"Rita..." Without answering Rita's question directly, Li Yexing called out his lover's name. He pointed to the knife and fork on the other side of the table that Rita had put on before, and said softly to Rita, "Help me put the knife and fork on the other side of the table." Bring your knife and fork."

"Okay, sir..." Faintly guessing what Li Yexing wanted to do, Rita smiled and stretched out a pink smooth tentacle from behind, rolled up the knife and fork on the opposite side of the table and handed it to Li Yexing. Li Yexing took the knife and fork, but the tentacle did not retract, but wrapped around Li Yexing's body along the hollow of the wooden chair back, gently binding Li Yexing and Rita together.

"I don't know if it's my illusion, but you seem to like playing with me with your tentacles..." Li Yexing teased with a chuckle while cutting a steak as he got closer to Rita due to the restraint of the tentacles. .

"I just figured out some things, that's all..." Gently pressing Li Yexing's chest with her palm, feeling Li Yexing's heat, Rita said softly: "I will definitely spend the rest of my life with my husband." For the unknowable long years to come, I hope that my husband will accept me more, whether it is as Rita Griffith, or as a monster, as the goddess of the night."

"Of course I can accept you, no matter what you become..." Following Rita's example, he held a small piece of steak between his lips, and exhaled a breath of hot air. Li Yexing turned his head and said with a sigh of relief : "Come on, Rita, here's a gift in return."

"Thank you, sir..." With a charming smile on Li Yexing, Rita quickly moved up, kissed Li Yexing's lips, and at the same time licked Li Yexing's lips with the tip of her tongue. Small pieces of steak.

"I have to say, you are pretty good..." Seeing Rita chewing gracefully, Li Yexing couldn't help but whispered: "I can even think of this kind of gameplay, sometimes I even have some doubts, What have you learned in your usual studies?"

"I want to get close to my husband. This feeling comes from the heart. All the fantasies derived from it can be turned into actions. Rita, there is no need to learn those superfluous things..." Facing Li Yexing shook his head lightly, and Rita said with a light smile: "Of course, Rita occasionally pays attention to some magazines. Before the renovation of the office, those magazines that Mr. I paid careful attention to it before cleaning them out, and after that, I have subscribed to all the magazines."

"Ah..." Hearing Rita's words, Li Yexing was taken aback. He couldn't help but exclaimed, "The magazines you pick up every month are..."

"Don't you know, sir?" This time it was Rita's turn to be surprised.

"How do I know this?! Every time it's packed tightly..." Li Yexing shook his head and said, "I thought it must be the kind of serious book that I'm not interested in, like the one you read before Those novels..."

"No wonder my husband refused so decisively when I wanted to borrow a book from him..." On the other side, Rita suddenly realized: "I thought that my husband had finally made up his mind to get rid of vulgar interests..."

This is the benefit of being alone between lovers, which is conducive to solving this kind of inexplicable misunderstanding.

"Speaking of which, where did you put those magazines?" Surprised, Li Yexing couldn't help asking curiously.

"Most of them are under the bed. The parts with reference value will be cut out, pasted in a notebook, and put in the cabinet..." There is no need to avoid it, Rita answered Li Yexing's question with a light smile.

"Hiding pornographic magazines under the bed, it's so retro..." Couldn't help but spit out a little, Li Yexing suddenly remembered something, he leaned closer to Rita, and asked mysteriously: "Wait, aren't you and Mu Qing roommates? She doesn't know you hide this kind of thing?"

"How could Ms. Bai not know? Before she came to our office and took off the chain, I was already showing her these things. They are all the essence of my arrangement..." The smile on his face The mood became brighter, even a little evil, Rita tilted her head slightly, smiled lightly and said to Li Yexing: "After all, we are good sisters, how could Rita's good things not be shared with the good sisters? "

"That's really torture..." Li Yexing shrugged and said, "The elite lady with a Ph.D. degree in STF was forced to watch this kind of thing. I guess Mu Qing was tortured by you..."

"How could it be?" Clapping her hands lightly, Rita said excitedly as if she was showing off something: "Miss Bai looks so cute!"

Li Yexing:?

Chapter 88. The hunk London (seventeen)

Li Yexing still had fresh memories of Bai Muqing's look of wanting to eat himself and Rita raw when he first entered the office, so Li Yexing probably didn't believe what Rita said.

"Sir, you are questioning me, aren't you?" On the other side, seeing Li Yexing's eyebrows raised slightly, with a delicate expression, Rita tilted her head and asked Li Yexing with a light smile.

"I can't talk about questioning..." Li Yexing shook his head lightly and said, "I just find it hard to imagine, Mu Qing always looks prudish at ordinary times, and she didn't even get to know us well at that time. Now, are you sure she'll enjoy looking at those... essences you've collected?"

"Miss Bai always likes to use her cold face to cover up her emotions. The stronger the emotion, the colder the expression. You know this, sir..." Faced with Li Yexing's doubts, Rita chuckled He replied: "At the same time, sir, you also know that it is actually quite simple to see Miss Bai's real side..."

"Really? I don't think it's easy at all..." Li Yexing, who had been tortured by Ms. Bai from both mental and physical sides, twitched his facial muscles slightly and said: "She is real, but all I have left is pain."

"That's because she wants to get closer to her husband. It's just that she can't say it in front of the sisters because of face. After finally getting the chance, how could she let him go?" Leading to Bai Muqing, Rita, who is Bai Muqing's trainer, seemed particularly interested. She put one arm around Li Yexing's neck, and raised an index finger with the other hand, and said to Li Yexing with a chuckle: " Although she is a bit reluctant to let go of the other ladies, but with me, Miss Bai is particularly easy to let go of herself."

