I have to say that Rita's room is very simple, with only a retro-looking vanity mirror, a white solid wood wardrobe against the wall, and a single bed by the window. There is a white solid wood bedside table that is less than half a person's height, and a desk lamp with the same retro style is placed on it. They are placed together on the white wooden floor, without a trace of life. In this room, the only thing that attracts Li There are only curtains left for those who travel at night. The curtains have only one side, and when pulled up, they can cover the entire wall. The overall color is light blue, and the top is dotted with white stars, which seems to be depicting a fairy-tale night sky. And in the night sky, a round of white crescent moon and the long-haired girl in a white dress who hugged her legs and curled up between the crescent moons were particularly conspicuous.

It's almost like implying something...

Standing in the room and thinking for a while, Li Yexing came to the closet and opened it, and there was an empty space inside, with a faint smell of detergent.

Before, there were clothes in the wardrobe, and a few of them were Rita's usual clothes, but there was a faint musty smell on those clothes, so the whole wardrobe and the clothes inside were all washed by Li Yexing. The clothes are now It is hanging on the balcony on the first floor to dry.

"I guess Rita doesn't like to pile up all the clothes..." Along with whispering to himself, Li Yexing turned around, came to Rita's bed, and put the clothes of the two of them one by one. He took it out of the gray pocket, and hung the khaki coat in the closet with his own leather jacket, Rita's black sweater and narrow black skirt.

After packing up the main clothes, Li Yexing turned his head and looked at the flesh-colored stockings and little black butterflies lying quietly beside the gray pockets on the bed, feeling a little embarrassed...

This thing...should I save it for washing or just throw it away?If it's Rita, it's definitely coming...

Looking at the small bundle of clothes in his hand, Li Yexing frowned slightly. After a while, he seemed to be obsessed with ghosts and felt a little guilty, and he slowly moved up...

Vaguely, the only sound left in the room was Li Yexing's breathing.

"It's weird..." After a while, the bedroom door opened, and Li Yexing walked out quickly, muttering in a low voice while going downstairs: "I obviously don't remember Rita wearing perfume..."

Chapter 83. The hunk of London ([-])

According to the habit at home, he threw Rita's flesh-colored stockings and the little butterfly into the washing machine. Li Yexing glanced at the white coat that Rita had taken off on the sofa in the living room, and said as he walked to the kitchen, "Rita, I put you Changed stockings and...and...uh..."

Standing in front of the kitchen door, looking at Rita in the kitchen, Li Yexing was speechless.

At this moment, under the white light, Rita is busy arranging all the cleaned kitchen utensils on the counter, the corners of her mouth are slightly hooked, and she is wearing a pink apron in front of her, and then ...There is no more, the white and smooth jade back is exposed, outlining two thin shoulder blades that support the fair skin, and under the shoulder blades, there is a black belt with a lace hollow pattern, all the way along The underarms and shoulders spread into the apron, the pink belt is tied behind the waist, and there is a beautiful bow tied. The line rises a little bit from the bow, outlining a full and soft attractive curve, and then re-tightened at the thigh , along the straight legs wrapped in floating black silk all the way down, until the ankles and the pair of jade feet in purple slippers.

Oh, it turned out that the pair of pantyhose that Rita was wearing... It's so strange that there are such floating patterns on the pantyhose...

Wait, is this the point of focus now? !

It wasn't until this moment that Li Yexing suddenly remembered that after Rita came out of the fitting room, it seemed that she was only wearing a white coat!As for the inside... it seems that there are only these things left.

On the other side, sensing Li Yexing's gaze, Rita stopped what she was doing, squinted her eyes slightly and turned her head. Seeing Li Yexing's expression was a little dull, she smiled even more, as if she had successfully carried out a Halloween prank little girl.

Indistinctly, a faint purple light flashed behind the water mist in the gray eyes, and a seductive smile was drawn on the corner of Rita's mouth. She touched her tongue lightly, dyed a gleam of water on her cherry lips, and then exhaled like blue Said: "Ah, sir is here, may I ask you to take a bath first? Or eat first? Or... eat me first?"

"Who did you learn this from?" Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly, and Li Yexing looked a little weird.

"Ah, it's just a joke I saw on the Internet before..." Holding her cheek lightly with one hand, Rita tilted her head slightly, and said to Li Yexing with a light smile: "However, this is not a joke... "

As she said that, Rita's face flushed, and she asked softly, "Then, sir, your answer is..."

Quickly came to Rita, put his hands over Rita's body to support the desk, and forced Rita into a corner. Li Yexing lowered his head and silently watched Rita's eyes. Feeling Li Yexing's breath and temperature, Rita's chest heaved more and more violently. Seeing Li Yexing approaching him a little bit, Rita's breathing became more rapid, and her hands even climbed up Li Yexing's waist. When he was about to come up, he poked out the tip of his tongue slightly to greet her, but Li Yexing, who was only a finger away from Rita, suddenly said expressionlessly, "I choose to eat first."

Accompanied by a light "pa", Li Yexing slapped Rita's buttocks lightly and softly. Feeling the soft bullet wrapped in black silk thread, he raised his eyebrows lightly and said: " Don't be in a rut, I'm hungry."

"Ah, sir, why are you like this..." Lita subconsciously let go of Li Yexing's waist, and Rita held her spanked buttocks, with a hint of shyness in her tone.

"Okay, stop making trouble, let's eat first, and see what time it is..." Standing upright, keeping a distance from Rita, Li Yexing glanced at the phone, then chuckled at the flushed face Rita said: "Come on, Rita, help me with the ingredients, I'm going to show off today."

