"Rita, aren't you jealous of men?" Li Yexing couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw Rita's cute frown.

"A little bit, sir..." Rita replied, raising her head and looking at Li Yexing.

"Obviously neither you nor the other girls know..." Hearing Rita's words, Li Yexing was about to say something, but before he could finish speaking, Rita shook her head and said, "It's different, It's different, sir, ladies are ladies, your friends are your friends, it's different..."

"Of course, how can a wife and a brother be the same?" Subconsciously answered Rita's words, and then Li Yexing was stunned.

Wait, like... like?

"Sir, it seems that you still don't understand..." On the other side, seeing Li Yexing stunned, Rita seemed to have misunderstood, she explained softly: "Sir is a bridge connecting you ladies and the outside world, and Sir, you can make friends with all kinds of people. It's not the same, ladies and gentlemen, including me, you are the only one left in our life. In this case, ladies and gentlemen including me must hope Compared with ordinary humans, you can rely more on us who belong to monsters..."

As she spoke, Rita narrowed her eyes slightly, chuckled and murmured: "Besides, think about it carefully, after losing all the trustworthy human beings, Mr. can only lean in my arms and keep warm with me... I always feel that such a world is not bad."

"No, it's pretty bad, and please miss the maid to get rid of those dangerous thoughts." Li Yexing said expressionlessly.

"This can't be done, monsters are inhumane, they are paranoid and stubborn..." There was a hint of cunning in her gray eyes, Rita put her hands around Li Yexing's neck lightly, and licked her lips Asked: "Sir, how can you persuade me, a monster, to give up the dangerous thoughts in my heart?"

Li Yexing didn't even have to think about this kind of question, because the correct answer had already been written on Rita's face.

Leaning down and touching Rita's lips, in the cabin of the Ferris wheel, Li Yexing won the favor of the monster with a deep kiss of his own, saved London, and saved the human world that was on the brink of destruction.

"Ah, really..." After parting her lips, Rita's face was flushed, and she lay on Li Yexing's chest and panted slightly. She didn't raise her hand until her breathing calmed down, and let her fingers run along Li Yexing's chest. Little by little, he crawled into the collar, slowly pulled the collar away, and while gently sucking on Li Yexing's collarbone, he murmured in a low voice: "Mr. just kissed, so rough..."

"To make you happy, Miss Monster who wants to destroy human society and monopolize her master..." Li Yexing put his arms around Rita's slender waist, lowered his head, and asked softly, "Now, are you satisfied?"

"Sorry, it's not..." With a fox-like smile, Rita let go of Li Yexing's collarbone, raised her head and whispered to Li Yexing, "The so-called monsters are all greedy. It's unrestrained, a beast that will indulge its desires recklessly."

Seeing Rita showing a smile that was very familiar to him, Li Yexing suddenly felt flustered. He looked at the empty cockpit above his head, and then at the young Caucasian couple in the cockpit below. He frowned slightly and looked down at Rita. Said: "Isn't it? This is the London Eye, a hundred meters high, and there are people below us!"

"Is there someone down here?" Rita, whose face was flushed even more, and with mist in her eyes, said excitedly, "Wouldn't that be better?"

"Huh?" Li Yexing was dumbfounded.

"It's okay, sir, Rita is not the kind of maid who will make a fool of you, so please leave it to Rita..." Released Li Yexing's neck, and his jade finger slowly moved down along Li Yexing's chest, There was mist in Rita's eyes, she exhaled like blue, and whispered softly: "Sir, just pretend nothing happened and enjoy it in silence..."

With that said, Rita bent down and rested her head on Li Yexing's lap...

Chapter 74. Hunk London ([-])

Perhaps because the night is coming, the number of tourists in London is gradually increasing. Li Yexing, who got off the cabin of the Ferris wheel, turned around and picked up Rita, who was eager to try a new round of tourists. Boarded up under the arrangement.

Watching the ferris wheel turn a little bit to lift up the tourists, Li Yexing's expression became a little unnatural.

"What's wrong, sir?" Rita asked with a chuckle, holding Li Yexing's arm tightly.

"No, it's nothing..." Shaking his head lightly, Li Yexing turned his face slightly and whispered to Rita, "You said, there won't be any smell there?"

"Don't worry, sir, there won't be any smell..." The corners of her mouth curled into a fox-like smile, Rita licked her lips and whispered, "For a perfect maid, cleaning is a The foundation of the foundation, Rita cleaned up very cleanly, there is nothing left."

