Staring blankly at the old man in front of him, after a long time, Li Yexing couldn't help but chuckled and said, "It's over, I was thinking how to persuade you to marry your granddaughter to me in case the truth was revealed, but I didn't expect to be rejected It turned out to be me who solved it..."

"So, you're still young..." Patting Li Yexing on the shoulder again, old man Bai said proudly, "Come on, kid, light me a cigarette."

"Okay..." He hurriedly took out the cigarette and lighter that old man Bai had given him earlier from his pocket, lit the cigarette for old man Bai with both hands, and when old man Bai breathed out a puff of white mist, Li Yexing asked in a low voice: " Get up, grandpa, where did you hear about me?"

"Oh, your business..." As if thinking of something interesting, old man Bai became interested, he smiled and said to Li Yexing: "Actually, at first, from the first time Qingqing called home At that time, Zhengyan began to secretly investigate you, but he didn't find out the problem. The company also had it, and the papers. good..."

"Then why..." It was obvious that old man Bai wanted to show off, so Li Yexing asked slightly.

"Hundred secrets, one hundred secrets, one hundred secrets, one sparse, talking about the world is changing, saying to seize the moment, but in the end, don't you just honestly make plans that seem to be detailed down to every step?" Wei Wei stood up straight. On the waist, old man Bai smiled and said, "I don't know where she found Qingqing for you. The paper was written like a plan for terrorists to launch a biochemical KB attack. Washington, New York, Los Angeles... Ha, looking at it this way, the thesis really looks like it was written by a Ph.D. from the university of country R, ​​and it looks like it is about to liberate country A..."

Suddenly, Li Yexing remembered the research report he had seen on Casimir's desk before, his facial muscles twitched slightly, and he whispered, "I...don't I?"

"So, when I saw your thesis, I was scared at the time. I wondered, where did Qingqing find such a dangerous person..." On the other side, Li Yexing saw something that he wanted to see on his face. Seeing the expression on his face, old man Bai became even more proud. He took a puff of cigarette, then chuckled and said, "That's why I asked some of my old buddies to check you carefully, and it turned out that I really found something. , An old friend from BW told me that he knows you, good guy, the king of mercenaries in the northern hemisphere, who doesn't know you..."

An old friend from BW?Prince?no? !Why is this world so small? !

So, after Casimir, is it the old dog Prince? !

From the looks of it, I'm afraid that Mu Qing can't be blamed for Bo La's crotch. What precious things have I known? !

Chapter 71. The Big Man in Los Angeles ([-])

When accompanied by Mr. Bai back to the living room of the mansion again, Li Yexing raised his head and saw the maid Mafia walking slowly down the stairs. Their eyes met, and Mafia squinted her eyes slightly. There was an inexplicable light, and then she stopped in front of Li Yexing and old man Bai.

"Master, Mr. Li." Ma Feiya said in a deep voice, bowing slightly to the two of them.

"Has Qingqing's room been tidied up?" Old Master Bai asked with a chuckle.

"It's over..." His eyes swept over Li Yexing's face vaguely, and Ma Feiya pursed her lips, but she didn't say anything after all.

"It's good to finish cleaning up. Let's rest early today. Everyone is tired..." Smiling and nodding to Ma Feiya, old man Bai glanced at the stairs, then smiled lightly at Li Yexing and said, "Okay, you Hurry up and accompany Qingqing, don't spend all your time on me, an old man, I guess Qingqing is in a hurry."

Hearing Mr. Bai's words, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, then raised his head, and saw Bai Muqing at the corner of the stairs on the second floor, showing half of his face, secretly looking at the living room on the first floor. Li Yexing looked over, Bai Muqing blushed and waved to Li Yexing, signaling Li Yexing to go upstairs quickly.

"Then... I'm going to accompany Mu Qing..." Li Yexing turned around and walked upstairs to the old man. He just walked up the stairs when he heard the old lady Bai behind him say: "Old white head, why are you all dressed up?" Smoke?"

"Ye Xing smokes, I don't have any cigarettes on me..." Old Man Bai replied calmly.

Suddenly, Li Yexing remembered the cigarettes and lighter that old man Bai gave him...

Good guy!As expected of father and son!What a virtue!

With a slightly embarrassed expression on his face, Li Yexing hurried up the stairs, leaving all the elders of the Bai family behind. As soon as he reached the second floor, he saw Bai Muqing, who was guarding the corner of the second floor, grabbed Li Yexing Without saying a word, he dragged his hand to his bedroom.

Walking through the unlit corridor, she entered Bai Muqing's bedroom. Bai Muqing held Li Yexing with one hand, and held onto the door frame with the other hand. She glanced into the corridor, then immediately closed the bedroom door tightly, locked it, and waited. After all this was over, she pushed Li Yexing to sit on the bed, and then quickly sat next to Li Yexing.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Bai Muqing's nervous look, Li Yexing couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said, "Why do you look like a thief?"

