Then, a new problem appeared. The first security team leader who was in charge of Tililyfa's training had a large piece of flesh bitten off by Tililyfa.

Because the virus has been written into the gene, Tilileefa's bite is not contagious, but I don't know if it is because the part of the gene that originated from the hunter is too much, Tilileefa has grown a paralyzing venom gland, The security team leader who was bitten almost lost his life.

For more than three months, eight instructors were bitten. The most recent one was Biederman, a combatant directly under the First Agency who helped Li Yexing escape during the European Division's war. Because of the rich experience accumulated in the previous experimental accidents, the last Biederman who was bitten was treated in a timely manner, and basically suffered no harm except for the pain of being bitten.

According to the previous practice, if BOW is disobedient during the experiment, it will be fine to turn it off or take a round of anti-fighting tests, but helplessly, the entire experimental group, including Casimir, is very supportive of the new policy "Education of Love" Convinced, Tilileefa, who bit people at the slightest disagreement, was not punished. This disguise caused Tilileefa to become more and more lawless, even to the point where the first agency could not control it.

"In short, the situation is like this..." Because Kasimir was ashamed of his own education failure, Angelica could only explain what happened. After talking about what happened, Angelica shrugged. Shrugging his shoulders, he concluded: "The education of love has failed, and Miss Tililya has become a problem child. Out of helplessness, that guy Kasimir intends to throw the problem to you."

"The education of love has not failed! I just haven't grasped the tricks!" Kasimir said with a look of displeasure: "Mr. Li was able to successfully cultivate seven children who can perform complex tasks and perfectly integrate into human society in this way." New concept latent BOW! There is no reason why I can’t do it! There must be a problem with the details!”

"For example, from time to time you scold the security department in front of your new daughter, right?" In just a moment, Li Yexing guessed one of the crux of the problem. He tilted his head and said to Kasimir with a playful expression: " Looking down on the security department and always talking about it, this will definitely have a subtle influence on Miss Hunter."

"Is that so?" Pressing her cherry lips lightly with her index finger, Tillylian seemed to be remembering something. After a while, she nodded and said: "Indeed, when my lord was still here, Kasimir's father I always said the phrase 'the security department is full of pigs', at that time, I really thought that only the researchers were the parents, and the security department was full of pigs..."

"It's different!" As if unable to accept his academic failure, Kasimir said hysterically: "I have repeatedly emphasized it with Tilly Lifa! The instructor can't eat it!"

"Then why doesn't your Tillilipa bite researchers?" Li Yexing asked with raised eyebrows.

"This..." The words came to his lips, but he couldn't utter them. Kazimir was speechless for a while, as if his mouth was gagged. After a long time, he sighed heavily: "Okay, Li Perhaps you are right, sir, but as you can see, the situation has become such that our education program cannot go on, and I need your help, and you are the expert in this area."

"Really? To be honest, I don't think the situation is as exaggerated as you said..." Shaking his head at Kasimir, Li Yexing turned around and stared at Tililyfa who was soaking wet. From the beginning, she has been standing there silently, listening to everyone's words, her expression has not changed from the beginning to the end.

"Just now, how much can you understand what we said?" Looking directly at the pair of golden pupils, Li Yexing asked with the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

"All of them." Tililyfa replied indifferently.

"Really?" Putting on a surprised expression, Li Yexing glanced at Kasimir and Angelika, then smiled and asked Tililyfa: "Aren't you good at biting people? They If you say bad things about you, will you bear it?"

"What they said is the truth." Tillilyfa said in a deep voice.

"Is there anything you want to argue for yourself?" Li Yexing asked with a chuckle.

"No." Tililyfa replied.

"Very good..." Nodding his head in satisfaction, Li Yexing said with a smile, "I like soldiers who criticize less. You are much cuter than my villains."

"Mr. Li..." Suddenly, Tililyfa, who was repeating your questions and answers like squeezed toothpaste, opened her mouth. She stared at Li Yexing and stumbled and asked, "You, take me out, Outside?"

"This is what your father meant..." Li Yexing smiled and said, "It doesn't matter what I say, just bring one more soldier."

Finally, the tall and slender girl had eagerness in her eyes, and she said with a raised tone, "Take me out."

"It's not impossible to take you out..." Under Kasimir's surprised eyes, Li Yexing had already taken control of the audience, he tilted his head slightly, and said to Tilly Lifa with a chuckle: "But, I don't raise Idlers, can you really fight like a soldier? Can you obey the commander's orders?"

"If, take me out, I can!" Tililyfa said firmly.

"Are you good at shooting?"

"By, they, sure."

"What about fighting? Are you good at fighting?"

"Bi, they can fight."

"Very good! Very good, very good! Great!" Clapping his hands excitedly, as if something good had happened, Li Yexing turned his head, with a happy smile on his face, and greeted Tililyfa's gold Hitomi, he said in a low voice to Tillylian who was standing aside watching the play: "Tililian, show her off."

