"That's it?" On the other side, Tillylian tilted her head slightly, with a hint of disdain in her strange-colored pupils, she grinned and mocked lightly: "The perverted brother-in-law is very optimistic about Tilly Lifa, Tilly Lilyfa, don't let the perverted brother-in-law down."

The expression became ferocious in an instant, Tililyfa's eyes widened, she clenched her mouth full of shark teeth and slammed against the wall again, flying into the air like a shell. In midair, she rotated her body, lighting up the The black sharp claws shining with cold light pointed directly at Tillylian's neck with the inertia of falling from the sky. On the other side, Tillylian only raised her head slightly, silently looking at Tillylipa who fell from the sky. Seeing that the distance between the two was about to shorten At five meters, the dark red tentacles burst out from Tillylian's cuff again, its ends curled up into a ball, and it hit Tililyfa's abdomen fiercely like a fist. Lightning struck, bloodshot eyes filled her eyes, and gastric juice spurted out of her mouth. However, before she fell from the sky, Tillylian directly manipulated her tentacles to wrap around Tililyfa's ankles, and then whipped her around like a whip. Tilly Lifa slammed heavily on the ground.

"This...isn't that good..." Looking at Tilly Lian who beat her sister violently on the other side of the glass curtain wall, and Angelika who stared at the dead fish eyes, said expressionlessly: "The next six months , Tilly Lifa will most likely spend time at the Durand Technology Medicine or Frantic Bar, and go to Mr. Li's Huanya Armed Forces to check in every day. If the relationship between the sisters is not good, I'm afraid... there will be troubles in the future. ?”

"Tiliris didn't think about this kind of problem when she beat Tilly Lian back then, isn't Tilly Lian still very clingy to Tilly Lisi now?" Li Yexing shrugged and said indifferent to Angelica's worry : "Besides, Miss Hunter defines herself as a soldier, and soldiers must obey orders. If she really wants to be a commander, then she will definitely not embarrass me..."

After a slight pause, Li Yexing continued: "It's a big deal and let Tilly Lian take her to have fun for a few days later. I have a hunch that Tilly Lian will definitely be a big sister who dotes on my little sister very much."

"Although I don't know why Mr. Li thinks this way, I choose to believe in Mr. Li!" Casimir said excitedly, giving Li Yexing a thumbs up.

"You just want to watch your second daughter beat your younger daughter, right? You psychopathic big daddy..." Even through a mask, he couldn't hide the disdain in his eyes. Facing the crackling sound and Tililian's charming smile from time to time, Angelica sighed softly and said, "I really hope things can develop as you stupid men imagined..."

Facts have proved that Kasimir's previous speculation was not wrong. After a period of not-so-intense fighting, Tililyfa was beaten and paralyzed on the ground. She was panting heavily, her chest was heaving violently, her golden yellow Her eyes were full of despair and unwillingness. She gritted her teeth and braced herself to stand up, but she heard Tilly Lian's expressionless expression: "Lie down obediently, your ribs and legs are broken. , even if you stand up, Tililyfa will definitely not be able to continue fighting with me."

As if the death sentence was being pronounced for Tililyfa, Tililian said indifferently: "Tililyfa lost."

Lying on the ground, Tililyfa's face was ashen, as if to avoid Tililian's sight, Tililyfa turned her head, her body blurred a little bit, and finally disappeared completely, leaving behind an inexplicably propped up body on the ground. black.

"Oh?" The strange-colored pupils widened suddenly, and Tillylian seemed to be stunned by the scene in front of her. After a long time, she exclaimed in shock: "Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh... disappear Already!!!"

Accompanied by a light "click", the staff channel opened, and Li Yexing, Kasimir, Angelika and a kind of researcher walked into the large laboratory quickly. The younger sister, who was lying on the ground and was invisible alone, trotted all the way to Li Yexing. When she was in front of Li Yexing, she raised her nose and asked triumphantly, "How is my lord doing?"

"It's great!" Gently stroking Tillylian's head, causing a comfortable smile like a small animal appeared on Tillylian's face, Li Yexing leaned down slightly, looked at Tillylian's strange-colored pupils and said: "But... isn't it a bit too hard to hit? Ms. Hunter is your sister after all, right?"

"Didn't the perverted brother-in-law ask my lord to give Tilly Lifa a blow?" His brows immediately frowned slightly, and Tillylian pursed her mouth with displeasure and said, "Do you feel distressed?"

"That's not the case. Qualified soldiers have to go through some setbacks and grinding. If you beat her up now, you will be more obedient in the future..." Li Yexing said with a light smile: "It's better than asking her to give her the European branch." It’s better to bring the princess disease I developed into my team.”

After finishing speaking, Li Yexing kissed Tillylian's face lightly, then stood up straight, took Tillylian's hand, and came to the big lump of air supporting the black clothes, squatted down, and looked down. It should be the position of Tilly Lifa's head. Li Yexing put away his smile and asked in a deep voice, "What? Are you afraid of seeing people?"

After being reprimanded by Li Yexing, traces of color filled the air again. After a while, Tillilipa recovered. She tilted her head, avoiding Li Yexing's sight, and covered her eyes with one hand. Run down the cheeks.

mom!She was beaten to tears by Tilly Lian!

Chapter 52. Macho European Branch ([-])

Enlistment exam...failed...

There's no fighting back... fiasco...

