"I understand, my dear, I just want to liven up the atmosphere, right?" There was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and under Li Yexing's expectant eyes, Alex Lisa stroked her cheek and smiled: "However, considering the future In peace with my sisters, I choose to refuse to cover my dear."

Being pulled back and forth by Bai Muqing's ears, Li Yexing hissed in pain. Hearing what Alexisa said, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said, "Are you afraid that they will be angry, but you are not afraid that I will be angry?"

"Don't be afraid, my dear..." There was a trace of innocent girl's delicacy in her smile, Alexisa tilted her head slightly, looking pitiful, blinking her orange-red snake eyes and said: "My dear!" Don't blame me, right?"

"Okay, okay! I was wrong! I was really wrong!" Before his ears were about to be torn off by Bai Muqing, Li Yexing raised his hands and made the first gesture of surrender in his life to his girls.

"Oh!" Seeing Li Yexing holding the country's head with both hands, Tilly Lian immediately regained her spirits, and she said excitedly, "The perverted brother-in-law is also from country F!"

"Review!" On the other side, Bai Muqing didn't seem to calm down. Although the strength in her hand was reduced, she didn't let go. She frowned and said, "Wild dog, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah... must I say it?" His expression became a little awkward, Li Yexing turned his head, and cast his eyes on Tiliris as if asking for help, but Tiliris said with a blank expression: "Tiliris can tolerate Yexing Everything you do doesn’t mean everyone can do it, Ye Xing made a mistake, it’s a mistake, you should apologize.”

When he looked around and looked at the sullen but still fearful eyes in the girls' eyes, Li Yexing knew that he had made too much of a joke with his bad jokes. Obviously, everyone was terrified.

"Sorry..." With an apology on his face, Li Yexing lowered his eyebrows and said: "After all, I have experienced that kind of battle before, and I have experienced so many life and death partings. I am really happy to see you again, happy It's terrible, and I even got carried away, so I failed to take everyone's feelings into consideration...Sorry..."

"Tsk... I really can't do anything about you, wild dog..." Seeing the apologetic face of the man who was as smelly and hard as a rock outside, Bai Muqing still felt distressed after all. The black silk feet on Li Yexing's belly were inserted back into the high heels, and then he bent down and asked with a cold face while blowing lightly into Li Yexing's ear, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts..." Li Yexing nodded, and muttered softly, "I feel like I'm going to be ripped off..."

"Then have a longer memory..." There was imperceptible pampering in the cold wine-red eyes, Bai Muqing slightly opened her cherry lips, put Li Yexing's ear in her mouth, and then gently licked it, feeling the secretary Li Yexing couldn't help shivering from the young lady's gentle comfort.

"Then, let's get back to the topic..." Seeing that the flying atmosphere subsided again, Alexisa clapped her hands lightly, attracting the attention of the other girls and Li Yexing, and said to Li Yexing in a deep voice : "The power you showed against Victor has disappeared, right?"

"Hmm..." He patted Bai Muqing lightly through the hip skirt, indicating that his ears were no longer hurting, Li Yexing withdrew the smile on his face, raised his right hand, and said in a deep voice while looking at the palm of his right hand : "I can't do it anymore, it feels like it's back to what it was before."

"It's so strange, is this kind of power still time-sensitive?" Alexa Lisa fell into deep thought as she rubbed her chin lightly. She frowned slightly and whispered: "Indeed, if there are restrictions, the use of this power It does seem to be a little bit more reasonable, but this limitation is highlighted in terms of time limit, so I really... don’t know how to explain it.”

"It's a pity, it's a pity..." Seemingly resentful of Li Yexing's power failure, Kanan muttered in a low voice, "The boss was so handsome that day, he killed all directions, his face was full of invincibility."

"I think it's pretty good..." His mood seemed to improve, Hitomi Chishima smiled and said, "Although the stronger Yako-kun, the better, but if it becomes like that... it will still feel a little strange... Bar..."

"Indeed..." Bai Muqing nodded, and said indifferently, "The wild dog is stronger than me. I don't accept such a thing."

"Exactly!" Pulling down the eyelids of Lan Ze's gradually changing pupils, Tillylian stuck out her tongue and said, "I don't want to be perverted, my brother-in-law is better than me!"

"It doesn't matter to Rita..." Gray eyes full of love stared at Li Yexing, Rita tilted her head slightly, gently supported her cheek and smiled: "Mr. is Mr., no matter what Mr. becomes, Rita will love Mr. unreservedly."

Seeing his monster girls express their hearts one by one, Li Yexing blushed slightly, covered his mouth and turned his head to avoid the girls' sight.

hell!You are too sweet!The tooth is about to fall out!

After coughing twice and clearing his throat, Li Yexing turned his head and put away the smile on his face. He glanced at Alexisa, then turned his head and asked Tilly Lis in a low voice: "Speaking of which, since This is the European branch, why didn't I see Director Casimir?"

Hearing Li Yexing's question, suddenly there was no sound in the ward.

Seeing that the girls didn't answer one by one, Li Yexing suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, and he couldn't help frowning: "No way..."

Raising his hand, he gently rubbed the bridge of his nose. Just when Li Yexing thought that Director Kazimir had died in the line of duty, suddenly, he heard a familiar shout from the corridor outside the ward.

"Boss Li! I'm here! I'm here!"