"Sir, I hate it..." There was still a happy smile on the corner of her mouth, Rita turned around, and while taking out the packaged ingredients from the bag one by one, she whispered in that weird tone Said: "I really don't understand the style."

"I'm just hungry..." Turn on the faucet to fill the stainless steel reservoir with tap water. Accompanied by the sound of splashing water, Li Yexing unpacked the packaging bags and put all kinds of vegetables into the reservoir. In the pool, he shook his head with a chuckle and said, "How can the cow plow the land if you don't feed the cow enough?"

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Rita was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled.

Cattle and land?What a...strange and interesting metaphor...

Having said that, Rita didn't seem to intend to let Li Yexing go directly. After taking out all the ingredients from the packaging bag, she turned around, stood in front of the reservoir, and fished out an emerald green root from the reservoir. While rubbing and cleaning the cucumbers with those white jade-like fingers accompanied by the water flow, he pretended to be sad and said: "In order to seduce Mr., Rita has obviously come up with such a great idea, but unexpectedly Mr. doesn't even want to look at Lita With a glance at Ta, she completely focused on the dinner. This is over, Rita has lost her charm, Rita will become a woman who is not favored by her husband, and Rita will be abandoned by her husband..."

"Don't make trouble..." He slammed on Rita's back, and placed the stainless steel basin he took out from the cabinet beside the water reservoir. The weight of Rita was on Rita's back, and by the way, he put his chin on Rita's shoulders, and put his face against Rita. He put his hands around Rita's armpits and stretched them into the water reservoir. Washing the vegetables with Rita while whispering: "So, are you satisfied?"

"Ah, the whole back is full of temperature from Mr...." Rita subconsciously straightened her body, outlining a seductive curve, and put the cucumber in her hand that was stained with water droplets and was about to be rubbed off. In the stainless steel basin on the side, I took out the small red peppers from the reservoir, and while cleaning them skillfully and meticulously, I raised my neck and whispered: "Come closer, sir, come closer..."

Frowning slightly, Li Yexing thought for a while, then moved half a step forward, and at the same time whispered to Rita softly, "Aren't you too crowded?"

"No, that's good, it feels like being hugged by my husband..." Slightly raised her toes and her heels off the ground, Rita seemed in a very good mood, and she was cleaning with Li Yexing Vegetables, she couldn't help humming a tune that was somewhat familiar to Li Yexing. Because of the special emotions of the reader, a touch of temptation was added to this demonic nature. Accompanied by Rita's unique timbre, it poured into Li Yexing's brain like burnt honey.

"London Bridge is falling, falling, falling, London Bridge is falling, falling, falling..."

Unknowingly, Li Yexing started humming along with the tune.

"What? Have you ever heard this nursery rhyme, Mister?" Rita couldn't help shivering as the low voice blew into Rita's earholes with heat, so she turned her head slightly and asked Li Yexing with a light smile road.

"I've been to junior high school in this world, and I've been to high school in the last world, don't treat me as a local aboriginal living in Itonia all my life..." Li Yexing said in a low voice: "Besides, How could I not remember such a magical tune?"

After speaking, Li Yexing paused for a while, and then continued: "No, to be honest, I think nursery rhymes are quite evil, and they are the same all over the world."

"Have you heard any other nursery rhymes, sir?" Rita couldn't help asking curiously.

"Well, let me think..." Rolling the whites of his eyes slightly, Li Yexing raised his head in thought and looked at the ceiling. After a while, he hummed in a deep voice: "Go, tell Aunt Robbie, go, tell Robbie Auntie, go, tell Aunt Robbie, go, tell Aunt Robbie, everyone, is dead..."

"Sir..." The corners of her mouth became a bit reluctant, and Rita asked in doubt, "Are you sure... this is a nursery rhyme?"

"It should be... right..." His tone became a little uncertain. Li Yexing thought for a while, then slapped Rita's slender waist lightly with his big wet hands, and at the same time whispered: "And , don’t move around, cook well.”

Chapter 84. The hunk of London ([-])

"There's no need to be so precise, and there's no need to be so disciplined..."

"Honestly, I have never been able to understand why you Westerners use measuring cups and measuring cylinders when you cook. Casimir's Nibelungen Laboratory will not be so troublesome..."

"Cooking is for people to eat, and people are different. In my opinion, if the cooking is made accurately to every milliliter and every gram, and the exact same heat is used to make up for the slight gap between the ingredients, then It would be too boring to cook the same thing, and there is no sense of expectation. In the future, don’t hire a chef in the kitchen of the restaurant, and find a machine instead. Isn’t the assembly line much more efficient than the cooking repeater?”

After washing his hands, his skin was still slightly moist. If it weren't for the calluses hidden on his palms and fingertips, Li Yexing's hands would not look like a pair of hands holding guns. Standing in front of the desk, he gently massaged the The steak had been thawed and cleaned, and Li Yexing spread pepper and sea salt evenly on the steak, while teaching his cooking experience to Rita in his arms.

"Sorry, I disagree with you sir..." Looking at Li Yexing's hands gently stroking the steak, and imagining the feeling of these hands touching her skin with the same strength, Rita breathed a little Somewhat confused, she turned her head with a flushed face, squinted her eyes slightly and whispered to Li Yexing: "For cooking, even a milligram of deviation in the ingredients will have a huge difference in the final taste of the cooking , Mister may think that the love of cooking is more important than precision, but Rita thinks that love and precision do not conflict."

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