Saying that, Hank couldn't help sighing softly, he turned his head again, looked straight into Li Yexing's eyes and said, "It's a pity, for me at that time, money was really a terrible thing, and that At that time, I witnessed the demise of Umbrella and the Ashford family, and I was too depressed, so my wife took my daughter and left."

"It's miserable..." Li Yexing muttered softly.

"It's okay, I'm actually fine..." With a trace of relief on his face, Hank chuckled and said, "My wife hasn't married since she left me, and my daughter has a good job now. Now, I can always send money to my family regularly, and I can also talk to them on the phone, except that I can’t go back to country A easily, I feel like my life is back to the past.”

"That's not bad, you love your family very much, Hank, and so do I..." Li Yexing raised his head and asked Hank in a deep voice, "So, Have you ever lied to your family?"

"Cheated..." Contrary to Li Yexing's expectation, Hanke admitted directly, he chuckled and said: "Until now, my wife doesn't know what kind of job I was doing back then , she always thought that I was just a security guard of Umbrella Company, after all... I make money by killing people and dealing with monsters, and I can't talk to my wife and daughter about this kind of thing."

"What do you think, if you told them everything about you back then and now, how would they react?" Li Yexing continued to ask.

"I don't know..." After pouring a full glass of wine for Li Yexing again, Hank raised his arms and pouted his chin and said, "I never think about things that won't happen."

"Do you think this kind of concealment is worthy of your family?" Li Yexing continued to ask.

"Mr. Li..." Without answering Li Yexing's question, Hank frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "I always feel that today you are particularly aggressive."

"Really..." Turning his head, looking at the world beyond the glass door of the Frantic Bar, Li Yexing took a deep puff of his cigarette, and then whispered: "Maybe..."

Chapter 64

Turn on the dim chandelier in front of the counter, let the weak and warm light fall down the top of the head, illuminating the only customer in the bar today, Hank picked up the bottle, filled the glass on the table, then raised his head, Silently watching Li Yexing sitting in front of the counter, I have to say that today's Li Yexing is completely different from the Li Yexing he knew in the past. He obviously won a difficult battle, but for some reason, Li Yexing's expression is different. It was extraordinarily gloomy, emitting a faint low air pressure all the time.

"It seems that the trouble you have encountered comes from your heart. You have something to hide from your monster girls..." A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Hank took out a gesture of someone who had come, and he He chuckled and asked, "If it's not convenient to talk to your family, would you mind talking to me?"

"Never mind." Li Yexing replied in a deep voice.

"Okay..." Hank shrugged his shoulders, and asked in a low voice, "Do you think you should tell your girls about this?"

"I don't know..." Li Yexing shook his head with a hint of bewilderment in his expression.

"I don't know?" Frowning slightly, Hank leaned forward subconsciously, and continued to ask in a low voice: "If you tell this matter, what kind of impact will it have? What is the worst result?"

"I don't know..." Li Yexing shook his head, and then asked a little uncertainly, "The world is destroyed?"

"Then you better stop talking." As if he didn't take Li Yexing's words seriously, Hanke shook his head with a light smile.

Without speaking again, Li Yexing picked up the wine glass, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and then lit a cigarette for himself again, while on the other side, Hank picked up the wine bottle and poured all the last wine in the bottle. It was poured into Li Yexing's wine glass. Under the light, the two old men with their families behind them faced each other across the counter, and they seemed to be hiding something in their hearts.

After a while, Hank took another bottle of whiskey from the wine rack behind the counter. He lifted the lid, put the bottle on the counter, poured himself a glass, picked up the glass, and tilted his head slightly. , and asked Li Yexing, "Cheers?"

He didn't answer, but silently picked up the wine glass in front of him, and after clinking glasses with Hank, the two men raised their necks together and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Honestly, Li, do you trust your monster girls?" Hank asked Li Yexing with a slight frown as he pressed his chin on the counter and filled their glasses again.

"Of course I believe..." Li Yexing took a deep puff of a cigarette, turned his face sideways, exhaled white mist, then squinted his eyes, and looked at Hank from the corner of his eyes while whispering: "They are all very happy. Smart and very assertive, they know what to say and what not to say."

"If you tell your secret, will the way you get along change?" Hank asked in a low voice, shaking the wine glass in his hand and drinking it in one gulp.

"Maybe, maybe not..." After drinking the wine in the glass with Hank, Li Yexing added with lowered eyebrows: "Actually, I think... probably not..."

"Then I don't understand..." His eyebrows raised slightly, and Hank whispered while pouring wine for the two of them: "From your description, I always feel that it shouldn't be a big deal. What are you struggling with?" ?”

Saying that, Hank put the wine bottle on the counter, and then continued: "Besides, if it's really complicated, it's good to keep it in your heart. Sometimes, principled concealment is better than nothing." Protect each other, don't you?"

