Surprise flashed across Qiao's face, and Weiwei hurriedly trotted towards Luo Lin.

"Luo Lin, are you awake? Are you still tired? Do you want to go to sleep for a while?"

Weiwei is very concerned about Luo Lin's body, and in her opinion, nothing can be as important as Luo Lin's body.

It can be said that this series of care, deep will to lick the dog.

Licking rollin is comfortable.

"Princess Weiwei, it's impossible for a man to be tired. I plan to stay in Alabasta for a day. I wonder if Princess Weiwei can take me to the capital of Alabasta tomorrow?"

Weiwei was a little disappointed when she heard that Luo Lin would only stay here for one day, but when she heard that Luo Lin invited her to go shopping together tomorrow, she rushed towards Luo Lin directly.

Like a koala, hanging on Luo Lin's body.

Pretty face was flushed like a ripe apple, this was the first time she was so bold, but she didn't regret it.

He buried his pretty face in Luo Lin's arms, leaving only the sky blue hair outside.

Gently hugging Weiwei, Luo Lin whispered next to Weiwei's ear, "Princess Weiwei, I agree with King Cobra's proposal before."

One hundred and fifty nine chapters I am willing

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The disc-like clear moon hangs high in the sky, the moon is surrounded by stars, and the moonlight falls on the two of them through the colorful windows.

"Willing, willing~" Weiwei lowered her head, thinking of what Cobra said back then, are you willing to make a marriage contract with Weiwei?

At that time, because she was interrupted by Neptune, Princess Weiwei didn't get the answer, but what she didn't expect was that she would hear Luo Lin say this sentence tonight.

Is it possible that all this is the guidance of fate?

Guiding myself to the vicinity of the palace where Luo Lin rested, guiding myself to meet Luo Lin, isn't this just because of my own destiny?

"Rowling, I like you. When I first saw the newspaper, I liked you very much. Until, until today, you came to Alabasta and helped us solve a very big problem. , I, I think I, may, may really fall in love with you."

"Really? Princess Weiwei, I like you too."

"Luo Lin, call me Weiwei, I want you to call me that."

"Well, Weiwei, this matter is an agreement between the two of us. I don't want others to know, is that okay?"

Weiwei, who was originally very excited, was stunned when she heard this sentence, "Why, why?"

"Vivi, you should know that I am an admiral."

Weiwei nodded, indicating that she knew.

Luo Lin hugged Weiwei's soft body, walked up to the colorful glass, looked at the bright moonlight, and said: "As an admiral of the navy, I should have my own duty, and that is to be worthy of the word "justice" behind me. But because of this, the darkness I have to face is too much, if the relationship between us is exposed so hastily, I am afraid..."

Without waiting for Luo Lin to finish speaking, Weiwei already understood Luo Lin's difficulties.

In Luo Lin's arms, she looked up into his eyes, "Rolin, I see, it's okay, I can wait."

Putting Weiwei down from his arms, Luo Lin rubbed Weiwei's head, looked at the silver plate in the night sky with her, and said, "Weiwei, it's really great that you understand me."

"Because Rowling is the person I love the most."

It's just that Weiwei didn't notice that when Luo Lin said these words just now, there was no emotion in his eyes.

Weiwei was immersed in the joy of happiness, took Luo Lin's hand, and walked around the palace.

In the empty palace, there was no one except the guards that were seen from time to time.

Only the moonlight is clear, the birds and insects are chirping, the breeze is gentle, and Luo Lin and Weiwei.

Weiwei took Luo Lin's hand and introduced everything about the garden to Luo Lin.

"Rolin, this is my favorite garden, and it's one of the bases for me and Kosa."

"Luo Lin, let me tell you, Kosha and I formed the sand group, he is the head of the group, and I am the deputy head..."

Just as Weiwei was explaining all this excitedly, she was stopped by Luo Lin.

Luo Lin naturally knew who Kosha was, and also knew that there was no relationship between Kosha and Weiwei.

But isn't this a good opportunity to teach?

A good opportunity for Weiwei to listen to herself more.

"Vivi, do you think I'd like to hear about another man from you?"

Weiwei opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but was interrupted by Luo Lin: "Weiwei, listen to your words, does Kosha have a good relationship, maybe..."

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"No, Luo Lin, I, the relationship between me and him is very bad."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"He, he said today that you are a villain. I, I am very angry, so I swear that from now on, I will never talk to him again."

Weiwei was very excited, afraid that Luo Lin would not believe her and make herself hated by Luo Lin. If this was the case, then she would definitely cry to death.

"Oh, really?" Luo Lin's mouth turned up, "I hope you can do it."

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