At this moment, Tillilifa's mentality completely exploded. Although Li Yexing's eyes did not show any sense of accountability, Tililifa felt that Li Yexing's gaze was piercing. Before that, she had imagined countless times that the outside world was what kind?She had imagined countless times what a real warrior should be like?Now, when a rare opportunity is presented in front of her, she who thinks she is strong can do nothing but watch the opportunity slip away from her.

She was ashamed in front of the instructor, so embarrassing!

No, he didn't even pass the enlistment assessment, so why talk about instructors?

Thinking of this, Tillileefa's tear glands became even more difficult to control.

On the other side, looking at the tearful Miss Tilly Lifa, Li Yexing was also a little difficult to deal with. He had seen all kinds of soldiers, ruffians and villains in Lopulus for so many years, and he could deal with them calmly, but he only I have never seen a thin-skinned person cry even after losing.

After a moment of entanglement, Li Yexing shook his head lightly, and crossed out the option of coaxing the child in a pleasant manner from his mind. He squatted down, propped his elbows on his knees, tilted his head slightly and said, "That won't work." up? Soldier?"

Still covering her eyes, Tililyfa tilted her head and said nothing.

"Shame! Soldier!" His expression instantly became fierce. Li Yexing stared and spit like those devil instructors in country A movies: "What a fucking shame!"

With that said, Li Yexing stretched out his hand and gently pushed Tililyfa's head, then frowned and said, "Do you know what's embarrassing?"

As if she was dead, even though Li Yexing shook and pushed her head, Tilly Lifa didn't say a word.

"Answer me! Soldier!" Li Yexing growled like a bear suddenly, startling the researchers behind him, and Tilly Lian, who was standing beside Li Yexing, was even more startled.

On the other side, Tililyfa, who was lying motionless on the ground, also seemed to be taken aback, her body trembled slightly, and she whispered with her lips whispered: "Because... I lost..."

"Fart! How could it be possible for a soldier who really relies on fighting for a living to never lose a battle?!" He slapped Tilly Lifa's head lightly, Li Yexing stared and roared angrily: "If you lose a battle, you will be defeated." Crying?! What’s wrong?! The days are numbered?! Will soldiers cry because they are defeated?!”

Of course it will, soldiers are human too, but Li Yexing is not.

Growing up in the European branch, Tilly Lifa's understanding of soldiers was obviously unsound. After being reprimanded thoughtlessly by Li Yexing, she actually forcibly stopped crying!

Roughly rubbing the corners of her eyes, the pale skin around the golden pupils was flushed with tears. Tililyfa still refused, or rather was ashamed to look directly at Li Yexing, she whispered, "I lost."

"I saw it..." Li Yexing nodded to Miss Hunter, and said in a deep voice, "It's a terrible loss."

"I, can't, leave, here..." Biting his lips lightly, Tililyfa frowned slightly and said, "I, failed, passed the assessment..."

"No..." Li Yexing shook his head lightly, and said to Tilly Lifa in a deep voice, "The assessment is not over yet."

Turning her head suddenly, she stared at Li Yexing with blank eyes. Tilly Lifa, who was lying on the ground, seemed to be in disbelief at Li Yexing's words.

"Don't look at me like that, the assessment is indeed not over..." Looking directly at the pair of golden pupils that had been shining again, Li Yexing said with a serious expression: "Now, soldier, I want to give you a new task, which is—— stand up."

"I can't do it..." There was a hint of embarrassment and pain in her expression, Tililyfa frowned slightly and said, "Legs and body hurt, and I can't move..."

"That's your problem. Your enemy doesn't care if you can move or not. In the army, the instructor's order is the truth!" Li Yexing stood up abruptly, looking down at Tillilipa who was lying on the ground, Li Yexing said in a deep voice Said: "Now, soldier, stand up, even if you can't stand up, you still want to join the Huanya Armed Forces?!"

"Mr. Li, or forget it, Tililyfa needs maintenance now..." After all, there was a faint unbearable expression on her face. Angelika was about to go forward, but was held out by Director Kasimir. Suddenly, a trace of dissatisfaction appeared on her face, Angelica turned her head and stared at Kasimir with those dead fish eyes, but Kasimir said in a deep voice: "Don't go, this pair of Ti Lilyfa's future character shaping is very important!"

"She can't stand up!" Angelica couldn't help retorting.

"If Mr. Li thinks she can stand up! Then she will definitely be able to stand up!" After glaring at Angelica fiercely, Kasimir's tone finally softened, and he whispered: "Although the academic I'm pretty confident about what's on it, but to be honest, when things like personalities are mixed with data, I don't think we'll know them better than Mr. Li..."

"Tsk..." The stubbornness in Kasimir's eyes could be felt through the mask. In the end, Angelica could only turn her head and smack her lips vigorously to express her dissatisfaction.

On the other side, Tilly Lifa, who was lying on the ground, was still looking at Li Yexing with her pair of golden pupils, as if she wanted to find something in Li Yexing's eyes. Finally, she moved again, supporting the ground with one hand, resisting the severe pain on her body, Tililyfa turned over with a painful muffled sound, and then, she clenched her sharp fangs , Forcibly propped up his upper body with his arms.

The pain became more and more severe, cold sweat began to drip unstoppably, and the body began to wobble uncontrollably. Tillilipa tried hard to control the two legs that had become difficult to move due to the excessive pain, and even almost fell again several times. Going back, she gasped, made a soft hissing sound, and then tried to maintain a push-up position until the pain in her legs gradually adapted, and she exerted strength again.

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