said in a low voice: " To grow so big, it can be regarded as a human thing."

Then, the development of the situation was beyond Li Yexing's imagination. One day, as usual, Li Yexing was lying on the hospital bed, swiping his phone boredly. Suddenly, a man in police uniform pushed the door in, and then , is a large group of men in suits and sunglasses with communicators on their heads, black, white, and yellow. When the crowd spread out, a woman with blond hair and a long black dress with two figures A petite girl walked in.

As soon as she entered the room, the silver-haired little girl rushed forward and hugged Li Yexing. Although she didn't speak and her face was expressionless, there seemed to be a sparkle in those strange red eyes. Looking at the girl's beautiful angel-like face, Li Yexing recognized at a glance that this girl was the one he rescued in the alley that night!

On the other side, a faint embarrassment appeared on his face, the police officer who entered the door first lowered his posture and said, "Miss Ashford, that's him, the young man who saved Miss Tiriris..."

The high-heeled shoes stepped on the ground and made a rattling sound. The blond woman walked up with another petite girl, watching Li Yexing quietly, and Li Yexing, who was hugged by Tilly Lisi, also watched subconsciously. that woman.

"Really, thank you very much! The Ashford family, I will never forget your kindness!" Suddenly, the woman bent down directly and bowed to Li Yexing, and beside her, another petite blonde The girl poked her head out, looked at Li Yexing, and then said with a small nose, "You are the one who saved Sister Tiliris? What, so ordinary..."

For some reason, Li Yexing felt an inexplicable sense of disobedience when he heard the blond girl with twin tails addressing Tiriris.

What followed was a piece of nonsensical politeness. During the conversation with the blonde woman, Li Yexing learned that the tall woman's name was Alexisa Ashford, and the short blonde girl's name was Ti Lilian Ashford, like Tilly Liss, they are both sisters of Alexa Ashford, and this Ashford family seems to be a certain old nobleman from Europe. Rich, very rich.

So, why do children from rich families run into dark alleys in the middle of the night?Tsk, it's really inconsistent...

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