"Huh?! Really?!" Hearing what Weeks said, the girl called Ovelia was taken aback for a moment, and then straightened up, making her look a few centimeters taller even with the quilt on.

"It's true..." Isolated by the mask, Wesker's voice sounded a little dull, so dull that Wesker couldn't believe that the voice was made by himself. To be honest, as an inhuman villain, Wesker He always felt that he no longer had such things as feelings, and when he forcibly swam out of the magma under the protection of the remaining Ouroboros, his mind was full of revenge and hatred.

Until Wesker knew that he had a son...

In a way, Ovelia seemed to make up for Wesker's decades of being a healthy man when he took over Ovelia from an acquaintance not long after Wesker fell into great self-doubt. Unknowingly, Wesker has even gotten used to subconsciously thinking about the other party due to certain emotional vacancies. It is precisely because of this that Wesker was somewhat entangled when he pronounced the death of the other party's biological father on the girl. After a moment of consideration, , he whispered to the girl: "I watched him die."

"Puff...Pfft ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Contrary to Wesker's expectations, the girl laughed outright, and said loudly while laughing: "Damn it! Is it true?! Is that psychopath dead?! Burst of laughter! Hahahahahahahaha..."

Seeing the overjoyed look of the girl whose father died, Wesker always felt sad for some reason, and he couldn't help but whispered: "Ovelia, your reaction is really... beyond my control. expected."

"Aha... aha..." Laughing out of breath, the girl under the quilt grinned and said, "What's unexpected? Should I cry? Hahahahaha ...no...nope...that idiot is dead...wesker...you make me laugh..."

"My relationship with your father is pretty good..." Wesker couldn't help reminding in a low voice, as if he was dissatisfied with the girl's performance of smiling like it was Christmas.

"What a coincidence, the relationship between me and that idiot happens to be bad!" The girl stopped smiling slightly, grinning.

"In short, the three-year period ended early..." Rubbing the bridge of his nose slightly to make himself look less like a grumpy dad, Wesker said in a deep voice: "The Ashford family is back, many People will leave Black Umbrella with some resources, and at that time, they will need a new leader."

"Oh..." The girl nodded, grabbed a handful of potato chips and stuffed them into her mouth, chewing on the chips and said, "What does that have to do with me?"

Seeing Ovelia's indifferent appearance, Wesker couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Ovelia, don't you have any thoughts about your father-killing enemy?"

"Prepare him a Christmas present?" Ovelia asked back.

Looking at the large quilt in front of her, Wesker was speechless for a while, and under the quilt, the girl said to herself: "Besides, what kind of leader, you will be there soon? You are not from the Umbrella era. Isn't it the monster that almost destroyed the world and made the whole BSAA tremble? I have no money, no power, and I can't dodge bullets. I sure can't control those old guys, ah, no, no, I can't Come."

"Okay..." After a while, Wesker finally compromised, and on the other side, the girl stretched out her hand from under the quilt, waving her hand as if to drive someone away: "Let's go, really, daughter No matter how cute you are, you can't always rely on your daughter, go and see your son..."

"No need, after all, it's just a useless thing..." Wesker said in a deep voice, "And it doesn't look like his mother at all."

"Ah... Tired, tired..." Stretching her arms, the girl under the quilt stretched her body, as if she had a little interest, she asked with a slightly sideways face: "Speaking of which, is that psychopath?" How did he die? Although he is a very annoying guy, I always feel that he is not such an easy guy to kill. If I could kill him so easily, I would have succeeded long ago."

"Have you tried to kill your father?" Wesker asked subconsciously.

"I tried it, more than once. Didn't that guy tell you? Or did you dare to be my adoptive father without knowing anything?" The girl chuckled and said, "It seems that the relationship between the two of you It's not as good as you said, is it?"

Regarding the girl's sarcasm, Wesker didn't want to comment too much, and on the other side, the girl spread her hands and said, "Besides, what kind of father is that thing? Obviously I haven't even seen my mother. Think about it carefully, maybe I It was completely created by that guy with genetic engineering, just like the three guys in the Ashford family, maybe he will use it to experiment with the machine that can replace consciousness? Hey, just think about it. nausea..."

As she spoke, she seemed to think of something, and Ovelia waved her hand and said, "Ah, I'm digressing, so who did it? If it's a man, I'll give him permission to take me away." If it's a woman, I'll allow her to share my little pink Willie with me!"

"Then you may be disappointed, Ovelia..." Wesker twitched his facial muscles and said, "It wasn't human beings who killed your father."

As he said that, Wesker told Ovelia everything he saw at the European branch of Black Umbrella that day. After the whole story was told, the small rental house fell into silence for a moment. Finally, the quilt was lifted up abruptly, and the petite girl stood up straight, revealing her soft long hair mixed with gray, pink, green and orange, and her pale skin due to lack of sun exposure.

There is a black leather collar on the neck, which is also inlaid with silver spikes. The black leather halter just wraps around the chest that has just taken shape, but it exposes the waistcoat line and the small navel with the navel ring hanging on it, as well as the whole body on the back. Angel and devil tattoos, light blue ultra-short jeans outline the arc, allowing the slender and delicate legs to stretch in the air, one leg is naked, while the other leg is wrapped in black fishnet stockings, revealing the ten A cardamom toe adorned with various colored nails.

"It's decided!" Turning her head and looking down at Wesker beside the bed, Ovelia blinked her pair of eyes that had turned red due to eyeball tattoos, with runes engraved in their irises, and said with the corners of her mouth upturned: "Although not I know what to do, but for this leader or something, I'd better give it a try!"

"Changed your mind?" Wesker asked with a light smile as a faint red light flashed under the sunglasses.