"After all, you are roommates..." Li Yexing shrugged and said, "We've all slept in the same bed, what else can't we let go?"

"This is not the same, sir..." Rita shook her head slightly with her raised index finger, and said to Li Yexing with a chuckle, "If you want to make Miss Bai be honest, you must be honest with Miss Bai first. On the first day I met Miss Bai, I directly showed her my truth, so that no matter what I did to her in the future, she would not be surprised..."

As if talking about excitement, Rita said excitedly: "The initial training...ah, no, it's education. The initial education is the most difficult. You have to firmly hold on to the iron chains and force her and me, this Ling The monster she fears sleeps with the same pillow. After she adapts a little bit and thinks that I will not hurt her, she can use the tentacles. Being entangled in my tentacles and falling asleep can remind her of the truth of me as a monster, and at the same time To remind her of the fact that she has become a monster..."

"This sounds like some kind of mental torture..." Li Yexing whispered.

"This is to make her adapt. If Miss Bai wants to serve her husband honestly, the first and most important thing is to reshape her three views. Miss Bai must know what the world of monsters is like. It is a good thing for her to let her give up her unrealistic fantasies earlier..." Recalling the past, Rita said with a light smile: "Sir, do you still remember The time Miss Bai committed suicide by swallowing a gun?"

"Ah, of course I remember..." Li Yexing said with the corners of his mouth twitching, "Seven shots were fired in a row, and the black things splashed all over the wall. Definitely pack her up and throw her out."

"That's right, it was that time!" With excitement in her gray eyes, Rita chuckled and said, "After being scolded by my husband, I brought him back to the bedroom like a child who did something wrong. , we both sat on the bed, guess what I said to her?"

"Did you comfort her?" Li Yexing asked subconsciously.

"How is it possible?! Why does Rita comfort the secretary who has done something wrong?" As if she had expected Li Yexing's misjudgment, Rita said excitedly: "I told Miss Bai; if you really want to If you want to commit suicide, it is recommended to burn it with fire, after all, bullets can’t kill you anymore!”

As she said that, Rita's cheeks flushed even more, and she curled her lips and said proudly: "I cried on the spot, sir, I cried on the spot! I cried so sad, I threw myself into Rita's arms and kept crying." Crying, obviously crying so hard, but afraid of being heard by the husband and not daring to make a sound, after being gently touched by Rita, even though the tears stopped, even though the tentacles were entangled, she still lingered in Rita's arms Refusing to leave, such a Miss Bai, such a Miss Bai is really...really too...too cute!"

Seeing Rita's unstoppable smiles, her face full of malice, Li Yexing couldn't help raising her eyebrows and said, "I don't know if she's cute or not, but you are really wicked."

"Really, sir, how can you say that? Rita has done all kinds of bad things, isn't it just to train you a qualified secretary?" The corner of her mouth was grinning, looking even more weird, Rita smiled lightly at Li Yexing Said: "As a perfect maid, I will not make fun of my future sisters because of my own selfishness."

"Rita, you're laughing a little scary, restrain yourself a little..." Facing Rita with a broken expression, Li Yexing silently raised his hand, and gently pressed his index finger against Rita. The nail-like fangs at the corner of her mouth, the smile on Rita's face disappeared immediately, and the bloody granulation on the corner of her mouth healed quickly and recovered. Facing Li Yexing, she lowered her head slightly and said, "Sorry, sir, I got a little carried away."

"It's okay, I'll try to get used to it..." Li Yexing kissed Lita's forehead lightly for fear that Rita would care about it. On the other side, seeing Li Yexing's normal expression, Rita hesitated for a moment. Finally, she tentatively pecked Li Yexing's lips lightly, her eyes were like those of a small animal who was worried about being packed away by the owner after making a mistake.

"Really, I've said it all, I'll try to get used to it..." Couldn't help but sneered, Li Yexing kissed Rita's lips fiercely, after a deep kiss, the lips parted, Li Yexing lowered his head Looking into Rita's eyes, he slightly tilted his mouth and said, "It smells like beef."

"Sir, you're really gentle..." With one hand gently supporting Li Yexing's chest, Rita lowered her brows and said softly: "Sure enough, am I worrying unnecessarily?"

"Okay, don't get entangled in this kind of thing..." Shaking Rita who was sitting on his lap lightly, Li Yexing asked with a light smile: "Come on, tell me more, how did you play tricks on Mu Qing? I'm a little interested in you."

"Ah, sir, I've already said it's not teasing, it's training... No, it's education!" Rita coquettishly corrected her in a voice as sweet as syrup. At the end, she chuckled and said, "Anyway, When Miss Bai cried for the first time, the first stage of education was over, and she had been able to correctly understand her identity. Next, it was time for her to get to know the sisters and this Lopulus well. "

"Shouldn't you get to know me first?" Li Yexing asked subconsciously, and he frowned slightly: "Obviously I'm the head of the family..."

"Because you are the head of the family, she needs to get to know you at the end..." Rita shook her head lightly and said, "After all, at that time, even though your ability had been recognized, Miss Bai felt somewhat I look down on you, so I need to let her see clearly, as the uncrowned king of Lopulus, what kind of girl are you conquering? What kind of city are you controlling?"

Chapter 89. The Big Man in London ([-])

After looking at the girl in his arms for a moment, Li Yexing turned his head, cut off a small piece of steak, and brought it to Rita's mouth with a silver fork, and at the same time said softly: "Eat and talk, if this continues, the food will be cold." See through."

"Sir, Rita doesn't want to eat cold steak..." Rita smiled.

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