Worked for the CIA? !Trafficking death?

This guy knows I worked for the CIA? !Even know I'm selling arms now? !

To be honest, Arias was only a little apprehensive to be able to face this legendary mercenary who was dubbed a monster face to face, but when he knew that the other party knew everything about him, Arias's heart ached. Only fear remained in my heart.

This guy, why does he know about me?Obviously, I'm just a small businessman who sells arms in the black market. Isn't there a lot of guys like me? !

Could it be that the recent move to take over Neo. Umbrella was too big?

"Haha, I have known you for a long time, Mr. Li..." Bending slightly, he shook Li Yexing's hand vigorously, and Arias said with a smile: "I wanted to see you as early as a few years ago, but I always wanted to see you." Due to the pressure of my career, I have no chance, and I never thought that I would meet you in this way today..."

"I'm also quite surprised that I can meet you in this way..." This sentence is true. According to Li Yexing's vision, he thought that his first meeting with Arias in the future would start with Chris and Lyon's request for help would knock out Arias' dog brains as soon as they met, but the reality is that he drank the toast from Arias at his beloved wife's high-class reception, and even watched To the full version of his wife, the woman with arms.

I have to say that the feeling is quite different from the first time I met Wesker. When I met Wesker, Li Yexing even thought of dying, but when I met Arias, Li Yexing's mood was quite different. delicate.

"Okay, let's get rid of these unnecessary greetings and politeness..." Waving his hand at Arias, Li Yexing tilted his head slightly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to Arias with a light smile: "Mr. Arias , you have something to ask of me, right?"

Chapter 100. The Strongman Washington ([-])

"I have a request for you? can understand it this way..." Although Arias subconsciously shrank a head when facing Li Yexing, when it comes to business, it is inherited from the CIA era. His cunning and the shrewdness of a businessman in his bones still helped him stabilize his emotions. Even if he was poked into something, he still smiled calmly and elegantly, and said to Li Yexing with the corners of his mouth lightly curled up: "However, I am not I like this statement very much, after all, business is a matter for both parties.”

"You want to do business with me?" Li Yexing asked with slightly raised eyebrows.

"That's right..." Arias asked with a smile, "Mr. Li, are you interested?"

"What can you provide for me and my team?" Li Yexing asked straight to the point.

"Provide everything you need..." Arias responded with a chuckle: "I am an arms dealer, and I can provide you and your company with a lot of weapons that are difficult to find on the market at prices below the market price. Mass purchases of weapons and equipment."

"But Huanya Armed Forces has just reached a long-term agreement with another arms dealer..." Li Yexing shook his head and said with some regret: "Mr. Arias, I don't think your supply ability will be stronger than hers."

"Her?" Arias was keenly aware of Li Yexing's English words.

"The lady from the Hekmedia family..." Shrugging at Arias, Li Yexing said indifferently: "To be honest, I don't like that lady very much, but everyone in the family takes She was a baby..."

"It turned out that Hekemedia..." There was still that indifferent smile on his face, but there was a flash of anxiety in his heart. Arias was very self-aware. He knew very well that in front of the Hekemedia family , he is completely uncompetitive, and the platform gap is too big.

"So, the situation is like this..." Nodding to the preoccupied Arias, Li Yexing said helplessly: "I don't mind doing business with you, Mr. Arias, but the same, these days , It’s not easy for everyone to make money, I can’t do business for the sake of doing business, buy a bunch of things I don’t use and pile them up in the warehouse, at least not now.”

"Mr. Li, I think our business can go on..." After a fierce psychological struggle, Arias finally decided to put all his eggs in one basket. He looked around, and then leaned in front of Li Yexing, He showed the profiteer's smile that Li Yexing was quite familiar with, and at the same time whispered to Li Yexing: "Mr. Li, are you...interested in living weapons?"

The eyebrows were raised slightly, but Li Yexing did not speak.

"Don't be surprised, Mr. Li..." On the other side, seeing that Li Yexing didn't reply, Arias took Li Yexing's reaction as surprise, so he leaned closer to Li Yexing again, and whispered to Li Yexing: "Don't be a little Look at me, Mr. Li, I dare to sell things that the Hekmedia family dare not sell."

"I don't know if they dare to sell what you dare to sell, but I know that you dare to say what they dare not say..." Li Yexing smiled lightly and said, "Just now During the time you've been talking to me, how many people from the CIA do you think are in and out of this hall? How many people from the FBI? How many people from the DSO? You wouldn't be able to walk out of this hall today if I wanted to."

"But you didn't do it, did you? If you really would, you would have done it in the corridor before..." Arias chuckled, "So, Mr. Li, to me Are you interested in the proposal? I have almost all the BOWs you can see on the market in my hand. They are left after the market screening. While ensuring combat capabilities, they have the best controllability among similar products. With the strongest stability, they can play a powerful role in security warfare and street fighting, and most importantly, they are cheap enough! And they can also be sold to you at a price lower than the market..."

Seeing Arias' boasting, Li Yexing thought to himself that if I want to use this thing, I still need to buy it?Black Umbrella has become a family business. If I want to play with this thing, can't I just pick it up from my own factory?

