But Luo Lin and Perona are in the living room, so she can't just go out and get it, right?If you really want to do this, what will happen.

By the way, isn't there another girl?Anyway, being a woman should be fine.

Thinking of this, Conis's eyes lit up, she slightly opened a crack in the door, and said, "Pe, Perona, can you help me take out a suit of clothes from the room, I forgot."

If I remember correctly, the girl's name seems to be Perona, after all, that's what Rowling called her just now.

Perona, who was looking at the living room curiously, looked at Rollin when she heard Cornis' voice from the bathroom.

After seeing Luo Lin nodded, Perona walked towards a room.

As for why Perona was so sure that it was Conis's room, it was because there was a pink note sticker hanging on the door of that room.

Walking into Conis's room, Perona opened the cupboard casually and looked at the clothes inside. With an unknown smile on her face, Perona bent down and picked out two pure white underwear. After that, he walked towards the bathroom.

With a smirk on Perona's face, she knocked on the door of Conis's bathroom lightly. Conis opened a gap, and Perona put two pure white undergarments into Conis's hands. Then he ran all the way to the living room.

Looking at the smile on Perona's face, Luo Lin was a little curious: "Didn't you go to deliver clothes? What happened to make you so happy?"

Hearing Luo Lin's words, Perona just shook her head with a smile, sat beside Luo Lin, and gently hugged Luo Lin in her arms.

Feeling the feeling of happiness as if Mount Tai was overwhelmed again, what more could Luo Lin say?

Different from the peace in the living room, Conis in the bathroom only feels her head is huge.

The moment she got it just now, Conis felt very strange why it was so light.

But when she opened her hand and saw the white underwear lying quietly in her hand, Conis's heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

"This guy!"

Konis had already imagined Perona's smirk when she was looking for her clothes.

There was no way, Cornis called Perona's name several times in the bathroom, but Perona didn't agree.

As for Rowling, he wouldn't bother to let Perona see what happened.

He believed that Perona had her own judgment. Since she didn't leave after hearing what Konis said, she must have her own considerations.

Conis called Perona's name for a while, and seeing that Perona still hadn't come over, she looked at the underwear in her hand and sighed: "At least it's a piece of clothing, at worst, hurry back to yourself Just change it in your room.”

Thinking of this, Konis bit her lower lip, and after changing her clothes, she opened the bathroom door and walked out, then trotted all the way to avoid the gazes of Perona and Luo Lin in the living room, and wanted to return to her room. Change into a normal piece of clothing.

But Rowling didn't know what Conis was thinking, so he stopped her directly, "Stop, where are you going!"

Conis's body trembled, and she subconsciously replied, "I'm planning to go back and change clothes. This dress is too..."

"What clothes do you want to change! Don't you say that girls change clothes? I don't have so much time to waste here. I still have a lot of things I want to ask you. Now sit in front of me immediately!"

Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-Nine

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although Rowling forgave Conis for being unreasonable before, it didn't mean she could waste her time recklessly.

The evil spirit on her body dissipated from her body, and Conis only felt that the temperature in the room dropped by at least five degrees.

Conis was originally wearing very thin clothes, but now, her body shivered subconsciously.

But Luo Lin didn't care at all, and he wasn't one of his own, so what did he care about so much.

Driven by the fear spreading in her heart, Konis tried her best to sit calmly in her seat.

Embarrassment continued to spread, her pretty face was flushed red, and she didn't know if it was because she had just taken a shower.

It is said that the girl who came out of the water lotus is the most beautiful. Luo Lin looked at Conis who was sitting on the seat with admiration and asked, "You have been calling me Kuzai before, what is Kuzai?"

Conis lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Luo Lin and Perona, "Kusa is an evil legend that almost everyone in Sky Island knows. According to the legend, Kuzai looks like the sun, with flames spreading from his body, and he likes to destroy All the beautiful things I see in front of my eyes, I also like to eat people."

Conis secretly glanced at Luo Lin, and found that there was no angry expression on his face, she was relieved, and said, "It's a very disgusting and frightening monster."

Hearing what Conis said, Luo Lin pondered for a long time before saying, "So that's why you call me Kusha when you see me?"

Konis nodded and said: "In Sky Island, no matter who it is, when they were crying when they were young, their parents would say that if they were crying, they would be eaten by Kusha, and then we would stop crying."

It turns out that it has reached the point where a child stops crying.When Luo Lin heard this sentence, he thought in his heart.

Luo Lin did not expect that he would hear such a story when he came to the sky island, which was not described in the original book before he traveled.

As if thinking of something, Konis added: "In the sky island, another layer of chill of Kuzai is the sun."

"Do you hate the sun?"

This made Rowling feel very strange. They obviously live in the sky island. Compared with the great waterway, they are closer to the sun. Why do they hate the sun?

Conis thought for a while before replying: "I can't say I hate it, but I definitely don't like it. After all, Kusha's image is the sun."

Hearing what Conis said, Luo Lin felt a little strange.

Suddenly, Luo Lin suddenly thought why he didn't have any fear of the person who stopped him before.

Could it be that he has never heard of Kusha's notoriety?

But this doesn't make sense. After all, Conis said before that this is a legend that almost all Sky Islanders have heard, and it left a lot of shadows when they were young.

An idea was born in Rollin's mind.

Rowling asked Conis, "Is the prosecutor outside the Kingdom of God a Sky Islander?"

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