Soon, exquisite dishes were placed in front of Luo Lin.

They didn't follow the royal etiquette, mainly because it was too troublesome, it took too long, and it was too procrastinated. According to Cobra's understanding of Luo Lin, although he likes food, he doesn't like to eat food. Wasted too much time.

That's why Cobra does it.

It can be said that for the sake of his daughter Weiwei, Cobra really understood all of Luo Lin's preferences and habits. It's really thanks to his patience that if it were Luo Lin, he would never be able to do it.

After all, if he encounters this situation, he will only choose to tie her up directly, get her person first, and then get her heart.

The "You got my people, but you can't get my heart~" that often appears in TV dramas is complete bullshit!

You got her man, maybe you still have a chance to get her heart.

You don't even get her people, you still want to get her heart?

Besides, haven't you heard of Rijiushengqing?

According to Luo Lin's understanding, humans are very strange animals, and it is difficult to control themselves.

You know that that path is right and can lead to success, but you choose another path.

Why?It's not because I can't control myself.

Obviously the university I want to enter is Tsinghua University or Peking University, but if I look at the university I am currently in, I will know why.

After all, this is still a word, strength!

If Weiwei uses Luo Lin's unstoppable strength now, then she can tie herself up, and she can't do anything about it. Maybe she will become Weiwei's good helper in peace.

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Of course, this was all Rowling's own idea.

The delicious food was served, the attractive color and fragrant smell made Luo Lin's appetite whet.

Weiwei blushed, picked vegetables for Luo Lin with a clean fork, and said at the same time: "Luo~ Luo Lin, you try this, this is the desert golden chicken, the meat is delicious and full of elasticity ~ very delicious."

Ain looked at Weiwei angrily, and refused to admit defeat. He also said to Luo Lin: "Master, I think this is good. It looks delicious. Try it."

Seeing this scene from the main seat, Cobra laughed out loud.

"Sure enough, General Luo Lin's charm is too great. Not only does Weiwei like you so much, even your apprentice relies on you very much."

"Hahahaha, I really care about this apprentice!"

Rollins generously accepted Cobra's compliment, but something happened that he never expected.

Cobra glanced at Weiwei, then at Luo Lin, coughed, and said, "General Luo Lin, I would like to ask, do you have someone you like?"

Hearing this question, Rollin gave Cobra a slightly weird look, but began to think in his heart.

"King Cobra, I don't know what you mean by this sentence?"

Weiwei seemed to have noticed something, and looked at her father in disbelief.

"General Luo Lin, don't be nervous, just chat casually." Cobra waved his hand, and said: "I don't know what General Luo Lin thinks of Weiwei."

Luo Lin's eyes flickered, "Princess Weiwei is the best-looking girl I have ever seen. She has a beautiful face and a moon-like face, and from my observations, Princess Weiwei is very kind and intelligent. No matter who looks at her When you see Princess Weiwei, you will feel good about it if you think about it."

When Cobra heard that Luo Lin praised his daughter so much, he immediately nodded in relief, and said to Luo Lin in a deep voice: "In that case, General Luo Lin, are you willing to sign a marriage contract with my daughter?"

Hearing her father's words, Weiwei's pretty face was already blushing, her little heart was beating rapidly, and her pair of beautiful eyes secretly looked at Luo Lin's expression, but she was constantly hoping that Luo Lin would agree. .

Luo Lin was also stunned. He never thought that Cobra would say such a thing. When did Cobra become a moon old man and like to matchmaking?

It was my own daughter.

Luo Lin looked at the shy Weiwei in front of him, and countless thoughts flickered in his heart in an instant.

"King Cobra, isn't this too fast, and I don't know if Vivi is willing."

As soon as Luo Lin finished speaking, Weiwei couldn't wait to say: "I am willing."

Luo Lin has nothing to say now, after all, Cobra is pulling the strings, and Weiwei is also willing, so what can he say.

Although there are many benefits for me to agree to, it must not be agreed now.

Because there is still a little guy watching him from the sidelines!

In this case, it is really difficult for neither of them to offend.

It can only be said that Luo Lin is too greedy.

In just a moment, Luo Lin finished thinking, and Luo Lin secretly gestured to Ainbi, telling her not to worry.

His choice was Ain after all.

Because Ain can bring too much to himself, if he wants to live without future troubles in the world of One Piece, he must have a long-term vision.

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16th Chapter [-] Emergencies

Just when Luo Lin was about to refuse, the phone bug on Astia's body rang.

"Blu blu blu~"

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