The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly, Li Yexing asked with a light smile, "How do you feel? Is it delicious?"

"It's unpalatable! Instructor!" Tilly Lifa replied loudly: "It's even worse than the nutrient solution my parents prepared for me! Instructor!"

"Is it too bad to drink?"

"It's hard to drink! But it will be very hot if you drink it! It's very warm! Instructor!" Tililyfa roared and replied.

"Tsk, don't shout so loudly..." Seeing Tililyfa's blushing and thick-necked weird appearance, Li Yexing couldn't help asking in a deep voice: "Also, I've been wanting to ask since just now, what are you doing?" What are you doing? This standing posture is as if frozen hard, and the voice is still so loud, I can’t wait to shout at the top of my throat, and my eyes are still looking straight at the sky, who did you learn from?"

"Movies from country A! Instructor!" Tililyfa yelled and replied, "Am I doing something wrong?! Instructor?! Shouldn't soldiers be like this?! Instructor?!"

For a while, Li Yexing really didn't know how to explain this to Tililyfa, but he was sure of one thing, Tililyfa's brain should have been soaked in antifreeze.

"Go back and rest early, the New Year is coming soon, the next week will give you a holiday, you can go to any place around Loples and Loples, but remember to report when you leave Loples... "Waving his hand at Tilly Lifa, Li Yexing said helplessly, "Also, remember to pack up the peeled skin, so that no one else can see it."

"Yes! Instructor!" Saluted Li Yexing again, just as Tililyfa was about to leave, Li Yexing suddenly said, "Wait!"

Standing straight up abruptly, and using a standard backward turn to face Li Yexing again, the wobbly Tilly Lifa shouted: "Is there anything else?! Instructor?!"

"Tsk..." Ignoring Tililyfa's astonishingly stupid look as much as possible, Li Yexing patted Tillyris on the shoulder, and said to Tililyfa in a deep voice: "Didn't you see your sister is here?" here?"

Beside her, Tilly Lisi froze for a moment, then turned her head to look at Li Yexing. On the other side, Tilly Lifa was also stunned. Lilith paid a military salute, and at the same time shouted: "Good evening! My lord!"

For a moment, there was no sound in front of the office building of Huanya Armed Forces. The ruby-like pupils and the lizard-like vertical pupils met under the light. Tiriris and Tirilifa looked at each other. Both of them were silent for a long while. Finally, Tilly Lisi nodded and said softly: "Yes."

After receiving Tiliris' reply, Tirilyfa lowered her arms and resumed her military posture, as if she was waiting for Tiliris or Li Yexing to give an order.

"Forget it..." Li Yexing frowned slightly after waving his hand at Tililyfa, "Go back and rest early, soldier."

"Yes! Instructor!" After that loud and forceful reply, Tililyfa turned around and walked unsteadily towards the dormitory building on the other side of the playground. Fly.

"Tsk..." Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Li Yexing felt a slight headache. He was thinking about how to educate Tililyfa after she sobered up, but he felt his sleeve move, so he turned his head. , I saw Tiliris pinching the corner of his sleeve with her little hand and tugging lightly. Seeing him turn his head, Tiriris shook her head and said expressionlessly, "Tiliris doesn't care."

"But I care..." Li Yexing said in a deep voice, looking into Tiliris' eyes.

"Ye Xing, it's so strange that he would care about such things..." Tilly tilted her head slightly, she seemed a little puzzled, she said softly: "It was the same when Ti Li Lian, obviously Ti Li Lisi didn't care at all, Ye Xing But he cares so much about Tilly Lian and Tilly Liss..."

"Because Tilly Lian is your family..." Li Yexing replied in a deep voice.

"Tiliris' family is a nightwalker..." Tiriris said immediately.

"Then I should care more about you, Tililian, Tililyfa, and even other younger sisters in the future..." Li Yexing frowned slightly: "Because we are family."

Chapter 123. The Song of the Macho ([-])

The current Tili Lifa can always remind Li Yexing of Tili Lisi at the beginning, with the same indifference, the same lack of words, and also regards Li Yexing as the most special existence. Of course, there are still differences. Yexing's relationship begins with clear eyes and love at first sight, while Tilly Lifa is the awe and admiration that remains in her heart after witnessing Li Yexing's fighting skills. It seems even a little silly, Tililyfa is also very smart, but she writes this kind of intelligence on her face, perhaps because of the influence of a gene from an unknown Wesker, she seems to be always Thinking about something.

Of course, the biggest commonality between the two may be their attitude towards sisters.

Unlike Tilly Lian who yearns for family affection because she is not expected, Tilly Lisi has already found something in Li Yexing that she never had. When Tilly Lifa was born, the European branch's education policy for the new latent BOW A large-scale rectification has been made, which has caused Tilly Lisi to dislike her so-called younger sister, and Tilly Lifa simply lacks humanity. In her opinion, her two older sisters and the instructors who taught her various combat skills There is no difference between them, they are all officers.

Facing such Tilly Lifa, not to mention the indifferent Tilly Lis, even the lively girl Tilly Lian, who is always familiar with herself, can't bear it. She always complains about her sister, "Cold and dry Acting like a baby is not cute enough..."