"Well, I changed my mind!" The corners of the mouth became more and more open, and there was a happy smile on his face, which was the same as that of Feotian Victor, as if his eyes could pass through the curtains. Ovelia Victor turned around. Looking over at the window of the rental house, he said with a smile: "The mercenary who is on the verge of the gods but wants to be a human, led a group of monsters who love each other, and defeated the human who was full of thoughts and wanted to be above the gods. Isn't it... super fun?!"

Chapter 1. Macho Hokkaido ([-])

The sky is gloomy, gloomy, but tranquil, and exudes a different kind of warmth in the cold. It is December, and the whole land is covered with silver, and the white snow covers everything in sight. With the sound of ", a white train slowly approached on the snow, and finally stopped beside the platform. The train door opened, and a man and a woman stepped out.

Although the man is not very tall, he is definitely not short. He has clean, short hair and a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. He is wearing a black coat on his upper body, while his lower body is wrapped in black trousers. Black leather boots stepped into the snow.

Beside the man was a tall girl, her complexion was a little pale, but her eyes were inexplicably sharp, as if sheathed a blade in a sheath, but her delicate facial features matched her beautiful face , but it also shows a kind of classical beauty unique to Asian girls. A head of black and soft long hair is slightly over the pale pink scarf, and it is about to hang down to the waist. It is matched with a white cotton jacket with a velvet cap. Although it is difficult to reveal the figure It will definitely not look bloated, under the plaid skirt, are the legs wrapped in thick black pantyhose, inserted straight into the brown cotton boots.

One hand is holding the man's arm, the other hand is stretched forward, with five fingers spread out, letting the snowflakes fall between the palms, a gentle and tranquil smile appeared on the girl's face, she turned her head, He softly said to the man beside him: "Ye Xingjun, it's snowing, it seems we caught up with a good time."

"Yeah, Hitomi, it's snowing..." Li Yexing silently raised his head as he was pulled by the girl's arms, looking at the gray sky, feeling the faint chill on his cheeks, he lowered his head Said: "I don't feel cold at all. It's really different from Itonia. The temperature here is probably just below zero."

"As I said, Lord Yexing..." I don't know whether it was because of the slightly cold weather or because of a little embarrassment, Hitomi Qiandao's face was stained with a blush, she leaned gently on Li Yexing, and then smiled Said: "Compared to Lopulus, the winter in Hokkaido is really gentle."

Standing on the platform, there was only a piece of silver in his eyes. For some reason, Li Yexing felt that his heart seemed to have calmed down, so he pulled out the arm held by Hitomi Qiandao, held Hitomi Qiandao's hand, and touched Hitomi Qiandao with five fingers. Interlocking, and then softly said to Hitomi Qiandao: "Let's go."

"Yeah." It seemed that because he felt that he was one step closer to an ordinary love full of youth, Hitomi Qiandao, who was held by Li Yexing, blushed slightly, and nodded happily.

Stepping on the light snow, Li Yexing made an inexplicable and pleasant sound. Following the road signs written in English and Japanese, Li Yexing took Qiandao Tong and left the station. Standing in front of the station, looking at the Li Yexing was stunned by the wide and quiet street.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Li Yexing standing there in a daze, Qiandao Tong's eyes showed a hint of cunning, she leaned slightly sideways, leaned in front of Li Yexing, then tilted her head and asked softly with a smile: " Yexing-kun, are you in any trouble?"

"Haha..." Raising his hand and scratching his head, Li Yexing said with embarrassment, "Here... I'm not very familiar with it..."

"Ye Xing-kun is really, he pulled me in a hurry, I thought Ye Xing-kun knew where to go..." Tightening his five fingers slightly, so that the temperature of each other could be transmitted through the palms, Hitomi Qiandao walked to Li Yexing's door In front of him, he smiled lightly and said to Li Yexing: "You don't have to think about anything today, Yexing-jun, as long as you follow me honestly."

"Hmm..." There really wasn't any more constructive thoughts, so Li Yexing could only smile and nodded to Hitomi Qiandao.

In December 2013, Li Yexing accompanied Chishima Hitomi back to Japan. The first stop of this vacation trip was Asahikawa City in Hokkaido.

According to the original plan, the whole family was supposed to come together for this trip to Japan, but after Li Yexing made sufficient preparations for this trip, the situation changed subtly.

"Sorry, dear, there have been some new situations on the Black Umbrella side recently. People from the executive department said that the MPs who broke away from the Joint Committee seem to be secretly regrouping. I have to find out what they are doing. What to do, I may go to country E during this time..." This is the reason given by Alexisa.

"It's business expansion. The other party is a well-known arms dealer in the industry. This cooperation is very important to Huanya Armed Forces. I have to go on a business trip for a while. Although I am a little uncomfortable, there is no way. This trip is still for you to go." Let's go..." This was the reason Bai Muqing gave.

"I can't let Xiaobai go alone. I heard about that arms dealer when I was in the Middle East in the early years. She is a very troublesome woman. There is a very powerful mercenary group by her side. In order to show sincerity, we have the most Only two bodyguards can be sent, so let me go..." This was Kanan's reason.

"It's so cold, I don't want to move." This was the reason given by Tiriris.

"Where my lord is, my lord will be there! Besides, my lord doesn't want to go that much... Japan... Hokkaido or something..." This is the reason given by the aggrieved Tillylian, see Seeing her insincere appearance, Li Yexing understood that it must be what Tiliris had said to her earlier.

"Sorry, sir, I can't go with you and Miss Qiandao this time. After all, leaving the young lady and the second young lady at home alone is against my principle as a maid, so please sir and Miss Qiandao Ms. Qiandao, please enjoy this trip to Hokkaido..." This was the reason given by the apologetic Rita.

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