Hearing what his father-in-law said, Li Yexing, who was holding the dumplings between his hands, was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head and asked Bai Muqing in a low voice: "Is it true? Are you good at cooking?"

"What?" Lightly tapped the garlic sauce on the plate with the half-bitten dumpling that was leaking clear oily water, Bai Muqing licked her shiny lips, frowned slightly and asked, "You don't believe me?"

"No, I believe..." Thinking of Bai Muqing's skillful dumpling-making skills during the Spring Festival every year in the office, Li Yexing shook his head slightly at Bai Muqing, and then whispered: "I'm just a little curious, if you cook Art is so good, why don't you try cooking? I don't think I've ever eaten your dishes..."

"Isn't there you at home?" Bai Muqing replied in a low voice, and at the end, she added in her heart: there is also a perfect maid from a certain Griffith family who specializes in cooking...

"When you were with Qingqing, were you the one who cooked?" On the other side, hearing Li Yexing and Bai Muqing's whispers, Bai Muqing's mother couldn't help being a little surprised and said: "Xiao Li, you can still cook?" meal?"

"It's just a few home-cooked dishes, haha..." Facing the shining eyes of his father-in-law, Li Yexing replied with a sneer.

"There are more than a few home-cooked dishes!" In front of a table of people, Bai Muqing grabbed Li Yexing's arm, and like a little girl showing off a new toy, she pressed her face close to Li Yexing's shoulder while full With a blissful smile on his face, he said: "Although I don't really want to admit defeat, Ye Xing's cooking skills are indeed much better than mine. Sometimes I can't help but think that if Huanya International goes bankrupt, we will open a restaurant." In a restaurant, he is the boss and the chief chef, and I am the proprietress, who is in charge of the boss and the chief chef, which is also very good."

"Wait..." Li Yexing said with horror on his face, "Why did Uniasia go bankrupt?"

"Really, Xiao Li is on the rise in his career. How can you bring up bankruptcy? This kid really can't speak, so it's not auspicious at all..." Bai Muqing gave Bai Muqing a look, and Bai Muqing's tone was full of resentment. They are [-]% similar, Bai Muqing's mother turned her head, and said enthusiastically to Li Yexing: "Come on, Xiao Li, don't just talk too much, the dumplings are cold, eat one quickly, to save your bad luck..."

"Okay Auntie..." Smiling and nodding to his mother-in-law, Li Yexing stuffed the chopsticks with garlic sauce and stuffed the dumpling that had been hanging out for a long time into his mouth, cutting his teeth Open the skin, and suddenly, a taste deep in the soul diffused from the mouth. This taste made Li Yexing unable to help but be slightly taken aback.

It's strange, obviously I also make dumplings during Chinese New Year, why the taste is different?

Raising his head, looking at the beaming and loving family in front of him, Li Yexing suddenly understood...

Even if they are descendants of immigrants, the Bai family still has the blood of the Chinese people after all. When they are in the atmosphere of this traditional Chinese family, the simple and unpretentious dumplings served with garlic sauce taste like the ones in the previous life. The taste of home.

Chapter 64. The Strongman in Los Angeles ([-])

Although the atmosphere of Ms. Bai's family banquet was not lively, it was more than warm. This "feeling of home" in the style of the previous life whetted Li Yexing's appetite. While talking and laughing, half a plate of dumplings had already been served. Confused, he frowned at Bai Muqing who was sitting next to Li Yexing.

"Don't just focus on eating..." He touched Li Yexing's arm with his elbow, Bai Muqing frowned slightly and said, "Why are you acting like a silly son-in-law?"

"Ah?" Swallowing the dumplings, with a smell of garlic in his mouth, Li Yexing asked subconsciously, "Isn't it me?"

