"Oh! This is... this is..." Seeing Li Yexing open the bag, lift the cotton cloth, and take out the black food box from inside, Kanan couldn't help but widen her eyes. After a long time, she was shocked. Said: "This is not what Xiao Qiandao always said...that..."

"Bento..." Tiriris reminded with a deadpan expression in substandard Japanese.

"Yes! That's the bento!" Kanan snapped his fingers and said excitedly, "That Japanese old lady will make bento for the whole family!"

"You don't have to eat if you don't want to eat it." Li Yexing, who was called "Lao Mazi", said with a dead face.

"Don't!" He snatched the food box from Li Yexing's hand, lifted the lid, and let the aroma escape along the food box. Kanan picked up the spoon and squatted on the ground to eat it. The appearance of eating boxed lunch in a dark and dirty environment accompanied by a noisy environment reminded Li Yexing of himself eating takeaway in an Internet cafe in his previous life.


Turning around, he patted Tilly Lisi on the shoulder. Li Yexing bent down slightly and asked Tilly Lisi softly, "Before Tilly Lian said she was rushing this way?"

"Hmm..." Tilly Lisi nodded lightly and said, "Stupid Tilly Lian said she would come right away."

"Second Miss is coming too?" Behind him, Kanan, who was squatting on the ground, puffed out his cheeks when he heard the conversation between Li Yexing and Tiriris.

"Well, come to pick up dinner..." Nodding to Kanan, Li Yexing frowned slightly and said, "Also, swallow what's in your mouth before talking."

"Oh..." Kanan nodded, then suddenly lowered his head and started eating again.

"Eat slowly..." Seeing Kanan's appearance like a starved ghost resuscitating his life, Li Yexing couldn't help but whispered: "Don't choke."

As soon as the words fell, suddenly, the familiar delicate voice suddenly sounded from behind...

"My lord! Perverted brother-in-law!"

At the same time, Kanan suddenly raised the food box that was stained with rice grains and oil, and shouted excitedly: "It's over!"

Chapter 120. The Song of the Macho ([-])

Wearing a small uniform of the Central Asia Combat, a small white padded jacket with a gray fur collar, and a blond girl wearing a pirate skull blindfold bouncing through the aisle left by the auditorium, laughing and squeezing in. Behind them, followed a group of tattooed strong men wearing Huanya combat uniforms inside and various coats outside. Different from Tilly Lian, who looked full of vitality, these strong men were panting heavily, their faces were slightly flushed, and their foreheads even protruded. sweat.

"My lord, my lord, my lord, my lord!" She slammed her head into Tiliris' arms, buried her small face in Tiriris's arms, and rubbed her head vigorously. After a long time, she raised her head with a blushing face. Xiang Tiliris pouted her cherry lips and whispered coquettishly: "Chirp—"

The facial muscles twitched slightly, Tilly Lisi hesitated for a moment, lowered her head with narrowed eyes, and lightly pecked Tillylian's lips.

"Hey hey..." After kissing her elder sister, Tilly Lian looked even more excited, leaving Tilly Lisi's embrace, she walked around Tilly Lisi, trotted to Li Yexing's body, stretched her arms Arms, lightly tiptoed and said: "Perverted skin also chirps..."

"Heh..." He knelt down and kissed Tilly Lian lightly under the strange eyes of everyone around him. Li Yexing frowned slightly and said, "Why did you come so slowly?"

"Those guys are slowing down!" There was a hint of displeasure between her brows, Tillylian turned her nose up and pointed at the leaders of the group of strong men, and said with a puckered mouth: "It's you! head!"

"Ah?" Duergen, the mercenary leader of the Mohawk, subconsciously touched his raised hair, and then smiled wryly, "It's Miss Tillylian, you're running too fast... "

This incident is really no wonder to Duergen. Ever since receiving the call from Tilly Liss, Tilly Lian has been rushing towards the underground boxing field non-stop. His team always thought that he was actually the bodyguard sent by Li Yexing to Tillylian. Naturally, it was impossible for them to let Tillylian go alone. After all, this is Lopulus, and Tillylian is so cute. To prevent Tilly Lian from having an accident, they must escort Tilly Lian.

Then, they discovered that they couldn't outrun Tillylian at all...

Damn it, with all the equipment and two short legs, he ran like a gust of wind!Splashing the snow and muddy water along the way, Duergen and his team were already running desperately, but they couldn't catch up to Tilly Lian who was running ahead. After they ran for several streets, they were out of breath. Stopping at the gate of the underground boxing field, Tillylian, who had been waiting in front of the gate, couldn't even breathe!