"I probably understand, Mr. Arias..." He raised his hand and stopped Arias' promotion, Li Yexing smiled lightly and said to Arias: "First of all, you have to, exactly For example, you should understand some things very well. Although the Armed Forces Group is not large in scale, it has always been famous in the industry for its strong individual soldiers. Therefore, we will not use BOW when doing business. This will not only threaten the security of our employees. It is safe, and it will cause trouble for our employers, and even some weird guys. Secondly, although there are a lot of titles in front of my name, I am just an instructor of the Central Asian Armed Forces, nothing more , You should talk to my boss about equipment procurement, not me, I can't make the decision..."

Seeing that Arias wanted to say something more, Li Yexing said directly: "The person you want to talk to is not me, but Lisa. You have something to ask for her, but you are worried that you won't be able to talk to her, so you plan to talk to her from me. Knock the door here, save the country with curves, and win yourself a chance to talk to Lisa, right?"

The small calculations in his heart were wiped out by Li Yexing in an instant. The smile on Arias' face could no longer hold back. He looked at Li Yexing with a mysterious smile on his face, and he was thinking about what to do next. Progress, suddenly, the conversation in the hall disappeared, everyone raised their heads, and looked at the stage in the corner of the hall that was shrouded in lights and slightly higher than the ground. In front of the band that stopped playing, stood a The man in suits and leather shoes, Li Yexing vaguely felt as if he had seen him somewhere, but couldn't remember.

Probably someone from the Black Umbrella side...

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this banquet. Tonight, this place is full of glory because of your arrival..." On the other side, the man standing on the stage had a warm and elegant smile on his face, and started Li Yexing gave his welcome speech, the content was actually quite unnutritious to Li Yexing, the words were full of hypocritical enthusiasm and politeness, until the voice fell, applause rang out, and the brisk and melodious music filled the hall again, gentlemen Get together with the ladies, hold hands, and sway and spin to the music.

"It seems that the dance has begun..." Li Yexing shrugged, turned his head and raised his eyebrows at Arias and said, "Sorry, I can't chat with you anymore, Mr. Arias, soon my other half You are about to come to me, thank you for your willingness to waste your precious time, and pass my boring time a little..."

Seeing that Li Yexing didn't intend to continue the conversation, Arias became a little anxious. He was about to say something to Li Yexing again, when he saw the dancing crowd consciously give way to the two sides, like a crowd of people opening the sea. Like Moses, in between, Alexisa, who was wearing a long black dress, stepped on high heels, and walked gracefully towards Li Yexing. When she stood in front of Li Yexing, she squinted slightly. He glanced at Arias with his eyes, and then asked Li Yexing softly, "Is this your friend? Honey?"

"Not really." Li Yexing said indifferently.

"That's it..." As if she understood something, Alexisa didn't bother to look at Arias again, and fixed her eyes on Li Yexing. The corners of her mouth curved slightly, and she stretched out her white catkin to Li Yexing. Li Yexing walked over and asked with a light smile, "Sir, would you like to dance with me?"

Stretching out his hand to hold Alexisa's catkin in his palm, he kissed lightly on the back of his hand. Li Yexing replied with a light smile, "I am very happy, my queen."

Chapter 101. Man Washington ([-])

Under Arias' tangled eyes, Li Yexing and Alexisa held hands and walked towards the center of the hall together.

Standing under the bright light, press your body close together, let the body temperature pass through the fabric to each other, when your fingers are clasped together, Alexisa suddenly asked softly: "By the way, dear, can you dance?" ?”

"No..." With a look of embarrassment on his face, Li Yexing asked in a low voice, "Do you want to let go?"

"No, I've been looking forward to tonight's dance for a long time..." Shaking her head slightly, Alexisa looked into Li Yexing's eyes, whispered softly with her lips: "Don't worry, dear, as long as you Just move to my rhythm, relax your body, and give everything to me."

"What if I step on you?" Li Yexing asked worriedly.

"It's okay, dear..." Leaning close to Li Yexing's ear, Alexisa said angrily, "I will find a chance to step on it, it must be very painful."

"Then I have to be more careful..." Li Yexing teased with a chuckle, "The ones you're wearing are high heels."

"That's right, be careful, dear..." Alexa chuckled and murmured, "Now, follow me and move slowly..."

Accompanied by the melodious music, surrounded by the crowd, in the center of the hall, Li Yexing and Alexisa turned around little by little.

"Honey..." Before she had jumped a few steps, Alexisa's face became strange, and she buried her face in Li Yexing's neck. She frowned slightly while breathing the breath from Li Yexing's body. Said: "You really can't dance?"

"I'm teasing you..." Li Yexing said with a chuckle around Alex Lisa's slender waist, "How could it be possible that I can't dance? Back then, Tiliris and I were able to outshine the audience. ..”

"Have you attended a ball before?" Alexisa was taken aback for a moment, and then said softly as if remembering something, "Oh, was it the year of the Orianna incident?"

"That's right..." Li Yexing chuckled and said in a low voice: "That was the first time I participated in a reception for high-class people. Thinking about it, it's quite unforgettable..."

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