"Who else could it be besides me?" Li Yexing asked with a light smile, "You claim to be Lisa's best friend, don't you even know me?"

"Of course I do. After all, when Lisa showed me your photo, she was showing off..." The woman on the other side of the phone whispered, "As expected of the strongest mercenary in the Northern Hemisphere, that wolf is as vicious and brutal as you are. And the unscrupulous eyes like a mad dog, even if it is a photo, it can't be suppressed."

"Since you know me, why do you need to ask again?" Li Yexing asked with slightly raised eyebrows, tilting his head slightly.

"Because I don't remember that I hired such a dangerous monster from Huanya over my own strength..." As if tempered, the woman on the other side of the phone raised her voice: "So, I just Pay Miss Marfar's commission!"

Chapter 17. Macho Odessa ([-])

Knowing that I am a dangerous person, you still want to try to take my account?

What's the matter with this woman?

To be honest, with Li Yexing's status now, he still doesn't care about this little commission. What really makes him value the other party is actually the other party's identity. After all, the Haikemedia family is a world-renowned big family. He has many resources, and Ms. Hekmedia is an arms dealer who is rampant all over the world. Her business scope ranges from the Middle East to Southeast Asia, and even to Eastern Europe and Africa. It can be said that as long as there is conflict, there will be her figure.

Of course, in addition to the interest entanglement that Miss Bai of the Huanya Armed Forces cares more about, there is another layer of relationship that Li Yexing values ​​more. This Miss Hekemedia can barely be regarded as Alexisa's friend.

Back then, when Alexisa was a big blonde loli, human beings were just monkeys that hadn’t fully evolved in her eyes. Relying on that perseverance and innocence, he forcibly occupied a small and pitiful place in Alexisa's heart.

Yu Li, associating with Hekmedia would have the opportunity to win a relatively stable and low-priced source of arms for the Huanya Armed Forces, and make a certain Miss Bai happy. Yu Qing, as Alexisa's man, Li Yexing felt that he had It is necessary for Alexa to stabilize her already fragile social circle that relies entirely on interests, and by the way, to make Alexa think that she values ​​her friends, to make Alexa happy, and besides, to accompany Ka Nan went out to kill and set fire together, and he could make Kanan happy, and earn an extra commission as pocket money, killing four birds with one stone.

In the end, you now, tell me, you're not going to pay my share?

You want to chop off a quarter of my happiness?

Then I have to evaluate it carefully, do you take my Lisa seriously?

"Mr. Li?" On the other side, seeing that Li Yexing had stopped talking, Ms. Hekmedia, who could feel the cold air coming from the receiver through the satellite phone, seemed to be a little panicked. After a while, she laughed He said: "Haha, Mr. Li, don't take it seriously, I'm just kidding, you are Lisa's boyfriend, right? How could I..."

"It's my husband." Li Yexing corrected with a blank expression.

"Oh?! Oh oh oh! Yes! That's right!" He hurriedly changed her address, and Miss Hekemedia on the other side of the phone said with a smile: "How could I embarrass Lisa's husband on the issue of money?" ? This... of course it's impossible, right? Huh?"

Who are you asking?

"I don't care..." Li Yexing said blankly, "It's different from Kanan, I'm just a tourist."

"No, no, as long as you move, I will definitely pay the commission!" The woman on the other side of the phone hurriedly responded, and after a while, she tentatively asked: "The price...is the same as Miss Marfar Same, right?"

"I am the strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere." Li Yexing said with a blank expression.

"Then... double it?" Hekemedia continued to ask.

"You... hiss—" Before he could say the words, Li Yexing gritted his teeth and let out a breath of cold air. He saw Kanan sitting on his body and twisting the flesh around his waist. With one hand, there was still a trace of dissatisfaction on his face, as if he was asking why Li Yexing's commission was twice as much as hers?

"We'll talk about the commission after the matter is over..." Immediately uncovering the matter of the commission, Li Yexing pinched the soft flesh on Kanan's thigh as if revenge, and asked with a frown, "Let's talk about the business first, your side Is there any action to be taken?"

"That's right, we're going to get ready to move..." Speaking of business, the joke and joy in Hekmedia's tone disappeared instantly, and she said in a deep voice, "I hope you all get ready and wait for my call, After that, just act according to the predetermined plan."

"Understood...fuck..." Gritting his teeth while listening to the phone, Li Yexing raised his head, and saw Kanan's fingers pinching and twisting on Li Yexing's abdominal muscles like dancing, his face was full of It was a smug smile, looking at the skin on Kanan's thigh that was about to be twisted [-] degrees by himself, he suddenly remembered that Kanan's body had already become extremely elastic due to the power of the parasite. Degrees of distortion were not even a tickle to her.

He raised his hand to signal his surrender. Looking at Kanan's smug face, Li Yexing was about to say something more, but the tone of Hekemedia on the other side of the phone returned to the briskness before She smiled and said, "Oh, Mr. Li, what are you and Miss Afar playing over there?"

"We're having a good time..." Feeling Kanan's hand gently comforting his abdominal pain, Li Yexing caressed Kanan's abdominal muscles and said perfunctorily, "Why? Are you curious?"

"No, no, I'm just reminding you, don't cheat..." There was a hint of warning in his tone, and Hekmedia whispered: "Not only is Lisa not dead, but she is still very alive." Happiness, this is great news for me, I don't want her to cry and complain to me about her boyfriend cheating on me some days later..."

