Rollin called softly, but Perona didn't answer, only steady breathing answered Rollin.

Presumably it was because Perona's tense nerves just now relaxed, so she fell asleep in an instant.

Luo Lin looked back at the desperate situation at this moment, and the iconic smirk returned to his face, wrapping Perona in his body again, so that she could sleep more comfortably, and then soared into the sky!

Without the shackles of the pirate ship, Luo Lin's speed is extremely fast!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The sky island is located [-] meters above the great route, and the air is very thin. Ordinary people can't stand this kind of environment at all, which will lead to a significant decline in their combat capabilities.

At this time, Luo Lin was carrying the sleeping Perona, floating on the white ocean, looking at the infinite boundary line, Luo Lin was in a good mood.

He wasn't angry at all because of that person just now.

Just now when Luo Lin was about to enter Sky Island, he was stopped by a person. He wanted to collect one billion Ike from Luo Lin. Ike is the currency of Sky Island, which is equivalent to [-] Baileys. Maybe he'll just hand it over.

But what is his identity now!It's a pirate!How could the captain of the Anthem Pirates pay [-] Baileys for no reason.

What's more, when Rollin knew that the people of Sky Island were extremely unfriendly to the people of the great route.

The aborigines in Sky Island refer to Sky Island and Gaya Island, which drifted over hundreds of years ago, as the kingdom of gods.

The Kingdom of God has a unique set of laws, which passed through the country during the reign of Enel. The purpose of the design is to make it easy for people who come here from the Great Waterway to become criminals, and to lure them to increase their crimes, so as to make an example of the people of the sky. .

Its punitive measures are chilling. For example, a person who obstructs official duties will be punished with Yunfuliu.

And what is Yunfuliu?

To put it simply, it is to tie people to a boat and let them drift on the island cloud. At first glance, it seems that it does not matter, but you must know that there are many dangers on the White Sea, and there are clouds called by the people of Sky Island. beast.

The ferocity of the cloud beast is no less than that of the sea kings in the great waterway, and even in terms of agility, it is even better than the sea kings.

And even if you don't meet the cloud beast, you will starve to death because of hunger, no, you should die of thirst first.

It can be said that he was directly sentenced to death!

And just now Luo Lin seemed to have "accidentally" hindered his official duties, but Luo Lin didn't care about it.

What is more important than being able to enjoy the scenery!

I don't know how long it took, Perona finally woke up leisurely on Luo Lin's body, and with a whimper, Perona slowly opened her eyes.

"Captain, have we reached Sky Island yet?"

Luo Lin nodded and said, "Yes, we have come to Sky Island now."

Hearing Rowling's answer, Perona poked her head out of the flames and observed the surrounding environment.

When entering the eyes, I can only feel that the eyes are full of white, the sea of ​​white clouds rises and falls one after another, the breeze is gentle, and the scorching sun is breathing on the head.

Just the scene in front of her made Perona slightly open her cherry lips, she seemed a little shocked.

Luo Lin and Perona drifted on the White Sea for a while, and finally saw a small island in the distance.

"Perona, let's go, go to the island to have a look!"

"Well, Captain." Perona nodded. Now she is very well-behaved, and Rowling is very satisfied with this.

Under Luo Lin's full speed driving, the two of them soon came to the top of the island. As soon as they arrived on the island, the two of them heard the sound of chords.

Following the sound, Luo Lin saw an "angel" with ball-shaped light yellow double braids on the head and a pair of small wings on the back playing the harp on the shore.

The sound of the zither and the white catkin dance together, and the notes are interlaced and echoed along the coast.

Melodious, crisp and moving.

Perona's eyes lit up, as if she had discovered some rare species, she pointed at Conis and said, "Look, captain! It's an angel! Since there are angels, is there something like a succubus?"

Sure enough, Perona was the first to think of those weird things.

"There will be no Perona, and I don't like either a succubus or an angel, not to mention that she is not an angel, but just a Sky Islander."

Although Luo Lin's tone was somewhat helpless, anyone could understand the doting in his eyes.

Luo Lin doesn't like people from Sky Island very much, who occupy other people's homes, and look down on people who came here from the great route. Not only that, each of them is also arrogant, similar to some mermaids or murlocs, which makes Luo Lin extremely Disgusting presence.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Seven

Perona's voice easily reached Cornis' ears on the empty coast.

Konis stopped playing and looked up at the source of the sound, which was the sky above her left.

I saw a monster like the sun, carrying a beautiful girl, slowly landing towards her.

Luo Lin put away the giant carrying form, and Perona reluctantly got off Luo Lin's body, but soon her attention was attracted by Conis, and she trotted towards Conis.

Seeing Perona and the monster behind her walking towards her, Conis's already pale cheeks became even paler. Perona is not important, what matters is Rollin.

Konis watched Luo Lin getting closer and closer to her, her body trembled more and more, and immediately fell off the chair, screaming in horror: "Kusa! Kuzai! It's the monster Kuzai!"

I don't know if it was because of being too frightened, but Rowling even saw an unknown puddle of water under Conis.

This made Rowling very angry. Although he is now in the form of Prometheus, he is not so scary.

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