"Do you need to let me come?" Rita frowned slightly and asked with two bloody tentacles the size of arms stretched out from behind. Seeing her embarrassed expression, Li Yexing knew that Rita seemed to dislike Victor for being too disgusting. I don't really want to touch that Mr. Victor.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself..." Shaking her head at Rita, Alexisa finally decided to execute her old enemy with her own hands.

"Can you?" Frowning slightly, Li Yexing asked in a low voice of concern: "Lisa, your body..."

"I've said it all, I'm not such a fragile woman..." With a smile to dispel Li Yexing's doubts, Alexisa gently placed the white catkin stained with a trace of dust on Li Yexing's caress. She put the hands on her shoulders, and then pushed them away little by little. When Li Yexing stopped obstructing her, she put away the smile on her face, and walked towards Victor step by step. She silently raised her hands to the man who had deteriorated so much that he couldn't even recognize his appearance.

About to bury her enemy with her own hands, Alexisa thought that she would have a lot to say. After all, she had fantasized about this day countless times, but when this fantasy was really about to come true, Alexisa suddenly felt a little nervous. Boring, she found that now she has everything she really desires, as for the usurper who made her hate it so much...it's actually quite boring.

There was no wave in her heart, as if she was about to crush an ant to death, Alexisa looked indifferent, and directly swung her arm, releasing the flames. Suddenly, Victor, who was scorched by the light blue flames, let out a heart-piercing gasp. Howling, when all reason and wisdom disappeared, he could only die without dignity like a beast.

Gradually, the wailing sound disappeared, and Alexisa didn't stop, but silently used her strength to roast until Victor turned into a large wrinkled piece of coke, and she retracted her arm.

"Let's go..." Kicking the big piece of coke to pieces, Alexisa whispered as she walked towards Li Yexing and the other girls: "Go to meet the spoils of victory, go to tell the black Umbrella, Announce my return."

"Hmm..." A relieved smile finally appeared on his face. Li Yexing turned around and walked out of the hall. It's going to become a family business, ah, really, how do you want me to explain it to the BSAA..."

As he spoke, Li Yexing's eyes darkened, his body softened, and he fell directly to the ground.

The hall fell into dead silence again.

"Night travel!"

"Pervert brother-in-law!"



"Wild dog!"



In an instant, the panicked shouts of the girls filled the entire hall again. They rushed towards Li Yexing quickly, and then frantically checked Li Yexing's physical condition. They didn't relax until they confirmed that Li Yexing's breathing was stable and his heartbeat was normal. After taking a breath, at this moment, Li Yexing closed his eyes, lying in Tiliris' arms, resting on Tiliris' arms, with a smile on his mouth, as if he was asleep.

Surrounded by the girls, Li Yexing was carried out of the hall. It would not take long before they would meet with the security forces of various branches and the Central Asian Armed Forces who had entered the facility. Accompanied by the girls and Li After Ye Xing left, the hall fell into silence again. In the air, there seemed to be only the faint bursts of gunshots left.

Suddenly, accompanied by a light sound, the iron railing that blocked the ventilation duct fell from the dome of the hall, and hit the ground heavily. Then, a hook hanged down, leading directly to the cracked ground, accompanied by There was a sound of ziplines, and a rather muscular man wearing a mercenary combat uniform fell down.

The black cloth strips and the combat uniform covered the horrible burns on the face, and the golden back was meticulously taken care of. The man walked through the dark hall, stepped on the hot ground, and came to Victor's pile of leftovers. Before the coke, and then stopped.

"Oh, it's clean enough..." Through the sunglasses, looking at the black fragments scattered all over the ground, the mysterious man twitched his lips and said, "Worse than William, this way of death is quite suitable for you. Feotian..."

As he said that, the man leaned down, gently grabbed a small piece of coke with tweezers, put it into the sample bottle hanging on his chest, and whispered at the same time: "However, if that mercenary is really so powerful, A small piece of coke should be enough."

After collecting Victor's sample, the man stood up and returned to the hook lock. When he was about to leave, he turned his head for the last time and glanced at the broken Victor. Behind the sunglasses, a red light flashed. The biggest shadow of the Brera era - Albert Wesker said with a corner of his mouth: "Then, goodbye, old friend."

With the sound of the zipline, Wesker's voice rose rapidly and disappeared into the empty hall.

Chapter 55. The hunk returns

The memory plays like a slideshow, wobbling and flashing back quickly. Under the sun, the ignorant boy standing by the window sat silently in the classroom, watching the beautiful girl running past on the playground, then turned his head, taking advantage of the podium The teacher didn't pay attention, picked up the ballpoint pen with the cover in his hand, and gently slid it across the back of the girl in the front seat.

In the next second, the memory trembled. On the gloomy sea, a slightly dark-skinned boy was wearing a tattered gray vest, stepping on tattered blue slippers, and carrying a tattered AK-47, squatting on the side of the boat. On the deck, under the gloomy sky, turning the exceptionally clean hunting knife in his hand, he looked at the bald middle-aged man tied up in front of him with snot and tears streaming down his face, and then ignored his companion Blocking it, he grinned and scratched towards his collarbone.

The memory collapsed again. In the old residential area around Haicheng, Li Yexing was wearing a black T-shirt, wiped off the sweat from his head, looked at the street lamp with flying insects gathered above his head, then turned around and walked quickly to the A small square table in the open air, and put a large bunch of skewers on the table while laughing.