"Don't talk about this yet..." Bai Muqing frowned slightly before releasing Li Yexing's hand, and asked in a serious voice, "Wild dog, what did you and grandpa talk about?"

"Nothing to talk about..." Li Yexing shook his head and said, "It's all trivial matters, almost the same as your father."

"Oh..." The hanging heart was finally relieved, and Bai Muqing was slightly relieved.

"What about you?" Seeing that something was wrong with Bai Muqing, Li Yexing frowned slightly and asked, "What are you talking about with your maid? I always feel that your not quite right."

"I didn't talk about anything, Mafia came to help me tidy up the bedroom..." Bai Muqing whispered, "We chatted about trivial matters."

In the end, Ma Feiya accepted Bai Muqing's opinion and promised to help Bai Muqing, and Mr. Bai, who came back from the yard and planned to reveal Li Yexing's affairs to his family little by little after Bai Muqing got married, avoided Li Yexing in the living room. The topic is the same, in Bai Muqing's bedroom, Li Yexing and Bai Muqing tacitly concealed each other's hip stretching.

"To be honest, I was quite worried before today..." Sitting on the soft quilt, with one hand intertwined with Li Yexing's fingers, Bai Muqing leaned on Li Yexing's shoulder and said softly: "I was afraid that you would reveal your secrets." Come on, after all, you are just a wild dog rolling in the mud, I really didn't expect your performance to be so good, and my parents, grandparents and grandparents were taken aback for a while..."

As he said that, Bai Muqing gently pinched Li Yexing's fingers, and said with some dissatisfaction, "Guess what my parents, grandparents and grandparents say about you? You are meek, modest, polite, and have a tutor... Tsk, look at it this way, you Can't the guy talk well? Why do you always say dirty words?"

"Foul words are a kind of emotional venting, and have nothing to do with personal qualities..." Li Yexing responded with a chuckle: "There is no doubt that I am a high-quality person, but the emotions are more intense."

"Die, you're full of fallacies..." Bai Muqing muttered softly as he lightly bumped Li Yexing's arm with his shoulder.

"By the way..." As if remembering something, Li Yexing suddenly turned his head and said, "Before, did you find someone to write a paper for me?"

"Of course I have to write it. I have to do a full set of acting. How can there be a doctor who doesn't publish a thesis..." Bai Muqing muttered in a low voice: "You don't understand these things, so I can only help you. "

"Who did you ask to write it for me?" Li Yexing asked in a low voice.

"Andre..." Bai Muqing replied softly: "I wanted to write it for you personally, after all, I have also stayed in the technical department of Black Umbrella for a few days, but there are still many things to do in Huanya. I was busy, so I entrusted Andre. Anyway, there are quite a lot of talents in this field at the first agency, and there will be no mistakes in entrusting them. In order to prevent problems from their side, I also specifically told them to write a few articles. Just a normal paper..."

"Oh..." Li Yexing nodded, thinking that the case has been solved now. It is obvious that Bai Muqing lacks a correct understanding of the lunatics under Kasimir's subordinates. The normal in their eyes is obviously different from the normal in Bai Muqing's eyes. The same, not to mention, from the report I saw in the European branch before, I can guess that about the paper, [-]% of it was stabbed by Andre to Casimir.

Casimir has always taken the matter of Li Yexing seriously, and the result is that these papers published in the name of Li Yexing seem to be a bit too forceful...

"What?" Sensing that Li Yexing's expression was different, Bai Muqing asked in a low voice: "Is there a problem with the thesis?"

"No, no problem..." Li Yexing shook his head lightly and said, "It's very academic, and your grandfather gave it a very high evaluation."

"Huh..." Slightly relieved, Bai Muqing whispered, "That's good..."

After the topic was over, the bedroom fell into silence for a while. Under the moonlight, Li Yexing and Bai Muqing sat on the big pink bed, not saying a word, enjoying the quiet time alone.

"Wild dog..." After a while, Bai Muqing suddenly said softly, "I have spare stockings in my drawer."

"Hmm..." Nodding subconsciously, Li Yexing asked softly, "Then what?"

One turned over and sat on Li Yexing's lap. Bai Muqing supported Li Yexing's shoulders with both hands, and said softly to Li Yexing, "Wild dog, tonight..."

"Ah?" Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, then stared and said, "Mu Qing, are you crazy? Your whole family is waiting downstairs!"

"It's okay..." After quickly kissing Li Yexing's lips, Bai Muqing got out of bed, walked quickly to the wardrobe, took out a pair of unopened black silk from the drawer, and quickly took off the thin She wore black trousers with a texture of gauze, while leaning slightly and putting on stockings, she said, "It's rare that other people are not here, these few days, you have to spend time with me."

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