In Li Yexing's view, such a situation is not acceptable. As the husband of Tiliris, the husband and brother-in-law of Tililian, and the brother-in-law and instructor of Tililyfa, Li Yexing must ensure that these three sisters can live in harmony and harmony.

"Alas, there is a long way to go..." Seeing Tilly Lifa's back gradually disappearing into the darkness near the dormitory building, Li Yexing turned his head, stepped on the motorcycle, and threw away the burnt cigarette butts, Softly said to Tilly Lisi: "Let's go, go buy some fried chicken."

"Hmm..." Nodding, Tilly Lisi climbed onto the motorcycle, sat on the back of Li Yexing, hugged Li Yexing's waist with both hands, and pressed her small face tightly to Li Yexing's back through the scarf. back.

Sensing that Tilly Lisi was already seated, Li Yexing turned the key of the motorcycle and turned it on, causing the sound of the roaring engine to resound in the entire Huanya Armed Forces. Immediately afterwards, the motorcycle followed the road illuminated by the headlights, Heading towards the gate of Huanya Armed Forces, the guards, who had already heard the sound of the engine, opened the railing in front of the gate to stop cars. The machine gun was lying behind the window of the guard room, guarding the stove, as if about to fall asleep.

The territory of Huanya Armed Forces was provided by the Italians. They originally had a lot of such land in their hands, but they couldn't sell it, and they couldn't manage it. In the end, they rented it to Li Yexing at a very low price. Shun Shui favors, as an abandoned land, the location of Huanya Armed Forces is naturally relatively remote. Even though the city has improved in recent years and street lights have been repaired, the dilapidated streets are still very deserted. Even the only small restaurant in front of the door is also because of Huanya Armed insiders were all in the town center to help prepare for the celebration and closed early.

The sound of the roaring engine of the motorcycle echoed in the deserted streets, and headed towards the center of the town. After a while, the surrounding lights gradually brightened. After passing by his office, Li Yexing drove the motorcycle Stopped in front of the giant bear restaurant.

Turning off the engine, getting out of the car, and holding Tilly Lisi's hand, Li Yexing swept the exposed road after the snow, pushed open the wooden door against the noise, and was surrounded by bright yellow lights and the rich aroma of wine and meat.

Tonight, the business of the store seemed to be good, and the seats were very full. Duranduo no longer sat behind the counter lazily cleaning his guns as in the past, but kept walking between the dining tables, holding a tray on his arm, With a smile on his face, when he heard the door open, he turned his head subconsciously and asked with a grin: "Good evening! Brother, what do you want?"

"A piece of fried chicken, take it away, wrap it thicker, thank you." Li Yexing said with a light smile.

In an instant, the entire restaurant fell silent. As soon as they heard Li Yexing's voice, almost all the customers stopped talking at the same time. They turned their heads and stared at Li Yexing. Vendors, as well as Huajie technicians, Li Yexing even saw an employee of Huanya Armed Forces in the corner.

A few seconds later, the restaurant became lively again, as if Li Yexing had never been here before, but anyone with a discerning eye could notice that the noise in the restaurant seemed to be a little quieter, and almost all the customers were deliberately controlling their emotions. speaking volume.

Finding an empty table next to the window, Li Yexing and Tilly Lisi sat down. Although it was a bit colder here, it was a little quieter than the tables in the middle. Li Yexing stretched out his hand wordlessly to take off the glove on Tilly Lisi's right hand, and then held the soft and boneless white catkin between his palms, rubbing it lightly. stand up.

Even with gloves on, Tiriris' little hands were still a little cold.

"Is it cold..." Li Yexing asked softly, feeling Tiriris's little hand gradually warming up between his palms.

"Not cold..." Blinking her ruby ​​eyes, Tilly Lisi held Li Yexing's big hand with her backhand, interlocking her fingers with Li Yexing, she shook her head, and asked Li Yexing softly, "Yexing is cold? "

"Of course I'm not cold." Li Yexing said with a chuckle.

"Really?" Slender and soft fingers scraped across the back of Li Yexing's hand, and Tiriris said expressionlessly, "Yexing's hands are dry and cold..."

As she said that, Tilly Lisi let go of her fingers, and placed Li Yexing's big hand on the palm of her right hand. At the same time, she released the other hand from the glove, and covered the back of Li Yexing's hand with the palm of her left hand.

Unable to help a chuckle, Li Yexing put his left hand on the back of Tilly Lisi's left hand. Immediately, the four hands were spaced apart from one another, overlapping each other.

Seeing her little snow-white hand being sandwiched between Li Yexing's darker-colored big hands, a stream of light flashed across Tillyris's ruby-like eyes, she opened her eyes slightly, her cherry lips slightly parted and murmured Said: "Oreo..."

"What?" Li Yexing asked subconsciously, unable to hear Tilly Lisi's soft murmur in the noise.

"Yexing's hand and Tiriris's hand are just like Oreo..." Gently hooking the back of Li Yexing's hand with her fingers, Tiriris said expressionlessly: "Yexing's hands are darker in color, It's a chocolate biscuit, and Tiliris' hands are whiter, with a cream filling."

Although Tiliris seldom showed her expression, after living with Tiliris for ten years, Li Yexing could already easily read Tiliris' emotions from Tiliris' eyes. He knew that Tiliris was very happy now.

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