Immediately afterwards, the sight was covered by sand and dust. The young man with short hair had a cold look on his face. He sat silently among the gravel piles with a cigarette in his mouth. He looked at the half-headed corpse in front of him. There was a shadow of shadow hidden in it, until the middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes passed by, he stood up, stopped the man with a sullen face, and said: "There is no need to pay his commission, just find a place to bury the body. "

More and more fragments began to flash back continuously, swirling like a storm, creating a terrifying vortex in the sea of ​​memory, as if to tear up everything passing by, and in the center of this vortex stood the short-haired Li Yexingduan Sitting on a throne made of flesh and bones, with his chin up and legs crossed, he silently examined everything in front of him, until all the images overlapped and overlapped in rapid rotation, and then stopped suddenly. live.

The golden sunlight shines through the window into the bright office, driving away the coldness of the small Eastern European country. On the sofa, Tilly Liss and Kanan are playing games with controllers. Rita stepped on high heels to the coffee table, and put The teacup on the tray was lightly put down, the office door was pushed open, Hitomi Chishima was wearing a kimono, with a black alloy command sword on his waist, as if he was planning to go out to practice swinging a sword, while Tillylian was holding half an apple rabbit in his mouth, and the strange-colored pupil In front of the desk, Bai Muqing pushed the black-rimmed glasses on his face, then squinted slightly, letting the fingers dotted with black nails jump back and forth on the keyboard, while Alexisa stood sideways By the window, looking at the street outside the window, there is a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

When the picture was frozen at this moment, the corners of Li Yexing's mouth finally evoked a slight arc. He stood up, left the throne, stepped across the sea of ​​memory, and walked straight to the picture. On the other side, he seemed to have noticed Li Yexing's As they approached, all the girls on the screen turned their heads and looked at Li Yexing outside the screen. After a while, they showed their respective smiles and said in unison: "Welcome back."

"Hmm..." Nodding to the girls in the picture, Li Yexing smiled lightly and said, "I'm back..."

After all, Li Yexing stepped into the warm scene, and as the soles of his shoes stepped on the floor that absorbed the faint warmth of the sun, suddenly, the whole world began to shrink and hang upside down, pushing Li Yexing away Accompanied by the rapid upward movement of this sea of ​​memory, a ray of light shot down from the top of Li Yexing's head until Li Yexing was completely bathed in sunlight.


Vaguely, Li Yexing seemed to hear a soft sound, like an instrument that was starting to operate. In addition, there seemed to be a faint voice in his ear, but it was a little inaudible, accompanied by consciousness re-dominating the body , Li Yexing opened his closed eyes little by little.

Ah... It's a strange ceiling... Don't do it, this stalk is messed up.

Along with waking up, the memory re-injected into the chaotic brain bit by bit, allowing Li Yexing to recall everything that happened before, so he looked around while lying on the white hospital bed, and the surrounding white walls were very neat, with a faint Metal texture, although there are no windows and no sunlight, the white lights above the head still bring a touch of warmth and a sense of peace of mind.

Feeling the slight pressure from his arm, Li Yexing's mouth curled up into a smile. He raised his head slightly, looked at the silver-haired girl who was sitting next to the hospital bed and pillowed on his arm through the white quilt, and then gently moved his hand Pulled out from the bed, stroked the girl's soft silver hair.

As if feeling Li Yexing's gentle touch, the silver-haired girl's eyelashes trembled slightly. After rubbing Li Yexing's arm through the quilt, she opened her sleepy eyes, letting those ruby ​​eyes meet Li Yexing's. up sight.

"Night travel?" After a while, the girl asked softly.

When his petite lover called out his name, Li Yexing didn't answer, he just stroked the girl's silver hair and smiled at the girl, so the girl stood up abruptly, she turned her head, and ran out of the ward quickly, When the automatic door opened, she whispered towards the door: "Ye Xing woke up."

Looking at the scene in front of him, for some reason, a lot of inexplicable déjà vu occupied Li Yexing's heart, as if he had experienced all this at a certain time and place, just when he subconsciously thought that someone from BSAA When the muscular man was about to enter his ward, he heard a sudden noise from outside the corridor, and then Rita, Kanan, Hitomi Qiandao, Tillylian, Bai Muqing, and Alexisa filed in. They scrambled to get to Li Yexing's bedside, and then kept asking for warmth, for fear that Li Yexing would feel uncomfortable.

Seeing all the monster girls chattering around him, Li Yexing finally breathed a sigh of relief. He pressed the back of his head on the pillow again, and whispered, "Fortunately it's not Chris..."

"Sir, are you... wanting to see Mr. Redfield?" Lita was slightly taken aback when she heard Li Yexing's first words after waking up, and then asked anxiously, looking quite confused .

"Redfield?" On the other side, upon hearing Li Yexing and Rita's words, Bai Muqing's face immediately turned cold. She raised her head slightly, looked down at Li Yexing, and said coldly with scrutiny: "Wake up The first sentence turned out to be calling a man's name, is the wild dog finally becoming weird with its sexual orientation?"

"Do you want to see Chris?" Tilting his head, looking at Li Yexing on the hospital bed, Kanan raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't, we can't call the BSAA hero to see you in our current situation. This is not the same as asking for a note." What's the difference between visiting relatives in a den of thieves?"

"I'm angry! I'm angry, I'm angry, I'm angry! My lord! I'm angry!" Squeezing away from the crowd, Tillylian turned her nose up and said, "My lord was not the first thing I said when I woke up! Perverted brother-in-law I don’t spoil my lord anymore! I’m angry!”

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