The overly straightforward speech caused everyone at the table to burst into laughter. Except for Bai Muqing's reddish complexion, who looked like he hated iron for nothing, the elders of the Bai family were quite happy, with satisfaction in their slightly squinted eyes. Both Bai Muqing's parents and grandparents all liked this young man from the celestial dynasty. While Bai Muqing's grandma and mother were focusing on Li Yexing, old man Bai raised his leg and kicked him lightly under the table. Bai Zhengyan kicked his calf.

He was startled for a moment, and then his complexion turned bitter. Bai Zhengyan turned his head and looked at his father secretly, but the old man immediately put away his smile and returned his expression, as if he was threatening Bai Zhengyan. Same, the next second, Bai Zhengyan sighed softly, his expression seemed to accept his fate.

"Well, Ye Xing..." With a smile on his face again, Bai Zhengyan's remark immediately attracted the attention of everyone on the table. After Li Yexing also looked over, Bai Zhengyan cleared his throat, and then deliberated He smiled lightly and said, "Speaking of which, if I remember correctly, you seem to have said before that your hometown...is in the northeast, right?"

"Yes..." Nodding hurriedly to the old man, Li Yexing smiled and said, "Over there in Haicheng."

"Oh..." Rubbing his chin lightly, Bai Zhengyan nodded his head pretentiously, and then asked with a smile, "Then you should be... able to drink alcohol?"

As soon as the words fell, the dining table was completely silent, and the atmosphere instantly became weird. Bai Muqing and Bai Muqing's mother immediately turned their heads to look at Bai Zhengyan. It was quite cold, but Bai Muqing's grandmother was slightly taken aback, and then looked directly at old man Bai, while old man Bai was calm and relaxed, turning his head slightly to glance at Bai Zhengyan, avoiding old lady Bai's sight by the way.

"I'll just ask, just ask..." Bai Zhengyan waved his hands and said with a sneer, facing the piercing gazes from his wife and daughter, "Yexing and Qingqing are in love, I, a father, have to check it out." , if Ye Xing smokes and drinks all day long, Qingqing will suffer a lot of grievances, right?"

"Zheng Yan, if you want to drink, just say it..." Still with a creepy smile on his face, the mother-in-law turned her head and looked at her daughter and ally, as if hoping that Bai Muqing could express some opinions on this issue However, to her surprise, this time, Bai Muqing rarely agreed with her, not only that, looking at Bai Muqing's eyes, she seemed to be a little eager to try!

Since living in the same room with Li Yexing, Miss Bai has learned to drink, and whenever she needs to stay up late and work overtime, she will drink some for herself, and, as the saying goes, do not do unto others, Bai Muqing under the bed has always been a talkative Reasonable people, this can be seen from Bai Muqing's ban on Li Yexing...

Li Yexing is forbidden to smoke, Li Yexing is forbidden to drink too much alcohol, that's right, he is forbidden to drink too much alcohol, that is to say, it's okay to drink a little.

Of course, if you drink with Miss Bai, the ban can be relaxed...

"Girl..." The smile on her face couldn't hold back any longer, the mother-in-law tilted her head slightly, and said uncertainly, "Are you... have you learned how to drink?"

Facing the culture from her mother, Bai Muqing raised her hand, scratched her head and said in embarrassment: "Mom, it's very cold in Itonia, and occasionally I need some wine to warm myself up..."

"Oh, so Qingqing wants to drink!" Instantly seizing the opportunity, Bai Zhengyan straightened up, smiled and said to his wife: "Look, Qingqing finally came back, let her drink if she wants to drink, It's okay..."

Ignoring Bai Zhengyan's words, the mother-in-law turned her head and asked softly to Bai Muqing, "How about...have a drink?"

Looking at Li Yexing who was sitting next to him, and at his father who was full of expectations, Bai Muqing thought for a while, suppressed the desire to drink forcibly, shook his head at his mother-in-law, and said, "No need, Mom .”