Chapter 49. Macho European Branch ([-])

As the base camp of the first agency and the back garden of Casimir himself, the internal structure of the Nibelungen is simple to say, but also very complicated to say that it is simple because it has only one corridor from the beginning to the end. , if it is complicated, it is because the structure of the rooms on both sides of the corridor is extremely complicated, and it is also made into different specifications due to different functional requirements. There is often a situation where one room is nested in another room, and this structure is the most The obvious place is the experimental area of ​​Nibelungen.

The large laboratory where various high-risk and secret experiments have been carried out is completely white, and the elevators on the ground for convenient experiments are tightly closed. Just looking at the walls made of smooth metal plates, it is hard to imagine that there are various secrets hidden behind the walls. A special weapon used to deal with emergencies. With the closure of the staff passage, the white light above the dome lights up, instantly illuminating the entire large laboratory, revealing the researchers in white protective suits behind the glass curtain wall. , and among the researchers, Li Yexing, who was wearing a black uniform, looked particularly eye-catching.

The large-scale laboratory is only for high-risk confidential experiments. It needs to do strict and complicated preparations before it starts, and it also needs permission at the doctoral level. However, not long ago, the large-scale laboratory was suddenly opened. The researchers gathered together one after another.

Today, there will be no large-scale experiments in large laboratories. What they are waiting for is a showdown that is no less than a large-scale experiment!It belongs to the duel between monsters!

The battle of two concept latent BOWs!If it was placed a few years ago, the technical department of the European branch would not even dare to think about it!

"Get ready to collect data! Angelica, move! Don't be lazy! Let your men turn on the instrument, put the safety device in place, level one is enough! Where's the key?! Turn on the instrument! Don't make me wait! Loudspeaker! The speakers are in place! And..." Arranging the work in full swing, Kasimir looked high-spirited, except for Angelica's usual dead fish eyes, all the guys in protective suits present were extremely excited, Surrounded by the noisy atmosphere, Li Yexing just stood in front of the glass curtain wall silently with his hands intertwined, looking down along the glass curtain wall, he could clearly see the two people standing in this spacious laboratory, one is The tall and slender hunter girl Tilly Lifa was wearing the standard black combat uniform of the security forces, while the other was the petite tracker girl Tillylian in a western dress.

"It would be great if Tiriris was here..." Looking at the two monster girls in the laboratory, Li Yexing couldn't help but whispered.

The eldest sister stood by and accompanied her man to watch the second sister and the third sister fight. Such a scene must be very interesting, right?

Not long ago, Li Yexing successfully coaxed his own sister-in-law into the battlefield.

"Huh?! Isn't this weird?!" At first, Tillylian refused, not because she felt guilty about shaking her fist when she met her sister for the first time, but she simply found it troublesome. Li Yexing waved his little hand, Tillylian turned his head and said with a smothered mouth: "Furthermore! What is the perverted brother-in-law doing?! Bringing home the girl I've only met twice?!"

"I won't go home with us, let Mu Qing and Durande Technology and Medicine deal with her..." Leaning slightly, Li Yexing whispered softly: "Recently, Lisa is working on the BOW fully controllable Prepare for legalization, but the resistance from the BSAA is a bit strong, in order for the International Pharmaceutical Alliance to put pressure on the BSAA, Lisa's forces must be able to come up with a reasonable information..."

"That...that's also..." Tillylian pursed her mouth, still hesitated.

"Think about it, Tilly Lian, the first time you met Tiliris, Tilly Lith beat you up, right?" Seeing that Tilly Lian was swaying, Li Yexing's voice was a little bit more Evil, he whispered: "Didn't you always want to be like your elder sister? Now, the opportunity is in front of you, look at your younger sister, from the time I saw you to the present, she didn't even say 'Sister' called, right?"

"That's right..." Tillylian nodded subconsciously, and turned her head to look at Tililyfa who was standing opposite. When the strange-colored pupils collided with the golden pupils, she felt the indifferent Tililian slightly Frowning, he said, "Super impolite."

Are you qualified to speak of others?

In short, just like that, Tilly Lian was fooled into the battlefield by Li Yexing very casually.

In fact, Li Yexing has roughly guessed about the question of this Miss Tillilipa, whether it is the cold look, or the push-ups when they met before, and what Kasimir and Angelica told about their previous experience. The various problems encountered are conveying an interesting message to Li Yexing...

This Miss Tililyfa has positioned herself... as if she were a soldier.

That's right, maybe it's because Kasimir has repeatedly revealed that he wants Tillilee to take over the armed forces of the First Agency, so this Miss Hunter has been subtly influenced, but obviously, the group of monsters from the Technology Department As well as the trash from the security forces, Miss Tillilyfa couldn't learn how to become a soldier at all, so her understanding of soldiers went astray.

With this kind of conjecture, Li Yexing tried to put himself in the position of an instructor and an officer to talk to Tililyfa. Sure enough, Tililyfa seemed to like this very much. Now, the only task left for Li Yexing is One, that is the training of thorns.

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