"Lisa won't cry, and she won't easily tell others about her uselessness..." Sitting up, she and Kanan cling to each other again, letting the blanket slip from Kanan's back, Li Yexing said in a deep voice: "Also, I won't cheat."

"That's good, that's good!" The tone returned to the brisk look again, and Hekemedia smiled and said: "Then, please Mr. Li and Miss Marfar to prepare as soon as possible, when the sky is completely dark Come down, we're about to get started."

"OK." Li Yexing replied in a deep voice, and then hung up the phone.

With the faint light passing through the curtains, he looked at Kanan who was honest with him in the dark. After a while, Li Yexing smiled lightly and said to Kanan: "She said what kind of person are you? Serious and cold? Who is that?"

"Of course it's me!" Proudly puffed up his chest, patted his own chest, and after being shaken for a while, Kanan smiled and said: "Boss, when you first met me, didn't you think I was cool? ?"

"You're cool now too..." Li Yexing patted Kanan's butt vigorously, raised his eyebrows and said, "Also, don't sit on me, you're dead, get out and get dressed."

"Go to your mother!" He hugged Li Yexing's neck and kissed Li Yexing fiercely. Kanan turned over and got out of bed, and began to quickly put the clothes on himself. Beside her, Li Yexing They also put away their smiles, and put on their clothes quickly. After a while, the clothes were put on. Black combat pants were tucked into the waist, and the trouser legs were inserted straight into the short boots, while Kanan was wearing a black leather jacket that was almost the same style as Li Yexing, and the sports bra inside could be seen through the slightly open collar. He wore khaki loose trousers on his legs, and imitated Li Yexing's appearance and tucked the trousers into his military boots.

"Ready to work?" Facing Li Yexing's gaze, Kanan asked with a light smile.

"Let's go, go to the area around the scheduled location and wait for orders." Nodding to Kanan, Li Yexing turned around, pulled out two exquisite black pistols from under the quilt of the hotel bed, stuffed one into his waist, The other handed to Kanan, and after Kanan hid the pistol, the two opened the locked door of the small hotel room one after the other, and stepped out directly.

Chapter 18. Macho Odessa ([-])

When the sun sets, the streets of Odessa are illuminated by the city lights and the flames burning in the streets. Although the cold air has not dissipated, for Li Yexing and Kanan who live in Itonia, this level of low temperature It’s not a big deal, I checked out the small hotel room, pushed open the glass door of the hotel under the eyes of the hotel owner who seemed to be sizing up a monster, and the two of them, one in front of the other, lowered their heads slightly, avoiding the crowded streets together. The crowd on the street walked towards the side alley.

The street behind, although not as noisy as in the daytime, is still noisy. The Odessa protesters who took to the street no longer raised signs, or even stopped talking. They just surged silently, trying to attack the police from time to time Only when Molotov cocktails flew from nowhere exploded among the police, they would cheer excitedly. At this time, the police would roar and want to rush into the protesters, throwing those The mob who threw Molotov cocktails arrested them, while the protesters formed a solid human wall, making it difficult for the police to move.

In the small alley, the light was dim, cold and humid. Li Yexing and Kanan walked silently without saying a word, until a moment later, a black van without a logo suddenly blocked the alley ahead with the sound of brakes Immediately afterwards, the car door opened, and one by one masked men in black equipment quickly got out of the car. They held guns in their hands and kept muttering in Russian in a low voice. When they saw Li Yexing and Kanan who were walking towards them, they couldn't help being taken aback.

With an expression like a frightened little rabbit on her face, Kanan shrank and hid behind Li Yexing, hugging Li Yexing's arm with both hands, she poked her head slightly, watching the armed men with fear in her eyes, But with a trace of exploration, Li Yexing quickly stepped back and pressed Kanan into the corner, and at the same time raised his hand, trembling to protect Kanan behind him.

Accompanied by the sound of military boots hitting the cold floor tiles, a group of armed men in black quickly ran towards Li Yexing and Kanan. When they stopped in front of them, the leader took a look at Li Yexing. Although the light here was too dim, But with the light of the fire from the street, he could faintly confirm that Li Yexing was an Asian.

"Who are you guys?" Seeing Li Yexing and Kanan looking as if they were dying of fear, the team leader asked in a deep voice.

"We... are tourists..." Standing in front of Kanan, Li Yexing replied with muffled lips.

"Tourists?" There was a trace of suspicion in the blue eyes, and the team leader whispered: "It's such a mess outside, how dare you run out?"

"Sir, they have been arguing outside for several days. My girlfriend and I haven't eaten for almost a day..." With a trace of pleading on his face, Li Yexing said anxiously: "You can check our identities." Yes, go to the Chinese embassy in Ukraine, my name is..."

"Stop it, I'm not interested..." Waved his hand at Li Yexing, the team leader slightly released his index finger on the trigger, and at the same time looked at Kanan behind Li Yexing. Behind his face, he was taken aback for a moment, and then whispered: "It's so exciting..."

Averting his eyes from Kanan's face, the team leader looked at the street with bonfires outside the alley in front of him, then turned his head, patted Li Yexing on the shoulder, and said to Li Yexing in a deep voice: "Although you stand It's not my position to tell you this, but... for your girlfriend's sake, get out of Ukraine."

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