Chapter 58. Confessions of the macho father-in-law

Accompanied by the familiar shout from outside the ward, the automatic door opened again, revealing Kasimir's shameless face. He stretched out his hand and kicked his legs vigorously, as if he wanted to rush into the ward, but the secretary in charge stood helplessly behind him Jia Liya was pulling the back collar of his white coat like a chicken, while pushing the black-rimmed glasses and said: "Director Casimir, please pay attention to your image."

"Ha!" Taking advantage of Jialia's inattentiveness, Kasimir used a trick to escape the shell. He took off his white coat and went straight to Li Yexing who was on the hospital bed. However, before he could take two steps, he Then I found that the girls guarding the hospital bed not only had no intention of giving way at all, but even had a hint of hostility in their eyes.

"That... everyone... Mrs. Li?" After taking two steps back with a smirk, Kasimir pulled the corner of his mouth and said, "Excuse me, can you let me chat with Mr. Li alone for a while?"

Seeing that the girls were unmoved, Kasimir glanced at Tillylian, as if hoping that his lovely little daughter would be accommodating, but to his surprise, this time, Tillylian rarely did not As he wished, facing Kazimir's eyes, the girl with twin ponytails with heterochromatic pupils turned her head, pursed her lips, and whistled artificially.

Seeing that Tillian couldn't get through here, Kasimir's expression became more and more awkward. He turned his head again, looked at Tillilis of the Tillian Judgment, and said with a troubled face: "Miss Tillilis, from the point of view of reason, Let's go, you should allow me to chat with Mr. Li alone."

Facing Kazimir's request, in the end, Tiriris didn't reply, but turned her head to look at Li Yexing. Seeing that Li Yexing nodded, she opened her pair of ruby ​​eyes and looked deeply at Kasimir. Simir glanced at him, then said expressionlessly, "Let's go."

As she said that, Tilly Lisi stepped forward and walked out of the room.

With Tilly Lisi taking the lead, all the girls looked at each other in blank dismay, and then left the ward one by one, but whenever they passed by Kasimir, they didn't give Kasimir a good look, and Rita was even colder. He whispered: "Director Kasimir, I'm watching you."

With the sound of footsteps, the automatic door of the ward closed again. For a while, only Li Yexing and Casimir were left in the bright and tidy ward. The old Casimir could only show a polite but awkward smile. He scratched his head and smiled, as if hoping to dispel the embarrassing atmosphere just now. He was not completely discouraged until he realized that he was doing useless work.

With a hunched body, the smile on his face was replaced by sorrow, Kasimir took weak steps, sat down on the hospital bed next to Li Yexing, and rubbed his face vigorously with both hands to cheer himself up Come on, he stared at the dark circles and the tiredness in his eyes, and said a little depressed: "It's not because they don't trust me, I heard from your girls, in the end the weapon didn't come in handy and almost killed you, yes ?"

"Strictly speaking, it can't be considered useless..." Li Yexing shook his head lightly and said, "It's a very useful weapon, and the effect is obvious, but it can only fire five rounds, which is not enough at all."

"Because my original design was to completely kill the target within three rounds, and the remaining two rounds can only be regarded as spare..." Inserting his fingers between the disheveled hair and rubbing vigorously, Kasimir whispered He said: "After firing all five rounds, he failed to kill that guy. Mr. Li, can you tell me about the situation at that time? I want to know what kind of effect the godslayer had on Victor."

"It seems that my girls didn't tell you anything, did they?" Li Yexing asked, tilting his head.

"That's right..." Squeezing out a somewhat helpless smile, Kasimir whispered, "Their mouths are tight."

"To be honest, it's not that I can't tell you about your ridiculously powerful ultimate killer, but there are some things that I really mind..." The corners of the mouth were slightly raised, and there was a faint smile in the eyes. With killing intent, Li Yexing said in a deep voice: "After all, the sound effect of the boot of your ultimate killer really shocked me."

"I knew it..." The smile on his face became more bitter, and Kasimir shook his head and said: "I'm not afraid to tell you, that thing is used to deal with you, but now it seems that, let alone the expected three shots, Even if you can't completely kill a BOW that only has some of your characteristics, it's a bit too wishful thinking to kill you with a godslayer."

"Why?" Li Yexing asked in a deep voice, "I thought our cooperation was very pleasant."

"The cooperation between us is indeed very pleasant, and I also attach great importance to the cooperative relationship with you..." Director Casimir replied in a deep voice: "As for why, Victor was still killed without the help of the godslayer." You, the speaker, don't you understand?"

Hearing what Casimir said, Li Yexing fell silent.

On the other side, ignoring Li Yexing's silence, Kasimir spread his hands and said, "Mr. Li, I sincerely do not hope that the existence of this weapon will have a negative impact on our cooperative relationship, but I want to say that this The existence of this weapon is necessary, and it is the insurance of this world. Your existence is too dangerous. If one day you get tired of playing and want to destroy the world, what should human beings do? If one day, your power Out of control, what should humans do?"

"A few years ago, I conducted cloning research on your blood samples, hoping to mass-produce your highly active body fluids. As a result of the experiment, I managed to spy on your secret secrets from the door of the door of truth." The tip of the iceberg, since then, most of the first agency's research on you has basically been frozen, and even the materials have been destroyed along with it, and I have been preparing this weapon since then..."

The expression became extremely solemn, Kasimir looked into Li Yexing's eyes, and said to Li Yexing in a deep voice: "I never want you to realize your truth because of a certain opportunity, in the eyes of many insiders, you are The shackles of those monster girls allow them to live like humans, but I know that the real situation is that those monster girls are your shackles, because of them, you can live like humans."

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