"Oh, this child is real. He has been so self-disciplined since he was a child. It's really helpless..." His face was filled with a smile again, and the mother-in-law nodded in satisfaction. At the end, she didn't forget to turn to Bai Zheng Yan blinked her eyes, her eyes were full of pride, and just when she felt joy in her heart for the victory of the Bai family's anti-tobacco and alcohol alliance, she heard the grandmother-in-law who had been silent all this time suddenly said: "Forget it, today is a day of great joy, Let them drink."

"Mom..." Her eyes widened subconsciously. The mother-in-law seemed to want to say something more, but after thinking about it, she didn't say it. After a long time, she sighed slightly and said: "Since Mom agrees Already, then...you should drink less."

To be honest, Li Yexing didn't really care that much about whether he drank or not, so he didn't quite understand why the smile on Bai Zhengyan's face looked like he had won a battle, and he didn't know if it was Li Yexing. The illusion, the smile on Old Man Bai's face seemed to become deeper, as if he had won the game of chess and was preparing to hide his achievements and fame behind the scenes as a trader.

"Then...cough cough, let Mafia go to the wine cellar to take out the wine..." Clearing his throat, old man Bai raised his head, and asked Li Yexing with a smile: "My child, do you like beer a lot?" I still like to drink a little bit more with white wine? For beer, I am afraid that someone will send it. For white wine, there is white wine from Shuzhou in our wine cellar, no brand, in bulk, and an old friend of mine gave it. Of course, red wine It's fine, champagne, whiskey or something..."

Before old man Bai finished speaking, old woman Bai turned her head with a smile and said, "Old Baitou, your son is drinking with your granddaughter and grandson-in-law, what are you in a hurry for?"

"Ah?" Although the person is getting old, but the reaction is not slow at all. The old man was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately smiled and said: "Oh, aren't we Xianxianbao? It's rare to show it off..."

"Forget it..." Seeing Mr. Bai's pitiful look and wanting to smile, the old lady Bai finally sighed in distress, and she said softly: "Just have a drink, your blood pressure is really... .. I don't know how to be careful..."

"Okay, okay, one cup, let's drink one cup..." Immediately, old man Bai's face blossomed with joy.

Looking at the big family in front of him, in the family atmosphere of loving father, son, filial piety, and harmonious husband and wife, the expression on Li Yexing's face became more and more subtle. He turned his head, slightly covered his mouth with his hand, and asked Bai Muqing in a low voice. Said: "Is the atmosphere in your family inherited from your ancestors?"

"What atmosphere?" Bai Muqing asked subconsciously.

After deliberating for a moment, seeing that neither Bai Zhengyan nor old man Bai paid attention to himself, Li Yexing asked in a low voice, "Are you Bai family members afraid of guilt?"

"That's right, this is the atmosphere of our family..." Nodding proudly, Bai Muqing said proudly, "Father and grandpa make up their minds about outside matters, and grandma and mother make up their minds about family matters, what's the matter?" Question?"

"There is a problem..." Li Yexing nodded, and then asked in a sneaky whisper, "Since the Bai family is afraid of internal affairs, why don't you see that you are afraid of me?"

"Because I'm a girl..." Bai Muqing cocked her eyebrows lightly, and whispered to Li Yexing with the corners of her mouth raised: "When you enter my house, you will become a man of my Bai family. From now on, you have to love me and love me." Take care of me and be afraid of me, understand?"

I don't know which string was wrong in my head, Li Yexing continued for no reason: "I'm not only afraid of you now, but the key point is that I'm afraid of your mother..."

Chapter 65. The Big Man in Los Angeles ([-])

As a maid who has served the Bai family for ten years, although she is as close as a family, Mafia will not eat at the table with the masters. After receiving Bai Zhengyan's order to bring the wine to the table, she Immediately, he turned around and went to clean up the kitchen. On the other side, with the wine, the atmosphere on the table immediately became much more lively. Under the eyes of the old lady Bai, the old man just poured a glass of white wine honestly, while his father-in-law My lord, Bai Zhengyan, also didn't dare to drink too much because of his wife's loving gaze. As for Li Yexing, he didn't dare to drink too much...

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