"It's so shameless!" Tillylian said with a displeased face: "How can you be my lord's right-hand man like this?!"

In the auditorium, seeing Duergen's awkward appearance like a ghost, Li Yexing didn't say anything, squatted down, and took out the food box from the bag. Li Yexing handed it to Tilly Lian and said: "Let's have dinner first."

"Oh! It's dinner!" After receiving the food box from Li Yexing, Tillylian's exposed red eyes immediately lit up. She opened the food box expectantly, and immediately after, her little face collapsed.

"Green peppers..." With a hint of crying in her tone, Tillylian turned her head to Li Yexing with an aggrieved face and said, "A lot of green peppers, how can my brother-in-law put so many green peppers in dinner?"

"Do you still remember what you promised me?" Li Yexing asked with a straight face.

"Remember!" Glaring at Li Yexing like a kitten with its hair blown up, Tillylian turned her head and put the green pepper and egg fried rice into her mouth with a spoon, saying viciously: "Don't eat green pepper , do not eat green peppers, do not eat green peppers..."

Seeing that Tillylian wasn't picky about eating, Li Yexing turned his head and cast his gaze on Duergen and his subordinates. After a while, he asked in a deep voice, "Did Tillylian not give orders?"

"Don't worry, boss, it's not at all..." Shaking his head at Li Yexing, Duergen, the leader, smiled lightly and tapped his temple with his index finger: "Miss Tillylian is actually quite powerful when she gets serious. , The command is also very logical and regulated, and the order on the scene is not messed up, and our progress is very fast."

"After all, he is the former commander of the Frantic Squad..." Li Yexing rubbed the bridge of his nose lightly, and asked casually, "Have you had dinner yet?"

"Not yet..." Durgen scratched his head and said, "I'm getting ready to eat..."

"Tililian may be a bit self-willed sometimes, please be more patient..." He took out his wallet from his pocket, took out a stack of not-so-thick banknotes and handed it to Duergen, Li Yexing said in a deep voice: "Take it Come on, take the brothers to eat something good later."

"Oh..." Duergen was not polite, he reached out to take the banknotes, smiled and said to Li Yexing: "The boss is so arrogant!"

"It's so hot that you don't have willfulness!" On the other side, after hearing Li Yexing's words, Tillylian turned her head and said angrily, "I've eaten all the green peppers!"

"Amazing, Lord Tillylian..." Looking at Tillylian's food box, he found that all the green peppers in the fried pork with green peppers were eaten up by Tillylian, leaving only the meat. Li Yexing couldn't bear it. Li Yexing turned his head and said to Tilly Lisi, who was silently waiting beside him, "Next, finally One stop, go to Huanya.”

"The boss is going to the company?" Duergen asked subconsciously after hearing Li Yexing's words.

"Well, Tilly Lian will be handed over to you..." Lifting the gray bag from the ground, Li Yexing took Tilly Lisi's hand and walked towards the outside of the auditorium. On the other side, Kanan had already finished his meal. Immediately stood up and followed Li Yexing, took out the lighter from her pocket, lit a cigarette, and said lightly, "I'll go too."

"You want to go to Huanya with us?" Li Yexing said in surprise, "It's not easy for three people to sit on a motorcycle on this road, right? It will overturn."

"Who will go back with you, I'm going to work, work..." Kanan explained in a low voice, waving at Li Yexing.

"Work?" Li Yexing asked subconsciously, "Do you still have to work?"

"It's like nonsense! Of course I have to work! Boss, don't you think I'm idle?!" Kanan frowned slightly and said, "The coordination of gangs, the military, and our grassroots work is almost all I'm doing it!"

"Then you still have time to come here to gamble?" Li Yexing asked with raised eyebrows.

"Combining work and rest! I've been busy all afternoon, and I didn't take a break until night..." Kanan said with a displeased face: "Really, I have to hold a celebration or something when my mind is hot, Roples Can these rotten people hold a celebration? I'm afraid it will become a fire and the scene?!"

Accompanied by Kanan's complaints, a group of people left the boxing ring and walked through the dark corridor full of cigarette butts. When the heavy curtain in front of the door was pushed open, the cold from Itonia hit everyone's faces.

"Tiliris and I went to find Lisa..." Li Yexing said softly to Kanan, "You also go home early."

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