"I think so too, but everyone has the desire to reveal secrets, and they all want to tell the little secrets in their hearts to the people closest to them, don't they?" The corners of his mouth curled up, and Li Yexing drank the wine in his glass in one gulp. Then he said while smoking a cigarette: "What's more, my girls are waiting for me to give an explanation. I don't know whether I should tell the truth honestly, or make up a lie detector in front of my family. Come a lie..."

"It seems that sleeping on the same bed with a group of BOWs is not as easy as I imagined..." Hank whispered.

"Actually, I don't think they would mind if I made up a lame lie to answer them. Even if they knew I was lying, they would pretend to believe me, and then tacitly take my lie as the truth. After all They are all considerate girls..." Lying on the table, watching Hank fill up the wine glass in front of him little by little, Li Yexing, who was slightly drunk, inserted a small half of a cigarette into his nostrils, and then breathed Said: "But, don't you think this is very strange? I came up with a lie to fool them, and they all knew that I was talking nonsense. Even so, they still nodded to me and said, 'Oh, that's how it is', Then never say anything about it again..."

Taking a deep breath, his nostrils were filled with a hot feeling. Li Yexing tore off the cigarette butt stuffed into his nostrils, and then muttered softly: "I trust them, and they also trust me. In this case, What should I do? To tell them a lie that can be easily exposed by them with peace of mind? Hank, give me some advice."

"I can't give it..." Hank replied directly: "Life needs to leave space for each other. I won't fall in love with a lie detector."

Without saying a word, Li Yexing drank the wine in the glass silently, while Hanke quickly filled it up for him. In this way, Li Yexing smoked one cigarette after another, drank wine one cup after another, and then He didn't speak, and Hanke, who was unable to provide any constructive advice to Li Yexing, simply stopped talking, and the two remained silent until Li Yexing found that the half pack of cigarettes Kanan handed over had been smoked by himself.

"No more cigarettes?" After shaking Li Yexing's empty cigarette case, Hank subconsciously said, "I still have..."

"No... no need..." Li Yexing was drunk too quickly, he picked up the glass and poured the whole glass of whiskey back into the bottle under Hank's surprised gaze , Immediately afterwards, he picked up the wine bottle and drank the remaining half of the bottle in one go.

He slammed the wine bottle on the counter, with a hint of sternness between his brows, like a veteran who wanted to go to the battlefield to fight for his life, Li Yexing stood up unsteadily, raised his hands, and mistakenly put the first part of his coat on his back. The two buttons were stuffed into the gap between the collar, and then said to Hank in a cold voice: "Let's go!"

"Have you made a decision?" Hank asked with a chuckle.

"Get off." Li Yexing replied in a low voice, and then he turned around and went straight to the gate of the crazy bar.

"Mr. Li, let me take the liberty..." Looking at Li Yexing's back, Hank raised his hand and greeted him with a subtle expression: "You seem to have buttoned the wrong button."

Without replying or looking back, Li Yexing just raised his hand to signal that he understood. The next second, the glass door was pushed open, leaving Hank alone in the bar.

When the cold air hit his cheeks again and eased the smell of alcohol, Li Yexing's mind became more clear, but then, this faint clarity was washed away by the alcohol, and Li Yexing stared, relying on the drunkenness. Feeling like floating in the clouds, he suddenly pulled away and went straight to his office. Because his expression was too ferocious, no one dared to greet him on the street this time.

Fortunately, Li Yexing didn't mind.

Because he walked very fast, it didn't take long for Li Yexing to return to the door of his office. He took out the key, inserted the key into the door lock indiscriminately, stepped on his boots, and went straight into the office without even changing his slippers. , looking at the seven monster girls in front of him, feeling the warmth in the living room and the faint fragrance of the girls, he suddenly raised his head and shouted in a high voice: "Old...wives! I... .I am Li! I have something to tell everyone..."

"Actually...actually...actually...I... am from another world!"

Chapter 65.

Disheveled, flushed and reeking of alcohol, when the girls in the office all focused their eyes on Li Yexing, Li Yexing finally summoned up his courage and shouted out the sentence he had never dared to say to the girls. the truth.

For a while, the office fell into an eerie silence.

Looking at the TV screen, and then at Li Yexing, Tilly Lisi gave up her [-]-game winning streak after all. She hugged Tilly Lian, who was sitting on her lap, to the sofa, and then wrapped the pair The little feet in white stockings were inserted into the plush slippers, and accompanied by the sound of "popping, popping", she trotted all the way to Li Yexing, then hooked her arms around Li Yexing's neck, and put her forehead and Li Yexing's Her foreheads were pressed together, and feeling Li Yexing's warm breath that smelled of alcohol, she turned her head and said blankly to the strange-looking girls in the office: "I don't have a fever, Yexing just drank too much."

Hearing what Tilly Lis said, all the girls breathed a sigh of relief.

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