"Heh..." Seeing Rita's bright smile, Li Yexing's facial muscles twitched slightly and whispered, "Would a perfect maid do this kind of thing with her master in the Ferris wheel?"

"Of course..." Smiling at Li Yexing, Rita said with a light smile: "With a strong psychological quality, she dares to give her master the happiness she deserves at any time and any place. This is also a perfect maid." It's part of the job..."

After a slight pause, Rita coquettishly said to Li Yexing like a girl in love: "Anyway, Mister will never reject me, will he?"

"That's right, anyway, I can never refuse you..." With a helpless smile on his face, Li Yexing shrugged and said, "I really don't know whether you are a maid or a succubus..."

"It's the goddess of the night, sir..." Rita responded with a light smile, "It's the goddess who only belongs to sir, and dominates the night."

"Okay, don't stay here, let's go..." Turning his head, he glanced at the crowd behind him, Li Yexing asked Rita softly, "Where do you want to go tonight?"

"Is there anywhere you want to go, sir?" Rita asked with a smile.

Illuminated by the dazzling lights of the London Eye, Li Yexing raised his head, looked at the starry sky due to light pollution and murmured softly: "I don't know."

After speaking, Li Yexing lowered his head and asked softly, "Rita, aren't you a local?"

"Sir, I haven't been back to London for almost ten years..." The corners of her mouth became a bit reluctant, and Rita said softly: "After so many years, even I feel that this city is a little strange. "

"You should know about famous scenic spots, right?" Li Yexing tilted his head slightly and asked, "What about the London Eye, Big Ben, London Bridge, etc. I taught English in primary school."

"I've just experienced the London Eye, but Big Ben or London Bridge, I always feel that my husband won't like it..." Her eyes wandered a little, and Rita whispered: "Besides, I don't like it either... .”

"You don't like it either?" Li Yexing couldn't help but chuckled as the aftertaste brought about by the extreme comfort just now hadn't dissipated, "Is it because there is no confined space for you to sneak in?"

"Oh, sir, how can you say such a thing?" There was a mist in her gray eyes, Rita hugged Li Yexing's arm and said coquettishly: "In this case, the next journey will be completely hopeless Are you feeling it?"

"Wait..." Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, then widened his eyes and said in surprise, "You don't really intend to play like this, do you?!"

"Sir~!" Changing the subject abruptly, with a formulaic smile on her face, Rita grinned and said, "Sir, are you interested in the British Museum?"

"Ah? The British...Museum?" His expression became a little subtle. Li Yexing looked at Rita with a smirk on his face, and asked tentatively, "You want to mess around in the British Museum? Is there a place?"

"Bathroom..." Subconsciously answered Li Yexing's question, and then realized that she had slipped her tongue, Rita finally had a trace of embarrassment on her face, her face was bright red, she frowned slightly and said: "No, sir , The restroom and so on are just side activities, the point is to visit the British Museum and feel the weight of history.”

"The British Museum? The heaviness of history?" Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly, and his expression was a little weird, as if Rita had said something strange.

"Don't you know, sir?" There was a hint of pride in the gray eyes, and Rita introduced with a chuckle: "As one of the four major museums in the world, the British Museum has a long history of more than two hundred years. The collection of cultural relics from all over the world is astonishingly more than [-] million pieces, especially the treasure of the town hall, the famous Rosetta Stone..."

"Oh..." Before Rita finished speaking, Li Yexing nodded seriously and said, "There are more than eight million pieces, the empire on which the sun never sets is really capable of snatching..."

For a moment, Rita seemed to be choking, she stared into those gray eyes, but couldn't speak, her expression looked a little funny.

"Perhaps only a sensitive girl like Rita can see the weight of history in the British Museum..." On the other side, Li Yexing shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, "But, like me A guy who lives by killing people, you told me that there are more than [-] collections in the British Museum..."

"It's eight million." Rita corrected, frowning slightly.

"Oh, eight million, I'm sorry..." Waving his hand at Rita, Li Yexing continued: "You told me that there are eight million collections in the British Museum, and my only feeling is that they You can really grab it. You know, in the Middle East, things like blowing up cultural relics accidentally happened from time to time. People like me can’t see the thickness of history through those stones and wood. I can only see The brutality and tyranny of those pirates at sea..."

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